The Wrecking Ball

*Changes are in red


I saw the Mix-Tar set on Smogon while browsing OU Pokemon, and I was pretty surprised by how good it is at completely wrecking defensive cores and destroying typical T-tar counters. It's basically the Pokemon version of a wrecking ball, hence the title of the post. So I set out to make a team for it, one that had Pokemon that could wreak havoc on enemy teams while covering each other's weaknesses.

The Team


Gliscor (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- U-Turn/Roost
- Earthquake

I lead with Gliscor. It’s a very capable lead and functions similarly to Aerodactyl, except it is slower and much bulkier with, in my opinion, significantly better typing. STAB Earthquake is a nice move to have, but sadly does not hit many common leads such as the previously mentioned Aerodactyl or Azelf. The general idea is to taunt slower leads, then set up rocks and proceed from there. The relative slowness of it compared to other leads means it is taunted by enemy leads before it can taunt them itself. Usually I don’t even waste a turn attempting to Taunt/Stealth Rock, and just switch to the Pokemon best capable of dealing with them. If I’m up against an obviously slower lead, or a lead that I know doesn’t run Taunt, I Taunt then set up rocks, then either attack or switch to the Pokemon I think is up to the task of dealing with whatever comes in (and usually something does switch in because of Taunt). I use U-Turn instead of Roost since Leftovers more than enough covers for recovery and U-Turn has much more use. It allows me to at least do something to common Azelf/Uxie leads and switch to Tyranitar, or scout in general, or get a more capable attacker in. I’ll still consider Roost though, if a lot of RMTers recommend it over U-Turn.

Weaknesses: Ice – Starmie/Infernape
Water –Starmie/Breloom


Tyranitar (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 48 Atk/208 Spd/252 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Superpower

Mixed Tyranitar is a wrecking ball. It’s capable of completely smashing through teams. Sadly, unless I Superpower first, the surprise value is lost, but still, it’s something a lot of people are completely unprepared for. Switching into an Azelf and scaring it out only to have a Skarmory come into a Flamethrower and then a Blissey coming into a Superpower (which 2HKO’s it usually) is pretty funny. Or forcing out a Azelf lead only for a Rotom form to come in and attempt to Will-o-wisp while being smacked with a Dark Pulse really just shows how versatile this guy is. He even takes care of Scizor with half decent prediction. Expert Belt provides a nice power boost to SE moves, many of which he gets because of the very nice coverage he gets, and doesn't have the recoil of Life Orb which is a very good thing for a Pokemon like this (a heavy hitter that often has to do a lot of hitting). Tyranitar is also nice because its auto-Sandstorm activates Gliscor’s ability and makes it pretty annoying.

Weaknesses: Fighting – Gliscor/Starmie
Ground – Gliscor/Breloom
Grass – Breloom/Infernape
Steel – Infernape/Starmie
Bug – Infernape/Gliscor/Rotom-H


Breloom (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 12 HP/252 Atk/244 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Seed Bomb

Of course, we get to the bane of many teams, Breloom. It is a complete monster, despite it's rather lackluster stats (non-Attack ones at least) and it's silly appearance. Spore is in my opinion the best move in the game. It almost ALWAYS takes an enemy Pokemon out of the game. This either prompts the enemy to switch, or stay in, and either way I get my sub up. From there, I just shoot off Focus Punches or Seed Bomb whatever I can’t punch. Poison Heal is a fantastic ability and helps me keep subbing, and also blocks status even when I don’t have a sub up. He really just tears through teams, and many times forces rage quits. He also scares off Swamperts which otherwise could really do some considerable damage to many other members of my team.

Weaknesses: Fire – Tyranitar/Infernape/Starmie
Ice – Infernape/Starmie
Poison – Gliscor/Tyranitar
Flying – Tyranitar
Psychic – Tyranitar/Starmie


Infernape (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 64 SAtk/252 Atk/192 Spd
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Close Combat
- Overheat
- Stone Edge
- U-Turn

Next up is Infernape. He carries some nice resistances in regards to the rest of the team (he's resists at least one weakness of EVERY other Pokemon on the team) and he’s a very dangerous mixed sweeper (unlike the defensive core wrecker that mixed Tyranitar is). Close Combat is Infernape’s main STAB attacking move and completely tears enemy Pokemon apart. Overheat is his other STAB, and also does major damage (also, it's main drawback is not as bad is because it only affects the attacking power of Overheat and not any other moves). Stone Edge maims Gyarados many and other Flying types.

Weaknesses: Water – Breloom/Starmie
Ground – Gliscor/Breloom
Flying – Tyranitar
Psychic – Tyranitar/Starmie


Rotom-W (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Hydro Pump
- Trick

This is my take on Rotom-H. I was talking to my friend SwiiK on Shoddy trying to think of the very last slot on this team (up til then, I had only been able to come up with the other 5 and this slot was constantly changing) and I suggested Rotom-H. He said Rotom forms are too predictable. He also mentioned how it’s too easy for a Pokemon like Tyranitar or Weavile to switch in and Pursuit it to death. That immediately meant no choice item, since it was basically an invitation for a Pursuiter to come in and revenge kill it. So I went with an all-out attacking set I made up (this has likely been used before but there’s no set like this on Smogon’s analysis of Rotom-H). Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, and Overheat are all standard moves on the H form. Pain Split is on this set to help recover from Life Orb recoil. Now, this guy can't really do much to a T-tar attempting to Pursuit since not even a Spec'd HP Fighting will kill it, but at least it will get smacked pretty hard, and Weavile is frail so a bit of luck would take care of it. Like I said, this slot was the hardest to come up with, and I'm still open to changing it (for like the 10th time...).

Starmie and Rotom got their roles switched thanks to the suggestions of RMTers. Rotom also had the extra change of going from H form to W form because of the abundance of Heatran and Infernape. The change was extremely easy since they both have access to Trick which I thought was pretty important on a Scarfed revenge killer in order to make it more useful in late game situations or cripple boosters that my team could have trouble with, like say, Calm Mind Suicune or DD Kingdra.

Weaknesses: Ghost – Tyranitar
Dark – Tyranitar/Infernape/Breloom


Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Recover

Scarfed Starmie is one heck of a revenge killer. It outspeeds TONS of common threats, hell even tons of common revenge killers, and can OHKO with its powerful attacks that get pretty good coverage. I used to use Grass Knot, but Trick really helps out more later in matches. It leaves Starmie completely messed up by Swampert, but it’s not like I don’t have other and better options on the team. Trick helps by ridding Starmie of its Scarf when the ability to use whatever move I want is more important than being able to outspeed things (like say, late game, where the chances of getting a Life Orb or Leftovers is pretty high), and by crippling things like Blissey.

I've switched Starmie and Rotom's roles. Now this is the Life Orber, and Rotom is the Scarfed revenge killer. Starmie with a Life Orb is pretty devastating. It has access to instant recovery, and 3 *excellent* moves. I considered Surf since I was getting the Orb boost, but Hydro Pump is wonderfully devastating with an Orb. This guy is still insanely fast, even with no Scarf. All in all, an excellent sweeper. Because of Machamp really threatens my team and I have no good options, I switched Thunderbolt to Psychic in order to better deal with it. The lack of Thunderbolt on Starmie isn't that important since Psychic still does a good bit of damage to bulky Water types and Rotom-W uses it much better anyways.

Weaknesses: Electric – Gliscor/Rotom-H/Breloom
Grass – Breloom/Infernape
Bug – Infernape/Gliscor/Rotom-H
Ghost – Tyranitar
Dark – Tyranitar/Infernape/Breloom


This team has had some surprising success on Shoddy. So far, I've had 39 wins and 15 losses, which is the best W/L ratio for any team I've ever had. I even did surprisingly well against an Ubers team. I lost 1-0 in that battle and notably, he had a scarfed Palkia, so I thought the team performed admirably. Perhaps he was just bad at Ubers though, but I'll go with the more optimistic option :nerd:. This team has also had 2 6-0 wins. I really wanted to run this team by the Smogon community to see if I could find some good improvements to make to it, since it isn't perfect no matter how much I would like to think that. Thanks for reading!

With the new changes, I haven't lost yet (out of the 5 matches I've had so far). I'm still looking for more input though!
This is a pretty cool team. You have good synergy and you do pretty well in luring out counters with ttar. The only suggestion I have is switching the roles of starmie and rotom. Starmie was a good revenge back when sally was still around because it could easily check him, and can't be permanently destroyed by t-wave, but now it isn't too useful. This is because you need to rely on starmie to counter heatran/nape and without recover you lose health too quickly (even fire blast really hurts, making it impossible to switch in too many times), and starmie is generally too frail to switch in to things. Starmie is a fearsome LO sweeper, and with ttar taking out blissey, starmie can do tons of damage. Rotom is a study revenge killer capable of dealing with nearly every threat.
Hello SlyShady interesting team you have yourself, I have a few suggestions that may help your team out!

Solid team many of common weaknesses are covered just a few threats stand out. You infact have a Life Orb Starmie weakness. Who's main entry is against Infernapes Close Combat or Overheat. Life Orb Starmie has super effective moves on every pokemon bar Rotom who still takes (83.4% - 98.3%) which is a ko' after Stealth Rock damage considering if it obtains 4.6% more then minimum damage which is quite possible. Your only water resist on this team are Breloom and Starmie. Who both take a chunk load and Starmie can only enter so many times due to entry hazards and horrid defenses. As for Breloom who also takes (61% - 71.6%) from Hydro Pump. By the looks of that offensive Breloom should never switch into LO-mie's attacks. I have to second Eggbert's idea of switching Starmie into a Life Orb Sweeper with Recover and using Scarf Rotom instead. I also suggest that you use Scarf Tyranitar to help revenge kill opposing LO Starmie's stopping them from freely switching in and putting your team in a defensive position.

By switching Rotom and Starmies role as well as using scarf Tyranitar. Starmie would provide you the excellent LO sweeper with great coverage. Rotom-H in this case allows you to revenge kill and switch into Lucario's predicted CC or ES and Ko' in return with Overheat disregarding it's nature Adamant or Jolly since you out speed due to scarf. If Starmie was in the situation after Stealth Rock damage and CC you would be under 42% and get picked off by Extreme Speed. As for using Scarf on Tyranitar this stops LO-Mie from safely switching in and causing havoc to your team allowing you to revenge kill it with Pursuit. Your team also has trouble against substitute Gengar who can easily set up on Gliscor or scare off pokemon like Rotom and Tyranitar forcing you to switch. Once Gengar has the substitute it is guaranteed at least two kills depending on how you play against it, if Starmie is out of play then nothing on your team can out speed it. With this said using Scarf Tar allows you to Pursuit Gengar to death once you break it's substitute and is a guaranteed Ko' since Substitute took 25% of health.

Rotom - H @ Choice Scarf | Levitate
Timid | 4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Speed
Trick | Shadow Ball | Thunderbolt | Overheat

Starmie @ Life Orb | Natural Cure
Timid | 4 HP | 252 SpA | 252 Speed
Hydro Pump | Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | Recover

Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf | Sand Stream
Jolly | 4 HP | 252 Atk | 252 Speed
Crunch | Pursuit | Stone Edge | Superpower
Good Luck :toast:
I'll definitely try switching Rotom to Scarf and Starmie to Life Orb. Sounds logical enough. I'll be going with Surf over Hydro Pump though, because of Life Orb's boost. With a Scarf, it was kind of necessary to have full power but with an Orb, it's fine. Tyranitar stays as is though, for a number of reasons. You see, the team was kind of based around MixTar, and changing it to Scarf defeats the purpose of the team. That, and having either Starmie or Rotom as my revenge killer will remove Starmie as an issue. I would likely need to sacrifice a Pokemon to achieve it, but it's better than being swept. I've never had Starmie issues.

Standout issue Pokemon? Kingdra. I've had to jump through numerous hoops to remove it, usually losing a great deal of Pokemon in the process (3 usually). A Spore from Breloom, sub up, then Focus Punching to death works, but it's extremely... messy... and hard to pull off. Will switching Starmie and Rotom's roles help fix that at all?
^Yes it will actually. Scarf Rotom is a good kingdra check, if you are locked to the right move. Trick easily cripples a rest-chesto kingdra or a kingdra trying to sub or DD up. If they decide to attack, you can most likely survive a +1 waterfall or set up breloom. T-Bolt can simply 2HKO too. Two more options for scarf rotom are: Wow and another form. Hydro pump is better now due to heatran on nearly 1/2 teams, and the infernape commonly seen on the other half. Trick + Wow gives rotom a chance to cripple things like ttar switching in. It would go over either shadow ball or overheat.
Interesting... You're right - Heatran usage is up so switching Rotom-H to Rotom-W definitely could work. I'll try it out. Thanks!
This looks like a very solid team, and I'm loving the mixed set on Tyranitar, but I'm just wondering as to whether Starmie needs all those Speed EVs, a +nature and a scarf all at once. I mean, that gives him 541 speed, which is much higher than even most scarfers. Unless you're desperate to outspeed Rock Polish Gliscor, Agility Zapdos and Scarf Dugtrio, you could just run 136 EVs in Speed and invest in HP to prevent being OHKO'd be weaker hits, and thus get some 2HKOs you couldn't before. I'm not sure as to what situations that extra 30 HP would save you from, but it'd come in handy if you didn't feel pressured by those three pokémon. Alternatively, you could keep those EVs in Speed and go with a Modest nature, which brings you to the same speed level and boosts the power of your attacks, which is always nice. You'd still outspeed Scarf Flygon, Scarf Jirachi and Scarf Shaymin, with an extra speed point than all of them. Just a suggestion, though.
Hah, GtM, I was just going by the standard Scarfmie set on the Smogon analysis. Doesn't really affect me now, since I've switched Rotom and Starmie's roles and made Rotom-H into Rotom-W. So far, the team with those changes has 5 wins and a whopping no losses. It's wonderful. So thanks Eggbert and Scimjara! I'll edit the changes into the original post.

Ok, the updated team is 16-6 so far.
I've changed Thunderbolt to Psychic on Starmie so that Machamps don't tear through my team. Rotom-W deals with anything that needs to be Thunderbolted anyways.
One of the biggest problems for your team to face would probably be opposing Life Orb Starmie. Rotom-W can revenge it, but pivoting is required to get it in on an attack other than Hydro Pump, and Rotom's Choice Scarf set is quite common; in addition, many players will notice the lack of Leftovers recovery on it and switch out.

Without making any major changes to your team, I think a good way to help improve your team would be trying out a Choice Scarf set for Infernape as well:

Infernape (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 24 Atk/132 Spd/252 SAtk
Rash nature (+SAtk, -SDef)
- Close Combat
- Hidden Power Ice
- Fire Blast
- U-turn

Making this change will allow you to keep the offensive momentum and scouting ability of Mixape, while allowing you to outspeed and revenge most threats. Hidden Power Ice will also allow you to kill +1 Dragonite, who is quite a large threat to your team. The advantage of this set lies in its increased speed; U-turn can be used to outspeed and deal 47.5% - 55.9% to opposing LO Starmie, and Infernape can also be used to sweep late-game once your opponent's team is sufficiently weakened.

Good luck with your team!
Ehh, LO Starmie in play has actually never given me problems. Same with +1 Dragonite. Rotom handles both with ease. From Starmie, all I have to watch out for is Hydro Pump since T-bolt and Ice Beam do negligible damage to it. And considering I have Pokemon like Gliscor and Starmie which attract those moves, it doesn't really take a lot of "pivoting". Maybe a turn, maybe none.

And see, what I like about Mix-Ape is the diversity of its moves and being able to switch between them is honestly more useful than speed is.
Ehh, LO Starmie in play has actually never given me problems. Same with +1 Dragonite. Rotom handles both with ease. From Starmie, all I have to watch out for is Hydro Pump since T-bolt and Ice Beam do negligible damage to it. And considering I have Pokemon like Gliscor and Starmie which attract those moves, it doesn't really take a lot of "pivoting". Maybe a turn, maybe none.

And see, what I like about Mix-Ape is the diversity of its moves and being able to switch between them is honestly more useful than speed is.

Well okay I don't see why you gave LO Starmie Psychic this just leaves offensive Gyarados easily setting up on you. By using Pyschic over Thunderbolt this ruins your coverage and doesn't provide you any assistance against bulky water pokemon. With the lack of using a scarfer Offensive LO Gyarados can in fact sweep your team with just one Dragon Dance under its belt. Unless you are using Scarf Rotom - W but forgot to change the Item.
Yeah, Rotom is Scarfed and I just forgot to change it. Gyarados was never a threat to my team, since originally I had Scarfmie and it had T-bolt, but since I switched Rotom to revenge killer, there was really no need for T-bolt since Rotom could T-bolt much more effectively. On the other hand, Machamp always did some major work to my team, so Psychic really helps there. It also still does pretty good damage to Pokemon like Gyara and Vaporeon anyways.