The UU Open I - Round 1

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PUPL Champion

It's finally time to get the first leg of Smogon's brand new tournament series underway! We start our quest to find Smogon's greatest side-tier player with everyone's obvious favorite, UU. Good luck to everyone! May all your Focus Blasts hit and your Scalds triple crit burn.

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Grand slam rules can be found here.
  • Standard BW2 UU.
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the UU ladder of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown.
  • If tier changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown! unless both players agree otherwise.*


I expect many battles to be completed under alts and I expect many battles to be completed on other servers to prevent scouting. These kind of factors are pretty bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.


Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. It is the silliest thing I have ever heard, any battler worth their marbles has more than one team. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any forceful scouting, whether it be spying on another teams irc channel or following your opponent around on PO. There is a difference between "ipl is known for using stall" and "let me follow ipl around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter.

With that said, I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. However, given the fact that this is the big stage, I am sure a lot of people want to watch, so don't be too mean.

Timer Clause

As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment.


If a player disconnects and either player contends that they could still win, the optimal solution is to recreate the exact situation the disconnection occurred at during the battle. If it is agreed between players that this is not feasible due to unreasonable battle length, highly improbable circumstances, or some other reason, the player who did not disconnect may choose to rematch with either the same teams or (the option to use) new teams. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment. Do not do it.

I know that was a lot to read, but it is all necessary for me to have posted here so everyone can see it in the case of a dispute. I don't want any confusion or any problems.

Battle Clauses:
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • Sleep Clause
  • Species Clause
  • Timed Battle
  • Team Preview

Round 1 Matchups:
Icey The King Of Ice vs shartruce2
DestinyUnknown vs blarajan
Giga Punch vs Hill
Garud vs DC.
Iluvkyogre vs Z-Rex
Blue_Blur vs franky
soviet vs Smurf.
Jackkkkkkk3 vs locopoke
PokeNerdBro vs shnen
DarkLoïc vs -Manu-
Living Things vs _TyRoGuE_
Emeral vs ~GreenCore
FAFUS vs Oglemi
acv95 vs kuja20
Matrulz25 vs -Rockstar-
mien vs Admin Miror B
Dr Ciel vs W M
Arc Tech vs Metroid78
Doom Dawg vs Hantsuki
BIG loven vs reachzero
NidokingKing vs xtrashine
LonelyNess vs MankeyTamer
TPO3 vs Aqualouis
Lamppost vs TrollFreak
Incon vs Ciele
Takua vs Hawkstar
IceCarAdler vs HSA
WhiteQueen vs Fantasy
wilson46 vs mfhoundoom
MMF vs mcdanger
Dewhinifier vs The Hitman
Kuba1602 vs Neto-senpai
idiotfrommars vs complete legitimacy
Stormsire vs emirinho
Ignis vs Level 51
srk1214 vs SoulWind
Double01 vs Amarillo
fatty vs uxsee
Cristal vs Lagspikefan
Hot N Cold vs Heist
Eo Ut Mortus vs JabbaTheGriffin
SethZiBritannia vs DittoCrow
Amell vs Megan_Fox
badabing vs viashinomage
Ningildo vs Ginku
Nachos vs RBG
V17 vs B-Lulz
tikidude vs HBK
The Immortal vs Lunar.
kokoloko vs Pesadilla
Frizy vs SJCrew
Dracule Mihawk vs Django
Scienceandreligion vs ZaChAttAcK101
TV-Rocka vs Jcpdragonx
HellPowna vs BKC
Pocket vs Friar
ShakeItUp vs devinrichert
dragonuser vs drakon136
papai noel vs FelixMinamimoto
Lowgock vs zdrup15
Foster vs NirvanaR
Maaf vs llvallejoll
Solace vs MikeDecIsHere
Mr. XYZ vs juanRA
Pako vs Scimjara
ThisMysteriousGuy vs FruitSeller
Silvershadow234 vs Eustatic
Seco453 vs Andeby
CheezitKing vs Bad Romance
Noodlez vs McMeghan
zorbees vs SuperMango
[K12] The Madchine vs cim
CrashinBoomBang vs Lavos Spawn
Tiffanyy vs Master of the Six Kings
Dark Death vs Pidge
Explorer vs AkHolic
TheGreatGengar vs Malekith
Seafunks vs Noblesse Oblige
Steven Snype vs Hugendugen
vileman vs Colchonero
ThatsMyLatios vs Private
Wobbanaut vs pokemon champion to be
FLCL vs Hobbes2
Basti vs MOET
Maxim vs Brotom
-Green- vs spuds4ever
yee vs Perche No Fai
Marshall.Law vs Nelson-X
AuraRayquaza vs SGV
Pokemazter vs bigXxXDUB
Froggy vs Folgorio
vigi vs CTI
Yonko7 vs Tobes
Brap vs AlphaJolt
PsYch071c vs Zebraiken
Exppoint vs davidness
LuckOverSkill vs PirateJS
Harsha vs reyscarface
-PkmTrainerBlue- vs Orichalcos Owl
SkyNet vs Ordile
Limitless vs Bluewind
DrMohammadLi vs MarceloDK
Light The Thunder vs TalkingLion
Thatsjustpeachy vs mostwanted
Masterclass vs Leftiez
Clarion Valenheart vs Jirachi
Mew vs Luscious Monkey
A l e x a n d e r vs .Robert
Bad Ass vs Imanalt
Bloo vs Jerp
Nexuz vs DetroitLolcat
rlyn99 vs Alice
Pedrock vs Ojama
Expert Physics vs Jlance
Philip7086 vs Omicron
TNBM vs askaninjask
TheToweringTyranitar vs Rydro
Espo vs ShadowFC
hoenn1 vs CS4m
fairytale vs Quantum Mechanics
rairyan vs Vinc2612
smashlloyd20 vs blaaz
Stone_Cold vs Vastraine
kd24 vs The Kyle
Hangover vs Fiction.
Cicada vs Raseri
Novaray vs SilentVerse

Deadline is 11 days from this post, July 30th. This is a strict deadline in order to get the ball rolling on RU. I will be making subs within 6 days if there is no contact between opponents. Subs will be given to the first users to sign up who were not given a spot, so please don't post in this topic signing up as a sub.
wow best pairing ever rofl, jabba has it in for me

i'm sorry if i ever did anything to you asdf

Contacted my opponent but i will only be able to play tomorrow and from the 28th to 30th.
I'll of course do my best to get this done and i hope you won't sub me out, i really wanna play it.
Highlight match predictions:

Giga Punch vs Hill
Go10 vs Smurf.
BIG Loven vs reachzero
Hot N Cold vs Heist
Eo Ut Mortus vs JabbaTheGriffin
Noodlez vs McMeghan
PsYch071c vs Zebraiken
Thatsjustpeachy vs mostwanted
Philip7086 vs Omicron (underdog)

Will get in contact with FAFUS soon
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