Pokémon Talonflame

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I am unsure wether or not this has been already said because I'm lazy, but why not run a sash acrobatics swords set? I use that in my OU team and it has yet to fail me. It's pretty OP, as it's just Swords, (if opponent doesn't attack, read on, otherwise skip this)Swords again, repeat previous until sash activates. Now, proceed to spam acrobatics.

Another thing, is you for some reason don't get sash, but are hurt, you could use aerial ace or brave bird/roost, and always have a coverage move.

I should add that using this with adamant, I have OHKO'd some pretty bulky things.

The only major downside to this set is your at 1HP. Constantly. Hail, sandstorm, hazards, higher priority, anything that gets the ability to move before you or set up weather automatically beats this.
I am unsure wether or not this has been already said because I'm lazy, but why not run a sash acrobatics swords set? I use that in my OU team and it has yet to fail me. It's pretty OP, as it's just Swords, (if opponent doesn't attack, read on, otherwise skip this)Swords again, repeat previous until sash activates. Now, proceed to spam acrobatics.

Another thing, is you for some reason don't get sash, but are hurt, you could use aerial ace or brave bird/roost, and always have a coverage move.

I should add that using this with adamant, I have OHKO'd some pretty bulky things.

The only major downside to this set is your at 1HP. Constantly. Hail, sandstorm, hazards, higher priority, anything that gets the ability to move before you or set up weather automatically beats this.
Another problem with this set is that it's useless against its usual checks and counters. And if you wait to set up later when the counters are removed there's a decent chance rocks will be up (depending on the opponent's team and how well they play). This might be cool if talonflame had a coverage move for its counters other than natural gift, which is only halfway a coverage move. It pairs kinda well with acrobatics I guess? But yeah usual counters shit on it
My friend Peter has told me to lean more towards a defensive approach:lk
Bulk Up
Item: Ummmm..... Leftovers/Life Orb
Bulk Up
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
EVs: 252 atk/164 defense/ 88 speed
Adamant Nature
Ummmmm.... Well I cant comment much because this is peter's set but Im guessing you bulk up to gain some bulk, and protect to gain free leftovers recovery, then murder with brave bird and flare blitz?
That's a pretty awful set, no offense.

Just go 248 HP, 252+ SpD, 8 Def with Bulk Up, Brave Bird, Roost, Will-o-wisp/Taunt if you want a more defensive/set up Talonflame.
That's a pretty awful set, no offense.

Just go 248 HP, 252+ SpD, 8 Def with Bulk Up, Brave Bird, Roost, Will-o-wisp/Taunt if you want a more defensive/set up Talonflame.
If you're going to run Taunt, I would say run at least 76 Speed EVs to guarantee the Taunt against Deo-D leads.
Im not sure if you if anyone else does this but on my choice banded set as my 4th move slot aside from brave bird flare blitz and u-turn i opt to run will-o-wisp over roost/tailwind because i see for example a t-tar on the opposing team i'll rather cripple it in the long run with a burn then u-turn out of it, same goes with any talonflame counters such as rotom wash, landorus-t
Im not sure if you if anyone else does this but on my choice banded set as my 4th move slot aside from brave bird flare blitz and u-turn i opt to run will-o-wisp over roost/tailwind because i see for example a t-tar on the opposing team i'll rather cripple it in the long run with a burn then u-turn out of it, same goes with any talonflame counters such as rotom wash, landorus-t
As Talonflame doesn't have much choice but to run some kind of utility option as it's last move I've seen variants that run tailwind to support the rest of the team late game, as well as, sleep talk which is a niche move to absorb spore/sleep powder from grass types that Talonflame threatens. Of course, Will-o-Wisp is a great option and I believe it is slashed as the last option on this set regardless - though you won't be U-Turning out since you are Choice Banded.
Edit: An interesting lesser used option that can damage switch ins, such as Rotom-W and bulky Waters is to run Toxic as your last move. Of course you would have to scout the Talonflame switch in the opponent is using with U-Turn before hand.
As Talonflame doesn't have much choice but to run some kind of utility option as it's last move I've seen variants that run tailwind to support the rest of the team late game, as well as, sleep talk which is a niche move to absorb spore/sleep powder from grass types that Talonflame threatens. Of course, Will-o-Wisp is a great option and I believe it is slashed as the last option on this set regardless - though you won't be U-Turning out since you are Choice Banded.

Well i meant having the option to do a choice band u-turn i would rather use will-o-wisp but im not sure how common pursuit is on t-tar so I do have to be weary of that.
Well i meant having the option to do a choice band u-turn i would rather use will-o-wisp but im not sure how common pursuit is on t-tar so I do have to be weary of that.
IMO, W-o-W is better used on a non-choiced set as you still have the utility of roost. In saying that, Pursuit will be doing around 32.5 - 38.5% on Banded Talonflame as it switches out, which isn't too bad at all.

Edit: Actually 1/3 Health is huge for Talonflame - calc was with 252 + TTar. Mainly defensive variants run Pursuit, though watch out for Band & Scarf.
You'd be better of u-turning if you expect ttar to come in, CB U-Turn chunks ttar hard and its easy to set up on for quite a few things like M-Mawile and M-Gyarados.
Choice Band
EVs: 252 attack, 252 defense, 4 speed
Nature: Adamant
Me First
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz

Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, and U-Turn are all standard and me first is there to murder things that can take a brave bird or flare blitz
Choice Band
EVs: 252 attack, 252 defense, 4 speed
Nature: Adamant
Me First
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz

Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, and U-Turn are all standard and me first is there to murder things that can take a brave bird or flare blitz
Honestly I am not sure what you're planning to hit with Me First? Not only that, but the fact that Me First relies on the Pokemon using it having to be faster than the opponent, running 252 EVs in Defense is kind of redundant. At 4 EVs in Speed Talonflame is only reaching 289 speed, meaning you're only just speed tying with neutral nature max speed base 95s. Me First does not benefit Choice Band Talonflame and the set does nothing take on it's usual checks and counters such as Tyranitar & Rotom-W, which you're better just U-Turning to begin with.
Yea honestly on choice band talonflame youre better off running a support move as the 4th slot whether it be roost/tailwind/will-o-wisp or you can opt for a 4th attack maybe steel wing if you wanna be gimmicky
Taunt and Roost leaves most defensive Heatran utterly helpless to do anythig notable to you, while you can chip away slowly at it or set up in its face.

Apart from that, Natural Gift with the appropriate berry (Shuca?) does a number.
Is there anything that can hit heatran in talonflame's movepool?
Talonflame can run a Swords Dance set, holding either an Apicot or Liechi Berry, when using Natural Gift, Apicot becomes an 100 Base Power Ground Move, and Liechi 100 Base Power Grass, this gains coverage on things such as TTar, Rotom-W & Heatran.

+2 252 Atk Liechi Berry Talonflame Natural Gift (100 BP Grass) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 300-354 (98.6 - 116.4%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
+2 252 Atk Apicot Berry Talonflame Natural Gift (100 BP Ground) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 604-712 (156.4 - 184.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Apicot Berry Talonflame Natural Gift (100 BP Ground) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 294-346 (72.7 - 85.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKOvv
As you can see, each get hit for heavy damage when running the appropriate berry.
What a shame that Flying gem isn't out yet. If it were, a bulky SD set up with acrobatics would be so damn good.
It was quite good back when flying gem was legal on Pokemon Showdown [the gems were assumed to be able to be found]. People preferred the banded set slightly more, iirc, because of its immediate power with Brave Bird.
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