Hey Arceustar, guess what? I don't like people giving out things just to try and beat Vanguard for sheer difficulty, so i'm going to give you a Whomp for your White Scramble, and since i'm very depressed right now, i'm going to unleash all of my hatred against the world on you with the single most difficulty Whomp challenge you have ever seen or will likely ever see.
Now i just need to think of what that will be...It'll certainly be a large, heavy pokemon...and no, it won't be a Snorlax with Body Slam...i have some creativity, dammit.
[Warning! Suicidally hard challenge ahead!]
Arceustar, take Whomp, the *insert Golem here*. And no, you don't get a Golem. Deal with it, life it crap like that. You get the legendary Golems, Regice, Registeel and Regirock. In that order, damnit. And if that's not enough you can hack in a Regigigas afterwards.
Here's the deal. Whomps don't do much aside from guard castle after endless freaking castle.And one Whomp is about as useful as a MEP, i.e. not very. So you get a team of Whomps. And you must use each one in order, starting with a Regice. Hack it in as soon as you reach the first of the eight castles of Unova (i.e. Striaton City Gym). This Regice is in charge of guarding the first two castles in Unova, and the treasure within them. You and your band of idiots like Mario and Peach and whatnot shall not pass this gym, damnit. Not until you have defeated Whomp. Of course, some idiot in Unova had to decide to leave this gym guarded by three other idiots and left Whomp out of a job. So Whomp decides that before beating the crap out of you, he'll have to beat the crap out of the so-called leaders, and he'll do it in RED HEALTH. That's right, enter the gym with Regice at the level of the Leader's lowest levelled pokemon, and at red health. No healing, in battle or between battles. Solo every trainer, including the Gym Leader. So, you got the badge? Ha, that's a fake one that you just got. Whomp has the real one, which has been carefully fashioned out of a Power Star. And now you have to defeat Whomp to get it. How doe one defeat a Whomp? Easy, bait it to attack, and then ground pound it's back. So, use one of your heroes to fight Whomp. In the process, whichever hero you chose loses a lot of strength, and thus loses 2 moveslots (choose two). You tried to heal your hero with all the items you could, but still those moveslots are gone. But your futile healing attempts caused you to throw out P(2500 x Gym Number) worth of items (In other words, just throw out items and lose two moveslots after the gym, since you can't actually stage a fight against your own pokemon). Whomp, still as a Regice, comes back for the second gym, and repeats what it did before. Solo the gym in red health, and then throw out items and lose two moveslots off another hero character.
When a hero character loses all four of it's moveslots, that hero is left with only one attack: jump. Thus, replace the hero's moves with one attack, and that attack has to be less than 40 BP (less than, NOT equal to), and delete the rest of it's moves.
For the third and fourth gyms, Whomp decides to take the form of a Registeel. Use Whomp, in red health, to survive at least 10 attacks from the Gym Leader (can be either damaging or status moves, as long as they don't miss they count). You are allowed X items and held items, but no healing. You don't have to solo the leader with Whomp, though you can if you choose. The same moveslot and item throwout restrictions from the first two gyms still apply. If there is a solo to be done at the third or fourth gyms, complete Registeel's restriction, and then solo what's left with the required pokemon.
The fifth and sixth gyms allow you to meet with Whomp's Regirock form. This form frankly loves to screw with you. In fact, it loves to screw with you so much that it randomly flattens one of your party pokemon. That's right, one of your pokemon (roll a six-sided die to decide which one) gets killed. Instantly. Thankfully, this only happens when you first meet Regirock outside the fifth gym. However, if the pokemon killed is of a level lower than Regirock's (Regirock's level is whatever your second highest pokemon's level is at the time), and it's is lower by ten levels or more, then kill another pokemon, and sum the dead pokemon's levels. Continue until the sum of the levels is within 10 of Regirock's level (EG if your second highest level pokemon is at level 42, then Regirock is hacked in at level 42. Then someone dies, let's say someone at level 35. You're safe, as 42-35 is less than 10. But if it were, say, a level 27 pokemon that died, 42-27 is 15, which is more than 10. So, kill someone else, let's say a level 10 pokemon. Then 42-(27+10) is less than 10, so you're safe.). Aside from that, Regirock must issue you with a choice. If you choose to continue with the moveslot and item throwout restrictions for the fifth and sixth gyms, then you will meet Whomp's Regigigas form at the seventh and eighth gyms. If you decide that you don't want to throw out items at the fifth and sixth gyms, then you are allowed to keep your items and pokemon (previously lost moveslots from gyms 1-4 are restored to normal working order). The punishment? You are met with a very, very, very angry monkey at the seventh gym. It's so angry it's on fire. It's...well, it's not DK, but it's close enough. It's Vanguard. He's back, and frankly he hates you for chickening out of Whomp's challenge. So you're stuck with him when you reach the seventh gym, if you opt out of the Whomp Regi challenge. And he's quite annoyed with the fact he was left out of the game until so late, so replace his "kill one pokemon" restriction with a "kill TWO pokemon" restriction.
Of course, if you keep going with the Whomp challenge, then you can avoid the terror that is DK on fire (i.e. Vanguard). You'll meet Regigigas at the seventh Gym. Like all the others, it is guarding its two castles of Unova, and it quite likes to keep it's badges (fashioned from the seventh and eighth Power Stars of Unova) to itself. It's also quite lazy. So, to test if you are really worthy of Whomp's Power Stars, you have to prove that you can be just as lazy (if not even lazier) than Whomp's Regigigas form. Your pokemon for the seventh gym (if you're soloing it with something, then add this restriction to whatever you already have to do) can only use one move. Even if it switches out, it still can only use the one move it used previously. This continues for the entire gym. It can't switch, it can't be healed, it can't use anything but that one move. The same applies to the eighth gym, though you may choose a different pokemon. And of course you still have to cope with losing two moveslots off a hero for each gym, as well as paying the item cost of each gym (P(2500xgym number)).
After that, Whomp, having discovered that none of it's forms can stop you from taking over Unova's castles decides to finally put a stop to you. At Victory Road, it's quite dark, and only the Whomp forms have two Power Stars each to illuminate the cave (everyone else can't see), so you must go through the entirety of the road, in one go with no backtracking for PC's and only a total of 15 items (15, so that's like 10 Hyper Potions and 5 Revives, or 1 Antidote and 4 Full Heals and 10 Potions or whatever), with only Whomp's four forms in your party.
After that, congrats. You get no restriction from Whomp from then on. Have fun. Yes, i do realise this probably conflicts with other challenges and is way too long and complicated. Deal with it. I tried to make this one even more painful that Vanguard could ever hope to be.