Taking Out That Bounce In Your Step! [An UU Gravity Team!]

You're Probably thinking, Gravity?...In UU? Yes, I wanted to try something new and somewhat gimmicky if you will. Unfortunately, the team hasn't been doing so well, both on Wif-fi and Shoddy, so that's why I'm here!

At A Glance:

Team Building Process:

First, I needed something fast that could start up Gravity from the Get-Go. Alakazam is one of the very few speedy users of gravity in UU so I really didn't have many choices.

Next, I needed some more reliable users if gravity. Clefable because it can stay around and mess with a lot of things after or before setting up gravity again, and Claydol, who can use rocks and spin on top of gravity. Pretty good deal I must say.

Next, I needed pokemon who could actually take advantage of gravity. Torterra was chosen because of the much needed ground resist in gravity, and isn't weak to water or grass like standard Ground type Earthquake users are. Rhyperior was chosen because of it's ability to hurt somethings with a STAB Earthquake, now it doesn't have to worry about and Ground Immunities switching in.


Now I needed something that could deal with Ice, since it can be a big problem. Blaziken has a good typing for this and can benefit from gravity also, so it was tagged along with the rest of the team.


Torterra wasn't holding up too well on the team, so it was replaced with Sceptile, who is faster and can still take the ground attacks (although not that many of them). Claydol was replaced with Registeel because it could still set up gravity and offered more options to abuse it than Claydol, while not sacrificing defenses. With Claydol gone, I needed someone who could spin and do something about water types. Blastoise came in because it could do both jobs pretty well. Stantler was added because it provided intimidate and could set up gravity as well as hurt somethings.


Solrock replaced Alakazam because after Alakazam did it's job, it just sat there and became a dead weight, with Solrock, I can explode after my gravity and take something down with it. Its working out very well.



Solrock @ Focus Sash
Jolly Nature
252 Att /252 Speed/6 HP
-Stealth rock
-Stone edge​
Solrock has replaced Alakazam and does just as good, if not better at setting up gravity from the start. Usually I use Stealth rock > Gravity > Explosion, and works out very well. Only problem is that if the rocks are spun away I can't set up any more. It isn't that big of a problem as it seems, but it's better than having no stealth rock like I did before I had solrock.


Clefable @ Flame Orb
Magic Guard
Calm Nature
252 HP/252 Sp. Def/6 Speed
Clefable does her job well on this team, and I don't really see the need to replace her. Gravity is pretty much standard, Trick is for any threats that can come in and try to set up, Encore is to screw over the set-ups if they are special based or if I already used trick before. Softboiled is to heal of course. The only problem with this set is that I get screwed over when I get taunted.


Registeel @ Leftovers
Clear Body
Relaxed Nature
252 HP/ 128 Def./ 128 S. Def.
-Zap Cannon
-Dynamic Punch
-Iron Head​
Registeel relies on Paralysis, confusion, and flinching to annoy the other side as much as possible. Zap Cannon provides the praralysis that I need, Dynamic Punch offers the confusion. Both have an accuracy of 83% in gravity opposed to the normal 50%. Iron Head gets a STAB and provides the flinching. It doesn't hit like a truck, but with all the status it helps remedy that problem.


Sceptile @ Life Orb
Naive Nature
252 Att/ 176 Speed/ 80 Sp. Att
-Leaf Storm
-Rock Slide
-Focus Blast​
Somewhat of a wall breaker and heavy hitter in gravity. Leaf Storm gets STAB and that small chance of it missing is no longer there. Nothing is immune to Earthquake in gravity. Rock slides takes out Fire, Bug, and Flying types that may switch in on me. Focus Blast provides more coverage and it's accuracy is longer longer a problem. It can't use gravity by itself, but the coverage it gets is pretty good.


Blastoise @ Leftovers
Bold Nature
252 HP/120 Def. / 80 S. Def / 58 S. Att
-Hydro Pump
-Rapid Spin
Blastoise provides toxic support to any pokemon that I have trouble with, while doing Claydol's spinning job quite nicely. Hydro Pump is for STAB and never misses in gravity, with that extra 58 EVs it can put a dent in something without worrying about it missing if there is gravity. Blizzard is the same deal but I'm not sure if I should replace it with Hidden Power [Grass] for Water types. Toxic wears down pokemon that can be difficult (fighting types mostly)


Stantler @ Life Orb
Jolly Nature
252 Speed/ 252 Att/ 4 Def
Stantler provides a much needed intimidate support, it can set up gravity on it's own, and put some dents in pokemon. Hypnosis never misses in gravity and is my only method of sleep. Earthquake for reasons above, is also here, providing damage against Rocks and Steels who resist a STAB Return.


Fighting is a HUGE problem as nothing resists it besides Alakazam, but It really doesn't like getting hit in general and it is usually weakened or out before the problem arises. Taunt is a big problem also since I can't set up gravity because of it. Trick room is dangerous because I only have Registeel and Clefable that are slow ones on the team. Rain Dance is a threat but not as much as it was before. Fighting is really a problem though, and I need something to fix it. Clefable's trick can help, but I risk getting hit by a fighting move.​
I for one think your team has way too many walls and bulky pokemon, and not much in the way of fast sweepers that require little set up that can take immediate advantage of Gravity. Like I'd probably use a Sceptile over Torterra since it's fast and with Gravity it doesn't have to worry so much about missing with things like Focus Blast and Leaf Storm.
Maybe a cb dugtrio could find him self on a gravity team no one will be able to switch in on his eartquakes and he is already has an excelllent base speed of 120 and a decent 85 base attack wich cb can help with and with gravity no one wil have a good time comming in on him
I think your Alakazam is really missing out by not running Focus Blast with Gravity. Like Sirfunchalot said, Sceptile is worth trying out with 100% accurate Leaf Storm/Focus Blast. If you want something to take EQs, Leafeon has 130 base defense and GrassWhistle has about 88% accuracy under Gravity if I remember correctly. On that note, Sing is also viable on Clefable if you ever want to try that.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be sure to try out both Sceptile and Leafeon. Dugtrio I'm not really a fan of because it will just add to my typing problems at this point, but I may try it out.
I would suggest putting light screen and reflect on Alakazam with Light Clay on him to make a hard wall for your team. I plan on using this myself with a Magnazone.
wow gravity, good to see people trying new stuff for a change :)

Anyways, i'm thinking you need some pokes that set up and abuse gravity themself cause with a wall setting up and switching you only get 3 turns of gravity which is sad, so to summarize you need pokes with immediate sheer power, a poke that abuse it alone, or wall that set up it reliable and get out quick via explosion or u-turn.

since it's a gravity team is better you try to think out off the box anyways, so try this :

Regirock @ Leftovers
Careful Nature, 252 HP/36 ATK/220 SPD
Thunder Wave
Stone Edge/Rock slide
Dynamic Punch
Dynamic punch(Can be obtained by move tutor on Emerald and Gravity come from HG/SS Move tutors.)
The idea is simple switch in something that you scare off and t-wave on the switch, then set up Gravity and fire off a Dynamic Punch,then use Stone Edge for sheer power or rock slide with it's 30% of flinch and as your opponnet struggles to even land a hit, a para-confusion-flinch set but with it's outrageous defenses is a pain to die.

you also have a glaring water weakness so get yourself a bulky water, milotic is the best mixed wall on the tier but blastoise also has acess to rapid spin, freeing a moveslot on your claydol meaning it can use some screens support instead.

like some before me suggested a LO Sceptile is great on gravity and it can use grasswhistle to some sucess and partners well you blaziken (by the way on gravity refrain from use choice users you don't have enough time to be locked on a useless move and be forced to switch, wasting precious turns of gravity)
but they are both frail, so maybe you'll really need screens.

as another viable gravity set-uppers you could use exeggutor, it has a plethora of usefull moves like sleep powder, explosion, synthesis and leaf storm, and a great water, ground and eletric resistance so it's worthwhile of some consideration.

that's all i can think for the moment, maybe I edit it later but hope to have helped and good luck :)
Stantler: @ Life Orb
252 Speed, 252 Attack, 4 Def

Hypnosis / Megahorn

Have Stantler on your team, it provides Intimidate, Gravity, has some use because it also packs Hypnosis. While 95 base Attack isn't so high, it will be boosted by Life Orb, making Return, Earthquake and possibly Megahorn hit hard. Megahorn, which you use on Rhyperior, is going to do the same damage roughly.

Why? Because 95 Base Attack boosted by Life Orb = 375 Attack. Your Rhyperior isn't Adamant, putting it at 379 Attack.

Why waste a turn switching in Rhperior, then setting up Rock Polish leaving you with only 2 Turns of Gravity? Stantler uses Gravity without a switch-in, so it gets 4 turns.

Stantler is fairly fast, no need for Rock Polish.

It has a weaker Earthquake, but Stantler's Return and Megahorn do almost exactly the same damage as Rhyperior's Stone Edge and Megahorn.

If Stantler seems like it isn't hitting hard enough, you can still use it for Screen, Hypnosis, Thunderwave, and Gravity support. Intimidate is a bonus.
Regirock @ Leftovers
Careful Nature, 252 HP/36 ATK/220 SPD
Thunder Wave
Stone Edge/Rock slide
Dynamic Punch
Dynamic punch(Can be obtained by move tutor on Emerald and Gravity come from HG/SS Move tutors.)
The idea is simple switch in something that you scare off and t-wave on the switch, then set up Gravity and fire off a Dynamic Punch,then use Stone Edge for sheer power or rock slide with it's 30% of flinch and as your opponnet struggles to even land a hit, a para-confusion-flinch set but with it's outrageous defenses is a pain to die.

you also have a glaring water weakness so get yourself a bulky water, milotic is the best mixed wall on the tier but blastoise also has acess to rapid spin, freeing a moveslot on your claydol meaning it can use some screens support instead.

like some before me suggested a LO Sceptile is great on gravity and it can use grasswhistle to some sucess and partners well you blaziken (by the way on gravity refrain from use choice users you don't have enough time to be locked on a useless move and be forced to switch, wasting precious turns of gravity)
but they are both frail, so maybe you'll really need screens.

as another viable gravity set-uppers you could use exeggutor, it has a plethora of usefull moves like sleep powder, explosion, synthesis and leaf storm, and a great water, ground and eletric resistance so it's worthwhile of some consideration.

Thanks for the advice. I will Replace Claydol with Regirock and possibly add Blastoise to keep up on the spinning job, but I don't know what a good set could be, if you have any particular options that would be great, or if not I'll see what smogon has and tweak it so it can benefit if gravity is up.

Exeggutor looks good but I really can't decide on what to replace with since that would give me two bug weaknesses, although I may try him out in the Torterra spot along with the other grass types suggested. So far Sceptile is the most effective so far but I'll see how it goes.

Stantler: @ Life Orb
252 Speed, 252 Attack, 4 Def

Hypnosis / Megahorn

Have Stantler on your team, it provides Intimidate, Gravity, has some use because it also packs Hypnosis. While 95 base Attack isn't so high, it will be boosted by Life Orb, making Return, Earthquake and possibly Megahorn hit hard. Megahorn, which you use on Rhyperior, is going to do the same damage roughly.

If Stantler seems like it isn't hitting hard enough, you can still use it for Screen, Hypnosis, Thunderwave, and Gravity support. Intimidate is a bonus.

I will try this out because it looks very promising. Thanks!
I've had a Registeel that I absolutely LOVE that abuses Gravity.

Registeel @ Leftovers
Trait: Clear Body
EVs: (to be honest, I don't really remember. Something like..) 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD?
Relaxed / Sassy nature

-Zap Cannon
-Iron Head

Parafusionflinch + Gravity. This thing is a MONSTER. Sorry I don't remember the exact EV spread.. I think it's something with evening the defenses. DPunch and Zap Cannon are at a much higher acc thanks to Gravity, and with 100% chance of confusion and paralysis you're gonna have a fun time.

Try it out. Trust me, it works.
Thanks for that Registeel set, it looks promising. I'll update this RMT so I have the changes that worked out better than what I had. Thanks for all of you who suggested something, and keep them coming!

Edit: Updated, now I need more help on fighting now
great to see that you take some of my suggestions and the others sets are looking great also
a shame is that the momment i'm tiping this you have no Stealth rock ... nowhere, as much i like novelty sets i think the classic registeel and blastoise will work better on your team, and by that i mean in and out of gravity
having walls that works taking hits no matter what seems like a superior choice in my opinion,cause in gravity almost all set uppers have a 4 moveslot syndrome.
so use this registeel
careful 252 hp/100 atk/156 sdef
iron head
stealth rock
paralises support and iron head alone will make it hold it own, the earlier game you will set up rocks, paralise switch wins or set up gravity for the team and since it's specially defensive it makes a great defensive duo with this

bold 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
ice beam
rapid spin

once again yuor set is great but isn't that reliable outside of gravity, so it's up to personal choice right now but i believe a wall should always take the safest route cause it is mean't to be durable anyways.

for the now great fighting weakness, i suggest a dusclops replacing clefable (T.T a shame i know) cause i see that you were using a fully supoport clefable which primarly job was to trick a flame orb and cripple one enemy atackers, the problems is
1-that particular clefable is weak to taunt
2-you have to predict correctly or you are going to do that only once
3-guts are more present on UU/NU tier meaning a swellow wold just make and say lolNO to your team if registeel is gone.
4-it's still weak to fighting

so use a dusclops instead.
dusclops on the other hand will cripple thing numerous time with wiil-o-wisp
2-is immune to fighiting/normal so no facade
3-set up and can abuse gravity somehow
4-have a semi-usable recovery move aka pain split
but unfornutely i still strugling to find a good set for this particular team so i will stick with the usual
impish/careful 252 hp/252 def or sdef/ 6 or the other def.
pain split
will o wisp
earthquake,dynamic punch or night shade if you fell that it doesn't hit hard enough and want secure damaga, note however that if opt for night shade you literally dont touch a swellow, overall eartquake is the safest choice.

the last part the lead,god the alakazam it the one im struggling the most to make it work, anyways taunt and encore on the same set are kinda strange so since you can set up gravity fast i guess you should replace one for a atacking move, focus blast looks like a primary choice.

on my previous post a told you that the set u´per of gravity should have a way of doing that reliable and get out of the way quickly so flavorwise i'm suggesting this particular lead set:
adamant 252 atack/252 speed/ 4 hp
stone edge
stealth rock
a suicide lead set with you use this partilar set with stealth rocks you may stay with the current registeel :),since the stealth rock problems will be covered, the idea is simple stealth rock, gravity, stone edge don't missing (god, yes lol) or blowing up right off the bat and freeing a way for a sweep, but note that i never try this set sine a play o wifi and don't have acess to shoddy and looks somehow weak to taunt , cause looks like it's trying to do too much, but i fell it was wortwhile saying anyways.

once again good luck hope to have helped a little more :).
Singles gravity? A tough one to pull off. All I know is you should seriously consider either Focus Blast or Substitute instead of taunt on Alakazam. Goodluck!
Bump from the 2nd page.

Solrock worked out well at first, but just wasn't fast enough so instead of Adamant nature I changed it to Jolly and it now fares much better.

dusclops seems good on paper, but did not do very well at all, partly because it has much less HP than clefable did, and falls to pursuit from the likes of Drapion and absol. Even if I do stay in it still takes a good amount of it's HP. Maybe I could replace Sceptile with something like Mesprit or another Psychic type that could scare off fighting types. However, then I would lose a ground immunity as well. Any thoughts on what I should do?
Niiiice. I used to have a UU Gravity team, but it didn't fare too well. Yours obviously does better than mine, and I love the fact that you use Stantler. I have a couple suggestions though. One, you might want to consider Earthquake over Iron Head, in order to take advantage of the fact that Levitate doesn't work and Flying types are stuck on the ground. It did well for me, but it's up to you. Also, Dusclops actually is a good choice for a Gravity team, because of its high defenses, access to Pain Split and Gravity, and immunities to Normal and Fighting, but again, you make the call. Good luck with this team, and I would love to battle it someday!
Alright, I would like you to consider this pokemon with a possible replacement for Sceptile/Alakazam:

Medicham @ Choice Band (Or Life Orb)
Pure Power
252 Atk/4 SpD/252 Spe
-Dynamic Punch
-Zen Headbutt/Psycho Cut
-Ice Punch/Rock Slide
-Thunder Punch/Rock Slide

This of course won't be taking the Lead spot, but I'm sure that if you decide to actually replace Zam, then you could toss him into your team as a Fighting resist/Gravity Sweeper. Medicham has a huge use here: Dynamic Punch. Although Registeel can do the same, Medicham basically helps Regi out by tossing some confusion himself. Zen Headbutt is used over Psycho Cut in this case for the Confusion/Flinch hax (unnecessary, but it would help). Otherwise, Psycho Cut can be used here if you think that Crit hax is much more beneficial. Lastly Thunderpunch and Icepunch provide the "Boltbeam" coverage that Cham needs. Rock Slide is usable if you decide to opt out of Zen Headbutt (For more Flinch hax). Itemwise, Life Orb CAN be used over the Band, but using it is a little risky since Medicham is neither fast nor can he afford to get too many hits (i.e. he isn't a tank but he is definitely bulkier than Zam).
Bump from the 2nd page.

Solrock worked out well at first, but just wasn't fast enough so instead of Adamant nature I changed it to Timid and it now fares much better.

dusclops seems good on paper, but did not do very well at all, partly because it has much less HP than clefable did, and falls to pursuit from the likes of Drapion and absol. Even if I do stay in it still takes a good amount of it's HP. Maybe I could replace Sceptile with something like Mesprit or another Psychic type that could scare off fighting types. However, then I would lose a ground immunity as well. Any thoughts on what I should do?

Use Jolly instead, so you don't lower the Atk. How is Stantler fairing?
Use Jolly instead, so you don't lower the Atk. How is Stantler fairing?

Yeah that was a typo, Jolly is what I meant

Stantler is probably the best functioning member of the group, When I put it in it always puts something to sleep and can take a few pokemon down while it's at it. Thank you!
Medicham @ Choice Band (Or Life Orb)
Pure Power
252 Atk/4 SpD/252 Spe
-Dynamic Punch
-Zen Headbutt/Psycho Cut
-Ice Punch/Rock Slide
-Thunder Punch/Rock Slide

I think I may pass on this, even though Medicham can take a fighting hit or two, I'm going to lose my ground resist, and on top of that if I do make this replacement, I will have a lack of Special Attacks (Zam is now Solrock, which uses Attack, I need to update the OP) Thank you for the suggestion though.
I really like this team, actually. I'm going to have to try it out, if you don't mind. Though, one small thing I would consider from just looking it over is maybe switch Stantler's Return with Zen Headbutt? It's not the greatest place for a Fighting Super Effective, but it could work, especially with Intimidate.

The only other option I can see, outside of changing a 'mon, is perhaps Aerial Ace on Sceptile. Only, Aerial Ace is kinda pointless on a Gravity team, and I don't know what you'd cut from Sceptile. I might also mention Will-o-wisp on Solrock, instead of Stone Edge, perhaps, but it's not like it sticks around too long, anyway.
Actually, Will-o-wisp might be a good idea. The only time I have used stone edge is for a snover lead, and that's it. So I may replace it. But, then I may have problems with taunt...
Zen Headbutt's base Power on Fighting types is 160 (when super effective), Return is 153 (with STAB), so unless you are hoping for a flinch, it just wont make too much of a difference.