Project The Next Best Thing - ORAS OU Edition V3 - FINISHED

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CB Intimidate Gyarados

Gyarados @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature

- Waterfall
- Bounce
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge

This set is kind of a shoutout to previous gens where CB Gyarados was a thing. Aims to switch into physical Ground-types e.g. Lando-T or into stuff like Mega Meta and take advantage of the -1 boost to smack almost every Pokemon for solid damage. CB Waterfall is almost as scary as Azu's tbh, while Earthquake allows it to run over Jirachi, Mega Meta and Volcanion. Double-Edge 2HKOes even the bulkiest Rotom-W variants and is also useful against Zard Y.
Rocky Helmet Gyarados

Gyarados @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 212 HP / 224 Def / 24 SpD / 48 Spe
Impish Nature
- Rest
- Endure
- Waterfall
- Toxic

This is a variation of the Defensive set which has two pros over the offensive variants:
(1) It can get rid of detrimental status moves;
(2) It can invest all EVs into its good bulk for more longevity.
Rest is the recovery move coupled with Endure to punish physical attackers unable to OHKO this pokemon; it is also useful to optimize Toxic. Waterfall is a basic STAB, whereas Toxic is a sort of universal coverage move bar towardds Steels and Poisons.

The EVs spread is taken by Martin.
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Gyarados @ Choice Specs
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature / Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt

if ur name isn't chansey, do you think ur switching into this beast? If you want proof this set is the shit, here's a replay of me beating former ou forum moderator and tier leader: AM with the set
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Gyarados @ Choice Specs
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature / Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt

if ur name isn't chansey, do you think ur switching into this beast? If you want proof this set is the shit, here's a replay of me beating former ou forum moderator and tier leader: AM with the set
Go stuff your face into King UU's belly button. - Former OUTL
Voting Starts Now and Ends in 48 Hours! Here are your choices:

Choice Band Gyarados
Choice Scarf Gyarados
RestTalk Gyarados
Defensive Thunder Wave Gyarados
Taunt Gyarados
Natural Gift Gyarados
Bounce Mega Gyarados
Rocky Helmet Gyarados
Choice Specs Gyarados (lol)
Choice Band Gyarados: It's nice for breaking but I think it sacrifices part of what's good about offensive Gyarados

Choice Scarf Gyarados: Same as above really except exchange breaking for RKing/cleaning

RestTalk Gyarados: This is actually pretty cool for getting up multiple boosts as Mega Gyarados, but I think the key thing holding it back is that you only need to be able to 3HKO it and that it is a bit reliant on getting good rolls while asleep in order to function effectively.

Taunt Gyarados: A commonly used set on Mega Gyarados a while back for it's ability to stomp on stall (and for what it's worth this should be listed as Taunt Mega Gyarados not Taunt Gyarados). It allows it to dodge burns from MSableye through Magic Bounce thanks to Mold Breaker, it can completely shut down Whirlwind users (Circle Throw/Dragon Tail is a bitch but users of them aren't dealing with Gyarados well anyway unless ur talking about Poliwrath) and it can dodge Thunder Waves from 'mons like Chansey--among other cool things.

Natural Gift Gyarados: Tried and tested lure. Really nice for breaking through common checks to offensive DD Gyarados. Note that another option is Cheri Berry, which sacrifices a KO (I can't remember which) for the ability to dodge a T-wave if you don't need to use Natural Gift in a match.

Bounce Mega Gyarados: Another tried-and-tested lure, this is nice for it's ability to put both mega and non-mega Gyarados to good use beyond setting up and dealing with EQ/fighting users. Not being cockblocked by defensive Grass-types is rlly nice in general.

Rocky Helmet Gyarados: While I understand the logic here, I think that Helmet sacrifices too much longevity to be worth it compared to Leftovers. The passive recovery is really nice to repeatedly check things and to edge out of KO range for stuff to ensure you can Rest up again.

Choice Specs Gyarados: Lol

It's a really tough call 'cause I wanna vote for both Taunt and Bounce, so I flipped a coin and Taunt Mega Gyarados won.

Edit: Changing vote to Bounce Mega Gyarados 'cause I've thought about it more and I like the concept enough for it to edge out Taunt for my vote.
Also why is Choice Specs winning this? Like I get that it's a funny meme and that it is fun to meme a bit, but when these memes actually win it is going against the entire purpose of the project (to vote for the best non-standard set). When things like Choice Specs Gyarados and fucking Skull Bash Mega Venusaur are winning weeks it is just plain stupid.
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Also why is Choice Specs winning this? Like I get that it's a funny meme and that it is fun to meme a bit, but when these memes actually win it is going against the entire purpose of the project (to vote for the best non-standard set). When things like Choice Specs Gyarados and fucking Skull Bash Mega Venusaur are winning weeks it is just plain stupid.
Because it defeated a king.

Choice Specs Gyarados
The Winner of Week 35 goes to ZANBAKUResh's Bounce Mega Gyarados! Congratulations for entering the Hall of Fame!

The Pokemon for Week 36 is Rotom-Wash!

This is the FINAL WEEK of The Next Best Thing!

P.S. Check the SmogDex (OU) before posting

Anyway, GL & HF
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Rotom-W @ Leftovers / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 28 Def / 232 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave / Pain Split

The key difference from standard here is the EVs. The analysis spread is max defense and technically this is allowed.

Basically the aim of this set is to outpace certain 'mons to Wisp or T-wave or Hydro before they can move. The listed EVs outpace jolly Mega Tyranitar (this creeps the crowded 70 speed tier while minimising the risk of speed ties with the sheer volume of other creepers) while maximising overall bulk with the remaining EVs. Sitrus is better on more HO builds (credit to AM for this) whereas Lefties is better on more balanced/BO builds.
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