The UU Open I - Round 1

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IceCarAdler and I have been trying to get this done, but we seem to be really good at missing each other. We've both been active, so I guess I'm asking if we could have an extension please so we could get this done.

Edit: We finally met up and I lost in 3 games, ggs
Won 2-1 vs. Maxim, pretty fun set and some Pokemon trickery allowed me to take some very close games. Great games man!
It is actually amazing how bad HSA and I are at missing each other.
I saw him post that so I got online to contact him and then bam, missed. Barely. Somehow. Gahhhh.

Yeah an extension would be amazing even though I'm not 100% of my internet capabilities over the next two days. I can guarantee to play by 8/2 at worst.

Edit: Won 2-1 vs. HSA, ggs. Luck on my side in games 1 and 2 but game 3 felt very clean. Good games.
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