won vs highlord, gg
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (pokemonshowdown.com)
fucking goat, if you and I were and are the 2 best SV Ubers player in this tour, when we two are together no one can stop us, grats on ur win my friend and clan mate EG Entrocefalo <3
I'm very confused about many of the decisions taken about the ima vs zS game, as they go against what my understanding of the rules have been for years. I would like to ask that the TDs clarify what the rules for timeouts are, since they seem to have changed without an announcement at some point in time.
The Situation
Before their game, ima told zS that his internet was bad and asked if they could play without timer as a result, to which zS agreed. They start their game, and ima dc's on turn 4, with his timer above the threshold. He comes back, clicks a couple of moves and then dc's again, this time with his timer below the threshold. The DC timer runs out. The TD's/WCoP hosts then decided that it was up to team Italy to decide whether the game should be recreated or a win for zS.
The Rules
Let's take a look at some of the rules that one would expect to come into play given the above situation.
All taken from the tournament rules thread
Disconnections and Timer Clause: (...) In other tournaments, if a player disconnects and contends that they could still win, the battle will be recreated by the Tournament Directors from the point of interruption. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection.
Timer: The timer is always on during tournament games.
Player Agreements: Players are allowed to make agreements about their game before it happens, as long as it doesn't break the rules of the tier that the game is happening in, for example agreeing to "No Snorlax GSC OU" is acceptable, but agreeing to "Celebi allowed GSC OU" isn't. The players are not allowed to agree to play a different generation than what they were paired up in, nor a different game. It should also be noted that this is all entirely based on honor, Tournament Directors would not hand out a loss to a player that agreed not to bring Snorlax and then brought it.
Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
And some additional precedents/rules:
Before 2018, if a player timed out, there was a whole TeamSubmission thing that determined whether they got a recreate or not that we don't need to get into since the specifics aren't relevant, the relevant part is that to avoid the time out in the first place, many players would ask or have their teammates ask their opponent to turn the timer off until they could reconnect, and it was up to the opponent to decide. The TDs at the time decided that this placed an undue burden on the players to make a decision that would either hurt their team or their reputation while under pressure from multiple sources, on top of having their game to worry about, in case timer was turned off and the game resumed. Instead, the decision should be made by the TDs under objective, binary criteria of whether it was a timeout=loss or a DC=recreate.
This is the thread from when the new DC timer was implemented, alongside the new rules to govern DCs/timeouts
- Once the disconnection timer expires the match ends and the tournament directors/hosts will determine whether a recreation or timeout result is appropriate.
The rationale for why the rule was changed, bolding mine (the stuff about turning timer off or not is because we didn't have the DC timer implemented yet)
- Smogtours moderators, please do not turn off the timer unless there's a disconnection. Even if the opponent consents, the timer should stay on - the TD team recognizes the imbalance with player perception and what is competitive in these situations. While some players may feel confident or comfortable requesting that the timer stay on to allow their opponent to time-out into a loss, there are situations in which this could be made more difficult for inexperienced or newer tournament players. Other than making cheating significantly more difficult, we also want to minimize the effect that community perception has on the decisions a player makes in battle. It is for these reasons the TD team has decided that consent from the opposing player is not sufficient by itself to warrant turning the timer off.
Skip to turn 102 in this game to see an example of the lovely conversations people had before this rule was changed, these used to be very common. Contrast that with how these scenarios were handled post rule change.
As an aside, here is a game, post rule change, where a player timed out, and his opponent wanted to rematch anyway. Before clicking it, can you guess what happened, based on the rules and precedents we looked at so far?
At the point the DC timer hit 0 the TD's (if we're operating under the rules we have operated under since august 2018) should have either decided that ima's timer at the time of the initial DC is what counts, and recreated the match, or that his timer when he ultimately DC'd are what counts, and ruled it a timeout, and a loss for ima. Any agreements the players had before the game are irrelevant. Even if you want to completely disregard that, why was the decision left up to team Italy? Back before the rule change the decision was always up to the player, so it's not even reverting the rules to how they worked back in the day. The only possible explanation is that the TDs didn't want the smoke of making the call, and passed the buck to team Italy instead, which is insane, but it's not like the TDs explained the rationale for that decision publicly at any point in time (if they explained it to italy/west, I do not know).
So, with all that said I'd like to ask for the TDs to either update the public rules to reflect the rule changes that lead to this decision, as well as explain the rationale behind said rule changes, or acknowledge that they misinterpreted the rules and fucked up this decision, and that it won't happen in the future.
Ima should also have his gas and coffee money reimbursed.