The Best OU Ladder Player! (Finals .Robert vs C05ta)

i contacted Starmie on showdown the other day, and he said he'd message my opponent since he hasnt been on at the specified time for the past 4 days

idk i've done all i can do
Eh, I'm giving Myzozoa until Sunday to respond. I've PMed him and hopefully he'll respond ASAP. As for the finals, we could do a Bo3 if both finalists agree.
Ehhh, your Rachi would have been low enough that two Outages would have KOed anyway (or a +1 Outrage would OHKO), so I don't think the crit was that big of a deal. Still gg, looking forward to the finals!

Myzozoa vs C05ta
if he didnt crit, i either kill his sciz with hp fire as he BPs and he has to get 5 straight outrages, or i kill his mence with icy wind and win on the next turn

it's w/e, looking forward to the finals but i wish i was the one playing costa

the RS Illuminati will be watching
Why is only the finals a bo3? That replay is disappointing since it shows how Myzozoa only advances because he got lucky. This should be a bit more skill_based instead of being another bo1 gimmick like everything in the main Tournaments board.
lost, ggs

too fancy with magnezone in g1, should have just sent out latios, but i was worried his starmie was offensive so i messed up. i was too cautious in g2 as well not koing his celebi and allowing it to recover, end game crit on alakazam really sucked because if i get enough damage/ko on heatran i can bullet punch sweep his weakened team. i used my wcop team in game 2 because yache mence is always worth it.

edit nvm: i didnt even read the move tbh i thought it was scald, srry bout that.
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lost, ggs

too fancy with magnezone in g1, should have just sent out latios, but i was worried his starmie was offensive so i messed up. i was too cautious in g2 as well not koing his celebi and allowing it to recover, end game crit on alakazam really sucked because if i get enough damage/ko on heatran i can bullet punch sweep his weakened team. i used my wcop team in game 2 because yache mence is always worth it.

0 Atk Gastrodon Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Alakazam: 172-204 (68.25 - 80.95%)

I didn't need the crit.

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Well-played, C05ta - defeating myzozoa is no small feat

You have now earned the privilege to face the current OU Ladder Champion, .Robert :afrostar:

Finals: C05ta vs .Robert - LGI!!!
C05ta and .Robert get this done. The new deadline will be Oct 21st. If the battle doesn't happen then we'll start afresh with no defending champion / no winner. Activity will be considered, but it will be very strict.
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