The LC Open III -Round 2

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requesting activity win, my opp missed the first time, then said he wouldn't be available most likely, then asked me to play at a time i couldn't which was past the deadline
I hate doing these, but activity post. I've been on a lot for the past few days but my opponent hasn't showed up at all, nor did they reply to my VM which tried to schedule a time. They also weren't on yesterday which they said would be a good day to get our matches done, while I was on for a good portion of the day.
I guess I have to post activity. sparktrain I've heard is quitting mons, so I guess by default that means I win. I've only contacted spark recently via PM but we've scheduled times on his server before and they fell through, so yeah I guess activity.
Activity post here. Initially my opp told me he'll get back to me when he's done with teambuilding but he never did so. Instead, he posted activity here saying I didn't vm him again for the next few days. I tried scheduling with him again but apparently our available times are different so an extension might be needed.
will try and find my opp today, but it's been hard cos I got back to my house yesterday and have had to build teams so if we don't manage to find each other today then extension request

edit: won 2-1 in some ggs, gl in future opens Davon and thanks for being okay with me being a massive john
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Activity post here. Initially my opp told me he'll get back to me when he's done with teambuilding but he never did so. Instead, he posted activity here saying I didn't vm him again for the next few days. I tried scheduling with him again but apparently our available times are different so an extension might be needed.
Timezones suck indeed but i also never see you on #littlecup on IRC while you said you would be there, I have been on there almost every day and haven't seen you a single time :/.
Requesting an extension to battle Clone.
We had conflicting timezones + IRL stuff that prevented us to battle in time.
hey macle can we get an ext. we're workin on like an 8 hour timezone difference so we'll be fine once the weekend comes around.
Good evening, I do not see why you gave the activity in champetero, I believe to have been had on this blow, here is a discussion which I had with him this evening: http: // / 8FNukfFb

As you can see him he could not play with me, while yes, and while we had planned the match for this evening, I thus ask for an extension or for an activity.
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