Resource SwSh OU Bazaar

Red Raven

:Tapu Lele: :Cinderace: :Corviknight: :Rotom-Wash: :Excadrill: :Tyranitar:


This is the current sand team I'm using and I'm really loving it. Rotom completely messes up opposing rain teams while Tapu Lele is such a pain to switch into. Opposing Cinderace does pose a problem to this team but this team is also a very safe hjk for Cinderace so protect Tyranitar screws it over big time. It then turns into a guessing game between pyro ball or a second hjk. That Rotom set is just my personal preference. You can go for a physically defensive one if you want but I just prefer that safety against Nidoking so I can drown it

Wanted to share this team before Tyranitar falls out of favor once that damned horse gets banned
:tapu fini::haxorus::magnezone::landorus-therian::audino::tornadus-therian:
Haxorus mad underrated rn, SD + Scale Shot ruins so many teams once lando gets weakened. Usually you'd have to run CC > EQ, but Magnezone handles Corv/Skarm/Ferro so you can get away with EQ for Tox. CM Fini is a top tier wincon once ferro is eliminated as well. I tried Audino on a whim at first since it was on the come up in high ladder as a good spectrier counter, but was pleasantly surprised how good Wish + Regenerator is. Keeps the team very healthy at no cost. Solid regen core w/ Torn-t (which is nuts rn) and double Knock Off is extremely annoying to play against.

If Spectrier gets banned, Audino would still be decent prolly since it can pivot to a lot of special threats like Lele, Magearna, and Nidoking pretty well.


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I was bored the other day, so I decided to build sun and ended up making one of the most fun offence builds I've used in a while, so I figured I'd share it here:

Dual-Typespam Sun Offense
Torkoal @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Rest
- Sunny Day / Rapid Spin

Heatran @ Air Balloon / Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Solar Beam
- Earth Power
- Taunt

Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
EVs: 236 Atk / 20 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Sucker Punch / Zen Headbutt

Venusaur @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Growth
- Giga Drain / Sludge Bomb
- Earth Power / Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

Rillaboom @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Swords Dance
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch

Zapdos @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Static
EVs: 248 HP / 220 Def / 40 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch / Discharge
- Roost
- Defog / Toxic
- Heat Wave
I originally wanted to mess around with NP FB EBall SSands Ninetales+Solar Beam Heatran, but I ended up dropping that idea because I need to be a bit more focussed when building with Ninetales due to 'Tales squads tending to be Cinderace weak, which is very exploitable in a format where Cinder is broken. I kept BeamTran around though just 'cuz it lets it pull insane shit like muscling through Slowking, which Tran can't normally do (only two absolute-minimum rolls won't KO after factoring in Storm damage), and synergises pretty well with Cinderace's needs too. It's also useful when people's only proper Fire resist is Slowbro, as it means you can Storm it on switch-in and just click Solar Beam on the turn it's forced to Teleport instead of Taunting and potentially taking Scald damage, and it lets me muscle past Tapu Fini in one fell swoop, which is nice for reducing Cinder's reliance on U-turn down the line. Timid is run over modest because it's not like it needs the firepower on sun anyway + modest Tran is awful in my opinion, especially given that this is an Ada Rilla/144 Spe Lando meta.

Rillaboom gives me speed control (especially versus Scarf Spect) when I don't want to rely on Sucker Punch or Venusaur, and it provides handy support for the entire team by passively powering up Grass-type moves, subsidising Leftovers for Torkoal, neutering sand chip, and weakening Earthquake for the three Fire-types. +2 attacks from this thing are just monstrous regardless, and it gets plenty of opportunities to set up versus Water- and Ground-types in this matchup anyway. Sunny Day on Torkoal is there to slightly help the matchup versus builds like Slowbro Sand, though the matchup isn't *that* scary if they don't carry Dracozolt or something 'cuz Zapdos just sits on Excadrill's face lol. I've somehow not come across a rain team while using this yet, but it's probably also handy in that matchup, as afaik Pelipper don't tend to run Rain Dance in this meta and as such would need to waste time pivoting back and forth, which is enough time for Zapdos/Rilla/Venu or smth to come in and get a free turn to click whatever they want. Speaking of Zap, its sole purpose on the team is to shut down Hawlucha, which otherwise can just run a train versus sun teams once Torkoal is weakened (not hard considering no HDB). That said, it's also useful in the sand matchup and gives me a way of crippling Cinderace, Urshifu-RS, Rillaboom etc. long term. Cinderace is broken as all shit in sun—I shouldn't need to explain why—and the listed EVs mean it can always take a +2 Grassy Glide from Rillaboom if it's at full health, for what little that's worth.

The team struggles quite a lot versus special Fire-types, but I couldn't think of a good way to deal with that, so I've mostly relied on guessing and pivoting through Heatran into Zapdos or whatever else. Heatran's pretty straight forward to overwhelm given the abundance of SE coverage on this team (tho Torkoal is kinda free for it if u carry Sunny Day), and you can pressure Moltres a lot with Cinderace/Tran, so it's far from an unplayable matchup (tho I did get smoked by one guy who brought both Tran and Tres on the same team :psycry:). Earth Power is used on Venusaur to not just give Tran a free switch-in, but if you're worried about Moltres you can probably get away with replacing either it or Giga Drain with Sludge Bomb—mess around a bit and see what works best for you. Zen vs Sucker basically boils down to whether you're more afraid of Scarf Spectrier/Pult or Toxapex. They're both sorta bleh moves regardless—Cinder's fourth move is basically always filler that it'd prefer to not need to click—so it really just comes down to which utility you prefer. I used to have Toxic on Zapdos and Spin on Torkoal, but I ultimately opted to drop it for Sunny Day 'cuz Hippowdon+fat flier is annoying to fight without the extra manoeuvring room sun provides in the matchup. You can run Toxic Zap+Spin Koal or smth too if you want tho—it's not like the matchup is unplayable, and Toxic is useful to have vs phat Garchomp anyway, as Chomp is pretty nasty vs this squad (though offensive probably causes more headaches than defensive).
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LCPL Champion
Because horse is officially banned and noticed this old team in my builder and like to use this thread as my own archive or sorts for when I occasionally post, here's an old team with the meme known as Obstagoon which thankfully I will never use again.


Some jank mid I put together wanting to try out MemeRodent (it's a rodent right? W/e).

Most of my builds lately been for post ban Spectrier meta so maybe in the future a much larger post will happen if we quickban ban Cinderace and Mag :)
A stall team with Innards Out Pyukumuku...
And two trappers + Curse Lax

Regarding hard stall in this metagame, it is tough to keep in check most wallbreakers: Tornadus-T, Crawdaunt, Tapu Lele, Kartana, Heatran, Dracozolt, Superpower Nidoking, Hydreigon, Magearna, LO Garchomp, etc.
+ Future Sight + Not losing to Hazard Stacking (Ferrothorn)
AND at the same time to be not too passive.

So I tried to revamp that good old Innards Out Pyukumuku, which in theory can wear down any potential wallbreaker on your opponent's team.
Then I paired it with the strongest defensive backbone "Toxapex / Steel Bird / Normal Blob" + Unaware Clefable.
Substitute Corviknight is to beat Future Sight users.
Iron Defense Magnezone + Block Soak Toxic Pyukumuku then help Snorlax to break defensive cores.

:clefable: :snorlax: :corviknight: :magnezone: :toxapex: :pyukumuku:

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Soft-Boiled
- Moonblast
- Stealth Rock
- Heal Bell

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Rest

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Substitute
- Roost
- Body Press

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Def / 176 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Iron Defense
- Flash Cannon
- Body Press
- Thunderbolt

Toxapex @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Baneful Bunker
- Recover
- Haze
- Knock Off

Pyukumuku @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Innards Out
Level: 96
EVs: 252 HP
Hasty Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpD
- Soak
- Toxic
- Rest
- Block

NB: Pyuku's level might still need to be lowered.
I made a team using one of my favorite core: Choice Band Rillaboom and Choice Specs Regieleki. I'll probably explain why I think this core so underated in the Good Core thread.

The team is a somewhat standard Bulky Offensive team aiming at removing checks to Specs Regieleki and/or SD Kartana in order for them to sweep. I put Protective Pads on Kartana to make it handle Ferrothorn better and to mess with incoming Zapdos or Moltres with +2 Knock Off. Landorus-Therian and Slowking for the defensive backbones and having slow Tele-Turn and Future Sight + Stealth Rocks support to make Rilla, Leki and Kart life at blowing stuff easier. Toxic on Landorus-Therian to mess with checks. Slowking is standard SpDef version of Slowbro aiming at spreading Burn and spam Future Sight + Teleport for more offensive pressure.
Finally, standard Mixed HDB Hex Dragapult to makes sure Volc doesn't ruins your day. Also, T-Wave is nice for slowing stuff like Cinderace or Magearna to make sure they will NOT sweep your team.


Threat list:

- My favorite gen5 Legendary Dragon is the biggest threat to this team. You'll have to wear it down (keeping Stealth Rock ups for exemple) enough to make it in range of Dragon Darts. Really be careful around Kyurem.

- FOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS, KEEP RILLABOOM AND SLOWKING HEALTHY. HDB isn't that big of an issue. But keep Rillaboom healthy to win the Terrain War and blow this thing up with some good Grassy Glide.
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This is a more standard stall team, here's my take on:

Kyurem Stall

:clefable: :blissey: :hippowdon: :kyurem: :skarmory: :toxapex:

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Heal Bell

Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Toxic
- Protect

Hippowdon @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 104 Def / 148 SpD
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Slack Off
- Stealth Rock

Kyurem @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Icicle Spear
- Substitute
- Roost

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Counter
- Roost
- Body Press
- Defog

Toxapex @ Shed Shell
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 Spe
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Block
- Spite
- Knock Off

I'll go through the sets quickly:

Clefable is CM Unaware for Stored Power Magearna / Reuniclus / Latias / Mew.
Blissey has Protect to counter opposing Future Sight. Toxic is for Zapdos / Tornadus-T mainly.
Hippowdon I invested a bit in SpDef in order to decently tank 2 Draco Meteor from LO Dracozolt. But I don't want to give up too much physical bulk so it can still be a solid Bisharp / Excadrill / Cinderace check.
Kyurem is Sub DD Roost because this is a good win con against all playstyles.
Skarmory with Counter allows it to beat any Kartana set, and beats Rillaboom / SD Landorus-T, Garchomp... Shed Shell for Magnezone.
Toxapex is Block Spite because this team needs something for Ferrothorn. And it allows to trap Toxapex so DD Kyurem wins.

NB: Tio Chico also posted Kyurem stall a while (on page 10) so you can check his team out too.
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Tio Chico

Out until the end of SV
is a Top Tiering Contributor

HO Screens ft Encore Magearna

I am not a HO guy but I have found some fun and decent results with this team.
Regieleki lifts walls and explodes.
Magearna come against Pokémon that gives him Super Effective, uses Shift Gear and wins the game. Grassy Terrain and Intimidate are plans B and C if Screens gone. I've already commented about Encore Magearna here and this is incredibly good against other setup mons and Protect users.
First time I try Cinderace LO and it hits soooo hard, Adamant is still faster than Garchomp and +1 Zen is 50% KO max def Toxapex without SRock and Sucker Punch 87.5% KO Barraskewda without any Boost after SRock.
Lastly, I just wanted something different to remove Toxic Spikes. After the Steel-types are weakened, Nihilego shines (and survives even a Future Sight from Slows without Screens). Meteor Beam + Beast Boost at speed is an interesting cleaner for late game and also balance breaker and deserves an opportunity.
Be careful with Urshifu, Whirlwind Hippowdon and Trick Room. Stall is very manageable once his sets are unknown. Maybe some of those Pokémon won't be with us next week so have fun and have a good day!
Terrakion Funnies

:Terrakion: :Ferrothorn: :Mandibuzz: :Landorus-Therian: :Tapu Lele: :Toxapex:

(I'm not the best at mons or teambuilding, but I'll try to make my description decent.)

Terrakion has always been a favorite of mine, a breaker wielding scary offensive power with Life Orb, Swords Dance, and good STAB combination, it can really shred through stuff, it just needs that golden opportunity to set up and do said shredding(also it hates Slowbro).

Ferrothorn is a bulky Steel that also serves as a Stealth Rocker and Water resist. While it could switch into some devastating special attackers like Magearna and opposing Tapu Lele, it still needs to watch out for their devastating Focus Blasts and crippling Trick(from Magearna).

Mandibuzz was originally Hydreigon when Spectrier was legal in the tier, it was nice having King Ghidorah having a brief moment as a Ghost resist with recovery and Defog, and while Mandibuzz provided this too, it was nice having Hyreigon not be too crippled by Will-o-Wisp burns. Mandibuzz can turn an opponent's attack stat against them with a STAB foul play to punish those who dare SD in your face.

Good ol' Landorus-Smogon is back again with the Crown Tundra's release, and its still kicking with #1 in usage, and in this team its rocking a Choice Scarf set that acts as our best form of speed control(did I forget about Rock Polish Terrakion? Yes.), with a spread that can take -1 Pyro Balls better from OU's favorite brand of chocolate milk, Cinderace, and enough speed to outrun non-Scarf base 85s(like Nidoking)if ever our Scarf is knocked off.

Tapu Lele's next, sporting some nice shades to block the harmful U- I mean, decimate foes with Psychic Terrain boosted Psychics and powerful blasts from the moon like you're Saïx from Kingdom Hearts. Oh yeah, Focus Miss is there too.

Toxasexpex is the last but certainly not least member of the DK crew, acting as the unkillable thing that robs your points and regenerates back when you think you've brought it low. It beats many offensive threats like Cinderace(no ZButt), Barraskewda, Urshifu-Rapid, and countless others that would take years to name. As a pussy scared of the rain, I made sure to add two bulky Water resists, its a habit.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


your toast is burned
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Here's the team I've been using recently. It's fun and I had some success with it.

Cinderace is your broken bunny and provides a fast wallbreaker with Sucker Punch and U-Turn. Gunk Shot is there for Fini and a potential poison on some other checks like Swampert and Slowbro.
Slowking-Galar is your main special tank with some utility in Future Sight and Sludge Bomb. With Earthquake it's your main Heatran switch in and it can 1v1 it.
Skarmory is your physical wall, who can phaze out set up sweeper and with its Spikes, it can massively chip down your opponent.
Stealth Rockless Swampert looks weird, I know. However it's your main Cinderace check and does very well against Nidoking. With Protect it can screw up High Jump Kick Cinderace who would otherwise 2HKO it.
Regieleki provides Rapid Spin and is a nuclear Electric attacker. Since your opponent is forced to switch in their Ground, you either get a free spin or chip with Swift. From there on you can switch into Skarmory against Garchomp and Landorus-T while Swampert helps again Nidoking. It's great late game and is worth trying out. It does nothing sometimes, so you can switch it out for Koko if you want to.
Latios with Life Orb helps this team a lot. Mystical Fire prevents Magearna to switch in safely and Recover helps it to stay throughout the game.

I would appreciate any kind of feedback! Anyways, thanks for reading. Have a great day and stay safe!


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I was bored the other day, so I decided to build sun and ended up making one of the most fun offence builds I've used in a while, so I figured I'd share it here:

Dual-Typespam Sun Offense
Torkoal @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Rest
- Sunny Day / Rapid Spin

Heatran @ Air Balloon / Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Solar Beam
- Earth Power
- Taunt

Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
EVs: 236 Atk / 20 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Sucker Punch / Zen Headbutt

Venusaur @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Growth
- Giga Drain / Sludge Bomb
- Earth Power / Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

Rillaboom @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Swords Dance
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch

Zapdos @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Static
EVs: 248 HP / 220 Def / 40 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch / Discharge
- Roost
- Defog / Toxic
- Heat Wave
I originally wanted to mess around with NP FB EBall SSands Ninetales+Solar Beam Heatran, but I ended up dropping that idea because I need to be a bit more focussed when building with Ninetales due to 'Tales squads tending to be Cinderace weak, which is very exploitable in a format where Cinder is broken. I kept BeamTran around though just 'cuz it lets it pull insane shit like muscling through Slowking, which Tran can't normally do (only two absolute-minimum rolls won't KO after factoring in Storm damage), and synergises pretty well with Cinderace's needs too. It's also useful when people's only proper Fire resist is Slowbro, as it means you can Storm it on switch-in and just click Solar Beam on the turn it's forced to Teleport instead of Taunting and potentially taking Scald damage, and it lets me muscle past Tapu Fini in one fell swoop, which is nice for reducing Cinder's reliance on U-turn down the line. Timid is run over modest because it's not like it needs the firepower on sun anyway + modest Tran is awful in my opinion, especially given that this is an Ada Rilla/144 Spe Lando meta.

Rillaboom gives me speed control (especially versus Scarf Spect) when I don't want to rely on Sucker Punch or Venusaur, and it provides handy support for the entire team by passively powering up Grass-type moves, subsidising Leftovers for Torkoal, neutering sand chip, and weakening Earthquake for the three Fire-types. +2 attacks from this thing are just monstrous regardless, and it gets plenty of opportunities to set up versus Water- and Ground-types in this matchup anyway. Sunny Day on Torkoal is there to slightly help the matchup versus builds like Slowbro Sand, though the matchup isn't *that* scary if they don't carry Dracozolt or something 'cuz Zapdos just sits on Excadrill's face lol. I've somehow not come across a rain team while using this yet, but it's probably also handy in that matchup, as afaik Pelipper don't tend to run Rain Dance in this meta and as such would need to waste time pivoting back and forth, which is enough time for Zapdos/Rilla/Venu or smth to come in and get a free turn to click whatever they want. Speaking of Zap, its sole purpose on the team is to shut down Hawlucha, which otherwise can just run a train versus sun teams once Torkoal is weakened (not hard considering no HDB). That said, it's also useful in the sand matchup and gives me a way of crippling Cinderace, Urshifu-RS, Rillaboom etc. long term. Cinderace is broken as all shit in sun—I shouldn't need to explain why—and the listed EVs mean it can always take a +2 Grassy Glide from Rillaboom if it's at full health, for what little that's worth.

The team struggles quite a lot versus special Fire-types, but I couldn't think of a good way to deal with that, so I've mostly relied on guessing and pivoting through Heatran into Zapdos or whatever else. Heatran's pretty straight forward to overwhelm given the abundance of SE coverage on this team (tho Torkoal is kinda free for it if u carry Sunny Day), and you can pressure Moltres a lot with Cinderace/Tran, so it's far from an unplayable matchup (tho I did get smoked by one guy who brought both Tran and Tres on the same team :psycry:). Earth Power is used on Venusaur to not just give Tran a free switch-in, but if you're worried about Moltres you can probably get away with replacing either it or Giga Drain with Sludge Bomb—mess around a bit and see what works best for you. Zen vs Sucker basically boils down to whether you're more afraid of Scarf Spectrier/Pult or Toxapex. They're both sorta bleh moves regardless—Cinder's fourth move is basically always filler that it'd prefer to not need to click—so it really just comes down to which utility you prefer. I used to have Toxic on Zapdos and Spin on Torkoal, but I ultimately opted to drop it for Sunny Day 'cuz Hippowdon+fat flier is annoying to fight without the extra manoeuvring room sun provides in the matchup. You can run Toxic Zap+Spin Koal or smth too if you want tho—it's not like the matchup is unplayable, and Toxic is useful to have vs phat Garchomp anyway, as Chomp is pretty nasty vs this squad (though offensive probably causes more headaches than defensive).
I ended up having difficulty with a few Pokémon when running this version of the team and have since updated it. It is now much more consistent:

Torkoal @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Stealth Rock
- Rest
- Sunny Day

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Solar Beam
- Earth Power
- Taunt

Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
EVs: 236 Atk / 20 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Zen Headbutt

Venusaur @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Growth
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball

Rillaboom @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Swords Dance / U-turn
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch / Wood Hammer

Latias (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Mystical Fire
- Healing Wish
- Trick
I won't go into massive detail on most of this 'cuz I already did that a few weeks back, but for a quick rundown:
  • Decided to forgo hazard removal 'cuz Spin Torkoal is SHIT and means I can't run Sunny Day, which has actual utility, unlike spin. It's not like I care much about SR anyway given how aggro my attackers are, not to mention Swampert tends to come in on Tran and get BTFO'd by Solar Beam anyway. Didn't run it on Latias either bc mono attacking is just kinda shit tbh—she really wants either dual STABs or STAB+Mystical Fire.
  • I ended up going Balloon>Leftovers on Tran (I edited this in before swapping Zapdos for Latias) so that I can actually play the game vs Heatran and Moltres. If you want to run Modest to get the most firepower out of sun you're more than welcome to, but I personally think Timid is way better in an ada Rilla meta and, as such, use that instead. One advantage of modest is that you have better rolls vs Latios, Hydreigon, and Galarian Slowking in sun, and make the SpD Pex MU a bit easier too, tho if they're running that they lose to SD Rilla and Cinder anyway lol.
  • Settled on dual STABs for Venusaur because Heatran isn't that big of an issue anymore and the extra firepower behind Sludge Bomb is pretty important vs certain Dragon-types and I was sick of not having a (good) attack when I ran out of sun turns.
  • Ended up going with Zen Headbutt on Cinderace bc Pex just doesn't get worn down if ur opp isn't dumb enough to use it as a Heatran switch-in, and let's face it: what are you hitting with Sucker when you have this much speed control anyway? It's not like you'll ever actually hit Dragapult with it when you're a walking Wisp/T-wave target, and anything else that's common+faster is either not remotely threatening in sun (Tornadus-T), resists Sucker Punch (Tapu Koko) or is Regieleki (loses to Latias/Chloro Venusaur/Rillaboom).
  • Both SD and CB are fine on Rillaboom. Both are explosive and fit nicely with the rhythm of the team, so your choice depends on if you want more explosive attacks after setup or slightly stronger revenge killing/the option to pivot into your Fire-types.
  • Latias is the main change that prompted making another post. I wasn't having much trouble with Hawlucha with or without Zapdos' help—not to mention it just kept giving Ground-types free turns, which obviously isn't very helpful when your only Ground resists either depend on Air Balloon+can't touch Chomp or are weak to U-turn—and the team kept hitting a brick wall versus Dragon-types (particularly SD+Scale Shot Garchomp and Dragapult), so I tried to find a way to RK them when they're healthy. She also revenge kills non-Sucker Punch Cinderace, which is a big deal 'cuz I'm fairly reliant on Torkoal to keep it in check. Beyond that, it provides very good utility for the team, as Healing Wish is broken (lets me get Torkoal in to activate sun when SR would otherwise take it out, can be used to heal Tran/Rilla back to full when they're about to die, etc.) and her typing+bulk gives me a way to pivot through Heatran (if my Balloon bursts too early in the game), Rotom, and Zapdos a bit more safely. Mystical Fire is used 'cuz sun and so that Tapu Lele can't just come in on her for free and spam Psychic. Thanks to the SpA drop, Latias will always win if both are at max health out if you catch Lele on switch-in and land two sun-boosted hits, though if Latias gets chipped by SR it's out of her favour vs Specs sets, so you should probably pivot to Tran at that point. It also stops Gear using her for a free Shift Gear, which can cause problems vs Screens offence.


Banned deucer.
A Veil wit' a Snake

:landorus-therian: :ninetales-alola: :cinderace: :garchomp: :gyarados: :magearna:
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Stealth Rock
- Swords Dance

Ninetales-Alola @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Aurora Veil
- Freeze-Dry
- Hail
- Hypnosis

Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Pyro Ball
- Zen Headbutt
- Sucker Punch

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Scale Shot

Gyarados @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Bounce

Magearna @ Life Orb
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shift Gear
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Aura Sphere

Description: This is a very standard Aurora Veil offense team with Suicide Lead Landorus-Therian and Aurora Veil Ninetales-Alola. Cinderace and Garchomp are a great and threatening setup duo and can demolish teams easily, whereas Gyarados is another threatening setup sweeper and can easily clean lateer in the game, its last moveslot is Bounce as Grass-types see a surge in usage therefore it needed something to break them. Magearna is the last member on this squad and is Dual Dance with Aura Sphere and Stored Power.

Shuca Berry it up wit' Galarian Slowking

:Garchomp: :Tornadus-Therian: :Slowking-Galar: :Hydreigon: :Cinderace: :Tapu Fini:
Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Protect

Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Defog

Slowking-Galar @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Slack Off
- Flamethrower

Hydreigon @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Earth Power
- Roost

Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Zen Headbutt

Tapu Fini @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Hydro Pump
- Trick
- Shadow Ball
Description: Shuca Berry Galarian Slowking is a great Anti-Lead to Pokemon such as Garchomp, Landorus-Therian, and Nidoking which recently thrives in tournament usage again. Garchomp is the Stealth Rocker on this team and the Cinderace check, Tornadus-Therian is the defogger with Hurricane, Knock Off, U-turn, and Defog. Tornadus-Therian also checks Rillaboom and Kartana. The star on this squad is Galarian Slowking with Shuca Berry + Ice Beam as an Anti-Lead measure vs the great Ground-types in the tier. Hydreigon is 3 attacks + Roost with Draco Meteoer, Dark Pulse, Erath Power, and Roost as Earth Power lets it check Heatran properly. Tapu Fini is Moonblast, Hydro Pump with Trick and the last slot is Shadow Ball as a lure for Galarian Slowking when heavily weakened and also regular Slowking.

Hope you guys have fun with these 2 squads and also have a great day!


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i wanted to click draco meteor


not the most serious team of all time, but it has been fun to grind with on the ladder. if you do not run in to HO with the wrong gear set, you can do a lot of damage against standard archetypes with this type of overwhelming, lure/cripple heavy early game into draco spam late game type of bulky-offense. it also highlights how you can make just about everything work on Magearna -- going with an offensive pivot variant that has some longevity to ease the Torn-T/Kart/Rilla pressure put on Zapdos a little bit.
Compendium of everything in my builder right now:

FiniAce BO

Cheap Future Sight + Ace does a good job of forcing progress against things that annoy CM Fini and Specs Pult.

Sub CM Keld BO

Magma Tran and Banded Boom do a fair job of muscling through Sub CM Keld's checks to free it up. The squad's loaded with positioning assets that bring those three in against favourable match-ups often.

KyuAce BO

FuturePort + Ace also does a good job of overloading Kyu's checks. FuturePort + Regieleki is also stupid too, forcing them to either sac their Ground to FS + Swift or make something eat a Specs T-Bolt (shoutouts to eclipseY for the core).

KokoAce Balance

Specs Koko does a good job of hurting or killing Ace's checks. This lot's very outdated, but might be workable for a re-do if anyone wants it.

FiniBoom Balance

Basically a fatter version of the Keld team above.

MageAce Balance

Another cheap FuturePort + Ace abuse team, this time to support Specs Mage who can freely fire off STAB nukes.

Fly Lando Sand

Specs Koko and Fly Lando work together to lure and remove Zolt's checks, Lando being able to bait and kill things like Amoongy, Tang, and Buzzwole (lol) so Zolt can freely spam Terrain boosted Banded Bolt Beaks. It sucks, but I tried. Please make Fly Lando a thing.

Grass-Spam BO

My take on the Grass-spam trend that's been around lately. It uses a RillaZone core to open up Fini, Boom, and Kart later game.

Whirlwind-Spam Stall

Spike stack Stall featuring double Whirlwind to grind things down over time and have Kyu spam Ice STABs late game.

T-Spikes Stall

Kyu Stall with T-Spikes this time and a Magnezone to remove unaffected metal birds and some other cumbersome Steels.

Volc Screens HO

Lead/Breaker/Breaker/Utility/Speed/Sweeper HO structure. Double SD prio-spam RillaDaunt breaker core supported by Screens is still stupid and dual-Terrain abusing Zera as speed control is hilarious. Volc cleans.

Double Dance Mage HO

Heavy offence HO structure featuring RillaZone, Aura Sphere Latios, Smack Down Soft Sand Lando, etc to overwhelm checks for SG CM Mage throughout the game. While Mage's the typical win-con, the team supports Rillaboom and Pult end-game opportunities just as well. This is the oldest team in my builder, having been around since KyuB meta, and has been through many changes after all the subsequent bans.

RillaZone DragMag HO

'Heavy offence' HO structure that's more in line with the slightly bulkier HO structures that picked up some popularity post-OLT. Also featuring Zone as a centrepice to open up Rillaboom, DD D-Nite, CM Fini, and SD Lando while Volc serves as direct offensive support vs their checks and appreciates the damage the rest of the team does to its own.

EDIT: Well, looks like a good chunk of these are now stright-up bin material. Should have shared these sooner, I guess... But I'm sure some still carry weight and others can be tweaked to cover for their losses. Might update after some testing and adjustments in the new meta.
Last edited:


A monoid in the category of endofunctors
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i wanted to click draco meteor

not the most serious team of all time, but it has been fun to grind with on the ladder. if you do not run in to HO with the wrong gear set, you can do a lot of damage against standard archetypes with this type of overwhelming, lure/cripple heavy early game into draco spam late game type of bulky-offense. it also highlights how you can make just about everything work on Magearna -- going with an offensive pivot variant that has some longevity to ease the Torn-T/Kart/Rilla pressure put on Zapdos a little bit.
Do you wear the official PokeaimMD "Drop A Draco" hoodie when using this team


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LCPL Champion
Long post so will be using hide tags. Editing that surprised both Ace and Mag got quickbanned (finally) but the effort into putting this together not going to just not let it be posted lol.

2/19/2021 is when I started the draft of this pending a very likely Cinderace/Mag suspect/ban which I plan on just dumping all my stuff and starting off fresh if the meta stabilizes, maybe, needed a break from OU after Urshifu tbh but I kept getting asked questions about it so was still building. I had to start this early because the formatting of this post would take awhile. I was going to do this with Urshifu suspect but I wasn't building much for it at the time and did a clean up of my builder prior so I only had some of Ox's stuff and other loose offenses since Ursh was leaving making most builds useless. The Ursh team I posted previously I kept until it got banned because I know MajesticM liked spamming it early on in ladder and needed a reference point if he had questions about it. I build a lot to keep the process of it fresh, I've always built a lot prior to my 2~ year hiatus from Smogon. The building is always fun but realistically a crap shoot currently as the meta itself faces a lot of matchup issues and polarizing forces that won't be remedied anytime soon or at least before the suspected DPP remakes. Making the same meta stuff kind of boring, even with the loose techs each mon can use because it's nothing exactly innovating it's just old stuff or concepts rehashed. It's cool to see guys like Storm, Pinkacross, ben gay and all the builders featured on blunders stuff try to innovate and push boundaries and its probably the only thing keeping me interested in current gen at this point. With all that said here is the good, the bad, and the outrageous hopefully to inspire a bit. Everything here was built around and after the time Spectrier was being suspected.
These will get relatively short descriptions due to the amount and the fact most of these I won't be ever returning to. The meta changes like every two weeks thus it's too tedious for me to really care and put much effort into reformatting old stuff when I'm better off starting new. They're mostly in the order of when I built them so you'll see some of my tendencies change. They also have "AM" in front of all the names because my builder is set up by builders name then small description to identify quickly, since someone asked before.

Zedhatool brought BandTar against me in OST R1 and 6-0d me with a team I grabbed that was not prepared for it all because everyone spammed SpDef Ttar. I was thoroughly impressed and from there the majority of my Ttars started to become Band if I built sand with it. The bulky SD Chomp pretty much sets up on Blissey with Seismic Toss at the time, that was kind of the idea here. Paired with some Spikes and Future Sight support Tar punches holes, Chomp or Exca will finish late game. I guess people like Lash Out over the Crunch slot to punish Lando-T switch ins I just use Crunch normally so I guess either works.

I made this when everyone spammed that Clef, G-King, Pex, Corvi, Bliss, Quag/filler build on the ladder and Spectrier was still around. I think Ditto itself is neat concept and the Mew set is counterteaming any stall team that wasnt running Hydreigon/Shedinja. I made the mistake of testing this when Urshifu was still legal and my goodness I can't believe I won that game :psygrump: , shout outs Ditto the cheat code to terrible matchups. Team is 6-0d by Crawdaunt too so yeah.

I absolutely hate Defog Lando-T, eventually I ended up just hating Defensive Lando-T down the road cause it felt like a worse Hippowdon at times. Unfortunately I had to fit Defog somewhere otherwise Spikes beat me long term. With that said Katy said I should have been awarded for longest name giver for calling this team PowerRangerHeadAssery. It's more or less just volt-turn with MemeRodent.

Team name on the money, 6-0d by Ace. Crawdaunt seemed like fun to use though with some Spikes so I wanted to build with it regardless. To think Latios would become an unmon in Generation 8 is crazy. The concept seemed kind of cool but I could never flesh it out into something I genuinely liked.

As you can tell I had a little stint of building with Crawdaunt lol. It was the flavor of the month and even though it's jank it seemed fun. This was a really goony no thinking team I wanted to play around with nothing serious. 6-0d by Rain though lmfao smfh.

At this point I wanted to build around Terrakion after the Urshifu ban cause it seemed pretty strong in theory since Hippo didn't pick up traction yet and tiers good Rock resists were susceptible to Fighting moves. Figured all the grounded mons hate status here so Fini seemed like a good fit and just some general things to go with Terrakion.

More of a concept I had an old squad with SubToxic Lando-T but it was deleted long time ago after Ursh ban. Pass some burns around with Swamp, Toxic with Lando, SpikeStack, Spin where needed, let Hex Dragapult clean. It was originally SubToxic Kyurem to but it was hit or miss in games.

Back with the BandTarSrDrill Combo this time with a mon I wanted to play around with after some talks with Snowy and what Rav called "The Ice Dog" lmfao. I think Moltres garbage but the offensive set seems like it has some merit since everyone assumes it's Defog with two attacks. AmoongBro to help with defensive holes. Was originally Slowking but Ace 6-0d smh.

Basic offense with Ursh-Rapid Strike. Superpower Lando-T to net bigger hits on Ferro/Kartana. Kind of straight forward.

Lucha Offense with couple of techs in Metronome Mag and Adrenaline Orb Kart.

Wanted to try IDCM Magearna so just threw something together think I played with this like once Idk set seems kind of ass probably can cheese through fat with para support I guess.

Superpower Hydreigon which removes Tyranitar and hits Heatran and Blissey for a big chunk. Team's kind of slow though, Kart food, cool in theory but I didn't like it much. Perhaps going Amoong/Skarm over G-King/Ferro could make this work better.

Thought Bulu was a cool mon with the influx of Garchomp around so wanted to try it out I know egalvanc used something like Bulu/Volcanion in one of his OST games I watched and seemed like a dope pairing. I tacked on some defensive cores from there and general utility to complement.

EQ/Mystical Fire Unviable mon Latios to lure combo of Heatran/Ferro in to help Magearna spam Fleur Cannon more easily. An earlier attempt on making Weavile work.

The only way I think this will ever work is to throw Healing Wish on Clefable and change Slowking to Nasty Plot Torn-T cause Idk what team actually loses to NP Slowking-Galar besides do nothing fat stuff which already loses to a bunch of other things.

Some fat stuff and then a Specs Clown to deal with opposing fat. Blace kind of strong just need to get things like Tyranitar and anything above its speed tier out of the way.

Solar Blade Kart is tempting but unfortunately it kind of needs the 3 moves here with maybe an exception of justify life orb synthesis set seeing as its paired with sun, or just banded. Janky sun squad with Offfensive Binding Banding Heatran and Solarbeam to eliminate other waters not named Pex that might try to pivot to soak Magma.

Screens borderline unviable with the exception of maybe IPFs and a few loose ones here and there (click X if you faced Whirlwind Hippo though). With that said if you're using screens I think Dragon Dance Kyurem and something to pressure Corviknight might be best options for sweepers since outside of Corv/Skarm Kyurem threatens out all the other flying defoggers if not outright kills with DDance set. Idea was to trap Toxapex with Cinderace or trap anyone greedy enough to click Stealth Rock with Lando-T in front of Lucha while it Mean Looks and sweeps. The Lucha set something I grabbed from Sugarhigh in the "heat" thread here thought it would be fine here seeing as team already a meme anyways.

I was building with a lot of Kyurem at the time testing out different sets and this set isn't new since I know i like pink mons posted it awhile back his has lots of special defense though. I used in a natdex ou game and it seemed pretty dope. In theory I can probably just run Nasty Plot 3 attacks Torn but I like the double hazard removal here so there isnt so much pressure on Excadrill to remove as well as making sure rocks are off for Kyurem.

Some slow fat stuff that I wanted to test out. The SubSpin Dracozolt floating around. Maybe down the road I'll turn this into a real offense. I think this is when I started using High Horsepower Hippo in general, even outside of Terrain.

Really whacky wanted to try BuluZone though and Magnezone helped me justify trying Special Lando-T as well, since its hard-walled by Corvi. Grass Knot isn't boosted by Terrain unfortunately but Knot helps wear down opposing Lando-T and does a good chunk to Hippowdon. Kind of sucks it can't learn Nature Power.

Idea was to wear everything down so that Agility Cinderace can clean late-game. Most offensive counterplays to Cinderace rely on them being faster than Cinderace so this circumvents that a bit assuming you've worn them down.

Culmination of team building tendencies starting to come into play. Nothing riveting or special here thought the combo of UrshR/Gking/Hydreigon covers a lot of ground especially with Kartana support.

I'm still trying to figure out what's best for Aegislash because I feel like each set has a bunch of issues it needs to overcome. SubToxic is probably for the better but on this team I liked the power of Specs here, especially with Steel Beam to land heavy hits.

I ended up building for IDCM Mag again and put more focus after reading this good post by Roy posted on this set about how to support it properly with multiple ways to spread paralysis. That was the idea here.

Just rain nothing special kind of crappy but I was big on Ursh-R/Kingdra rain for awhile over Barraskewda so there's that.

Just going to group them all together because for some reason that night I was building stalls cause I thought it would be "fun" with Snowy . Not great but you can fish matchup, most stall good for doing that. I actually think there's merit to Protect/Sub Corviknight on stall but I wanted to make sure things like Kartana are covered with Body Press. The teams with same mons are different variations of Suicune that's about it.

This team is pretty weak to Cinderace and Dragapult I kind of like the look of it though and its one of the few I would come back to remaking it or slotting Whirlwind Mandibuzz over the Cinderace slot. Some spike stacking with Reuniclus basically. Think Reuniclus is a cool mon just need things like Dragapult out of the way and U-Turn spammers. I might eventually try out like Rocky Helmet Reuniclus.

Garbage DragMag. Fun to Meme though.

Trying to make Sharpedo work in a meta where Rillaboom exists lmao. Sharpedo seems cool for all the Regen Spam nonsense but it's probably RU for a reason cause man it's kind of weak sometimes smh.

This team seems more realistic when Cinderace goes. I like the look of it but Cinderace will always be a pain and playing super aggressive to manage Magearna seems like a pain as well. StepC considered Pex/Lando on last two mons but it opens up other issues. Meh. I'll probably drop Weavile here put Bisharp perhaps.

Just a spike balance wanted to give Band Grimmsnarl a go.

Wanted something strong to punish Slowbro/Slowking spam so Spikes Heracross seemed like something I could try it out after some talks with Snowy.

I dont see a whole lot of Klefki and wanted to try out some basic Klefki Spike stack stuff since last time I used it I was using it with a jank Dracozolt sand team during Pheromosa suspect. Magnet Rise to dodge Earthquakes from Chomp and Lando-T and a couple of pivots to help out. It didn't seem strong but some aggressive play allowed it to work.

For a dude that was so vehemently hated (Tele) during Gen 6 he sure did read into the future and made an archetype that looked like the usual Gen8 stuff. Kart replacing the Mega Scizor on the build for some wall-breaking power to break fatter stuff.

This is kind of the only time I justified a more bulky Ttar in recent times to help slow down Dragapult and Kyurem a bit because the former lowkey kind of nuts and is rearing its ugly head as a potential problem when you remove blatantly broken ace and mag from tier.

Timeline when I built this batch was based on this post so instead of 1 I built like 5 lmfao. First build sounds fun but it's too weak to Torn-T. The other builds are just things I wanted to try to build around it. The 4th build I like even if there's no ground (gasp) simply for a build where I'm testing out Band Dragapult which seemed strong around Spikes support.

Webs is pretty garbage in the metagame due to the amount of HDB Cinderace, Zeraora, Scale Shot Chomp negating effects, and Torn-T usage but was inspired by a RMT on RMT forum by a user named NatFly which used Pangoro. Unfortunately Pangoro wasnt the major issue as much as the usuals kind of bashing on it his thread, it was sand and anything fast that can click Earthquake which practically 6-0d, granted these still have there issues but at least they have a ground immunity of sorts. I ended up trying to build one with the fat panda but used SD cause Band didn't seem too good and at least with SD you can punish anyone using very slow stall. If you're gonna matchup fish do it with style lol :facepalm:

Playing some LC seeing Koffing deter Grookey with Neutralizing Gas was interesting and I never used G-Weezing much so why not. I ended up playing this in a test game against Pais and learned Corrosive Gas bypasses Steel typing so pretty much most things will lose their items once clicked. This was a thing for Urshifu and they normally run Levitate but Neutralizing Gas kind of nice to prevent Regeneration healing and the majority of Regen users hate soaking a Sludge Bomb or losing their item. I played it pretty aggressive to stop Regen from Torn-T at the risk of it blowing me away with Hurricane lol. Paired with some other regulars and Keld which I thought had a good matchup against most things like Toxapex.

Around here I came to the conclusion Mandibuzz will probably long term stay OU for the simple fact Dragapult exists. This ended up just looking like Finch's archetype in RMT archive here so have to give credit where it's due. Slowking > Pex since Future Sight too important to pass up to make any progress against fatter teams and helps supplement Cinderace and Magearna. Realistically speaking regarding former point its probably the best team Finch has built in SS that I've seen from him for the simple fact it still works with some move modifications and Dragapult requiring min 396 speed in this meta where Koko is relevant.

Lazy fat sand nothing else to say.

BulkUp Corvi kind of bulkier squad with some offensive pressure behind it in NP Torn-T and the other two Calm Mind mons.

Not sure think ZyDog kind of cool but perhaps the structure would be better paired with a Spikes build. I think Offensive Electric/Zyg would be cool in general as far as offensive pressure goes. Nature Power Heatran I've only seen used one/two times it's pretty unexplored and I think its a really dope option on Offensive Heatran variants considering the high viability of most terrain users and the moves it gets usually cover a check to it (in this case Thunderbolt).

I'm of the opinion Celesteela defensively is pretty much outclassed by Corviknight if not entirely at least pretty significantly. With that said being a defensive mon that applies more offensive pressure than Corviknight seems like a solid enough niche for it. Paired around more offensive partners and the Tang/Cele/Pex core of SM seemed pretty nice here with Tang deterring things like Zeraora/Kart. Not really sure how I would fix the shotty Zapdos/Dragapult matchups here but I like the look of this build since other matchups feel manageable.

There's a lot of other concepts out there but I ended up not building much after last one. With the quickban on Ace and Magearna most of these are or will be outdated eventually but needed a place to archive my own stuff.
Since the dreaded Magearna and Cinderace have finally left the tier for good (please no useless retests for them, let's learn from past mistakes), it's time for me to post another team I'm quite fond of:

SD Blaziken + Future Sight Slowking Balance

This team is pretty simple: Make sure Blaziken sweep the opposing team. Slowking makes for a fantastic teammate thanks to FuturePort making Blaziken breaking bulky Waters like the Slowtwins & Toxapex with Thunder Punch easier. Rillaboom provide helpfull Grassy Terrain EQ resistance and passive recovery. Scarf Modest Kyurem because it still 2HKO all bulky Waters that annoys Blaziken while being able to RK Nasty Plot Tornadus-Therian. Corviknight provides slow U-turn and Defog support while also being able to switch into Ground-types. Finally, Hippowdon is specifically designed to tank everything Dracozolt throw at you while being able to Toxic and High Horsepower offensive Volcarona even at +1. Also provide usefull chips in Toxic, the mighty Stealth Rocks and sand chip.

Threats list:

> Kyurem being still one of the most fearsome Specs breaker and SubRoost being a pain in the ass. It is manageable but play carefully (aka, FOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS ALMIGHTY, KEEP BLAZIKEN ALIVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE)

> This girl is still dangerous even tho my defensive core can deal with it if played right. Also, MAKE SURE RILLABOOM STAY HEALTHY TO WIN THE TERRAIN WAR.

Edit: Removed Tornadus-Therian from the Threats list because Scarf Kyurem RK it, making it less threatening to the team. But still play carefully around this mon.
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I was reworking my newest team, because there was things that was bothering me, like the lack of Special Wallbreakers and true speed control. So here's the new and improved version:

Specs Kyurem + Future Sight Slowking Balance
Tapu Koko.png

Specs Kyurem is one, if not the, most fearsome Special Wallbreaker in the metagame. Specs Modest Focus Blast is capable of 2HKO Blissey with enough chip damages: 252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 332-392 (46.4 - 54.9%) -- 64.5% chance to 2HKO.
The Sub-Zero Dragon is truely an insane Pokemon you must be prepared for.
And how to make it an even bigger threat ? You guessed it, FuturePort. And I choose Slowking over Slowbro because I need a Special Wall more than a Physical, since Cinderace is banned and is never going back. Also, FuturePort makes Kyurem even less wallable than he already is.
Since Kyurem deals with every birds (bar Nasty Plot Tornadus-Therian), Choice Band Rillaboom goes nicely with him. Also, thanks to Grassy Glide, Rillaboom can handles offense pretty well, a playstyle Kyurem struggles against. Furthermore, Rillaboom can brings Kyurem in thanks to U-turn and helps it break easier thanks to Knock Off.
Since the team right now is pretty slow outside of Grassy Glide under Grassy Terrain, I need some speed control and Tapu Koko is one of the best Pokemon for this. Tapu Koko also handles Tornadus-Therian. After enough chips, Koko can also revenge kill Specs & SubRoost Kyurem which otherwise are pretty big threats to my team. I run Life Orb to make sure Koko kills it with Stealth Rock 93.8% of the time.
To complement Slowking, I added Corviknight as a Physically Defensive Wall. It provide Defog support and can bring any of my wallbreakers via slow U-turn.
Finally, for this team not to be completely destroyed by Sand Rush Dracozolt and any variant of Volcarona, Mixed Defensive Hippowdon fitted quite nicely. It provide Stealth Rocks support, Sand chip and Toxic chip to help Tapu Koko revenge kill stuff, Rillaboom and Kyurem breaking teams.

Threats list:

> As said before, Kyurem is a threatening force of nature. Keep Stealth Rocks up to prevent Kyurem to switch and claim a kill and threatening him with Tapu Koko. If you can get it Toxic'd, it will make your life even easier, since it will be put in a timer for the rest of the game.
> This girl is still dangerous even tho my defensive core can deal with it if played right. Also, MAKE SURE RILLABOOM & TAPU KOKO STAY HEALTHY TO WIN THE TERRAIN WAR.
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Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 30 Spe
- Flip Turn
- High Horsepower
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Beam

Rillaboom @ Choice Band
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Wood Hammer
- U-turn
- Knock Off

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Toxic

Zapdos @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Static
EVs: 248 HP / 220 Def / 40 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Roost
- Heat Wave
- Defog

Toxapex @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Recover
- Haze
- Toxic Spikes

Kartana @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword


This team is a team I've loved using and I believe it's a good balance team.
My thought process was I need to build a team around Pert, Rilla and Tran. Pert checks a lot of special threats as to not overwhelm Tran. Ice beam is there so I dont easily get steamrolled by Chomp and Lando is quite annoying as hell. Also helps vs Dnite. Rilla is both broken and provides good longevity to both Pert and Tran. You can put protect on both, but this makes both way too passive. And of course Tran is standard. Then my next process was I dont like losing to random tspikes teams so I put in Pex. It's also a good partner to Pert as they dont stack weaknesses and covers Pex's weakness to Electric. I have tspikes on Pex as I hate it playing against it so what better way to inflict my own pain and have others experience it. Zapdos is there as it's a great Rillaboom check and could beat other defoggers quite well. Heat wave so I can hit stuff like Lando or Ferro without having to worry about accuracy checks. Ive tested a lot of last slot mons and all of them fall flat bar Kartana. The biggest problem to grass spam from Rillaboom was Corv and Mandibuzz. With SD Sacred sword, Kart beats both (Mandibuzz if no foul play). Smart strike is not as needed because Leaf blade hits everything that smart strikes wants to (under terrain)
Prediction reliant:
:Kyurem: :Tapu Lele:

Once setup will lose:

:Ferrothorn: :Mandibuzz: :Corviknight:

Once Heatran dies:
All the things Heatran checks and the biggest one being :Volcarona:

Once Rillaboom dies
Rain easily but the biggest one being :Garchomp: staring down at you with +2 Atk and +1Spe

Side note: how to hide properly - Dual LO Teleport Offense
Heatran icon
- The hazard setter and a good mon that can help get off much needed chip on teams with magma storm + protect.

Landorus  sprite from Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
- Just a soft check to physical attackers and fast mons. Also an emergency defogger.
Kartana icon
- A fast SD attacker to break through unprepared teams and used to take advantage of slower teams.
Azelf icon
- The other LO attacker. Just a simple AoA set that can 2HKO-OHKO a vast majority of the tier. It has a tough time with Mandibuzz, Tapu Fini, Slowbro, and Heatran but, it does have ways to annoy them. You could also run T-Bolt over knock to 2HKO Mandi + Fini + Bro. Knock Off takes 71.3 - 84.5% off of Slowking-G so, it can't regen the dmg off so easily. Drain Punch 2HKO's Blissey and has a 68% chance to OHKO SpDf T-Tar after rocks. You can change the attacking moves however you want and it'll fit the team all the same. It's a fast AoA LO attacker and I like it very much.

Clefable icon
- Helps deal with Mandibuzz while providing momentum with wish + teleport.

Slowbro icon
- Really good Future Sight abuser that helps Azelf and Kartana pick up KOs a lot faster.


Banned deucer.
Dual Ghost Dual Stab Dual Specs

:landorus-Therian: :corviknight: :aegislash: :dragapult: :zeraora: :kartana:
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 144 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Toxic

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- U-turn
- Brave Bird

Aegislash @ Choice Specs
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Flash Cannon
- Steel Beam
- Shadow Sneak

Dragapult @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Draco Meteor
- U-turn
- Flamethrower

Zeraora @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Plasma Fists
- Volt Switch
- Close Combat
- Knock Off

Kartana @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Knock Off

this team is built around 2 ghost-types which have now a lot of potential in the metagame due to magearna and cinderace leaving the building of the ou tier. this team starts off with stealth rock defensive landorus-therian with toxic to weaken tangrowth for zeraora and kartana.
corviknight is the defogger and checks opposing landorus-therian and garchomp as well as rillaboom and opposing kartana. aegislash and dragapult are the two which the spotlight is on, they carry both the choise specs and dishing out hard damage even towards sturdy checks such as mandibuzz and heatran. zeraora gives this team another speedy pokemon and it has volt switch as it complements the u-turn spam provided by landorus-therian, corviknight and dragapult and therefore not only generates and maintains but also keeping up the volt-turn pressure. kartana is the speed control on this team and rounds this team off but yet another knock off-user and pressures many faster threats as well.​

Red Raven

Some random team dump from me. I've been spamming sand like crazy and here are the teams I use them with

:Corviknight: :Hippowdon: :Blissey: :Alakazam: :Dracozolt: :Garchomp: Here is my favorite team, using Garchomp's single most dangerous set, veil sub scale shot, supported by Ocelzolt and Alakazam to save the team from all the bullshit like shadow sneak Aegislash and Blaziken

:Skarmory: :Slowking: :Alakazam: :Tyranitar: :Dracozolt: :Excadrill: This team is basically the same as the previous one but with Excadrill over Garchomp. Tyranitar to protect the team from Volcarona and its very balanced boots while Skarmory over Corviknight since I can actually afford to stack hazards thanks to rapid spin over defog

:Zapdos: :Tangrowth: :Heatran: :Clefable: :Dragapult: :Garchomp: This team abuses one of the most fun mons in the tier, Hexapult. This was my favorite team against Cinderace because it just screws over its random sucker punches with Tangrowth serving as a knock off sponge and Rillaboom counter. Soccer bunny is now gone but Hexapult is still a lot of fun. Just wanna give a shoutout to Finchinator and glava222 for giving me some help on the team
:tyranitar: :excadrill: :tornadus-therian: :slowbro: :clefable: :corviknight:
CB Ttar + NP Torn
Banded TTars switchins overlap almost perfectly with excadrill's, which sets up for straightforward endgame sweeps. Lash Out for Lando-T (I've only gotten to use this once but it was worth it) and Fire Punch for Ferro/Metal birds (and a clean 2HKO on Tang with rocks up). Slowbro with FuturePort and Slow Corv to make sure TTar can come in often. Excadrill, TTar and Torn all appreciate Future Sight support. Torn smashes through everything (provided it hits) and nails Zapdos with Weather Ball. SpDef clefable with trick to assist Torn's wallbreaking (Heatran, Blissey, etc.). This team hates Nidoking though so watch out for that.
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:tyranitar: :excadrill: :tornadus-therian: :slowbro: :clefable: :corviknight:
CB Ttar + NP Torn
Banded TTars switchins overlap almost perfectly with excadrill's, which sets up for straightforward endgame sweeps. Lash Out for Lando-T (I've only gotten to use this once but it was worth it) and Fire Punch for Ferro/Metal birds (and a clean 2HKO on Tang with rocks up). Slowbro with FuturePort and Slow Corv to make sure TTar can come in often. Excadrill, TTar and Torn all appreciate Future Sight support. Torn smashes through everything (provided it hits) and nails Zapdos with Weather Ball. SpDef clefable with trick to assist Torn's wallbreaking (Heatran, Blissey, etc.). This team hates Nidoking though so watch out for that.
Well... why Lash out over ice punch/Beam on ttar?

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