swsh dump part 3, i have a ton of teams just sitting in my builder rn so ill just dump some so i can clear out the builder a bit & get some newer flavored builds in there. some of these have not been tested but ive played with most of them. theres a lot of teams so ill be posting some short run downs
this is one of my favorite teams right now for good reasons. weavile is a super fun mon to use, pair it with pult and future sight and you can annoy the hell out of most of the tier. put on tran for rocks and to be a steel type, zapdos to check rilla, kart, torn. then i ended up putting on chomper cause chomp puts in work already, so imagine what it can do after pult weav fs wear down its checks. this is currently in the ou room samples too
(different from tier samples) you can go sd weavile if you want but i like the immediate power of cb here. s/o epsilon for the help
started with gar cause its a pretty neat fat breaker and really underrated rn imo. put on a basic fwg balance core cause i felt like i wanted to take a fatter route with this team, you know what these mons do. team was kinda weak to tran so chomper gets added. I needed defog and something that can assist with breaking outside of gar, the team was kinda slow too so i added torn.
custap melm is something ive wanted to fuck around with for a while. i saw a team ox the fox made with it and thought it was such a funny idea. put the generic partners of rilla + zone with it. galar king was added to provide fs since its just too good to pass up on with teams like this. galar king provides a ton of utility outside of it too. i need a pult check, tran check, water resist, speed control and a fogger so i put on scarf fini. added lando for volt immune and rocks. protect on melm could prob be swapped if u feel like it
crawdaunt is a pretty strong breaker & hits stall pretty well. added pult to assist with breaking fatter stuff, most of the things in the tier cant handle specs pult + band craw. zapdos was added to check rilla, kart, torn, etc.. fini was added to further help with stall breaking, check pult, water resist and to check tran. scizor is a pretty cool mon that checks kyurem which i was kinda weak to so i added it. it checks a bunch of misc stuff pretty well too. added goat mon lando for rocks & volt immune. (edit: make lando a higher defense spread, ive been testing 232+ (taking it out of the speed evs on the original spread)
this team was kinda a funny one to build, i remember bouncing ideas off of epsilon for like a good hour cause it was so funky. koko& nido pair really well, i wanted to run tbolt on nido to lure king under terrain as well which did lead to some problems. tran pairs well with nido cause tran traps nidos checks and can wear them down and cheese them. id corv to check shit like rilla & chomp. i put on cb watefu to break down fatter builds and annoying some of koko + nidos checks. jet is great for revenge killing too. last mon added was weird, added toad to check heatran, water resist, set rocks and to spread toxic to stuff like slowking so tran get can further chip on that for nido.
double dragon cores are super strong rn and i love kyurem so you know i was all over this. added pex+corv to check the stuff that is wanting to check the dragons, shed pex to pivot in and out of tran. added tran for rocks and to help bring fatter teams. last slot zera for some speed control & a volt immune. zera takes advantage of the late game that the dragons open, since a lot of teams are prepared to take on zera later on.
shao (s/o mcp3) fs team, pretty generic bo build for the most part. shao absolutely wrecks everything without future sight, so with future sight it becomes very annoying. mandi annoys the only thing that really checks it (ghosts)but even then shao can hit a well scouted knock.
mixed lo drei is super cool, adding pult to take advantage of the superpower lure on drei. pex and corv were added as a defensive backbone. this is where i started to blank honestly since i didnt know of a lot of cool places to take the team. epsilon thought adding a sand core to the end of it solidified the team and after testing i found it to be a lot of fun to use so i agreed.
saw somebody post a weavile + ddnite team here and thought id give it go. instantly i knew i wanted to put zone on this cause there is no chance in hell ddnite will ever be able to sweep with sole breaker weav & stuff like skarm and corv existing. added slowking for a tran check also fs + tele is nice to get into weavile with. mandibuzz was added cause pult is super annoying for dnite cause ddarts and stuff. lando.
stall.i like block pex + kyurem a lot cause it allows stall to actually get through fat cores when most of the time is pretty passive. swampert to check heatran, volt immune and stuff.
in all honesty not much to explain here, only thing to added thats unique is double terrain with offensive nature power heatran. nature power tran is such a cool tech and its a lot of fun to use
once i started seeing bish get usage in spl i knew had to build with it. i thought spikes would pair with it really well due to defiant and such. i tested a lot with skarmory but couldnt make it work so i settled with ferro. added specs pult as my next mon cause him and bish pair really well (pult pairs really well with just about anything) and i wanted some speed control. specs pult is super dangerous right now and with having spikes and rocks up you might be able to sneak a ko on a pex. added washer cause it locked like a cool mon and it has been picking up usage. i didnt want to lose to opposing pult so i added mandi. lando things. any bish set works here imo, up to you.
these is kinda a meme team to me but its super fun to use. you kinda choose what to lose to based on what you choose as your corv set. u turn corv can check kyu as u go pult, id corv loses to kyu. band rhyp murders a lot of shit, specs pult annoys nido checks, clean up late game with nido. tran also annoys nidos checks so its all to open nido to break down fat cores in the late game or pult to clean depending on their team comp
if you want to edit any of these teams go ahead, if you do anything crazy with them feel free to message me. im not perfect, i get shit wrong sometimes. s/o
epsilon_xd Skypenguin Ox the Fox Fusien georgiethefirst SpookyZ curiosity mcpallday and everybody else that helps me with my building from time to time