Sword and Shield CAP Reservation Index

Kartana and Melmetal dingus

spoo: yep, hf doing 3 sets for each
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Dragonite, Blacephalon, Pyroak, Offensive Zapdos set, Volkraken (revamp), and Garchomp (revamp) are up for reservation

I am taking offensive zap and roak :blobthumbsup: writers go get your bag!!!!
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Dragonite and Volkraken

spoo: yup
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Syclant is up for reservation with a full write up.

Kitsunoh, Caribolt, Malaconda, Plasmanta, Snaelstrom are up for reservations as minis (read: one paragraph)
I apologize everyone. It sounded interesting to do for a very short while, but then other things soon came up and I realized I rather (selfishly) do other things with what free time I had. Shouldn't have volunteered in the first place. Thanks so much DPM for picking up the slack.