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Mega Gallade's high powered STAB moves, great ability in Knight's Blade, and pretty good speed tier in 110 plus access to Swords Dance makes it a quite interesting sweeper in SylveMons. Mega Gallade's Psychic/Fighting-typing allow it to threaten the likes of Kartana, Keldeo, Infernape, Toxapex, and Heatran while making it a great teammate to pair with Tapu Lele. Gallade's ability before Mega Evolving, Guard Up, also makes it easier to setup. However, even with a boost from Guard Up, Gallade's 68/95/115 bulk is only okay uninvested, making it prone to being revenge killed by faster Pokemon or priority moves like Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch. It also faces competition as an offensive Psychic-type Mega from Mega Alakazam and Mega Medicham, as it lacks the former's Speed and the latter's sheer strength. However, it does boast the most sweeping potential out of all three of the them.

Set: Physical Sweeper
Gallade @ Galladite
Ability: Guard Up
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Close Combat
- Night Slash
- Swords Dance

Guard Up is the preferred ability before Mega Evolving as it nets Gallade a boost to its bulk depending on the foe's higher offensive stat, making taking a hit to setup easier and making it more likely to force the opponent out. Psycho Cut is Gallade's main STAB move, having 105 BP before STAB thanks to Mega Gallade's ability, Knight's Blade. Psycho Cut also targets the foe's Special Defense, allowing it to deal high damage to physical walls like Landorus-Therian or Zapdos. Close Combat is Gallade's secondary STAB moves, hitting Dark and Steel-types like Klinklang, Crawdaunt, and Ferrothorn for massive damage. Night Slash deals with Psychic-types like Mew as well as Ghost-types like Parasect. Swords Dance boosts Mega Gallade's Attack to enough to allow it to break through almost the whole tier after one boost.

Drain Punch can be used over Close Combat to give Gallade more longevity and to allow it to keep the boosts it gets from Guard Up, though the drop in power is notable. Ice Punch can 2HKO Landorus-Therian at -1 and OHKOes Serperior unboosted, though Psycho Cut when boosted can accomplish both of these things, so it usually isn't needed. A bulkier set utilizing Substitute, Bulk Up, and potentially Taunt with HP investment can be used to better abuse the boost Gallade gets from Guard Up, though Gallade's low HP means that abusing Substitute and setting up for multiple turns is challenging. Shadow Sneak gives Mega Gallade priority and is particularly useful is dealing with Mega Alakazam and the rarer Mega Banette. However, since Mega Gallade is commonly paired with Tapu Lele and Psychic Terrain prevents grounded priority moves, this may render that slot useless for multiple turns. Poison Jab and Stalwart Sword can handle Fairy-types like the Tapus and Clefable, though this leaves Gallade more vulnerable to Ghost-types and Mew. Stalwart Sword generally does more damage, while Poison Jab does more to Tapu Fini and Tapu Bulu.


Faster Pokemon
: Due to Mega Gallade's low 68 HP, many faster Pokemon can revenge kill a weakened Gallade, even through its defense boost, with notables including Agony Boots Kartana, Serperior, Greninja, Mega Alakazam (especially if Psychic Terrain is active), and Zeraora. Gengar and Raichu both speed tie with Mega Gallade and both have the potential to OHKO Galalde if they win the speed tie.

Fairy-types: Tapu Fini and Clefable can stomach even a boosted Psycho Cut and severely weaken Gallade with Moonblast. The former ends the Psychic Terrain that Gallade was benefiting from, while the latter can also cripple Gallade with Thunder Wave. Milotic can easily take a hit thanks to Multiscale and can burn Gallade with Scald. Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele with a speed item can both outspeed and deal massive damage to Gallade with Thunder Clap and Moonblast respectively. Cresselia can take any hit Gallade throws at it, easily sets up Trick Room against it, and threatens Gallade with Moonblast.

Priority: Strong priority moves like Metagross and Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch, Raichu's Extreme Speed, Mimikyu's Shadow Sneak, Marowak-Alola's Astonish, Mienshao's Fake Out, and Mega Pinsir's Quick Attack can easily revenge kill a weakened Gallade and derail a sweep. However, if Psychic Terrain is active, priority moves won't work unless the user is airborne like Mega Pinsir.
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Gallade will be uploaded


Thanks to the Light Ball's changes now allowing Raichu to benefit from it, this seemingly outclassed and ineffective sweeper is now one of SylveMons OU's most dangerous wallbreakers. With the Light Ball, either one of Raichu's offensive stats can reach a ludicrous 558 with a neutral nature. Raichu's Electric-typing is also a great to have, threatening powerful Flying and Water-types like both Tornadus forms, Toxapex, Tapu Fini, Keldeo. However, Raichu is extremely frail, so most neutral hits have a good chance of KOing it. This problem is further amplified by the fact that Raichu is forced to hold Light Ball to function, meaning that Scarfers and Agony Boots users have a good chance at outspeeding it. Overall, however, Raichu is an effective wallbreaker and sweeper that can sweep teams if the foe isn't prepared.

Set: Special Rat
Raichu @ Light Ball
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Ion Absorb
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]

The crux of this set is Ion Absorb. Ion Absorb is slightly weaker than Thunderbolt, but doubles the power of Raichu's next Electric-type move, which will keep happening if Raichu keeps using Ion Absorb. This turns Riachu into an extremely threatening wrecking ball, as the combined power of a 160 BP STAB Electric move and a Special Attack stat 558 from the Light Ball is too much to handle for the majority of Pokemon that don't resist it. This means that you want to use Ion Absorb 99% of the time. Scrappy helps Raichu achieve this as it allows it to hit Ground-types like Landorus-Therian that would otherwise end the Ion Absorb chain. Raichu's other moves should only be used to deal with chain-breaking situations. Volt Switch allows Raichu to get out of danger while dealing damage and keep up momentum. Focus Blast can hit Ferrothorn, which isn't normally 2HKOed by unboosted Ion Absorb + boosted Ion Absorb and doesn't cause Raichu to take damage from Iron Barbs. It's also Raichu's best way to hit Pokemon with Electric-immunity abilities, like Zeraora or Togedemaru. Hidden Power [Ice] hits Ground and Grass-types whose secondary typing allows them to resist Ion Absorb, notably Garchomp, Gliscor, and Serperior.

Set: Physical Rat
Raichu @ Light Ball
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Volt Switch
- Volt Tackle
- Extreme Speed
- Seed Bomb

Physical Raichu's calling card in extremely strong priority in Extreme Speed. While not boosted by STAB, Extreme Speed's 80 base power coming from an Attack stat of 558 can pick off frailer or weakened opponents with ease. Extreme Speed is also notably able to bypass moves with only +1 priority, like Ash Greninja's Water Shuriken or Crawdaunt's Aqua Jet. Volt Tackle is Raichu's main STAB move, taking out Water and Flying-types like Tornadus, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Swampert (thanks to Scrappy), and Specially Defense Toxapex with ease. Volt Switch allows Raichu to evade poor matchups and hits Landorus-Therian harder than Volt Tackle can after Intimidate. Seed Bomb can hit Ground-types like Palossand hard without causing Raichu to suffer recoil damage. Knock Off is also on option to remove items from switch-ins while still hitting decently hard.

Fire Punch can be used on the physical set to allow it to hit Ferrothorn and Togedemaru, though it lacks any other uses. Grass Knot can be used to hit Palossand and the rarer Hippowdon hard, but missing out on Hidden Power [Ice] or Focus Blast can detrimental. Fake Out seems appealing to give Raichu a guaranteed powerful hit that outprioritzes even Extreme Speed, but using it means that Raichu can't use Extreme Speed. Nasty Plot can be used to push Raichu's Special Attack to even more ridiculous levels, though Raichu is so frail that it often can't find opportunities to set up and it usually doesn't need set to be an effective wallbreaker.


: Due to Raichu's frailty, priority moves like Mega Medicham and Togedemaru's Fake Out, Infernape's Mach Punch, Azumarill's Aqua Jet, and Weavile's Ice Shard can bring it down quite easily. Extreme Speed outsets this problem a little bit, but it can't OHKO any of these Pokemon. If Raichu is weakened, even resisted priority moves can bring it down, examples including Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch and Mega Pinsir's Quick Attack.

Faster Pokemon: Since Raichu is forced to hold a Light Ball to be effective, it can't boost its speed in any way without running a poor option in Agility. This means that naturally faster Pokemon like Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Alakazam, and Meloetta-Pirouette can get the jump on Raichu and KO it. Common Scarf and Agony Boots users can also run past Raichu and KO it, notably Keldeo, Kartana, Tapu Bulu, and Infernape. Sandslash-Alola, if it can get in safely, only needs one turn of Speed Boost to outspeed Raichu and OHKO it with Earthquake.

Grass-types: The best way to attempt to defensively check Raichu is with Grass-types, who resist Ion Absorb and Volt Tackle and most don't particularly mind Hidden Power [Ice]. Mega Venusaur is the best example of this, having amazing special bulk to tank Ion Absorbs, a neutrality to Hidden Power [Ice] due to Thick Fat, and a resistance to Focus Blast. Mega Venusaur can also run Earthquake, which immediately pressures Raichu. Assault Vest Tapu Bulu and Celebi both also resist Electric STAB and Focus Blast and don't take too much damage from Hidden Power [Ice] and are strong enough to take Raichu down easily.

Goodra: Goodra's high Special Defense and Thick Fat to give it a neutrality to Hidden Power [Ice] makes it one of the best defensive checks to special Raichu. Goodra can't switch into physical Raichu, though Volt Tackle recoil into Sludge Wave or Draco Meteor is more than enough to get rid of Raichu.

MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Psycho CutPsychicPhysical70100%:farfetchd-galar::Gallade::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Honedge::Doublade: :Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Pawniard::Bisharp::Kartana::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
SlashNormalPhysical70100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar: :gallade::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Night SlashDarkPhysical70100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::escavalier::Kartana::sirfetchd:
Solar BladeGrassPhysical125100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar: :gallade: :virizion: :honedge: :doublade: :sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Leaf BladeGrassPhysical90100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::Virizion::Kartana::sirfetchd:
Cross PoisonPoisonPhysical70100%N/A
Air SlashFlyingSpecial7595%:farfetchd: :gallade::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::cobalion: :terrakion: :virizion: :keldeo: :honedge: :doublade::Kartana::zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Air CutterFlyingSpecial6095%:farfetchd::Kartana:
Fury CutterBugPhysical120100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::Kartana::sirfetchd:
Razor ShellWaterPhysical7595%:Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::escavalier:
Sacred SwordFightingPhysical85100%:Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Honedge::Doublade::Kartana::zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Secret SwordFightingSpecial95100%:Keldeo:
Stalwart SwordSteelPhysical90100%:Gallade::Samurott::Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::Kartana::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
GuillotineNormalPhysical130100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Honedge::Doublade::Aegislash::Kartana::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Behemoth BladeSteelPhysical100100%:zacian-crowned:
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With its newfound ability in Mega Launcher synchronizing wonderfully with its strongest STABs, Volcanion settles nicely as a rather bulky Water offensive mon. Its main downsides are low speed and competition with Keldeo, but can stand up by using Priority, being way bulkier than the former and fishing for burns with Steam Eruption, as well as the unique stab combo. Resisting Mienshao's Fake Out also allows Volcanion to be threatening enough against it. The resistance to Fairy, Steel and Fire also allow it to take few damage from various OU threats, and most notably, Jirachi.

Set: Mega Launcher
Volcanion @ Distress Glass
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Steam Eruption
- Flame Bullet
- Focus Blast / Earth Power

Steam Eruption and Fire Blast are your main stab options, both boosted by Mega Launcher, reaching 165 BP. Steam Eruption further solidifies the set's bulky approach with a rather high chance to burn the foe. Flame Bullet is your mean of stopping faster Pokémon on their tracks, also boosted by Mega Launcher, reaching 60 BP. It allows Volcanion to switch in after an ally is taken down and have its attempt at revenge killing, whch includes noteworthy mons weak to it such as Weavile, Togedemaru, Alolan Sandslash, Klingklang and most notably Kartana, which it can OHKO. Your last move option will always be coverage. Focus Blast, while innacurate, is also boosted by the ability and deals great damage against unresisted foes. However that'll leave you hard checked by any Bulletproof Pokémon, and isn't very reliable due to low accuracy, so your best other option is Earth Power

OTHER OPTIONS (optional):
Sludge Bomb (Or Wave, for the same Bulletproof issue), Flash Cannon and Hidden Power Electric / Ice can all be used in place of your last move, but the first two don't have a very good Coverage department and the later choices are both only 60 BP


Bulletproof: As previously mentioned, 3 out of 4 moves on Volcanion will be Ballistic moves to take advantage of Mega Launcher, leaving only one move option to take down any possible Bulletproof foe

Water- and Dragon-Types: Volcanion has very short coverage, and both of these types resist its stabs. Goodra and Toxapex in particular will also resist Focus Blast and Sludge Bomb, leaving Earth Power as you only option.

Specially Defensive Walls: Volcanion cannot afford to invest in its Attack stat, since it needs both the Special damage and the bulk, leaving it easly walled by Special walls

Electric-Types: Togedemaru and Xurkitree aside, none of the OU Electric-Types mind taking one Flame Bullet and can reliably deal tons of damage to Volcanion back
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With its newfound ability in Mega Launcher synchronizing wonderfully with its strongest STABs, Volcanion settles nicely as a rather bulky Water offensive Pokemon. Its main downsides are low speed and competition with Keldeo, but can stand up by using priority in Flame Bullet, being way bulkier than the former and having a unique stab combo. Resisting Mienshao's Fake Out also allows Volcanion to be threatening enough against it. The resistance to Fairy, Steel and Fire also allow it to take few damage from various OU threats, most notably Jirachi.

Set: Mega Launcher
Volcanion @ Distress Glass
Ability: Mega Launcher
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Steam Eruption
- Flame Bullet
- Earth Power / Focus Blast

Steam Eruption and Fire Blast are your main stab options, both boosted by Mega Launcher, reaching 165 BP. Steam Eruption further solidifies the set's bulky approach with a rather high chance to burn the foe. Flame Bullet is your mean of stopping faster Pokémon on their tracks, also boosted by Mega Launcher, reaching 60 BP. It allows Volcanion to switch in after an ally is taken down and have its attempt at revenge killing, whch includes noteworthy mons weak to it such as Weavile, Togedemaru, Alolan Sandslash, Klingklang and most notably Kartana, which it can OHKO. Your last move option will always be coverage. Focus Blast, while inacurate, is also boosted by the ability and deals great damage against unresisted foes, notably denting Chansey. However that'll leave you hard checked by any Bulletproof Pokémon, and isn't very reliable due to low accuracy, so your best other option is Earth Power

OTHER OPTIONS (optional):
Sludge Bomb (Or Wave, for the same Bulletproof issue), Flash Cannon and Hidden Power Electric / Ice can all be used in place of your last move, but the first two don't have a very good Coverage department and the later choices are both only 60 BP.


Bulletproof: As previously mentioned, 3 out of 4 moves on Volcanion will be ballistic moves to take advantage of Mega Launcher, leaving only one move option to take down any possible Bulletproof foe, the best example being Forretress.

Water- and Dragon-Types: Volcanion's coverage only gets it so far, and both of these types resist its stabs. Goodra and Toxapex in particular will also resist Focus Blast and Sludge Bomb, leaving Earth Power as your only option. Dragonite, Salamence, the Lati Twins, and Gyarados all resist both of Volcanion's STABs, are immune to Earth Power and resist Focus Blast, so they can all setup of Volcanion while only fearing Sludge Bomb.

Specially Defensive Walls: Volcanion cannot afford to invest in its Attack stat, since it needs both the Special damage and the bulk, leaving it easily walled by Special walls like Chansey.

Electric-Types: Togedemaru and Xurkitree aside, none of the OU Electric-Types mind taking one Flame Bullet and can reliably deal tons of damage to Volcanion back.
Adding this to the archive with very few adjustments
I've noticed a lot of Abilities being replaced or changed in the change log, such as Inner Focus vanishing from a lot of Pokémon. Does anyone recall the reasons for these changes?
I've noticed a lot of Abilities being replaced or changed in the change log, such as Inner Focus vanishing from a lot of Pokémon. Does anyone recall the reasons for these changes?
Due to new abilities being added and some older ones gaining new effects, the abilities get redistributed. However, as a pokemon can only have up to 3 abilities, other abilities have to be replaced. Usually we go for the "least useful" ability to be replaced (Which is why most of the "lost" abilities are either situational or gimmicky)

Coupled with its access to Light Ball, Emolga is one of the most hard-hitting mons on the mod. Its stats allow it to go mixed, and despite it lacking coverage on both fronts, it meanages to punch holes on unprepared teams. Emolga's main stabs are Wild Charge and Ion Absorb. On the Physical side it can also run Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Pursuit, U-Turn, Astonish and Quick Attack for priority. Special sets carry Air Slash, Slipstream, Volt Switch, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt and Signal Beam. What makes Emolga truly shine, though, is its capability to go mixed, and access to interesting utility moves suck as Encore, Nuzzle and Tailwind

Set: Physical Attacker
Emolga @ Light Ball
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Wild Charge
- U-turn
- Hidden Power [Ice] / [Fire]
- Knock Off

Pretty straightforward stuff. Wild Charge is the go-to nuke, while Knock Off is there to cripple switch-ins, U-Turn to dent damage while switching out and HP Ice to hurt Ground mons (Fire may be used for Ferrothorn, Escavalier and Scizor). Sugar Glider may be used over Motor Drive if it fits the team.

Set: Special Attacker
Emolga @ Light Ball
Ability: Sugar Glider
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ion Absorb
- Air Slash
- Hidden Power [Ice] / [Fire]
- Volt Switch

Ion Deluge is a very powerful Electric move that coupled with the Light Ball, destroys most teams with its snowball effect. The rest is self-explanatory. Motor Drive may be used over Sugar Glider, they are somewhat interchangeable

Sugar Glider sets in particular can have investments on both offenses instead of Speed. It can run Encore to deal with any slower mon that uses a status move, Nuzzle to cripple switch-ins and Astonish for the same reason you'd run Fake Out.


Faster Pokemon and Priority Users:
Despite the huge offensive presence, it still has just the bulk of an Emolga. Most of the time, Emolga gets beaten in a single hit by opposing offensive pokemon.

Bulky Offensive Pokemon: As explained above, if Emolga fails to beat an offensive opponent, chances are it gets OHKO'd in return

Ground Types: Emolga has very little to deal with Ground-Types aside from Seed Bomb and Hidden Power. They are also immune to its two strongest moves, Wild Charge and Ion Absorb.

Thanks to the Light Ball, Emolga is one of the hardest-hitting Pokemon in SylveMons. Its stats allow it to go mixed, and despite it lacking coverage on both fronts, it manages to punch holes on unprepared teams thanks to its high offenses. Emolga's main stabs are Wild Charge and Ion Absorb. On the Physical side it can also run Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Pursuit, Slipstream, as well Astonish and Quick Attack for priority. Special sets carry Air Slash, Volt Switch, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt and Signal Beam. Overal, Emolga can dent holes in a team physically, specially, or with mixed offenses.

Set: Physical Attacker
Emolga @ Light Ball
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Wild Charge
- Slipstream
- Hidden Power [Ice] / [Fire]
- Knock Off

Emolga is pretty straightforward. Wild Charge is the go-to nuke with its enormous 150 BP before STAB, while Knock Off is there to cripple switch-ins, Slipstream allows Emolga to deal damage while switching out and keeping up momentum while also hitting Grass-types that resist Wild Charge, and HP Ice to hurt Ground-types like Landorus-Therian and Garchomp, though Fire may be used for Ferrothorn, Escavalier and Scizor. Sugar Glider may be used over Motor Drive if Emolga is paired with an Air Current setter.

Set: Special Attacker
Emolga @ Light Ball
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ion Absorb
- Air Slash
- Hidden Power [Ice] / [Fire]
- Volt Switch

Ion Absorb is a very powerful Electric move that coupled with the Light Ball, destroys most teams with its Charge effect that allows Emolga to snowball. Air Slash, Hidden Power Ice, and Hidden Power Fire only need to be used when facing Grass or Ground-types or Ferrothorn respectively. Sugar Glider can be used over Motor Drive if paired with an Air Current setter.

Sugar Glider sets can have investments on both offenses instead of Speed, though it may leabe Emolga open to being outsped by Choice Scarf users even in Air Current and makes it more dependent on the weather. It can run Encore to deal with any slower Pokemon that uses a status move or Nuzzle to cripple switch-ins, though it usually just wants to deal as much damage as possible. Astonish can be used as a priority move and a way to deal with Mega Alakazam or Gengar, though Knock Off is usually preferred.


Faster Pokemon and Priority Users:
Despite the huge offensive presence, Emolga still has absolutely pitiful bulk. Most of the time, Emolga gets OHKO'd by faster opposing Pokemon like Mega Alakazam, Infernape, and Keldeo, while also eing very easy to pick off with priority from the likes of Mega Medicham, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Mawile.

Bulky Offensive Pokemon: As explained above, if Emolga fails to beat an offensive opponent, chances are it gets OHKO'd in return, so any Pokemon bulky enough to take a hit greatly threatens Emolga, with Goodra and Colbur Berry Palossand in particular being able to handle Emolga's high power.

Ground Types: Emolga has very little to deal with Ground-Types aside from Seed Bomb and Hidden Power because of their immunity to its two strongest moves, Wild Charge and Ion Absorb. Yache Berry Landorus-Therian is the most notable example of this, being able to take any one hit and OHKO in return.

Read, Tweaked, and Will be added to the analysis list

Parasect has a very straightforward role, which is to abuse Prankster + Spore combo. It is an incredibly effective technique that allows for a shift in momentum. Parasect's newfound Bug / Ghost type allows it to have useful resistances and stabs. Parasect's decent 95 attack also allows for some offensively oriented sets, along witrh Swords Dance. Bug Bite gives it utility, Synthesis gives it healing and it has some other useful moves such as Destiny Bond, Shadow Charge, Memento, Confuse Ray and Night Shade. Parasect does suffer from 4MSS due to this, however.

Set: Spore Utility
Parasect @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def /4 Sp Def
Impish Nature
- Spore
- Synthesis
- Bug Bite / Night Shade
- Destiny Bond

I believe everything here is simple to understand the function. Stop what you need with spore, cripple items, keep yourself healthy and potentially take a foe down with Destiny Bond. Night Shade might be used for superior damage

OTHER OPTIONS (optional):
Memento can be used in place of Destiny Bond, Shadow Charge in place of the offensive move, or a combo of Substitute + Seed Bomb on the last two slots to extend longevity further.


Pokemon immune to Spore / Prankster
: With its main use being shut down, Parasect has little use on the field. This list includes Grass-Types like Serperior and Bulu, Dark-Types like Weavile and Mega Mawile, Psychic Terrain in general and Magic Bounce.

Faster Priority: While having priority on Spore is sweet, Parasect still is very slow and can easly be outprioritized by many OU staples such as Scizor, Mega Pinsir, MEtagross, Azumarill, Mimikyu, Unfezant and so on.

Parasect has a very straightforward role, which is to abuse Prankster + Spore combo. It is an incredibly effective technique that that can shift momentum on a dime. Parasect's newfound Bug/Ghost-typing gives it several useful resistances and immunities in Grass, Normal, Fighting, and Ground as well as STAB on Bug Bite and Shadow Charge. Parasect's decent 95 Attack means that it isn't too passive as a support Pokemon or it can go on the offensive with Swords Dance. Bug Bite gives it utility by removing items, Synthesis gives it reliable recovery, and it has a plethora of useful support moves such as Destiny Bond, Aromatherapy, Stun Spore, Memento, and Night Shade. Parasect does suffer from 4MSS due to this, however.

Set: Spore Utility
Parasect @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Spore
- Synthesis
- Bug Bite
- Destiny Bond / Leech Seed

The main purpose of this set to is to cripple an opposing threat of your choice, thanks to Parasect's combination of the 100% accurate Spore and Prankster allowing Spore to bypass Parasect's middling base 30 Speed. Synthesis also has priority thanks to Prankster, allowing Parasect to heal itslef before a move that could possibly KO it has a chance to hit. Bug Bite allows Parasect to remove the items of and dent possible Grass switch-ins that try to avoid Spore, namely Agony Boots Kartana and Serperior. Destiny Bond can be used to stop a sweep or surprise a revenge killer that KOs Parasect , though be wary that it can be baited out fairly easily. Leech Seed can also be used to wear down the opponent. Leftovers give Parasect a bit more longevity so it isn't forced to Synthesis as much, allowing it to use Spore and Bug Bite more often

OTHER OPTIONS (optional):
Memento can be used in place of Destiny Bond to give a teammate the opportunity to sweep. Shadow Charge to punish switch-ins after putting something to sleep, though this either means forgoing Bug Bite leaving Parasect helpless against Normal-types after putting something to sleep or forgoing a support move. Thanks to Spore's ability to force switches, Parasect can very easily set up a Substitute and use it in conjunction with Swords Dance or Leech Seed, though Parasect often doesn't have room for it.


Pokemon immune to Spore / Prankster
: With its main use being shut down, Parasect has little use on the field. This list includes Grass-Types like Serperior and Tapu Bulu, Dark-Types like Weavile and Mega Mawile, Psychic Terrain in general and Magic Bounce, though most Grass and Dark-types have to be wary of switching into Bug Bite.

Fire-types: If something has already been put to sleep, Fire-types like Heatran, Infernape, and Volcanion take very little damage from Bug Bite can threaten Parasect with their STABs.

Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko: Due to the effects of the terrains they summon and their resistance to Bug, Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko can both easily switch into Parasect and either dent it with a STAB move or use the opportunity to Defog. Tapu Fini in particular is bulky enough to shrug off Shadow Charge, even when switching in, and can Calm Mind on Parasect.

Faster Priority: While Parasect does have priority on Spore and Destiny Bond, it still is very slow and can easily be outprioritized by many OU staples such as Scizor and Metagross's Bullet Punch, Mega Pinsir's Quick Attack, Azumarill's Aqua Jet, Mimikyu's Shadow Sneak.
Tweaked and will be added to analysis list

Also reserving Aerodactyl
Mega Aerodactyl is a premier wallbreaker in OU thanks to its blistering 150 base Speed combined with its strong STAB moves in Stone Edge and Pluck, the latter of which is further boosted by its ability, Tough Claws. Mega Aerodactyl also has decent coverage moves that allow it to get past its checks in Fire Fang and Ice Fang, as well as a set up option in Hone Claws to become more of a sweeper. Aerodactyl does face some competition for a Mega slot from strong wallbreakers and sweepers in Mawile, Gallade, Medicham, and Charizard, and its typing leaves it weak to Stealth Rock and the ever present Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch, but Aerodactyl is able to stand out thanks to outspeeding the entire unboosted metagame.

Set: Wallbreaker
Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pluck
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Roost / Hone Claws

Pluck is Aerodactyl's main STAB move, reaching an impressive 126.75 BP before STAB due to its item removing effect and Tough Claws. Thanks to this power, Aerodactyl can leave a dent in anything holding an item that doesn't resist Pluck, notably Agony Boots Kartana and Tapu Lele, while also OHKOing Grass, Bug, and Fighting-types like Tapu Bulu, Serperior, Mega Medicham, and Flygon. Stone Edge is Aerodactyl other STAB move, allowing Aerodactyl to OHKO either Mega Charizard, opposing Aerodactyls, and either Tornadus form. Earthquake allows Aerodactyl to break past Jirachi, Heatrab, and Magearna, while having the added benefit of threatening Electric-types like Tapu Koko and Raichu. Roost keeps Aerodactyl healthy throughout the battle as it's prone to getting worn down by Stealth Rock, though Hone Claws can be run instead to make Stone Edge more accurate and allow Aerodactyl to sweep. Pressure is the preferred pre-Mega ability as it wastes an additional PP of a move that Aerodactyl might switch into, though Unnerve can be ran to prevent a berry from activating on the switch before Aerodactyl can Pluck it.

If your team doesn't have adequate measures to beat Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor, Fire Fang can be ran to deal the same amount of damage to Jirachi and Magearna while also OHKOing the aforementioned threats. Ice Fang can be used to threaten Landorus-Therian and Grachomp, especially after a Hone Claws boost, though it lacks any other utility. Pursuit can be used to trap Gengar and Marowak, though Ghost-types aren't terribly common and losing out on any of Aerodactyl's other moves leaves it walled by something or easily worn down. Aerodactyl can act as a fast Stealth Rock setter, either as a Mega or in its normal form with a Focus Sash, though Aerodactyl is usually better off spending its turns attacking or healing.


: Aerodactyl's Rock/Flying-typing and mediocre bulk leaves it open to common priority moves like Azumarill and Crawdaunt's Aqua Jet, Metagross and Mega Scizor's Bullet Punch, and Ash Greninja's Water Shuriken, all of which can heavily damage or OHKO Mega Aerodactyl.

Landorus-Therian: Without Ice Fang, Mega Aerodactyl cannot deal significant damage to Landorus-Therian due to Intimidate and Landorus-Therian can threaten it back with Stone Edge or set up Stealth Rock

Steel-types not weak to Ground: Without Fire Fang, Rotom-Fan, Skarmory, and Mega Scizor all resist both of Aerodactyl's STAB moves and threatening it with Flash Cannon, Iron Head, and Bullet Punch respectively. Rotom-Fan in particular can also burn it with Will-O-Wisp or force it to switch and Volt Switch to keep up the opposing side's momentum.

Agony Boots users: Due to Aerodactyl's inability to hold a Speed-boosting item, common Agony Boots users in Serperior, Kartana, and Keldeo can all outspeed and heavily damage Aerodactyl if not OHKO it, though none of them can safely switch-in as they are all crippled or OHKOed by Pluck.


Also, after the Gen 8 slate in SylveMons concludes, expect some Gen 8 development progress soon!
Info for abilities that effect certain categories of moves
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Psycho CutPsychicPhysical70100%:farfetchd-galar::Gallade::gallade-mega::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Honedge::Doublade: :Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Pawniard::Bisharp::Kartana::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
SlashNormalPhysical70100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar: :gallade::gallade-mega::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Night SlashDarkPhysical70100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::gallade-mega::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::escavalier::Kartana::sirfetchd:
Solar BladeGrassPhysical125100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar: :gallade: :gallade-mega: :virizion: :honedge: :doublade: :sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Leaf BladeGrassPhysical90100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::gallade-mega::Virizion::Kartana::sirfetchd:
Cross PoisonPoisonPhysical70100%N/A
Air SlashFlyingSpecial7595%:farfetchd: :gallade::gallade-mega::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::cobalion: :terrakion: :virizion: :keldeo: :honedge: :doublade::Kartana::zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Air CutterFlyingSpecial6095%:farfetchd::Kartana:
Fury CutterBugPhysical120100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::gallade-mega::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::Kartana::sirfetchd:
Razor ShellWaterPhysical7595%:Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::escavalier:
Sacred SwordFightingPhysical85100%:Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Honedge::Doublade::Kartana::zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Secret SwordFightingSpecial95100%:Keldeo:
Stalwart SwordSteelPhysical90100%:Gallade::gallade-mega::Samurott::Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Honedge::Doublade::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::Kartana::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
GuillotineNormalPhysical130100%:farfetchd: :farfetchd-galar::Gallade::gallade-mega::Oshawott::Dewott::Samurott::Pawniard::Bisharp::Escavalier::Cobalion::Terrakion::Virizion::Keldeo::Honedge::Doublade::Aegislash::Kartana::sirfetchd: :zacian: :zacian-crowned:
Meteor AssaultFightingPhysical150100%:sirfetchd:
Behemoth BladeSteelPhysical100100%:zacian-crowned:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Aura SphereFightingSpecial80--%:blastoise-mega::clawitzer:
Dark PulseDarkSpecial80100%:blastoise-mega::genesect::clawitzer:
Dragon PulseDragonSpecial85100%:blastoise-mega::kingdra::clauncher::clawitzer:
Heal PulsePsychicStatus----%:slowbro-galar::clawitzer:
Origin PulseWaterSpecial11085%N/A
Water PulseWaterSpecial60100%:blastoise-mega::slowbro-galar::remoraid::octillery::kingdra::clauncher::clawitzer::volcanion:
Steam EruptionWaterSpecial11095%:volcanion:
Flash CannonSteelSpecial80100%:blastoise-mega::octillery::kingdra::genesect::clauncher::clawitzer::volcanion:
Techno BlastNormalSpecial120100%:genesect:
Fire BlastFireSpecial11085%:golem-alola::slowbro-galar::remoraid::octillery::magmortar::volcanion:
Flame BulletFireSpecial40100%:slowbro-galar::octillery::magmortar::genesect::clawitzer::volcanion:
Plume CannonFlyingPhysical25100%N/A
Metal SoundSteelSpecial11085%:genesect:
Draco MeteorDragonSpecial13090%:kingdra:
Bullet PunchSteelPhysical40100%N/A
Fleur CannonFairySpecial13090%N/A
Meteor ShowerRockSpecial13090%:golem-alola:
Hydro CannonWaterSpecial15090%:blastoise-mega:
Blast BurnFireSpecial15090%N/A
Snipe ShotWaterSpecial80100%N/A
Dynamax CannonDragonSpecial100100%N/A
Shell Side ArmPoisonSpecial90100%:slowbro-galar:
Acid SprayPoisonSpecial40100%N/A
All-Terrain BlastNormalSpecial50100%:golem-alola:
Beak BlastFlyingPhysical100100%N/A
Bullet SeedGrassPhysical25100%:remoraid::octillery:
Egg BombNormalPhysical10075%N/A
Electro BallElectricSpecial--100%N/A
Energy BallGrassSpecial90100%:octillery::genesect:
Focus BlastFightingSpecial12070%:blastoise-mega::golem-alola::slowbro-galar::magmortar::clawitzer::volcanion:
Gyro BallSteelPhysical--100%:blastoise-mega::golem-alola::volcanion:
Ice BallIcePhysical120100%N/A
Magnet BombSteelPhysical60--%N/A
Mist BallPsychicSpecial70100%N/A
Mud BombGroundSpecial6585%N/A
Pollen PuffBugSpecial90100%N/A
Pyro BallFirePhysical12090%N/A
Rock BlastRockPhysical2590%:golem-alola::remoraid::octillery:
Rock WreckerRockPhysical15090%N/A
Searing ShotFireSpecial100100%N/A
Seed BombGrassPhysical80100%:remoraid::octillery:
Shadow BallGhostSpecial80100%:slowbro-galar::clawitzer:
Sludge BombPoisonSpecial90100%:slowbro-galar::octillery::clauncher::clawitzer::volcanion:
Storm StrikeNormalPhysical50100%N/A
Weather BallNormalSpecial50100%:blastoise-mega::slowbro-galar::magmortar::volcanion:
Zap CannonElectricSpecial12050%:genesect:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Bullet PunchSteelPhysical40100%N/A
Comet PunchNormalPhysical1885%N/A
Dizzy PunchNormalPhysical70100%:reuniclus:
Drain PunchFightingPhysical75100%:alakazam::gengar::reuniclus:
Double Iron BashSteelPhysical60100%N/A
Dynamic PunchFightingPhysical10050%:alakazam::gengar:
Fire PunchFirePhysical85100%:alakazam::haunter::gengar::reuniclus:
Focus PunchFightingPhysical150100%:alakazam::gengar::reuniclus:
Hammer ArmFightingPhysical10090%:reuniclus:
Ion AbsorbElectricSpecial40100%N/A
Ice HammerIcePhysical10090%N/A
Ice PunchIcePhysical85100%:alakazam::haunter::gengar::reuniclus:
Mach PunchFightingPhysical40100%N/A
Mega PunchNormalPhysical8585%:alakazam::gengar::reuniclus:
Meteor MashSteelPhysical9090%N/A
Plasma FistsElectricPhysical100100%N/A
Power-Up PunchFightingPhysical40100%:gengar::reuniclus:
Shadow PunchGhostPhysical85100%:alakazam::haunter::gengar::reuniclus:
Sky UppercutFightingPhysical70100%N/A
Thunder PunchElectricPhysical75100%:alakazam::haunter::gengar::reuniclus:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Apple AcidGrassSpecial80100%:appletun:
Bullet SeedGrassPhysical25100%:bulbasaur::ivysaur::venusaur::sunkern::sunflora::shaymin::passimian::skwovet::greedent::flapple::appletun::zarude::calyrex:
Grav AppleGrassPhysical80100%:flapple:
Leech SeedGrassStatus--90%:bulbasaur::ivysaur::venusaur::sunkern::sunflora::shaymin::trevenant::passimian::flapple::appletun::calyrex:
Seed BombGrassPhysical80100%:bulbasaur::ivysaur::venusaur::sunkern::sunflora::shaymin::trevenant::passimian::skwovet::greedent::flapple::appletun::zarude::calyrex:
Seed FlareGrassSpecial12085%:shaymin:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Jump KickFightingPhysical10095%:doduo::dodrio::hitmonlee::lopunny::pheromosa:
High Jump KickFightingPhysical13090%:hitmonlee::blaziken::lopunny::tsareena::pheromosa::cinderace:
Mega KickNormalPhysical12075%:hitmonlee::zapdos-galar::blaziken::lopunny::mudbray::mudsdale::tsareena::stonjourner::cinderace:
Double KickFightingPhysical50100%:hitmonlee::zapdos-galar::blaziken::lopunny::tsareena::mudbray::mudsdale::pheromosa::cinderace:
Blaze KickFirePhysical8590%:hitmonlee::zapdos-galar::blaziken::cinderace:
Trop KickGrassPhysical70100%:tsareena:
Low KickFightingPhysical--100%:hitmonlee::zapdos-galar::blaziken::lopunny::tsareena::mudbray::mudsdale::pheromosa::cinderace:
Low SweepFightingPhysical65100%:hitmonlee::zapdos-galar::blaziken::lopunny::tsareena::mudbray::mudsdale::pheromosa::cinderace:
Rolling KickFightingPhysical6085%:hitmonlee:
Triple KickFightingPhysical1090%:pheromosa:
Stomping TantrumGroundPhysical75100%:dodrio::hitmonlee::zapdos-galar::mudbray::mudsdale::stonjourner:
High HorsepowerGroundPhysical9595%:mudbray::mudsdale::stonjourner:
Triple AxelIcePhysical2090%:lopunny::tsareena::pheromosa:
Thunderous KickFightingPhysical90100%:zapdos-galar:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Blast BurnFireSpecial15090%N/A
Frenzy PlantGrassSpecial15090%N/A
Giga ImpactNormalPhysical15090%:pidgeot::dugtrio::rhydon::linoone::rhyperior::slurpuff::gourgeist::vikavolt::alcremie:
Hydro CannonWaterSpecial15090%N/A
Hyper BeamNormalSpecial15090%:pidgeot::dugtrio::rhydon::linoone::rhyperior::slurpuff::gourgeist::vikavolt::milcery::alcremie:
Meteor AssaultFightingPhysical150100%:sirfetchd:
Prismatic LaserPsychicSpecial160100%N/A
Roar of TimeDragonSpecial15090%N/A
Rock WreckerRockPhysical15090%:rhyperior:
Phantom ForceGhostPhysical90100%:pumpkaboo::gourgeist:
Razor WindNormalSpecial80100%:pidgey::pidgeotto::pidgeot::farfetchd:
Shadow ForceGhostPhysical120100%N/A
Skull BashNormalPhysical130100%:farfetchd::rhyhorn::rhydon::rhyperior:
Sky AttackFlyingPhysical14090%:pidgey::pidgeotto::pidgeot::farfetchd::farfetchd-galar::sirfetchd:
Sky DropFlyingPhysical60100%:vikavolt:
Solar BeamGrassSpecial120100%:maractus::pumpkaboo::gourgeist::vikavolt::milcery::alcremie:
Solar BladeGrassPhysical125100%:farfetchd::farfetchd-galar::sirfetchd:
Meteor BeamRockSpecial120100%:rhydon::rhyperior:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By
Drain PunchFightingPhysical75100%:vileplume::buzzwole:
Draining KissFairySpecial75100%:beautifly::gorebyss::cutiefly::ribombee:
Dream EaterPsychicSpecial100100%:gliscor::woobat::swoobat::litwick::lampent::chandelure::cutiefly::ribombee:
Giga DrainGrassSpecial75100%:zubat::golbat::vileplume::parasect::victreebel::spinarak::ariados::crobat::beautifly::carnivine::woobat::swoobat:
Horn LeechGrassPhysical75100%N/A
Leech LifeBugPhysical80100%:zubat::golbat::parasect::victreebel::spinarak::ariados::crobat::cutiefly::ribombee::buzzwole:
Mega DrainGrassSpecial40100%:zubat::golbat::vileplume::parasect::victreebel::crobat::beautifly:
Oblivion WingFlyingSpecial80100%N/A
Parabolic ChargeElectricSpecial65100%N/A
Soul DrainGhostSpecial85100%:parasect::litwick::lampent::chandelure:
Vampire BiteDarkPhysical85100%:zubat::golbat::ariados::crobat::gliscor::woobat::swoobat::buzzwole:
MoveTypeCategoryBase PowerAccuracyLearned By (Loudspeaker or Punk Rock)Learned By (Liquid Voice)
Bug BuzzBugSpecial90100%:volbeat::illumise::kricketune:N/A
Clanging ScalesDragonSpecial110100%N/AN/A
Disarming VoiceFairySpecial40--%:loudred::exploud::primarina:N/A
Drum BeatingGrassPhysical80100%:rillaboom:N/A
Echoed VoiceNormalSpecial40100%:loudred::exploud::kricketune::chatot::meloetta::meloetta-pirouette::noibat::noivern::primarina::lapras::vaporeon::politoed::wailmer::wailord::tympole::palpitoad::seismitoad:
Haunting ScreamGhostSpecial90100%:loudred::exploud::chatot:N/A
Hyper VoiceNormalSpecial90100%:loudred::exploud::kricketune::chatot::meloetta::meloetta-pirouette::noibat::noivern::primarina::rillaboom::toxtricity::toxtricity-low-key::lapras::vaporeon::politoed::wailmer::wailord::gorebyss::tympole::palpitoad::seismitoad:
Metal SoundSteelSpecial11085%:toxtricity::toxtricity-low-key:N/A
Relic SongNormalSpecial75100%:meloetta::meloetta-pirouette:N/A
Sonic BoomNormalSpecial--100%:exploud::chatot::meloetta::meloetta-pirouette::rillaboom::gorebyss::tympole::palpitoad::seismitoad:
Sparkling AriaWaterSpecial90100%:primarina:N/A
Thunder ClapElectricPhysical100100%:exploud::grookey::thwackey::rillaboom::toxtricity::toxtricity-low-key:N/A
Moves Bulletproof users are immune to that are new to SylveMons are bolded

Acid Spray, Aura Sphere, Barrage, Beak Blast, Bullet Seed, Egg Bomb, Electro Ball, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Gyro Ball, Ice Ball, Magnet Bomb, Mist Ball, Mud Bomb, Octazooka, Pollen Puff, Pyro Ball, Rock Blast, Rock Wrecker, Searing Shot, Seed Bomb, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball, Zap Cannon, Steam Eruption, Flash Cannon, Techno Blast, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Aeroblast, Flame Bullet, Twineedle, Plume Cannon, Draco Meteor, Bullet Punch, Spike Cannon, Fleur Cannon, Meteor Shower, Hydro Cannon

Pokemon with Bulletproof: :pineco::forretress::steelix-mega::registeel::rhyperior::bergmite::avalugg::jangmo-o::hakamo-o::kommo-o::stakataka::wooloo::dubwool::applin:
Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, Double Iron Bash, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ion Absorb, Ice Hammer, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Plasma Fists, Power-Up Punch, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, Thunder Punch

Pokemon with Block Master: :shellder::cloyster::hitmonchan::makuhita::hariyama::shieldon::bastiodon::aegislash::crabrawler::crabominable::turtonator::jangmo-o::hakamo-o::kommo-o:
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It's been a while, eh?


Flygon is a very versatile Pokemon that circumvents its mediocre stats through its variety of ways to boost damage. Dragon Dance along with Tinted Lens turn Flygon into a very difficult 'mon to switch into. Flygon also has pretty decent coverage, carrying Thunder Clap, Stone Edge, the elemental Punches and Superpower. On top of that, Flygon also has excellent STABs, with Earthquake being as good as always, First Impression hitting insanely hard with Tinted Lends, Twineedle breaking Sashes and Subs, Leech Life allowing it to heal and lastly U-Turn providing it a strong pivot move. While outclassed as a sand setter, it remains a decent option, given STAB U-Turn, burn-spreading with Scorching Sands and Sticky Web utility, as well as being able to use Storm Strike for a more accurate Rock coverage move. Flygon may also use Quiver Dance, but it has significantly lower Special Attack, as well as its special movepool being generally more limited than its Physical movepool. Electric immunity is also really great in a land where the Rats are so dominant and Koko is still powerful. However when all is said and done, Flygon has very low stats for an OU Pokemon, and its typing of Ground/Bug also brings relevant weaknesses to Fire, Water and Ice.

Set: Banded
Flygon @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Earthquake
- Thunder Clap / Stone Edge
- U-turn

Pretty straightforward set, First Impression is perfect for revenge killing or at the very least forcing switches, U-Turn being just a way to hit-and-run, chipping foes that might try to switch in or hitting slower mons before Flygon can be hit. Earthquake needs no introduction. TC and SE are your coverage of choice.

Set: Sandstorm Setter
Flygon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Sticky Web
- U-turn
- Scorching Sands
- Roost

Simple set, basically provides both Webs and Sand in one team slot while also spreading burns, something unique to Flygon. While not the most optimal, it has decent bulk after the investments, although this set is merely for support and cannot deal much damage as a result.

Set: Dragon Dance
Flygon @ Anguish Bandanna / Life Orb
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Twineedle / Leech Life
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Thunder Clap
- Dragon Dance

The most common Flygon set, Dragon Dance Flygon is a threatening set-up sweeper due to the combo of Tinted Lens and Earthquake. As explained in the other set, SE and TC are the coverage of choice against Flying mons. Anguish Bandanna sets need to be careful due to the torment effect possibly disallowing them to use a move at the wrong time, which could either force out Flygon or make the player have to sacrifice it entirely

As mentioned above, Flygon is capable of running Quiver Dance, with its main move options being Scorching Sands, Bug Buzz, Earth Power, Boomburst, Flamethrower and Fire Blast. However, this set is less optimal due to the moves having a lot less utility and the Special Attack being noticeably lower than the Physical Attack.


Ground-Immune Steels: Skarmory and Corviknight both laugh at Flygon's STABs and are not damaged that hard by Stone Edge. Flygon may try to circumvent this through Thunder Clap or Fire Punch, but Flygon fears their Flying STABs too mcuh to stay in. Celesteela offers a simillar scenario, theatening it through Flamethrower.

Faster Water Types: Flygon may have decent neutral bulk, however its weakness to Water leaves it very vulnerable against Scarfers or naturallly faster Water-Types such as Greninja (+ Ash), Keldeo, Manaphy, Damp Rock Tornadus and Mega Swampert when under Rain.

Priority: Being a Bug/Ground leaves Flygon weak to all of Aqua Jet, Flame Bullet, Jetstream and Ice Shard. This means it fears all of Azumarill, Unfezant, Empoleon, Volcanion, Celesteela, Mega Pinsir's Quick Attack and even Fake Out from Mega Lopunny and Togedemaru, as well as Astonish from Alolan Marowak, though the later two would not want to stay in after using their respective moves.
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It's been a while, eh?

View attachment 262290
Flygon is a very versatile Pokemon that circumvents its mediocre stats through its variety of ways to boost damage. Dragon Dance along with Tinted Lens turn Flygon into a very difficult 'mon to switch into. Flygon also has pretty decent coverage, carrying Thunder Clap, Stone Edge, the elemental Punches and Superpower. On top of that, Flygon also has excellent STABs, with Earthquake being as good as always, First Impression hitting insanely hard with Tinted Lends, Twineedle breaking Sashes and Subs, Leech Life allowing it to heal and lastly U-Turn providing it a strong pivot move. While outclassed as a sand setter, it remains a decent option, given STAB U-Turn, burn-spreading with Scorching Sands and Sticky Web utility, as well as being able to use Storm Strike for a more accurate Rock coverage move. Flygon may also use Quiver Dance, but it has significantly lower Special Attack, as well as its special movepool being generally more limited than its Physical movepool. Electric immunity is also really great in a land where the Rats are so dominant and Koko is still powerful. However when all is said and done, Flygon has very low stats for an OU Pokemon, and its typing of Ground/Bug also brings relevant weaknesses to Fire, Water and Ice.

Set: Banded
Flygon @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Earthquake
- Thunder Clap / Stone Edge
- U-turn

Pretty straightforward set, First Impression is perfect for revenge killing or at the very least forcing switches, U-Turn being just a way to hit-and-run, chipping foes that might try to switch in or hitting slower mons before Flygon can be hit. Earthquake needs no introduction. TC and SE are your coverage of choice.

Set: Sandstorm Setter
Flygon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Sticky Web
- U-turn
- Scorching Sands
- Roost

Simple set, basically provides both Webs and Sand in one team slot while also spreading burns, something unique to Flygon. While not the most optimal, it has decent bulk after the investments, although this set is merely for support and cannot deal much damage as a result.

Set: Dragon Dance
Flygon @ Anguish Bandanna / Life Orb
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Twineedle / Leech Life
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Thunder Clap
- Dragon Dance

The most common Flygon set, Dragon Dance Flygon is a threatening set-up sweeper due to the combo of Tinted Lens and Earthquake. As explained in the other set, SE and TC are the coverage of choice against Flying mons. Anguish Bandanna sets need to be careful due to the torment effect possibly disallowing them to use a move at the wrong time, which could either force out Flygon or make the player have to sacrifice it entirely

As mentioned above, Flygon is capable of running Quiver Dance, with its main move options being Scorching Sands, Bug Buzz, Earth Power, Boomburst, Flamethrower and Fire Blast. However, this set is less optimal due to the moves having a lot less utility and the Special Attack being noticeably lower than the Physical Attack.


Ground-Immune Steels: Skarmory and Corviknight both laugh at Flygon's STABs and are not damaged that hard by Stone Edge. Flygon may try to circumvent this through Thunder Clap or Fire Punch, but Flygon fears their Flying STABs too mcuh to stay in. Celesteela offers a simillar scenario, theatening it through Flamethrower.

Faster Water Types: Flygon may have decent neutral bulk, however its weakness to Water leaves it very vulnerable against Scarfers or naturallly faster Water-Types such as Greninja (+ Ash), Keldeo, Manaphy, Damp Rock Tornadus and Mega Swampert when under Rain.

Priority: Being a Bug/Ground leaves Flygon weak to all of Aqua Jet, Flame Bullet, Jetstream and Ice Shard. This means it fears all of Azumarill, Unfezant, Empoleon, Volcanion, Celesteela, Mega Pinsir's Quick Attack and even Fake Out from Mega Lopunny and Togedemaru, as well as Astonish from Alolan Marowak, though the later two would not want to stay in after using their respective moves.

QC'd and added
Now SylveMons is playable in Generation 8, most of the Resources have been updated to reflect that, particularly the Rules, Viability Rankings, and Bugs Database. In this post will be the extra resources posted in the SylveMons Main Thread, which are the teambuilding tips and Agony Boots Speed Tiers.

- In order to allow the metagame to be playable with my limited knowledge of coding, you may notice that the team validator may validate illegal things. Because of this, you have to make absolute sure that your sets are legal. To help in this, move compatibility no longer matters, so you can have a No Guard Fissure Machamp (which isn't broken since the OHKO moves are Overheat clones anyway) or a Wish + Teleport Blissey. There are also multiple Pokemon and items that are banned, which can be seen the Hide box below. Assume that anything that's not banned is legal, including unreleased things, notably Floette-Eternal, Zarude, Custap Berry, and Gems
UBERS (based on the National Dex Banlist + Some bans from last Gen)

NatDex Unbans: :blaziken::blaziken-mega::tornadus-therian:
Dexit Ubers Unbans: :dracovish::melmetal:
Last Gen Unbans: :stakataka:
Currently Banned by Mistake as of this Post and will be Unbaned in the next Server Update: :landorus-therian::urshifu:(rapid strike):zygarde-10%:

Berserk Gene, Kommonium Z, Reverse Core

Arena Trap, Power Construct, Moody, Shadow Tag, Time Warp

Baton Pass, Evasion Moves

Stalwart + Calm Mind, Dynamax

- Since everything gets validated by the teambuilder, please, please, PLEASE verify your teams using /dt AND the archive to make sure that they're legal. A couple abilities have yet to be distributed (particularly Cold Blood and Loudspeaker), so it's important to check both /dt and the archive if you wish to use them. The Changes by Pokemon page is the most up-to-date and reliable resource.
- This is especially important when using Pokemon that lost abilities, like Rillaboom losing Grassy Surge for Loudspeaker or Blaziken losing Speed Boost for Sole Caliber

- Also make sure to put Mega Evolutions in the teambuilder unmega'd, as a current bug allows Pokemon to come into battle already Mega Evolved with their base form's ability

- Typings, including changed typings, are always visible

- Furthermore, I say that SylveMons is nearly fully playable as there are a few things that are not coded yet and a few bugs, which are stated below. As far as we know, only one of the bugs can crash battles, but if you find any, please let me, AquaticPanic, Scoopapa, or charizard8888 know.

Magic Room
Hot Tag
Sinister Arrow Raid
Malicious Moonsault
Oceanic Operetta
Dig (will be coded soon)
Dive (will be coded soon)
Fly (will be coded soon)
Shadow Force (will be coded soon)
Phantom Force (will be coded soon)
Let's Snuggle Forever

Home-Run Bat
Hot Potato
Grudge Dagger
Nocut Berry
Focus Band

Mind Trick
Time Warp (still has old effect)
Shadow Tag

Deerling & Sawsbuck changes for non-Spring forms

Dark Rising is only able to boost Attack
Acid Melt isn't super effective on Steel-types (will still hit Steel-types, however)
Shield Slam doesn't factor in Defense stage boosts like Body Press does
Megas can come pre-Mega'd with their base form's abilities
Quick Feet doesn't prevent paralysis
Cursed Body's Taunt effect can work on opponents behind Substitutes
Weather Warrior's Crystal doesn't work in Rain
Safety Socks & Tricky Seed crash battles when they would activate - please use Heavy-Duty Boots and Room Service, they do the same things
A Galarian Darmanitan holding a RageCandyBar turns into a Unovan Zen Mode Darmanitan
Anger Point, Infuriation, Perseverance, and Stalwart don't activate

- If you want to use Ubers and Dynamax, there is also now a SylveMons AG metagame, where you can do basically whatever within the bounds of the mod, including using changes to Ubers like Drizzle Lugia and Psychic/Poison Deoxys

- If you didn't already know, to use new moves, items, and abilities, you must manually type them in using the Import/Export button above the Pokemon. This does not have to be done for moves, items, and abilities that already exist; they'll show up as illegal but as long as it's on the sheet or in /dt, it's legal.

- Silvally can now change typings with Z-Crystals, but the sprite itself doesn't change, so out of courtesy, please use the matching Silvally sprite with the matching Z-Crystal
For those new to the metagame, here are some things to remember when building a team for OU

Metagame Overview
SylveMons is a very offensive metagame based on NatDex. There are numerous offensive threats to watch out for, particularly Zeraora, Kartana, Mega Aerodactyl, Hawlucha, Keldeo, and Mega Scizor, as well as new threats in Cinderace and Dragapult. While full-on Stall is usually unviable, there are still multiple very good bulky Pokemon that can alleviate the pressure put on by offensive threats, like Toxapex, Jirachi, Blissey, Chansey, Tapu Fini, Zapdos, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. Due to how common reliable hazard control is (more on that in the next section), Aurora Veil is a much preferred Hyper Offense style to Sticky Web. Otherwise, the most common playstyles are Balance, VoltTurn, and Weather Offense.

:sm/blissey::sm/jirachi::sm/tapu fini::sm/zapdos:
Hazard Removal
Hazard Removal is a completely different game in SylveMons thanks to the ability Housekeeping, which removes hazards on switch-in. 4 Pokemon get the ability, 3 of which being OU viable, being Chansey, Blissey, and Jirachi, the latter two also sporting new secondary Fairy-typings as well. This means that either Blissey or Jirachi will be a team's best choice for hazard removal due to their ease of getting in and role compression they offer. While Jirachi was the king of SylveMons last generation, this gen may belong to Blissey as Heavy-Duty Boots and access to a legal WishPort may make Blissey even more splashable than Jirachi was, while Jirachi may lean towards more offensive sets. Defoggers like Tapu Fini, Zapdos, and Mandibuzz are perfectly viable as well if Blissey or Jirachi can't fit your team

Not many new items in SylveMons make much of an impact, but 1 set of items sits above all else: the Torment items. The torment items are like the choice items (Anguish Bandanna for Attack, Distress Glass for Special Attack, and Agony Boots for Speed). But instead of boosting the stat in question 1.5x at the cost of being locked into one move, the Torment items boost each stat by 1.33x but force you to use a different move every turn much. Since a Torment effect is a fair trade off for some extra power and speed for some Pokemon and they can easily be bluffed, you must always be wary of the possibility of a Torment item on an offensive Pokemon, especially Agony Boots. However, due to the forced switching of moves rule, they aren't the best items for something with a single spammable move, so Choice items and Life Orb may still be preferred for some mons. Below are some important Speed tiers to consider with Agony Boots. The Swords of Justice, Serperior, and Infernape all commonly use Torment items. Another much less common item is the Blue Herb, which is a lot like the White Herb but instead of reseting lowered stats, it inverts all stats when 1 is lowered, essentially a 1 time Topsy-Turvy on oneself. While not many Pokemon can use it effectively, Dragapult and Sceptile can use Draco Meteor and Leaf Storm to get to +2 SpA and sweep using their high speed stats (especially with Sceptile's Unburden).
Neutral Nature Regieleki - 499
115+ Agony Boots - 481
113+ Agony Boots (Serperior) - 475
110+ Agony Boots - 466
109+ Agony Boots (Kartana) - 463
108+ Agony Boots (Keldeo, Infernape) - 461
105+ Agony Boots - 451
119 Agony Boots (Cinderace) - 448
115 Agony Boots, Max Speed 150s - 438
100+ Agony Boots - 437
113 Agony Boots - 433
98+ Agony Boots (Hydreigon) - 431
97+ Agony Boots (Urshifu-RS) - 429
96+ Agony Boots (Mimikyu) - 426
Max Speed Zeraora - 423
95+ Agony Boots - 422
Max Speed Dragapult - 421
93+ Agony Boots (Unfezant) - 417
91+ Agony Boots (Landorus-T) - 411
90+ Agony Boots - 407
Max Speed Mega Lopunny - 405
88+ Agony Boots (Excadrill) - 402
Max Speed 130s - 394
85+ Agony Boots - 393

Signature Items
The other impactful items in SylveMons are signature items. Light Ball now work on Pichu, Raichu, and the rest of the Pikaclones (Azumarill and Mimikyu don't count) and now I think you see why Raichu, Emolga, AND Togedemaru all made it to OU last gen while Zeraora languished in UU. Meanwhile, there are also new signature items tied to form changes for Meloetta-Pirouette (Relic Charm), Darmanitan-Zen (RageCandyBar), and Wishiwashi-School (Graduation Scale). Keep these items in mind when seeing these Pokemon in team preview, especially for Darmanitan as the rest of the team's components can allow you to predict which Darmanitan it is. Signature items also can no longer be knocked off on their appropriate Pokemon, so keep that in mind before trying to cripple a Marowak-Alola with Knock Off

Weather & Terrain
If you like weather, there's a LOT of weather in SylveMons. Tornadus gets the new Forecast, which allows it to set any weather if it holds the right weather. Damp Rock and Smooth Rock are the most common Tornadus items, though the Heat Rock can be useful as well as it's the only form with Special dual STAB, though the new Shadow Rock gives pseudo-STAB to Dark Pulse. Speaking of which, there are 2 new weathers in Shadow Sky and Air Current. The former boosts the power of Ghost and Dark-type moves by 1.5x while Air Current gives Hurricane perfect accuracy and weakens Electric, Rock, and Ice-type moves vs Flying-types by 0.75x. Weather and Terrains overall have a ton of new setters, so I recommend that you Ctrl+F your preferred weather or terrain ability on the Changes by Pokemon page of the archive and see what you can do.
115+ Agony Boots - 481
113+ Agony Boots (Serperior) - 475
110+ Agony Boots - 466
109+ Agony Boots (Kartana) - 463
108+ Agony Boots (Keldeo, Infernape) - 461
105+ Agony Boots - 451
119 Agony Boots (Cinderace) - 448
115 Agony Boots, Max Speed 150s - 438
100+ Agony Boots - 437
113 Agony Boots - 433
98+ Agony Boots (Hydreigon) - 431
97+ Agony Boots (Urshifu-RS) - 429
96+ Agony Boots (Mimikyu) - 426
Max Speed Zeraora - 423
95+ Agony Boots - 422
Max Speed Dragapult - 421
93+ Agony Boots (Unfezant) - 417
91+ Agony Boots (Landorus-T) - 411
90+ Agony Boots - 407
Max Speed Mega Lopunny - 405
88+ Agony Boots (Excadrill) - 402
Max Speed 130s - 394
85+ Agony Boots - 393
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(Posted as a new post instead of on the Role Compendium post cuz I fear the character limit)

The bar (|) separates Pokemon in UU or RUBL and Pokemon below RUBL but still worth a mention

Viable Megas:

Special::archeops::articuno-galar::beheeyem::chandelure::delphox::empoleon::floette-eternal::gardevoir-mega::hatterene::houndoom-mega::jolteon::kingdra::latias::meloetta::moltres::pelipper::porygon-z::roserade::slowbro-galar::slowking-galar::toxtricity::typhlosion::heliolisk::mr mime-galar::plusle::regidrago::shaymin:|:camerupt-mega::charizard::indeedee::nidoking::nidoqueen::sylveon::torkoal::vikavolt::yanmega:



Offensive::ambipom::archeops::arctovish::articuno-galar::azelf::barraskewda::beedrill-mega::beheeyem::boltund::celebi::cinccino::cobalion::diggersby::floatzel::gardevoir-mega::hatterene::jolteon::kingdra::latias::manectric-mega::meloetta::mienshao::moltres::morpeko::pelipper::pidgeot-mega::porygon-z::rillaboom::rotom-heat::sceptile-mega::slowbro-galar::slowking-galar::starmie::toxtricity::unfezant-f::urshifu-rapid-strike::zapdos-galar::ampharos-mega::arctozolt::braviary::electabuzz::electivire::exeggutor::heliolisk::lanturn::moltres-galar::mr mime-galar::plusle::zebstrika:|:arcanine::blaziken::crobat::darmanitan::feraligatr::noivern::rotom-mow::silvally::tsareena::vikavolt::yanmega::zarude:

Heal Bell / Aromatherapy / Bell Chime::altaria-mega::celebi::clefable::hatterene:|:bronzong::diancie::eldegoss::miltank::tsareena::victreebel:
Healing Wish / Lunar Dance::azelf::celebi::cresselia::gardevoir-mega::hatterene::latias::shaymin::mr mime-galar:
Other::sylveon::florges:(Preventative) :azelf::silvally:(Z-Parting Shot)

Entry Hazards:
Stealth Rock::azelf::celebi::clefable::cobalion::diancie-mega::donphan::empoleon::gigalith::hippowdon::krookodile::lycanroc::mamoswine::registeel::rhyperior::skarmory::steelix-mega::uxie::forretress::regirock:|:aerodactyl::camerupt-mega::claydol::diancie::miltank::necrozma::nidoking::nidoqueen::seismitoad::solrock::swampert::torkoal::wigglytuff:
Sticky Web::ribombee:|:araquanid::shuckle:
Toxic Spikes::cofagrigus::roserade:|:nidoqueen::tentacruel:

Hazard Removal / Prevention:
Housekeeping: :wigglytuff:
Rapid Spin::blastoise::cryogonal::donphan::morpeko::starmie::forretress::mr mime-galar:|:eldegoss::komala::tentacruel::torkoal::tsareena:
Magic Bounce::absol-mega::diancie-mega::hatterene::sableye-mega:|:necrozma:

Set-up Sweepers:
Swords Dance::absol-mega::banette-mega::beedrill-mega::breloom::cobalion::crawdaunt::diggersby::escavalier::glastrier::golisopod::haxorus::heracross::heracross-mega::leafeon::lycanroc::rillaboom::sandslash-alola::scizor::sirfetchd::mimikyu:|:bisharp::blaziken::exeggutor::silvally::stoutland:
Dragon Dance::altaria-mega::archeops::gyarados::gyarados-mega::haxorus::salamence::regidrago:|:aerodactyl::zygarde-10%:
Nasty Plot::azelf::beheeyem::celebi::houndoom-mega::mismagius::porygon-z::rotom-heat::togekiss::moltres-galar::plusle:|:necrozma::rotom-mow:
Calm Mind::articuno-galar::clefable::cresselia::delphox::floette-eternal::gardevoir-mega::hatterene::latias::meloetta::suicune:|:audino-mega::sylveon:
Quiver Dance::oricorio-pom-pom::ribombee:|:oricorio-sensu:
Agility / Rock Polish / Autotomize::celesteela::diancie-mega::diggersby::empoleon::moltres::porygon-z::zapdos-galar::ampharos-mega::braviary:
Iron Defense (For Shield Slam / Body Press)::registeel::skarmory::steelix-mega::forretress::regirock:|:shuckle:
Other::beedrill-mega:(Fell Stinger) :buzzwole::celesteela:(Beast Boost) :durant:(Hone Claws) :golisopod::grimmsnarl::urshifu-rapid-strike::zapdos-galar:|:zarude:(Bulk Up) :haxorus:(Scale Shot) :manectric-mega::rotom-heat::ampharos-mega::electabuzz::heliolisk::plusle:(Ion Absorb) :moltres-galar:(Berserk) :toxtricity:(Shift Gear) :blastoise::huntail::gorebyss:|:barbaracle::polteageist:(Shell Smash)

Field Effects:
Setters and Abusers are separated by a /
Forecast (Can set any weather)::maractus:
Rain::pelipper::vaporeon: / :barraskewda::blastoise::empoleon::floatzel::kingdra:|:mantine:
Sand::gigalith::hippowdon:|:regirock: / :lycanroc:|:stoutland:
Hail (Aurora Veil)::cryogonal::ninetales-alola:|:vanilluxe: / Any Setup Sweeper + :arctovish::arctozolt:
Sun::moltres:|:solrock::torkoal: / :delphox::typhlosion:|:blaziken::victreebel:
Air Current::altaria:
Shadow Sky::houndoom-mega:|:spiritomb::umbreon: / :banette-mega::grimmsnarl::weavile:|:umbreon:
Trick Room: :cresselia::hatterene::slowbro-galar::slowking::porygon2:|:claydol: / :arctovish::crawdaunt::donphan::escavalier::glastrier::hatterene::sirfetchd::slowbro-galar::ampharos-mega::arctozolt::regidrago:|:bisharp::camerupt-mega::conkeldurr::snorlax::swampert::torkoal::vikavolt:
Time Warp (Permanent Trick Room while user is active)::beheeyem:
Inverse Room::porygon-z::uxie::porygon2:
Terrains::jolteon::leafeon::roserade::exeggutor:|:ampharos::indeedee::sylveon:/ :sawsbuck:
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Slight Resource Update, since a good number of the resources found in this thread could fall under this category, I'm making a new category of resources called Articles. This will basically including any sort of informative guide that isn't an analysis. Articles will be archived here, with link sending you to where they were originally posted. Also, like with analyses, anyone can write them, you just need approval from me to add it to the list

Speaking of which, here's another article to add to that listing:

:sm/landorus-therian: SylveMons OU's Uncut Gems :sm/magearna:

SylveMons is basically "Chaos: The Metagame" and with it comes such wild changes such as the buffs to the Light Ball, Housekeeping, Wild Charge, Technician, the Knock Off clones, pre-nerf Time Warp, post-nerf Time Warp, Serperior, Torment items- I could go on but I think you get the point.

So, with so many new, wild, and shiny toys for everyone to play with, it's very easy to forget what normal feels like. And, as it turns out, there's a lot of good it what's normal, they were just hidden in plain sight. Thus, this is a list of some great team options for once you take that next step from using samples to building on your own that may go under the radar due to their lack of wild changes but you should never forget.

This is sort of similar to another article from the past, AquaticPanic's Hidden Gems, but these gems weren't exactly hiding; they were always here, just waiting for someone to make something great out of them.

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off

Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 144 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic

Notable Changes in SylveMons: Storm Strike
Of all the things to start this with, it's one of the Pokemon most notorious for having ridiculously high usage. What a backwards world we in the SylveMons Universe live in.

Anyway, Landorus-T is still an amazing Pokemon and you should use. Landorus got exactly 0 notable buffs, other maybe utilizing Storm Strike on Air Current teams but that's a niche gimmick on a niche playstyle. However, a Landorus-Therian with no buffs is still a Landorus-Therian and that means Landorus is still one of the best pivots, both offensive and defensive, that anyone could ask for. Its defensive set is a rare Stealth Rocker that can actually annoy all 3 Housekeeping users while also serving as great check to Mega Scizor, Cinderace, Garchomp, Meloetta-P, Stakataka, and more. It does face a bit of competition from Kommo-o in this role, though the momentum generating U-Turn is a huge reason to consider Landorus-T over it. And that's not to mention its great Choice Scarf set that makes Landorus-T of the best offensive pivots in the entire meta. Scarf Landorus speed ties with Agony Boots Kartana, and thus outspeeds the entire unboosted common meta other than Agony Boots Gengar and Serperior, so it gets the chance to smack around a ton of the metagame with its massive 145 Attack stat, being able to offensively handle the likes of Cinderace, Zeraora, Mega Gallade, Dragapult, and Raichu. Not to mention, Landorus-T also has a couple nice niche sets like Dual Dance and Agony Boots, though its awkward speed tier in a meta where Agony Boots are so prevalent. Despite that, overall, if you're new to SylveMons teambuilding, take comfort in knowing that you can fall back on this classic.
Magearna @ Assault Shield / Assault Vest
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 248 HP / 224 Def / 36 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Fleur Cannon
- Focus Blast / Ice Beam
- Volt Switch
- Iron Head / Gear Grind

Magearna @ Shuca Berry / Metronome / Leftovers / Fairium Z
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shift Gear
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt / Fleur Cannon
- Ice Beam / Focus Blast

Notable Changes: Gear Grind
Jirachi being one of the 2 best Pokemon in the tier and being a dominant Steel/Fairy shouldn't distract you from the fact that Magearna is still very very good. It's definitely a bit worse hear than in vanilla metas due to the omnipresence of Jirachi, which both checks it and gives it competition, and the heightened power level that makes it fold to a lot of strong attackers before it gets a chance to counterattack, but Magearna still manages be very threatening as a tank. It's, as of now, by far the best user of Assault Shield, the Defense version of the Assault Vest, which makes it an absolute pain to kill, especially with Wish support, while it can fire off Fleur Cannons, Volt Switch around, and even threaten a top switch-in in Blissey with Iron Head. For example, in this battle, watch as Magearna is able to stave off the nuclear power of a Mega Swampert in rain with a little help from WishPort Blissey which bought my team a lot of time. Magearna can also setup for free on most of the common walls in the meta and just run through them, either with Shift Gear + Calm Mind or Calm Mind + Pain Split. Overall, even if it's a bit worse than usual, Magearna is still mechanically marvelous
Tyranitar @ Choice Band / Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge / Storm Strike
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Earthquake

Tyranitar @ Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Earthquake

Notable Changes: Storm Strike, Thunder Clap, Meteor Shower, Crunch (80 -> 85 BP), Elemental Punches/Fangs (75 -> 85)
There's a lot of good Psychic and Ghost-types in the meta right now, like Spectrier, Beheeyem, Espeon, and Dragapult. You know what checks and proceeds to murder all of these by Pursuit trapping them? Weavile. But you know what can do that but better? Tyranitar. With all of the weather running amok in the meta, with your newfangled Tornaduses and Palossands and Zapdoses, you might've forgotten that the original OU weather setter still has a Choice Banded Pursuit waiting for any Psychic or Ghost-type that's feeling a little too comfortable. This alone is reason enough to use Tyranitar, as it can easily check nearly every Ghost and Psychic-type in the meta, even those with super effective coverage like Espeon and Latios, due to its great bulk in sand. Also having a powerful Rock-type move in Stone Edge or Storm Strike in the Sand hits a lot of the meta, too. While it's stupid slow and prone to taking huge amounts of damage before being able to dish it back out, Pursuit and Sand by itself make Tyranitar well worth reminding everyone about.
Latios @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Mystical Fire
- Calm Mind
- Roost / Aura Sphere / Slipstream

Latios @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Psychic
- Earthquake
- Mystical Fire
- Slipstream

Latios (M) @ Agony Boots / Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Mystical Fire
- Ice Beam / Draco Meteor
- Slipstream / Draco Meteor

Notable Changes: Slipstream, Aura Sphere (80 -> 90 BP)
Considering the fact that two best Pokemon in the tier are specially bulky Fairy-types and one of them is a Steel/Fairy-type, you'd think Latios has no place in the meta, right? Well, that's a little, as while Latios could threaten a lot of the metagame, it struggled to even scratch Jirachi. That was until Crown Tundra decided to give this thing Mystical Fire and everything changed. Suddenly, Jirachi had to be careful with how healthy it was, lest a careless switch-in turns into a 2HKO for Mega Latios. With it being able to at least pressure Jirachi, it becomes more clear how Mega Latios proves to be a fairly viable option as a Mega. A great 110 Speed tier outspeeds or ties most of the relevant unboosted threats, meaning that Mega Latios gets to hit hard and fast. The 110 Speed tier is also amazing for an Agony Boots user, outspeeding the dreaded Boots Kartana and even stuff like Scarfed Landorus, making it a great revenge killer. Psyshock does a huge chunk to Blissey, Mystical Fire or even Earthquake chunks Jirachi, and then there's Aura Sphere, Ice Beam, and Calm Mind to make it scarier, or Roost and Calm Mind to let it play the long game. While admittedly not the greatest thing out there, as Mega Latios wishes it could hold a speed boosting item and Agony Boots Latios wishes it had Mega Latios' natural power, if you looking for a strong special attacking Mega or something to get the jump on Kartana, Latios will not disappoint.
Greninja @ Groundium Z
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dig
- Gunk Shot
- Aquatic Assault / Ice Punch / River Stream
- Spikes

Greninja @ Distress Glass
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Extrasensory
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam / Gunk Shot
- River Stream

Greninja @ Waterium Z
Ability: Protean
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Gunk Shot
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Spikes

Greninja @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aquatic Assault
- Ice Punch
- U-turn
- Gunk Shot

Notable Changes: Aquatic Assault, River Stream, Ice Punch (75 -> 85), Pragma-Strike
Cinderace may have stolen it's spotlight as a typing changing wallbreaking menace, but that doesn't mean that Greninja doesn't still have a lot of trick up its sleeves. Most notably, it's probably the best Blissey lure in the entire game, being able to run Gunk Shot on basically all of its sets, kill it, then use powerful special attacks and set Spikes to its hearts content. If you have the blob, that alone is probably reason enough to consider it, but it's very high Speed that gets the jump on Cinderace and everything below makes it hard to revenge kill without revealing a Torment item and let's make sure that anything that KOes it won't walk away unscathed. And I haven't even mentioned how ridiculously versatile it is or how thanks to Aquatic Assault is can be a legitimately good physical attacker. At the end of the day, you can't bog down the SmogFrog
Lastly, I'll quickly go over some other Pokemon that could fit the main portion of this article but are either less uncommon than the above, not quite as viable, or aren't viable in National Dex OU so it's less likely that someone would know to use them

:moltres:Moltres - You know good Moltres is in Galar Dex OU as a wall? Now imagine that with a Fire-type Knock Off clone, a meta where hazard removal is ridiculously easy, AND Drought for offensive sets. Yeah. On paper, this is probably SylveMons' best kept secret.

:volcanion:Volcanion - Thanks to buffs to Mega Launcher that make it boost Fire Blast, Steam Eruption, and Sludge Bomb, this thing is one of the best Special Wallbreakers in the game and it's bulk means that it'll probably get a KO or two before going down, though you're forgiven for forgetting about it since it's not even UU in National Dex or Galar Dex.

:goodra:Goodra - A bulky Poison/Dragon-type with Thick Fat and recovery and options galore for Special, Mixed, and Defensive sets - Goodra is another very good Pokemon that's very unexplored right now, though, like Volcanion, it isn't very good in vanilla metas, so new players wouldn't know how good it is at first glance.

:charizard-mega-y:Mega Charizard Y - Faces a little competition from its brother, Mega Charizard X, and, to a lesser extent, Drought Moltres, but even if it gets walled by Blissey and Chansey forever, you can't ignore Sun-boosted Fire Blast from something with 159 Special Attack in any meta. Oh, and it has priority in Flame Bullet and Heatran insurance in Scorching Sands. Probably the best specially offensive Mega in the meta.

:melmetal:Melmetal - Doesn't like the popularity of Mega Scizor, Toxapex, Cinderace, or Rain, but like, it's Melmetal, Double Iron Bash is still just as hard to switch into as it is in vanilla metas, plus Trick Room being decent is a huge boon for it.

:thundurus:Thundurus - Not terribly viable and it fell off the face of the earth in both vanilla metas, but it has a ton of potential thanks to its 111 Speed, which outspeeds both the 110 and 109 Speed tiers, giving Agony Boots sets a huge advantage. Not to mention, it can effectively run sets in Nasty Plot + Prankster Thunder Wave with Ion Absorb, Special Agony Boots sets, and even Physical Agony Boots sets with Defiant and the buffed Wild Charge, Fire Punch, and Ice Punch.

In conclusion, while it's always great to use what's new to create scenarios that the world has never seen before, seeing how the stalwarts of the past are able to interact and adjust to future in combination with all of the new chaos brought to the table is what can truly create a diverse metagame, so I highly encourage experimentation with both the new and the old!
Another one for the articles archive, this will be part of a 3 part series that covers SylveMons Other Tiers. The first part below focuses on UU, the next will focus on RU, and the third will focus on AG and LC:

:sm/jolteon::sm/venusaur-mega:An Introduction to SylveMons Other Tiers: Part 1 - UU:sm/steelix-mega::sm/lycanroc:

So, you've been playing SylveMons and you like the normal OU metagame (or maybe you don't, that's fair), but you're looking from a change of pace from the Blisseys and the Jirachis and the rats and the Cinderaces and the like. Maybe a tier that still has some of the crazy stuff from SylveMons OU, but maybe not as crazy?

Have I got a deal for you.

SylveMons UU is basically exactly what it was advertised above; like normal SylveMons but a lot less crazy. If you're looking for something new and 100% blob free, here's a little help to get you started!

The following non-Uber Pokémon are banned from UU:
If you a take a lot at that banlist above, you're sure to notice right away that the 3 best Houskeeping users- Jirachi, Blissey, and Chansey -are all banned from UU. The ability those 3 Pokemon have to completely shut down the power of hazards while fitting in tons of role compression makes them all defining forces in OU and thus Housekeeping is a defining force in UU. Does UU have anything with Housekeeping that can have a similar effect?

Well, if we take a look at UU's Housekeeping users...
Yeah, no.
Sure, Cinccino's good, but not as a hazard remover, and Wigglytuff shares Blissey's typing, a lot of the same moves including Teleport, and a great HP stat of its own but everything else about it is extremely bad, come back for the RU article if you want to get something out of that thing.

Since UU's Housekeepers are only niche, the biggest difference between OU and UU is the hazard meta. While hazards still have somewhat of a place in OU, hazards are much more effective in UU since you have to take up a moveslot and a turn to remove them, so Pokemon that are renowned for hazard removal like Mandibuzz, Rotom-Fan, and Empoleon who couldn't quite find a place in OU have a lot more purpose in UU. Likewise, because Defog is much more common, Defiant and Competitive users like Zapdos-Galar, Milotic, and RU's Bisharp also have much more of a niche on teams that rely on hazards, which is an archetype that really isn't viable in SylveMons. Also, with hazard removal being harder, you can imagine that hazard setting is a lot easier and UU has plenty of options to offer in that regard; Clefable, Empoleon, and Hippowdon for Stealth Rock, Forretress, Roserade, and Golisopod for Spikes, Tentacruel and Roserade for Toxic Spikes, and even Sticky Web has a place now, with its best setters being Ribombee, Shuckle, and Araquanid.

Speaking of Housekeeping, another effect of there being virtually no Housekeepers is that Trick Room and, to a lesser extent, Inverse Room become much more viable archetypes. With extremely bulky setters in Cresselia and Uxie respectively, they'll be much harder to keep away. Plus, for Trick Room, while many of the strong Trick Room abusers are locked away in OU or UUBL, UU still has it's fair share of sluggish nightmares like Mega Camerupt, Crawdaunt, Conkeldurr, and Glastrier to wreck havoc. Also, since Time Warp is still effected by Housekeeping, Beheeyem enjoys much more freedom to rip into teams since it usually won't have to worry about its perma-Trick Room being overwritten.

The other big difference is that power creep is a lot less prevalent in UU. While there's still some absolute nightmares like Morpeko, Beheeyem, Diggersby, and Jolteon, for the most part, UU is a much bulkier metagame and thus fat and slow teams aren't quite as susceptible to getting run over like in OU, as long as they pack checks to the tier's strongest threats.

Speaking of which...
What's a metagame without big threats that everyone has to watch out for and what's SylveMons without that but on steroids? This section will go over some of the metagame's biggest threats and how to beat them.

Steelix @ Steelixite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Shield Slam
- Body Press / Earthquake
- Recrystalize
- Iron Defense

Steelix @ Steelixite
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature
- Shield Slam
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Recrystalize
One of the best, if not the best, Pokémon in the tier right now, Mega Steelix is a bulky behemoth that can fill a lot of roles. Thanks to its ridiculous 230 Defense and access to recovery in Recrystalize, Mega Steelix is an amazing physical wall, being able to shrug off most neutral physical hits even without Defense investment and can even stomach some Super Effective hits. On the special side, it's a lot more vulnerable but thanks to its great ability in Bulletproof, some of the scariest attacks for its typing to deal with like Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, and Fire Blast don't work against it, making the opponent look for alternative ways to get around it. Plus, if the opponent makes the mistake of using any one of those version against it, Steelix gets a free turn to set up Stealth Rock or set up an Iron Defense and go to town with the combo of Body Press and the Steel-type version of Body Press (that came first), Shield Slam. All of this makes Mega Steelix one of the best setup sweepers, hazard setters, and walls in the tiers.
How To Beat: The best way to beat Mega Steelix are with Special Attacking Water-types, whose Scalds and Hydro Pumps aren't block by Bulletproof. The best at doing this is probably Defensive Multiscale Milotic, since it can pretty easily switch in on an even boosted Shield Slam or Body Press. Rotom-Wash, Pelipper, Inteleon, Primarina, and the rarer Quagsire all get the job done as well, though be careful switching a couple those in. Alternatively, special attacking Ground-types with Earth Power, running Flamethrower or Overheat instead of Fire Blast on your Fire-types and special attackers, and burning it with Will-O-Wisp or Scald are all great ways to deal with it as well.

Jolteon @ Choice Specs / Magnet
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rising Voltage
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Signal Beam / Toxic / Weather Ball
This is very simple, Rising Voltage + Electric Surge with 110 Special Attack and 130 Speed is a recipe for disaster, are you really surprised that this thing is great? Most things don't want anything to do with a boosted Rising Voltage and the other that do usually don't take too kindly to Hidden Power or Toxic. Jolteon also Volt Switch to pivot on resists, making it tough to pin down and take out. Definitely the scariest special wallbreaker in the entire tier, though it's very one-note. Think of it as UU's version of Regieleki.
How To Beat: Mega Steelix is basically built to beat this thing, being immune to its Electric moves, Toxic, and even Weather Ball while not caring about HP Ice and Jolteon not really being able to afford running HP Water or Ground, it's a straight up counter to it. Outside of that, Latias and Rotom-Fan both make great checks to it as they float off the ground which severely weakens Rising Voltage. Though with Latias, be careful of Toxic or Signal Beam. Mega Manectric also deserves a mention as before Mega Evolving, it has Lightning Rod, so it can switch-in for free on Jolteon and threaten to OHKO it with a Mega Evolved +1 Electric Terrain boosted Ion Absorb. Generally, anything that either resists or is immune to Electric will annoy Jolteon, just be wary of Toxic. Also, priority and Scarfers absolutely destroy this thing, if you need an offensive way of dealing with it.

Beheeyem @ Macho Brace
Ability: Time Warp
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Psychic
- Dark Pulse
- Thunderbolt / Meteor Shower / Signal Beam
- Nasty Plot / Teleport
Time Warp's back and better than ever. Okay, that second part is obviously a lie, but don't underestimate the power of permanent Trick Room, especially in the hands of something as powerful as Macho Brace Beheeyem. Beheeyem with Time Warp effectively becomes the fastest Pokemon in the tier while also having insane power and not-half-bad bulk, so it's no wonder that it's an absolutely terrifying sweeper and revenge killer. It can Nasty Plot and rip through basically anything or pivot around with strong Teleports. You may have though that Beheeyem was a forgettable Pokemon before, but after you face it, it'll become unforgettable. Just ask the people who play Super Smash Mods Melee.
How to Beat: While they usually run physically defensive sets, Specially Defensive Mega Sableye basically spits in this things face. Its immune to its STAB and neutral to all of its coverage, none of which 2HKO unboosted, and can severely weaken it with Knock Off or even straight up OHKO it with Pragma-Strike. It can't come in on a +2 Thunderbolt or Meteor Shower, but otherwise it more than gets the job done. In general, specially bulky Dark-types with Knock Off or Pragma-Strike are your best bet, just be careful around Signal Beam or, in Mandibuzz's case, Thunderbolt and Meteor Shower. Beheeyem also suffers from 4 moveslot syndrome, so if it lacks HP Fire, AV Escavalier, Registeel, and Forretress both become great checks to it as well. And, as it it with any fast Pokemon, Beheeyem hates getting sniped by priority moves. AV Guard Up Escavalier in particular can even stomach Beheeyem's coverage moves at +2 and only has a 40% chance to die to +2 HP Fire. Lastly, if you're really desperate, using Housekeeping Wigglytuff to get of rid of its Room an either letting it die or Teleporting into a Pursuit trapper like Weavile can get rid of Beheeyem easily as well.

Leafeon @ Choice Band / Miracle Seed
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Leaf Blade / Swords Dance
- Double Kick
- Knock Off / Swords Dance
Oh, you thought we were done with Eeveelutions in terrains? While no where near as powerful as the Grassy Glide Rillabooms of old, 110 Attack with an Adamant nature with a 91 BP priority STAB move is still going to hit like a truck, making Leafeon one of the tier's scariest revenge killers. Plus, its physical bulk isn't bad either, which gives it opportunities to Swords Dance up and glide through teams like it's nothing. It's definitely lacking in the coverage department, but the 100 BP Double Kick and the always great Knock Off aren't bad options. It's no Rillaboom, but it will make you go boom if you're not careful
How to Beat: Considering how common terrain setters are in SylveMons, a great way to impede this thing is to simply change its terrain, as Leafeon is basically nothing without it. The best Pokémon to do this with is probably Indeedee-M, who can proceed to outspeed and OHKO it with Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain, or Sylveon, who can threaten it with its Misty Terrain-boosted priority Fairy Wind and can easily switch-in on both of Leafeon's coverage moves. Steel-types like Skarmory, Celesteela, Registeel, and Escavalier can also take whatever Leafeon throws at them and respond with a strong move or Toxic. Generally, anything that resists Grass and can either take another hit or outspeed and OHKO it should be fine, like Moltres, Rotom-Heat, Zapdos-Galar, and Heracross. Also, Mega Venusaur ruins this thing's life.

Lycanroc @ Rockium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Smash
- Extreme Speed
- Close Combat / Fire Fang
- Stealth Rock / Swords Dance

Lycanroc @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge / Head Smash
- Extreme Speed
- Close Combat
- Fire Fang
Lycanroc is both an amazing wallbreaker and revenge killer thanks to having a great Rock/Normal STAB combo bolstered by Adaptability and the coveted Extreme Speed. When Lycanroc's around, your glass canons are never safe. And for slower Pokemon, most don't want to catch an Adaptability Continental Crush coming off of Head Smash to the face, or even just a Head Smash. While it can use the fear it instills in others to get free opportunities to set up Stealth Rock, it can also throw all caution to the wind and pack a Choice Band or Swords Dance really mess things up. It may not be as hard to switch into as its slightly edgier orange brother in OU, but this dog is still bad to the bone.
How To Beat: Mega Steelix, Cofagrigus, Rhyperior, and the rare Runerigus and Garbodor can resist both of Lycanroc's STAB, taking away its two most threatening moves, and can handle a Close Combat before OHKOing it back. Other Pokémon like Escavalier, Skarmory, Scizor, or Hippowdon can come in on Extreme Speed and easily threaten Lycanroc out as well, especially if Lycanroc has already used up its Z-Move. While fairly rare, Ghost-types with priority and Fighting-types with priority that can take Extreme Speed also handily beat Lycanroc, so Mega Banette, Lucario, and Conkeldurr can stand up to it. Also, if all else fails, it anything manages to take a hit from it, Lycanroc will likely fall to whatever counterattack you have because of its extreme frailty and being worn down by Head Smash recoil.

Milotic @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Flip Turn
- Toxic / Moonblast / Haze / Ice Beam

Milotic @ Choice Specs / Life Orb
Ability: Competitive / Soul-Heart
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Moonblast
- Ice Beam / Hidden Power Fire / Recover
- Flip Turn
You don't know what fat is until you face Multiscale Milotic. Thanks to Multiscale and an immunity to hazards thanks to the Heavy-Duty Boots, Milotic can basically never get OHKO'd, making it an amazing wall and emergency stop to a setup sweeper. Even without that, Milotic is still the quintessential bulky Water: great 95/79/125 bulk allowing it to be a mixed or special wall, Scald to cripple physical attackers that target its weaker defense, Toxic to keep itself from being passive, Recover for recovery, and Flip Turn for momentum, plus a bonus in Haze that has amazing synergy with Multiscale. Milotic definitely reigns as the tier's best special wall, especially with all of the great options it has for partners
Hot to Beat: Strong Electric, Poison, and Grass-type moves from the likes of Jolteon, Morpeko, Leafeon, and Mega Beedrill may not OHKO Milotic due to Multiscale, but they'll do so much damage that Milotic is forced to spam Recover to get back to or around Multiscale range, which is almost always a losing battle for Milotic. Consistently knocking it below 50% so it can't Recover to full puts a ton of pressure on it, especially if it's not holding Leftovers, so just keep putting enough pressure on it until it switches out weakened or runs out of Recovers. If it's the offensive set, which is powerful but no Primarina, Mega Venusaur and Tentacruel shrug off anything it can do and specially bulky Grass-types and Water-types only have to worry about Ice Beam and Moonblast respectively.

Morpeko @ Light Ball
Ability: Hunger Switch
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Protect / Wild Charge / Rapid Spin
- Parting Shot
- Seed Bomb / Fire Fang
UU doesn't quite have a rat infestation like OU does, but that's not to say that there's nothing to abuse Light Ball down here. While Plusle struggles to stand out with Jolteon, Mega Manectric, and the Rotoms in the tier and Dedenne and Minun are better suited for RU, Morpeko stands out as great physical wallbreaker mostly thanks to the amazing move Aura Wheel, which lets it trip up its check by changing its type and netting an extremely useful speed boost that let it blow past faster offensive checks. It's no Raichu, but I think you should keep your rat poison handy, just in case.
How to Beat: It's a physical Electric-type, so the #1 answer to it is obviously Mega Steelix, but other Ground-types can take it on like Intimidate Krookodile and Donphan. However, traditional checks to its typing like Grass or Fairy-types are more situational due to Aura Wheel's type constantly changing, a more consistent way to deal with it is either using strong priority moves to abuse Morpeko's frailty or simply outspeeding as it can't hold a speed boosting item as has a pretty mediocre speed tier before an Aura Wheel.

Well, I can't talk about EVERYTHING, so here's a set dump for other notable threats in the metagame you can try out:

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Stealth Rock / Thunder Wave
- Teleport / Incinerate

Clefable @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower

Boltund @ Anguish Bandanna
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Ice Fang
- Fire Fang
- Volt Switch

Floatzel @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Aquatic Assault
- Double Kick
- River Stream

Sandslash-Alola @ Groundium Z
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Spiky Shield
- Swords Dance
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake

Slowking-Galar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 176 SpA / 80 SpD
Calm Nature
- Future Sight
- Acid Melt
- Teleport
- Scald

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Synthesis
- Hidden Power [Fire] / Leech Seed
- Giga Drain

Haxorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Obstinacy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dual Chop
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab

Cobalion @ Agony Boots
Ability: Knight's Blade
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stalwart Sword
- Sacred Sword
- Psycho Cut / Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Spore
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic / Hidden Power Fire

Rotom-Fan @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Flash Cannon / Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp / Pain Split / Toxic
- Defog / Pain Split

Oricorio-Pom-Pom @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Revelation Dance
- Air Slash
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Quiver Dance

Latias @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind / Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Mystical Fire
- Roost / Slipstream

Latias @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Trick / Defog / Mystical Fire
- Healing Wish / Mystical Fire

Mienshao @ Agony Boots / Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- Close Combat
- Hot Tag

Mandibuzz @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Knock Off / Pluck
- Roost
- Defog
- U-turn

Chandelure @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Mind Trick
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Soul Drain
- Overheat
- Substitute
- Toxic

Salamence @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dual Wingbeat
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Escavalier @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guard Up
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bug Bite
- Stalwart Sword
- Close Combat
- Drill Run

Escavalier @ Assault Shield
Ability: Guard Up
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
Adamant Nature
- Bug Bite
- Shield Slam
- Drill Run / Close Combat
- Knock Off
The easiest way to get into any tier is to build around a certain archetype, so here's just a few of the different archetypes you can try out if you wish to build for the tier.

Sample Team::latias::empoleon::manectric-mega::leafeon::lycanroc::clefable:
A very simple archetype to define, though actually very complex in practice, balance is precisely as advertised; a balance between offensive and defensive options. You have the walls to stop the opponent's offense and the attackers to get the KOes you need, very simple.
Recommended Pokémon: The majority of Pokémon fit on balance, but you don't want your walls to be too passive nor do you want your offensive Pokémon to be too weak since you can only have so many of either.
Sample Team: :ribombee::zapdos-galar::starmie::mamoswine::chandelure::rotom-mow:
One of the two playstyles that benefits the most from Housekeeping's absence, Sticky Web can now be a terrifying force. Ribombee's extremely high speed lets it consistently get webs up and being generally annoying with Stun Spore and then your slow-to-mid range speed offensive threats can got to town. And if your opponent tries to stop the party with Defog, you've got your Zapdos-G, Bisharp, or Articuno- G (if you're not running Sheer Force) or even Milotic and now the opponent has a bigger problem on their hands. Oh, and don't forget a Ghost-type to dissuade Rapid Spin.
Recommended Pokémon:
Sticky Web - :ribombee::araquanid::shuckle:
Defiant/Competitive Users - :zapdos-galar::articuno-galar::bisharp::milotic:
Ghost-types - :chandelure::banette-mega::mimikyu::mismagius::decidueye:
Wallbreakers and Sweepers held back by their speed - :heracross::heracross-mega::morpeko::sirfetch:unfezant-f::roserade::regidrago::nidoking::crawdaunt::sylveon::indeedee:
Sample Team::vaporeon::floatzel::kingdra::jolteon::forretress::sceptile-mega:
Rain is a tried-and-true classic and, despite Aurora Veil and Sand's best efforts, is probably still the best weather in this tier. The plan is simple, you set up rain with Pelipper or Vaporeon or even Forecast Maractus, then you get in the Swift Swimmers, usually Kingdra or Floatzel, and you kill things and then the things you can't kill will go down to a good Electric or Flying-type. Rinse (literally) and repeat until you win.
Recommended Pokémon:
Drizzle / Forecast Users - :vaporeon::pelipper::maractus:
Swift Swim Users - :kingdra::floatzel::barraskewda::mantine::kabutops::ludicolo::seismitoad:
Other Water-types - :empoleon::inteleon::rotom-wash::urshifu-rapid-strike::sharpedo-mega:
Electric-types - :jolteon::manectric-mega::rotom-wash::rotom-mow::heliolisk:
Unburden Users - :sceptile:
Steel-types - :forretress::empoleon::escavalier:
Flying-types - :salamence::articuno-galar:
Sample Team: :glastrier::cresselia::forretress::crawdaunt::camerupt-mega::exeggutor-alola:
The other beneficiary of the lack of Housekeeping, Trick Room is potentially the most terrifying field effect archetpye out there. For 8 turns thanks to the Room Extender, some of the strongest sweepers in the game get to run roughshod over the tier while most of them of being darn bulky. Sure it has its weakenesses, like the needing to use Rapid Spin instead of Defog since Defog gets rid of Trick Room and having a hazard remover at all wastes Trick Room turns, Taunt shuts down setting Trick Room in the first place, and most of the good long term setters are very passive, so it's not perfect, but maybe it'll put as much fear in the hearts of your foes as the original version of Time Warp did.
Recommended Pokémon:
Trick Room Setters - :cresselia::hatterene::slowbro-galar::slowking::porygon2::claydol::exeggutor-alola::mimikyu:
Strong But Slow Pokémon - :camerupt-mega::glastrier::hatterene::arctovish::arctozolt::crawdaunt::conkeldurr::slowbro-galar::vikavolt::ampharos-mega::escavalier::breloom::torkoal:
Rapid Spinners - :forretress::torkoal::blastoise::eldegoss::donphan:
:samurott::darmanitan::jolteon::steelix-mega::sylveon::mandibuzz: - Gen 7 Community-Create-A-Team Updated
:shaymin::milotic::moltres::haxorus::cofagrigus::beedrill-mega: - Shay's Rebellion (Shaymin Offense)
:solrock::diancie-mega::victreebel::moltres::boltund::darmanitan: - Sun
:cryogonal::huntail::necrozma::togekiss::steelix-mega::rotom-heat: - Aurora Veil
:gigalith::stoutland::mantine::roserade::mismagius::haxorus: - Sand
:sableye-mega::clefable::quagsire::victreebel::wigglytuff::registeel: - Stall
:houndoom-mega::weavile::registeel::oricorio-pom-pom::floatzel::donphan: - Shadow Sky
:archeops::boltund::eldegoss::cobalion::seismitoad::chandelure: - Special Archeops & "Eldegoss is here too" Offense
If you're looking to build for SylveMons UU in any of these archetypes and more, you should check out the role compendium to find Pokemon that'll fill the desired roles.

UU Role Compendium

And with that, I hope you enjoy playing and helping us develop this alternative way to enjoy the crazy world of SylveMons!
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UU Viability List
(alphabetical order within tiers)

:steelix-mega:Mega Steelix
:houndoom-mega:Mega Houndoom
:manectric-mega:Mega Manectric
:sharpedo-mega:Mega Sharpedo
:venusaur-mega:Mega Venusaur

:beedrill-mega:Mega Beedrill
:diancie-mega:Mega Diancie
:gardevoir-mega:Mega Gardevoir
:gyarados-mega:Mega Gyarados
:pidgeot-mega:Mega Pidgeot
:sableye-mega:Mega Sableye

:absol-mega:Mega Absol
:altaria-mega:Mega Altaria
:mr mime-galar:Mr. Mime-Galar
:sceptile-mega:Mega Sceptile

:ampharos-mega:Mega Ampharos
:audino-mega:Mega Audino
:banette-mega:Mega Banette
:camerupt-mega:Mega Camerupt
:heracross-mega:Mega Heracross
:pinsir-mega:Mega Pinsir
Last edited:
Gen 8 OU Speed Tiers

Includes Every Pokémon on the VR and Important Agony Boots Speed Tiers
657:aerodactyl-mega:Mega Aerodactyl150Positive312521
656:charizard-mega-x:Mega Charizard X100Positive312522
638:latios-mega:Mega Latios110Neutral312522
622:garchomp-mega:Mega Garchomp92Positive312522
598:aerodactyl-mega:Mega Aerodactyl150Neutral312521
530:tyranitar-mega:Mega Tyranitar71Positive312622
524:swampert-mega:Mega Swampert70Positive312522
492:charizard-mega-x:Mega Charizard X100Positive312521
478:swampert-mega:Mega Swampert70Neutral312522
475:tapu lele:Tapu Lele95Positive312521
466:garchomp-mega:Mega Garchomp92Positive312521
442:tapu fini:Tapu Fini85Positive312521
438:aerodactyl-mega:Mega Aerodactyl150Positive312520
433:floatzel:Floatzel115Positive31252Agony Boots
428:serperior:Serperior113Positive31252Agony Boots
423:thundurus:Thundurus111Positive31252Agony Boots
420:gengar:Gengar110Positive31252Agony Boots
420:lycanroc-dusk:Lycanroc-Dusk110Positive31252Agony Boots
420:latios:Latios110Positive31252Agony Boots
417:kartana:Kartana109Positive31252Agony Boots
415:infernape:Infernape108Positive31252Agony Boots
415:keldeo:Keldeo108Positive31252Agony Boots
415:terrakion:Terrakion108Positive31252Agony Boots
411:greninja:Greninja122Neutral31252Agony Boots
409:tapu bulu:Tapu Bulu75Positive312521
405:lopunny-mega:Mega Lopunny135Positive312520
404:cinderace:Cinderace119Neutral31252Agony Boots
402:nihilego:Nihilego103Positive31252Agony Boots
399:garchomp:Garchomp102Positive31252Agony Boots
399:aerodactyl-mega:Mega Aerodactyl150Neutral312520
397:thundurus-therian:Thundurus-Therian101Positive31252Agony Boots
397:tyranitar-mega:Mega Tyranitar71Positive312521
394:tapu koko:Tapu Koko130Positive312520
393:manaphy:Manaphy100Positive31252Agony Boots
388:hydreigon:Hydreigon98Positive31252Agony Boots
375:unfezant-f:Unfezant93Positive31252Agony Boots
362:excadrill:Excadrill88Positive31252Agony Boots
361:houndoom-mega:Mega Houndoom115Positive312520
350:gallade-mega:Mega Gallade110Positive312520
350:latios-mega:Mega Latios110Positive312520
350:latias-mega:Mega Latias110Positive312520
328:charizard-mega-x:Mega Charizard X100Positive312520
328:charizard-mega-y:Mega Charizard Y100Positive312520
328:medicham-mega:Mega Medicham100Positive312520
328:blaziken-mega:Mega Blaziken100Positive312520
319:latios-mega:Mega Latios110Neutral312520
317:tapu lele:Tapu Lele95Positive312520
311:garchomp-mega:Mega Garchomp92Positive312520
299:medicham-mega:Mega Medicham100Neutral312520
295:tapu fini:Tapu Fini85Positive312520
265:tyranitar-mega:Mega Tyranitar71Positive312520
262:swampert-mega:Mega Swampert70Positive312520
249:scizor-mega:Mega Scizor75Neutral312520
239:swampert-mega:Mega Swampert70Neutral312520
230:tapu bulu:Tapu Bulu75Neutral311760
220:tyranitar-mega:Mega Tyranitar71Neutral311680
218:mawile-mega:Mega Mawile50Positive312520
206:tapu fini:Tapu Fini85Neutral3100
199:mawile-mega:Mega Mawile50Neutral312520
186:scizor-mega:Mega Scizor75Neutral3100
107:slowbro-mega:Mega Slowbro30Neutral31440
96:steelix-mega:Mega Steelix30Neutral3100
94:mawile-mega:Mega Mawile50Negative3100
40:camerupt-mega:Mega Camerupt20Negative000
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Just stumbled upon this and have to say wow guys! This is incredible work and a fresh take on Gen 8. I hope this Pet Mod takes off as it looks pretty interesting to get into. It will take some time but perhaps we can make it a Seasonal one day. I'm going to take a dive into all the content as soon as I can to catch up.
A new and very different kind of article!

:sm/bergmite:THE SYLVEMONS ICEBERG: EXPLAINED:sm/bergmite:
Welcome to the SylveMons iceberg!... Yes I did make a whole iceberg for a Pet Mod that, like, 8 people at-most play. I am extremely bored.
For those who don't know what an iceberg is, an iceberg is basically a image with layers where, within each layer, are interesting bits of information or conspiracy theories about a certain topic. The tip of the iceberg contains more well-known theories or facts and the deeper you go, the more obscure and usually the darker or crazier it gets. If you want to see an example of an iceberg, I highly recommend watching this video about the Lost Media Iceberg.

You'd think that a Pet Mod of all things wouldn't have enough meat to it to warrant making an iceberg for it. And you would be wrong. SylveMons has had a crazy 4 year run, probably the craziest of any Pet Mod other than Fusion Evolution and Megas for All, so much so that there are so many stories to share with you in this iceberg. How many do you remember?
Broken Rats - Thanks to the buff to the Light Ball item that allowed Raichu and all of the Pikaclones to use it as well as Wild Charge and Ion Absorb both becoming stupidly powerful Electric-type moves, for a long time, a lot of the biggest offensive threats in SylveMons were Pikaclones, "affectionately" referred to as rats. These buffs in combination with a buff to the ability Surge Surfer even got one rat, Alolan Raichu, banned entirely. Rats, particularly Raichu, were a common sight until very recently when Light Ball, Ion Absorb, Wild Charge, and Alolan Raichu itself all got nerfed, making every rat much less common.

Rev - Rev simply refers to the original creator of SylveMons, Reviloja753. SylveMons got its name as Sylveon is Rev's favorite Pokémon and the name was inspired by the similar Pet Mod, Chuunmons. Coincidentally, both mods featured broken rats, though this was intentional in the case of Chuunmons.

Time Warp - Time Warp was an ability that set Trick Room for 5 turns on switch-in. This combined with the new item Room Extender, which extends the length of rooms by 3 turns, and numerous powerful slow Pokémon roaming the tier in Gen 7 like Wishiwashi, Mega Mawile, and Crawdaunt, Time Warp quickly became the single most broken thing in SylveMons, completely warping the meta around it. There were multiple attempts to introduce counterplay to it, like buffs to Housekeeping, Defog, and Splintered Stormshards and the introduction of the move Pragma-Strike, but eventually the ability was banned. It's since been nerfed to a Desolate Land clone for Trick Room.

Housekeeping - Housekeeping is an ability that immediately removed hazards and rooms on the user's side of the field when the user switched in. Due to the powerful nature of this ability and the infinite amounts of utility that users Jirachi, Blissey, and Chansey provided, all three of these Pokemon enjoyed periods where they were the best Pokemon in all of SylveMons. This lead to one of the three being virtually required to have on any viable team, making hazards much weaker than they are in vanilla OU. Housekeeping has been nerfed recently, but due to coding limitations, it hasn't been implemented yet.

SylveMons AG - SylveMons AG is a SylveMons Other Metagame and the only SylveMons OM that is its own challengeable tier on Dragon Heaven. Everything and anything is legal in SylveMons AG, including extremely powerful Pokémon and Dynamax. Due to the lack of rules and being based on an already insane Pet Mod, SylveMons AG is a metagame that's simply broken beyond belief. Top threats include Dragon Dance Teravolt Zekrom, Shield Slam Zamazenta-Crowned, Reverse Core Articuno, and even Light Ball Starter Pikachu.
Gen 8 Buffs - SylveMons was started in Gen 7, so when Gen 8 arrived, the new Pokemon all didn't have the chance to receive any of the new additions introduced in Gen 7. Since slates were over by this point, the council decided to give nearly every Gen 8 Pokemon buffs themselves, with some being pretty big like Thunder Punch Cinderace (when it still had Libero) and Thunder/Ice Fang Boltund, some had 0 effect on a Pokémon's viability like Fairy Lock Indeedee, and some were even nerfs, like Rillaboom's Grassy Surge being replaced with Loudspeaker. Some buffs were even retracted, like Air Stream Corviknight and Psychic Surge Hatterene

YouTube Videos - SylveMons is one of the few Pet Mods with content on YouTube and may have been the first to do so, with council member Yoshiblaze making an introduction video to SylveMons in April 2018. A second video was made in August 2018 that highlighted the finals of the first SylveMons Open. The videos have over 340 views combined.

Simi Buffs - This refers to the obscene amount of buffs that each of the Simis received in Slate 14, the second to last slate of Gen 7 SylveMons. Along with gaining a secondary Normal-typing, each Simi gained around 45 new moves, almost all of them viable, with notable additions being Thunderbolt, Swords Dance, each of the pledges (instead of just the one that matched their typing), Ice Beam, and Earthquake. The Simis enjoyed some success in RU in Gen 7 and earlier in this generation, though the nerfs to Blaze and its variants severely cut into their viability, with all 3 of them currently residing in NU.

SylveMonotype - SylveMonotype is simply the somewhat punny name for Monotype SylveMons. While it's very unexplored metagame, the abundance of weather setting abilities, type changes, terrain abilities, and buffs to lower tier Pokemon give the metagame a lot of potential

Broken Validator - Broken Validator refers to how, on Dragon Heaven, where SylveMons is playable, the team validator in the teambuilder didn't work properly. Due to then unknown coding errors, the validator currently allows Pokemon to have any items, moves, or ability, much like Hackmons, since this is the only way that SylveMons can be playable. Because of this, to retain the competitive integrity of the mod, players had to go by the honor system when building teams. This became a lot easier when Dragon Heaven received its own client, though some errors are still common like Flame Bullet Infernape, Meloetta-Pirouette without Relic Charm and Mega Evolutions without a Mega Stone (before this was fixed), and Flamethrower Serperior. On June 1st, 2021, the coding error that caused the broken validator was found and fixed at last for OU, though those who still wish to play in a lawless land can still use SylveMons AG's purposely broken validator

Longest Active Running Pet Mods Thread - SylveMons has the distinction of having he longest running active Pet Mods thread in the Pet Mods forum, being started in August of 2017. Every other thread in the forum was made in December of 2018 or later and out of active threads, the next oldest one is Crossover Chaos, starting in November 2019. Out of all Pet Mods, it the second oldest one that is still active behind Megas for All, which has had 6 iterations (Fusion Evolution was even older, but recently shut down) and it is the second oldest thread overall in the subforum, only behind the Pet Mods rules thread, which was made in 2016.

Resources Thread - Okay, if you're reading this article, then you're aware of the Resources thread. With SylveMons being such a big and hard to get into metagame, a resources thread was created in 2019 to help people learn about it. Modeled after the Clean Slate resources thread from Gen 7, the thread contains viability rankings, sample sets & teams, banlists, bugs, analyses, and articles like this one.
SylveMons Test Meta - The SylveMons Test Meta was a scrapped plan for SylveMons in Gen 7. Before, SylveMons was slowly being coded and developing as a meta which was then fairly stable (outside of Time Warp lol). As more slates came in, council member AquaticPanic proposed that we create a separate metagame for SylveMons called the Test Meta, where new winners would be playtested before being added to the main meta, kinda like Megas For All's Sandbox meta today, though it was for subsmissions that already won and the new winners would be added on a cycle of 3 months. However, the as the test meta kept getting updated, it eventually just became the main SylveMons metagame in Gen 7 with the new changes never being added to the original metagame, which grew increasingly outdated as time went on. Until the Gen 8 update changed the name of the SylveMons metagame back to just SylveMons, this predictably caused some confusion with the non-test meta sometimes receiving updates that the Test Meta was supposed to.

Misspelled Abilities - This refers to how there are two abilities in SylveMons, Dispersal and Ethereal Fist, that are misspelled as Disperal and Etheral Fist in the code. Coincidentally, both of these abilities were added in the very first slate. The mistakes most likely occurred because, and I literally just now realized this, both abilities are misspelled on the SylveMons archive.

Regice - Regice was, arguably, the single most broken thing in SylveMons history, which is saying A LOT for this mod. This is because of a beautiful combination of circumstances that conjured a monster. First, Hail got buffed to boost the Defense of Ice-types by 1.5x, which patches up Regice's "weaker" 80/100 physical bulk, giving it great defenses on both sides. Next, it got a recovery move in Recrystalize, which lets it abuse that great bulk and means that it doesn't care about hazards quite as much anymore. Then it got Snow Warning, which not only gave it a perfect accuracy 110 BP STAB move and a constant 1.5x Defense boost, but also boosted Recrystalize's healing 67% and let it instantly set Aurora Veil. These things alone, especially that last bit, make it broken, but hey, at least it's still an Ice-type and thus terrible defensively, right? That was actually enough to keep it almost balanced... until a little thing called a Reverse Core came along, which flips type effectiveness, thus giving Regice a ridiculously good defensive typing. All of these factors made it basically unkillable without a Galarian Darmanitan (which didn't exist in Gen 7) or Toxic, which can be covered for, or PP Stalling it. Thus, Regice was swiftly banned in Gen 7, then Reverse Core was banned, but due to its sheer bulk, Regice was not let back down into OU until this generation when it lost access to Aurora Veil, where it sits as a pretty good tank

SylveMons CCAT - Long ago in Gen 7, we held a Community-Create-A-Team to celebrate the launch of SylveMons UU. You can view the original team here, featuring the interesting first choice of Samurott, which had a niche in UU, but was firmly an RU mon. The team was updated as a Gen 8 UU sample team, which you can see here, replacing Thundurus, Marowak-A, and Hydregion with Jolteon, Darmanitan, and Mandibuzz.


:HyperSharna: - :HyperSharna: is an emoji on both the SylveMons Discord and the Fusion Evolution Discord that is an edit of the image above featuring a very angry Musharna. The emoji references how, with Time Warp being broken back in the day, this meant that Musharna was an absolute menace that should be feared. Matter of a fact, Musharna was basically the first mascot of SylveMons before Jirachi. Even with Time Warp being nerfed, Musharna now roams RU where it can be a menacing late game sweeper

Zekrom & Reshiram in OU - Yeah, Zekrom & Reshiram were in OU once. That actually happened. You see, in slate 9, an overhaul of Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem-Black, and Kyurem-White by Rev managed to get voted in, with Zekrom becoming Electric/Dark, Reshiram being Fire/Fairy, Kyu-B being Dragon/Dark, and Kyu-W being Dragon/Fairy. They were meant to be nerfed down to OU, so their STAB options were made much weaker. For example, Zekrom's best STABs were Pragma-Strike (75 BP Dark move) and Thunder Clap (100 BP Electric move). Plus, this was Gen 7, so it didn't have Dragon Dance. However, there were some problems that immediately became apparent during a testing roomtour. First of all, Reshiram and Zekrom's new STAB options weren't even THAT weak. This meant that with their insane stats, they'd still rip apart just about anything. Not to mention, their stats gave them insane bulk with reliable recovery, so they'd be hard to wall and hard to kill and this is before considering any team support they had. Not to mention, Reshiram's changes actually buffed it really. Thus, after literally a single roomtour game, the changes were swiftly reversed and Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem-White were swiftly rebanned.

Technician & The Elemental Punches - Technician was buffed in slate 4 to include moves with 61-75 BP. One reason why the buff was proposed was explicitly stated to allow Pokémon like Ambipom, Floatzel, and Meloetta-Pirouette abuse boosted Ice, Fire, and Thunder Punches. Now guess how the person who subbed that must've felt when in slate 10, the elemental punches were buffed to 85 BP, thus no longer being boosted by Technician. This situation is commonly cited as one of the funniest and stupidest things about SylveMons.

Banner & Mascot - We all know that Jirachi is basically the mascot of SylveMons, but did you know there's an actual custom mascot sprite for it? Here it is:

There's also a little used banner for SylveMons, which you can see here. Both of these were made by AquaticPanic
BOTS8 YB - If you frequented Dragon Heaven earlier in the year, you may have noticed a user by the name of BOTS8 YB. Given the name, it was safe assume that this user was a new battle bot, in the same vein as the legendary BatterBotto of old. This hypothesis would be further supported by the fact that BOTS8 YB was commonly seen battling user piikiki4 (Yoshiblaze's Showdown alt) in SylveMons (and To The Gigantamax) all day, which is very botlike behavior. However, as some Showdown users found out upon attempting to challenge the so-called bot, it turns out that the "bot" was just another one of Yoshiblaze's alts that he uses to realistically battle himself. The alt itself was created for Week 8 of NU's Boss of the Sauce competition (which funnily enough involved no laddering that week), with the name standing for "Boss of the Sauce 8 Yoshiblaze." To avoid confusion, Yoshiblaze has since made his second alt "piikiki4 but again"

Poppy - The Poppy is an item added to SylveMons in slate 7 that is supposed to make any Pokemon that comes in contact with the holder drowsy and then being consumed. However, while coded, it currently doesn't work. But the thing is that for a long time, it was simply not known that the item was coded. It has likely been coded ever since it was voted in, but seemingly nobody found out until Dragon Heaven's client was created and new items were visible in teambuilder. Another obscure addition includes the buff to Sinister Arrow Raid being discovered after an obscene amount of time as well

Perseverance Buzzwole - Perseverance is an ability that boosts the user's Special Defense by 1 every time they're hit, acting exactly like Stamina but for Special Defense. This was the original Hidden Ability of Buzzwole before eventually being replaced by Bloodsucker. As I'm sure you can imagine knowing Buzzwole's stats, after a couple turns of taking hits and Bulking Up, Buzzwole became an unkillable and unwallable killing machine, leading to the combination of Buzzwole and Perseverance being swiftly banned after ruining a roomtour or two. This ban stayed in SylveMons' banlist for a very long time, even after Buzzwole received Bloodsucker as a replacement, only being removed very recently

SylveMons LC - SylveMons LC, as you can imagine, is the Little Cup version of SylveMons. LC is already a super offensive metagame, but adding in crazy stuff from SylveMons like new multihit moves, Eviolith (before it was banned from LC), high powered moves and power boosting abilities, and the Knock Off clones, and you've got yourself one powerful metagame. While some very good defensive Pokemon exist, like Regenerator Lickitung, Fairy/Poison Spritzee, Mareanie, and Sandygast, the top threats of the tier all hit like absolute trucks, like Technician River Stream Buizel, to the shockingly bulky Nasty Plot Poipole (which was made legal when SylveMons teambuilder was broken), to Skill Link Heartbeat + Tail Slap Minccino, and even Psychic Surge Expanding Force Gothita. While not AG levels of crazy, it's still a very fun and very funny metagame.

Eternal Discussion Phase - SylveMons is run by Yoshiblaze and AquaticPanic but the thread was created by Rev, so after she left the mod, SylveMons was plunged into an endless Discussion Phase since the title of the thread could never be edited. Even during the last few slates, the Gen 8 slate, and the balance slate, SylveMons technically remained in a balance slate as seen by its unchanging title. Now that both Yoshiblaze and AquaticPanic are both Pet Mods moderators, they do have the power to change it, but, ironically, the thread is often in a Discussion Phase anyway, making it pointless to change it

Aquatic Assault - Aquatic Assault is a Water-type clone of the move Close Combat, but it gets on to the iceberg as, coincidentally, one of the council members and main contributors to the mod is AquaticPanic, who often goes by Aquatic. Thus, Aquatic Assault can be read as assaulting Aquatic or assaulting AquaticPanic, leading to a running joke about the move.

Gen 7 UU VR - This refers to how on the Gen 7 UU Viability Rankings, which were never fully completed, the only Pokémon ranked was Kommo-o, who resided in A Tier. Kommo-o was far away the best Pokémon in the tier thanks to its versatility and bulk, so it was very deserving of being the only Pokémon ranked.

Earlio vs Moosical - Earlio vs Moosical was a series of battles between earl and Moosical that took place numerous times over the course of the first Pet Mods Grand Slam, with the two facing off in the Type Optimisation Open Finals, the SylveMons Open Finals, and the PMGS Playoffs Finals, with Moosical winning their series 2-1 thanks to winning the final game of their five game playoffs set in SylveMons. Given the frequency of the matchup and the skill of both players, this can be considered one of the earliest rivalries in a newly competitive Pet Mods community and one that was very much connected with SylveMons. A video was made highlighting their SylveMons Open set which you can see here.

SylveMons elements in Other Mods - As SylveMons is such a big mod and one that can be described as "Oh I think that would be cool" The Mod, it's not surprising that there numerous elements from SylveMons that are used in other Pet Mods. Some examples in includes the Home-Run Bat, Macho Brace, Eviolith, and Bloodsucker appearing in Item Factory (as the Vacuum Bag, Power Gel, Everstone, and Big Root respectively), Mega Banette X from Mega Mirrors acting very similarly to Mega Banette in SylveMons with Prankster Copycat, and Magic Healing appearing in ViAbilities as Healer.
Time Warp is still broken - Time Warp was, of course, insanely broken before it got nerfed, but what if I told you that it's still insanely broken? You see, with all of Beheeyem's options, plus the declining popularity of Housekeeping thanks to its nerf, plus Musharna's dominance in the old RU, plus Elgyem actually being viable in NU, one day Beheeyem and the Time Warpers will soon rise again and bring SylveMons to its knees, mark my words. Oh, also Beheeyem was actually broken in Smash Mods Melee
VaporeMons - Vaporeon is a "proposed" SylveMons-like Pet Mod run by AquaticPanic, who's favorite Eeveelution is Vaporeon. There's currently no word on its development
:sm/combusken::sm/tapu bulu::sm/zygarde:
SylveMons RMT - Given how Pet Mods weren't seen as legitimate metagames in the past, you may be surprised that there's a SylveMons RMT out there. However, to celebrate his 1,000th post on the Forums, Yoshiblaze put out this RMT for SylveMons, named after the song "I'm Still Here" from the Disney animated movie Treasure Planet. The RMT got a good amount of attention but, as of now, (as far as I know), there hasn't been another SylveMons or Pet Mods RMT since
Mulp Berry Pineco - The Mulp Berry is a pinch berry that sets Stealth Rock when it activates. While this sounds like a good item, in a meta where hazard removal is extremely easy, suicide lead strategies are pretty much obsolete, at least in OU. However, this didn't stop Yoshiblaze from using a whimsical Mulp Berry Suicide Lead Pineco in early roomtours. The little pinecone won over the hearts of many and even earned a spot on the Gen 7 OU VR in the "Meme Rank" with Shuckle
Ion Absorb was a mistake - Ion Absorb was one of the most powerful moves ever added to SylveMons, giving already powerful Electric-types like Raichu and Emolga a monstrous 160 BP STAB move after 1 turn that murdered everything not named Blissey until it go nerfed down to 40 BP. However, what if I told you that it wasn't supposed to be this way? You see, in the original sub for Ion Absorb, it was specified that Ion Absorb's Charge effect was not supposed to activate again if the used charged move was Ion Absorb, so it would be 80 BP, then 160, then 80 again if you were to use it 3 times in a row. However, either due to a coding limitation or a misinterpretation, the charge effect was applied again if Ion Absorb was used again, so it would continuously be 160 BP if used over and over. So, if you ever got swept by an Ion Absorb-spamming Raichu... uh, woops?
The 2nd SylveMons Open was Won by someone using a normal OU team - The Second SylveMons Open was just a mess overall, with only 8 entrants and, out of 7 sets, only 3 sets were played and the finals were not one of them. So, it's about right that the winner of the whole thing, Velvet Blood (now known as velvet), wasn't even using a SylveMons team. In the one set they got to play, velvet used a standard Gen 7 OU Sticky Web team in order to defeat Yoshiblaze 2-1 in the Semifinals. With a DQ win in the finals, velvet secured the tourney without even needing to tap into SylveMons' crazy offerings. Now that SylveMons has a teambuilder client that makes teambuilding much more feasible, this is unlikely to ever happen again.

The most broken things haven't been found yet - This is a theory that, with SylveMons being as big as it is, something huge may have slipped under the cracks and is just waiting to be found to take over the metagame. This theory has a lot of merit to it, as many big things over the course of SylveMons have fallen through the cracks before, like Blaze Infernape being ranked at C+ at the beginning of Gen 7 before its near unwallable Fire moves were discovered. Not to mention some less drastic cases like Lycanroc-Dusk, Ring Target, Double Hit/Kick Meloetta-P, Technician Bug Bite Kricketune, and Guillotine Lurantis. I encourage each and everyone of you to go out and find the next great innovation of SylveMons

Game Freak stole from SylveMons - I mean, come on, this is obvious. Body Press? Fighting-type Shield Slam. Heavy-Duty Boots? Safety Socks. Terrain Pulse? All-Terrain Blast but a pulse move. Flip Turn? River Stream but 10 BP less. Someone here must work a at Game Freak and they must be a big fan or something, because they are clearly leaking some of our ideas to the big men upstairs. If you're listening, maybe shout us out next time?

And that's the iceberg! How many did you know? How much did you learn? What would you add? In any case, I hope you had fun taking a look at the wild history of SylveMons!

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Got bored, so here's some minor JolteMons Resources, helping you with move categories for Iron Fist and Overclock. Will try to continuously update these as the last 5 slates go on

MoveTypeCategoryPowerAccuracyLearned By
Acidic Fists
Arm Thrust
Bullet Punch
Comet Punch
Dizzy Punch
Double Iron Bash
Drain Punch
Dynamic Punch
Enchanted Punch
Fire Punch
Focus Punch
Hammer Arm
Ice Hammer
Ice Punch
Mach Punch
Mega Punch
Meteor Mash
Plasma Fists
Power-Up Punch
Shadow Punch
Sky Uppercut
Surging Strikes
Thunder Punch
Wicked Blow
MoveTypeCategoryPowerAccuracyLearned By (Overclock)Learned By (Optimistic)
Clanging Scales
Close Combat
--Unaffected by Overclock:sunflora::crobat::braviary::exeggutor-alola::turtonator:
Draco Meteor
Dragon Ascent
Fleur Cannon
Hammer Arm
Hyperspace Fury
Ice Hammer
Leaf Storm
Lightning Lance
Psycho Boost
Scale Shot
Shell Smash
----Unaffected by Overclock:turtonator:
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Gonna keep adding JolteMons Resources here for now, but when we make enough I'll move all these to a thread of their own


Every Pokémon listed is on the VR + a select few others, separated by a |
Last Updated: 8/15/22

Signature Item Users:
Viable Megas: :lopunny-mega::mawile-mega::houndoom-mega::scizor-mega::alakazam-mega::latias-mega::medicham-mega::sableye-mega::charizard-mega-y::diancie-mega::gallade-mega::swampert-mega::garchomp-mega::gyarados-mega::ampharos-mega::tyranitar-mega::camerupt-mega::gardevoir-mega::slowbro-mega::beedrill-mega::venusaur-mega: :heracross-mega::lucario-mega::sceptile-mega::metagross-mega:| :charizard-mega-x::kangaskhan-mega::steelix-mega::audino-mega:
Viable Z-Move Users: :mew::mimikyu:|:primarina:
Other Signature Items: :wishiwashi-school::raichu-alola::darmanitan-zen::darmanitan-galar-zen::mimikyu::regigigas::flapple:| :marowak::marowak-alola::cherrim-sunshine:

Stealth Rock: :clefable::ferrothorn::garchomp::gliscor::heatran::landorus-therian::diancie-mega::jirachi::mew::garchomp-mega::excadrill::tyranitar-mega::camerupt-mega::nihilego::torkoal::runerigus: :empoleon::cobalion::wormadam-sandy::metagross-mega::hippowdon:| :steelix-mega::typhlosion::uxie:
Spikes: :ferrothorn::greninja-ash::skarmory::mew::greninja::slowbro-mega::terrakion::wormadam-sandy:|:chesnaught:
Toxic Spikes: :toxapex: | :mismagius::chesnaught::slowbro-mega: (Prickly Coat, if hit by a contact Poison-type move)
Sticky Web: :orbeetle:|:ribombee::leavanny::ariados:

Suicide Leads: :landorus-therian::mew::excadrill:| :azelf:

Hazard Control:
Rapid Spin: :excadrill::gardevoir-mega::rhyperior::torkoal::gyarados-mega: :regieleki::wormadam-sandy:|:avalugg: :krookodile::blastoise::tentacruel:
Defog: :gliscor::landorus-therian::moltres-galar::tapu fini::scizor-mega::zapdos::pelipper::rotom-wash::tornadus-therian::corviknight::cresselia::empoleon::zapdos-galar: :dragonite:| :mantine::weezing-galar:
Magic Bounce: :articuno-galar::sableye-mega::diancie-mega::hatterene:

Pursuit: :weavile::tyranitar::tyranitar-mega::gyarados-mega::muk-alola:|:krookodile:
Magnet Pull: :magnezone:|:magneton:
Other: :heatran: (Magma Storm) :tapu fini: (Whirlpool) |:pyukumuku:(Block)

Offensive Roles:
Physical Wallbreakers: :lopunny-mega::melmetal::garchomp::landorus-therian::mawile-mega::kartana::weavile::medicham-mega::gallade-mega::swampert-mega::victini::zapdos-galar::bisharp::garchomp-mega::rillaboom::tapu bulu::excadrill::tyranitar::tyranitar-mega::urshifu::crawdaunt::dracozolt::hoopa-unbound::zarude-dada::beedrill-mega::darmanitan-galar-zen::nidoking::terrakion::regigigas::heracross-mega::regieleki: :metagross-mega::flapple:| :marowak::kangaskhan-mega::charizard-mega-x::haxorus::eelektross::metagross:
Special Wallbreakers: :tapu koko::dragapult::greninja-ash::houndoom-mega::kyurem::raichu-alola::volcarona::zapdos::zeraora::alakazam-mega::blacephalon::tapu lele::charizard-mega-y::darmanitan-zen::pelipper::gourgeist::hydreigon::camerupt-mega::gardevoir-mega::venusaur::volcanion::nidoking::goodra::keldeo::wishiwashi-school::sceptile-mega:|:lumineon::primarina::chandelure:
Mixed Wallbreakers: :zeraora::diancie-mega::arctozolt::hydreigon::infernape::dracozolt::nidoking:

Taunt-Based Stallbreakers: :heatran::moltres-galar::tapu fini::magmortar::mesprit: | :mismagius:
Set-Up Based Stallbreakers: :clefable::gliscor::gyarados-mega::serperior:|:gengar::reuniclus:

Choice Item Users:
Choice Band: :weavile::victini::zapdos-galar::rillaboom::tyranitar::urshifu::crawdaunt::hoopa-unbound::metagross::terrakion: :dragonite::zarude-dada:| :barraskewda:
Choice Specs: :tapu koko::dragapult::greninja-ash::kyurem::zeraora::blacephalon::tapu lele::magnezone::gourgeist::hydreigon::volcanion: :pelipper:| :kingdra::lumineon:
Choice Scarf: :landorus-therian::kartana::tapu lele::ditto::magnezone::victini::hydreigon::rotom-mow::greninja::tapu fini::cresselia::zarude-dada:|:chandelure:

Setup Sweepers:
Bulk Up: :zarude-dada::scizor-mega:
Rototiller: :ferrothorn: | :meganium:
Curse: |:snorlax::steelix-mega:
Coil: |:eelektross:
Dragon Dance: :gyarados-mega::kommo-o::dragonite: | :charizard-mega-x:
Swords Dance: :garchomp::gliscor::landorus-therian::mawile-mega::kartana::scizor-mega::weavile::gallade-mega::hawlucha::bisharp::garchomp-mega::rillaboom::tapu bulu::decidueye::excadrill::crawdaunt::mimikyu::terrakion::heracross-mega::lucario-mega:|:marowak:
Calm Mind: :clefable::tapu fini::latias-mega::tapu lele::reuniclus::mesprit::keldeo::hatterene:|:primarina:
Belly Drum: :kommo-o: | :azumarill:
Nasty Plot: :moltres-galar::houndoom-mega::raichu-alola::mew::tornadus-therian::hydreigon::gourgeist::mesprit::rotom-mow:|:rotom-fan::gengar:
Tail Glow: :manaphy:
Clangorous Soul: :kommo-o:
Quiver Dance: :volcarona:
Agility: :moltres-galar:
Scale Shot: :garchomp::garchomp-mega:|:haxorus:
Power-Up Punch: :lopunny-mega:|:kangaskhan-mega:
Shell Smash: :samurott:| :polteageist:
Geomancy: | :wigglytuff:
Growth: :venusaur:
Beast Boost: :kartana::nihilego:
Moody: :decidueye::mesprit:
Speed Boost: | :blaziken::rotom-fan:
Contrary: :serperior:
Shift Gear: | :banette-mega:

Sucker Punch: :mawile-mega::bisharp::flapple:|:cinderace::kangaskhan-mega:
Fake Out: :lopunny-mega::medicham-mega:|:kangaskhan-mega:
Water Shuriken: :greninja-ash:
Bullet Punch: :scizor-mega::lucario-mega::metagross-mega:|:metagross:
Ice Shard: :weavile:
Grassy Glide: :rillaboom:
Aqua Jet: :urshifu-rapid-strike::crawdaunt: | :azumarill:
Bonemerang: |:marowak::marowak-alola:
Vacuum Wave::kartana::keldeo:
Extreme Speed::dragonite:

U-Turn: :wishiwashi-school::tapu koko::dragapult::gliscor::landorus-therian::moltres-galar::articuno-galar::zapdos::darmanitan-zen::jirachi::pelipper::tornadus-therian::victini::zapdos-galar::corviknight::hydreigon::infernape::rillaboom::urshifu-rapid-strike::greninja::zarude-dada::darmanitan-galar-zen::beedrill-mega::orbeetle::flapple:|:cinderace::ribombee::lumineon:
Volt Switch: :tapu koko::raichu-alola::zapdos::zeraora::magnezone::rotom-wash::ampharos-mega::cobalion::rotom-mow::regieleki:| :raikou:
Flip Turn: :alomomola::swampert-mega::empoleon: |:primarina::eelektross::politoed: :blastoise::barraskewda::kingdra:
Parting Shot::guzzlord: | :mismagius:
Teleport: :clefable::blissey::slowbro::sylveon:|:uxie:
Buzz Off: |:leavanny::ariados:

Defensive Roles:
Physical Walls: :wishiwashi-school::clefable::garchomp::gliscor::landorus-therian::toxapex::articuno-galar::zapdos::alomomola::sableye-mega::skarmory::slowbro::tangrowth::buzzwole::mew::pelipper::rotom-wash::corviknight::kommo-o::ampharos-mega::rhyperior::slowbro-mega::torkoal: :runerigus::cobalion:|:chesnaught::steelix-mega:
Special Walls: :ferrothorn::heatran::moltres-galar::tapu fini::toxapex::scizor-mega::blissey::gastrodon::jirachi::slowking-galar::amoonguss::chansey::empoleon::gyarados-mega: :cresselia::goodra::venusaur-mega::aegislash::muk-alola::sylveon::hippowdon:| :blastoise::slowking::audino-mega::uxie:
Mixed Walls: :wishiwashi-school::ferrothorn::tapu fini::toxapex::scizor-mega::blissey::sableye-mega::tangrowth::jirachi::mew::amoonguss::rhyperior::shedinja::cresselia::venusaur-mega::hippowdon:| :audino-mega::uxie:

Wish: :clefable::alomomola::blissey::chansey:| :audino-mega:
Heal Bell / Aromatherapy: :clefable::blissey::chansey::ampharos-mega: | :audino-mega:
Healing Wish / Lunar Dance: :jirachi::cresselia: :hatterene:
Sparkly Swirl::sylveon:

Uses A Recovery Move: :wishiwashi-school::clefable::garchomp::gliscor::toxapex::articuno-galar::chesnaught::scizor-mega::zapdos::alomomola::blissey::latias-mega::sableye-mega::skarmory::slowbro::tangrowth::buzzwole::gastrodon::jirachi::mew::pelipper::chansey::corviknight::ampharos-mega::rhyperior::empoleon::gyarados-mega::runerigus::cresselia: :sylveon::hippowdon:| :steelix-mega::audino-mega::slowking::blastoise:

Field Effects:
Light Screen / Reflect: :tapu koko: | :mesprit:
Aurora Veil: :ninetales-alola:
Abusers: Any Setup Sweeper

Drizzle: :pelipper:|:politoed:
Swift Swim: :swampert-mega: | :eelektross::barraskewda::kingdra:
Other: :tapu koko::greninja-ash::zapdos::tornadus-therian::manaphy::urshifu-rapid-strike: | :lumineon::polteageist:

Sand Stream: :tyranitar::tyranitar-mega: :hippowdon:
Sand Rush: :excadrill::dracozolt:
Other: :garchomp:

Snow Warning: :ninetales-alola::darmanitan-galar-zen: | :vanilluxe:
Slush Rush: :arctozolt:

Drought: :charizard-mega-y::torkoal:
Desolate Land: | :cherrim-sunshine:
Chlorophyll: :venusaur:
Vapor Control::volcanion::keldeo:
Other: :cinderace::victini:| :houndoom-mega::blaziken:

Gravitas: :cresselia: :orbeetle:| :steelix-mega::starmie::forretress:
Abusers: :beedrill-mega::flapple: + Anything with low accuracy moves, Ground-type moves, or Spikes/Toxic Spikes

Electric Surge: :tapu koko:
Electric Terrain Abusers: :raichu-alola::medicham-mega::hawlucha:
Psychic Surge: :tapu lele::darmanitan-zen:
Psychic Terrain Abusers: :alakazam-mega::medicham-mega::gallade-mega:
Misty Surge: :tapu fini:
Grassy Surge: :rillaboom::tapu bulu::rotom-mow:
Grassy Terrain Abusers: :heatran::hawlucha::cobalion::flapple:
Rototiller: :ferrothorn: | :meganium:

Trick Room:
:uxie::cresselia::hatterene: | :stakataka::porygon2:
Abusers: :melmetal::mawile-mega::tapu bulu::crawdaunt: | :marowak::stakataka::marowak-alola:
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