The Next Best Thing - Sawk [Voting]

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JoshuaMunoz: 20
Explorer: 3
Tagliatelle21: 1

Aaaand JoshuaMunoz wins!

Next monnnnn...


i lurk in the shadows

You have two days to post a set! Now I have free time too I also intend to update the second post tomorrow, woo.

Also, in this round this thread also hit most replied to NU thread ever. :3 So thanks for being involved in this thread so heavily, guys!​

Golurk @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Fist / No Guard
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Shadow Punch
- Ice Punch / Dynamicpunch
- Toxic

So think of stuff that walls Golurk. Alomomola? Tangela? Any more that happened to cross your mind? Now how many of them like a Toxic to the face? Toxic works on Golurk because pretty much no Poison- or Steel-type would dream of switching into Golurk, fearing the most powerful STAB Earthquake in NU. Those that are airborne, such as Haunter or Golbat, or aren't weak to Ground like Vileplume can be punched dead center by Iron Fist boosted attacks. Even Magic Guarders like Kadabra or Duosion, or Heal Bellers like Altaria, Musharna or Licklicky aren't at all comfortable switching into Golurk. If one wants to have more offensive utility, No Guard Dynamicpunch can still be used, and forms a nasty combo with Toxic and become an annoying status spreader.

EVs maximize damage output, outspeed max base 45s (Golem), and the rest into HP for bulk.
I will edit more as I have time later, but
Golurk@ Yache Berry
Iron Fist
Shadow Punch
Ice Punch
Drain Punch/ Stealth Rock

flounder flogger

Golurk @ Leftovers | Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe | Adamant Nature
Gravity / DynamicPunch / Shadow Punch / Earthquake

Golurk doesn't really have many interesting things in its movepool outside of what is already listed onsite, but one this that it CAN do is run a Gravity set. The disappointing part about No Guard Dynamicpunch sets is that they are often quite weak compared to the standard Iron Fist set. This set remedies that problem with Gravity, a move that can work for Golurk in many ways. The first, and probably coolest, way that Gravity can benefit Golurk is through grounding all Flying-type Pokemon and those Pokemon which have Levitate, thus allowing Golurk to use its strongest STAB, Earthquake, against these Pokemon. This mitigates the issue that not running Ice Punch causes, since a STAB Earthquake hits all Flying-types in NU–bar Altaria–almost as hard as an Iron Fist boosted Ice Punch would. Additionally, Dynamicpunch can still be used with Iron Fist thanks to Gravity, which boosts the accuracy of all moves while it is in effect by 3/5, bringing Dynamicpunch's accuracy to 80%. Finally, with Gravity, all Pokemon are susceptible to entry hazards, so Toxic Spikes support is great alongside this set to poison Pokemon whose trainers think that sending them out is safe!
So think of stuff that walls Golurk. Alomomola?
Nope! I suppose it's time to share my slightly wacky Golurk set.


Golurk @ Choice Band
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Shadow Punch
- Ice Punch
- ThunderPunch

Drain Punch is nice for recovery and beating up those pesky normal types, but ThunderPunch means that Alomomola can't handle the Iron Giant at all.

252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Golurk ThunderPunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 260-306 (48.68 - 57.3%) -- 44.53% chance to 2HKO

A couple high damage rolls, or any prior damage at all, and Alomomola is toast. You still have to play the prediction game with this CB Golurk to avoid locking yourself into the wrong move, but ThunderPunch can OHKO most any flying/water type, or 2HKO the bulkier few. Charizard is a notable OHKO addition, though you'll eat an attack in the process if it got in for free. Samurott gets OHKO'd solidly instead of the shaky Earthquake KO. (Though it'll only work on a switch, or if the Samurott is paralyzed. Paralysis support is sweet for Golurk.) Golurk also obtains a solid 2HKO on Lapras and Wartortle, OHKO on Articuno, and all sorts of other good calcs for crushing the water types that plague him so.

Speed EVs bumped up to 204 to outrun minimum speed base 80s and some change, such as Grumpig, defensive Gardevoir, and Meganium. (Also 160 Spe Rampardos, not that it's used much anymore.) I've found it particularly useful with how often I've been seeing defensive Gardevoir on the latter trying to set up screens and whatnot.

No Guard/Iron Fist
80 HP 252 Attack 176 Speed
Adamant Nature
Dynamic Punch/Focus Punch
Stone Edge/Shadow Punch/Ice Punch

This set makes use of Golurks amazing typing and bulk coupled with great attack and ability to make use of the move substitute. In the game I can almost gurantee you will get at least 2 or more chances of setting up substitute since golurk's typing and bulk is so great. You have 2 choices with this substitute golurk set, both being very good.

Substitute works very well with dynamic punch as well, since it gives off confusion to increase your chances of getting a sub, or keeping a sub, which can be very helpful against certain threats. with dynamic punch you will obviously want the ability no guard to keep your dynamic punches from missing. You will want the move earthquake as your STAB move to KO things when confusion isnt necessary. Stone Edge can be used with this set too since you get perfect accuracy, and a move to use against bug and flying types. And if you ever are feeling lucky, you might get the high crit chance from Stone Edge as well.

If you want to though, you can make use of the famous subpunch sets many pokemon have and use focus punch in conjunction with iron fist. with this you got a golurk that is hitting like a truck with a base 180 Fighting type attack, and your STAB base 150 earthquake, which can easily put havoc on your opponet with a sub. Instead of Stone Edge, you could use Shadow Punch or Ice Punch for the boosted iron fost and different types of coverage. Shadow punch can be used for psychics and ghost types while ice punch can be used for grass types and flying types. It just really depends on the team for which one to use.

The EV spread lets you outspeed max base 45 speed pokemon without a helping nature. Things in this category are golem, granbull, etc. you have max attack for obvious reasons, and the rest goes in to hp to put the most into your substitutes.

With Substitute, you can really put trouble on a team, and golurk really proves that.

Golurk @ Life Orb
Trait: Iron Fist
Jolly Nature
Evs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Speed

- Rock Polish
- Earthquake
- Shadow Punch
- Ice Punch

Rock Polish is a lovely surprise for Golurk. after one boost, Golurk outspeeds the entire unboosted tier bar Ninjask. In conjunction with base 124 attack, Life Orb, and Iron Fist, Golurk makes a suprisingly strong late/ mid game sweeper.

Golurk @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Toxic

golurk is commonly used as a check to physical attackers such as scolipede, primeape, sawk, and tauros, so it makes sense to use a physically defensive spread to take attacks from them better. toxic is a cool attack to use on golurk since it wears down alomomola and tangela, both of which are commonly used to counter it. ice punch and earthquake get the best coverage together so they're used as attacking moves. golurk is still decently powerful even without any investment so it will rarely be set up fodder.
Ugh ashley ninja'd me on SubLurk.
You might wanna slash Shadow Punch in the last slot.
Subdynamiç annoys the shit out of people.

Golurk @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Fist
-Stealth Rock/Shadow Punch
-Magic Coat
-Ice Punch/Drain Punch

This set, like the toxic set, capitalizes on Golurks counter swtching in. However, this set is able to send back toxics at that alomomola that thought it could wall you and get a toxic off on the switch. It also makes a great antilead, stopping common spikers in their tracks as they become to afraid to set up more, most likely giving you a free turn to set up rocks on the swtch in. This works especially great since the most common lead spiker in the tier is Scolipede, which it walls. It also stops lead rockers dead cold as most of them are rock types and will expect to survive a hit, get up rocks, and either swtch or die. Once again, mind games begin to arise, them having to predict whether or not you'll use Magic Coat again. The move slots are up to personal preference. Stealth Rocks can be used if you want to be guaranteed entry hazards, but Shadow punch can be used if you have a rocker on your team or you're not worried about it. EQ is self explanitory and the last move slot is once again a choice of preference. Ice punch for coverage or Drain Punch for healing. You could also run an EV spread of 252HP/252Def/4SDef can be run if you have SR and want it to be more defensive
Ugh ashley ninja'd me on SubLurk.
You might wanna slash Shadow Punch in the last slot.
Subdynamiç annoys the shit out of people.

Yeah I was so glad no one took the idea yet when I posted. well I cant edit my set now so hopefully it doesn't make too much of a difference. Now that I think of it I should have put shadow punch. Of course though it depends on whether u need to beat pyschics and ghosts or grass types tbh.
what the sh*t everyone already stole my ideas :(


Golurk @ Ground Plate
Trait: Iron Fist / No Guard
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Low Sweep / Bulldoze
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake / Dynamic Punch

Low Sweep / Bulldoze are lovely surprise for Ludicolo and Seismitoad, who might expect to take hits well for one turn. It lowers their Speed, allowing Golurk to hit them with Ground Plate-boosted Earthquake / Bulldoze or switch out to something slow that can take a hit and dish out back, like Eelektross. As I'm not a big fan of No Guard sets myself, I recommend using all of the first slashes on the set, but if you want to lower Speed AND have some confusion fun, go with the second!
what the sh*t everyone already stole my ideas :(
Ikr :/

Golurk @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Ice Punch

So... I kind of just combined a couple of the sets already posted, and added Liechi Berry to give it my own personal touch, and this was the result. This boasts the protection of Substitute, the utility of Toxic and the power of Choice Band, all in one set. You can set up a Sub on something you scare out, and keep Subbing down until you get into Liechi range. Toxic also works on this set for walls, since it racks up as you Sub down. EQ sand Ice Punch provide good coverage together too, with Ice Punch hitting Flying and Grass types that would otherwise wall Golurk.
I remember getting caught offguard by Scarf Golurk but that won't be viable :s


Golurk @ Choice Specs/Life Orb
Trait: No Guard
Ev's: 248 HP/252 SpA/8 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-Ice Beam/Grass Knot

This set utilizes Golurk's nice special movepool that is often overlooked for some apparent reason.
Shadow Ball is your basic STAB and along with the 100% accurate (thanks to no guard) Focus Blast it has perfect neutral coverage. Thunderbolt is used to hit waters that like to come in on Golurk and along with Ice Beam, which is great against grass types, it even has BoltBeam as coverage! Grass Knot can be used over Ice Beam to hit Seismitoad.
My approach to this. Don't take it too serious (anybody who votes for this, I'll personally see to it they get eaten alive by an Ursaring (a real bear won't do)).

Golurk @ Expert Belt
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
Adamant Nature
- Shadow Punch
- Earthquake
- Drain Punch
- Fire Punch

Why these moves? Because I say so. Why Expert Belt? Because I say so.

STAB for obvious reasons, Drain Punch just to recover and Fire Punch to hammer Scolipede and Grass-types in one without having a chance of missing or helping my opponent's Will-o-Wisp to always hit and relying on Stone Edge. Fire Punch also has the awesome trait to OHKO Wormadam-Steel.

Just wreck house on the spot with Expert Belt Golurk. Many things are hit for SE damage, so it will do.

EV's to survive a hit from unboosted Sawsbuck regardless. Doesn't help you squat against Leafeon or Leavanny but I don't give a damn.
Just FYI Nozzle, Golurk's (admittedly fantastic) special movepool is oft overlooked because of its base 55 SpA. Here's a calc against Pinsir, who has much higher physical defense than special.

252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Golurk Shadow Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Pinsir: 186-220 (68.63 - 81.18%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Golurk Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Pinsir: 168-198 (61.99 - 73.06%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

This despite Shadow Ball having 20 higher BP. I guess it can shock people. (No Guard Focus Blast is nice, though.)
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