
Wouldn't a bulky lumrest version with dd be awesome?

Unfortunately, Leaf Blade is illegal with Dragon Dance and Bullet Seed is illegal with the DD+Harvest combination so you'd have to go with Aerial Ace, Fly, or Razor Leaf for your STAB.
i think tropius harvest could be cool losing that 4x ice weakness with yache berry or fire weakness with fire berry you could just switch in against all water pokemons or fire pokemons and maybe

bulky trophius @yache berry/fire berry
nature: bold/calm
252 Def / 96 SpA / 160 SpD(4 gen maybe new spreed needed)
leech seed ............................. (pseudo leftovers? lol)
air slash ..................................... (for pokemons imune to leech seed)
leaf storm ................................(leave a dent in something)
synthesis ................................(since no roost with harvest)

in 4 gen this guy was a beast since no hp evs you will get loads of hp from leech seeds and has some pretty decent defences (99/83/87) i breeded one shiny and i used in OU sometimes and got pretty surprised to see the damage he could take before going down

Well not really, since it would be kind of hard to top the OP's PP-stalling set. In fact, I think this has a bit of potential.


"Curse of the Bananasaur" @ chesto berry
calm - 252 hp, 252 spdef, 4 def
- fly/whirlwind
- leech seed/whirlwind
- curse
- rest

Tropius' defenses are surprisingly good (99/83/87), not to mention it has crappy speed (51), so he can actually make decent use of a curse set. Curse is for boosting defense and attack, while infinite chesto+rest is the perfect healing solution. Leech seed is favored over toxic as it not only wears down your foes, but also heals Tropius while he boosts or attacks. Fly is there mostly because Tropius lacks a good physical STAB (leaf blade can't be used with curse), but it also has the added benefit of giving Tropius a free turn of leech seed stalling. Fly has an acceptable 24 PP, as well (15 without PP maxed out). As for the grass types that are immune to leech seed, fly is there to hit them for super-effective damage. If you're afraid of being set up on (substitute users could cause this set a lot of problems), then you can always run whirlwind in either of the first two slots. I wouldn't really recommend choosing it over fly, though, as Tropius can pack a reasonable punch after several turns of boosting its attack.

Chesto berry is chosen over lum berry since it prevents the scenario of locking yourself into rest for an extra turn (if your opponent uses a status move before you can use rest).

Of course, this set's far from perfect. Taunt users and phazers still deal with Tropius quite easily, and pokes with herbivore ruin the idea of leech seeding. Also, as stated earlier substitute opponents are a bad matchup for leech seed and fly. And there's also that "always crit" ice move, which is basically a sure-fire counter for this set. But beyond that, I think it has potential, at least in lower tier matches. And there's always heal block, but who actually uses that?
Actually, if your opponent statuses you on the turn you use Rest, Lum Berry will kick in and negate it as usual and then you'll use Rest and fall asleep. At the end of the turn, Harvest will return your Lum Berry and Tropius will immediately eat it and wake up. Lum Berry is still better than Chesto Berry because it allows Tropius to immediately get rid of Burn and Toxic which will hurt its ability to stall and will get rid of Freeze if it happens to get it.

Even at that, that set still begs for Special Fire and Ice Pokemon to come in and OHKO Tropius with their STABs.
while the chesto-resto combo is amazingly cheap and useful, tropius will be way outclassed by exeggutor, who alto gets the harvest ability.
Harvest seems interesting, but won't something with Incinerate just wreck it anyway?
what people will use inceneration i mean just low pp and maybe most battles you wont be able to use it and with nitro charge/flametrower/fire blast etc out there incenerate will be like using bug bite on a pokemon who learns megahorn or x szicor(besides technician szicor who uses u turn anyway)
i was pulling off tropius sweeps earlier today with LumRest.

used sword dance, leaf blade, and earthquake.

come in on a blissey, clefable, sableye or any other status oriented poke and set up.

i think people dont know how to deal with tropius yet so that adds to his gimmickiness. since i had people confuse ray me 3 times in a row not knowing what harvest does i guess.

i think curse goes better than swords dance since you can invest into 252hp/252spdef because those ice beams are killer.
OP set is just stupid.

I think something with Natural Gift would be quite good... DD + reusable berry plz? Pinch berry especially? yesplx.

Tropius @ Salac / Custap / Jaboca Berry
- Dragon Dance
- Seed Bomb
- Natural Gift (Fighting/Salac) / Earthquake
- Roost / Natural Gift (Custap/Ghost)/(Jaboca/Dragon)

With some bulk, Roost, and Salac, it'd be pretty damn good, I think... in the lower tiers anyway. Obv can't compete in standard with the actually-good users of DD... )=
Tropical Gamble @ Starf Berry
Ability: Harvest
Jolly Nature
EVs: (None yet)

- Protect
- Substitute
- Roost
- Fly

Plain, and simple. Switch in to a Pokemon that is not a threat or slower. Keep Subbing until you are down to 25% health. The "Tropical Gambling" starts the moment Starf Berry activates. Upon activating, use Protect for the first turn to activate Harvest. The next turn depends on the situation. Use Sub if Sandstorm is not in play, or whatever reason/use Fly on something you can hurt or if Sub is still up. Protect afterwards. Roost when you get the chance to, then rinse and repeat. Enjoy your stat gambling until a priority move kills you. Very gimmicky, but potentially fun. If done right, you have about 3-5 chances of activating Starf Berry through Harvest safely.
Plain, and simple. Switch in to a Pokemon that is not a threat or slower.
...sir... you DO realize that this is Tropius you're talking about, don't you? :0 Tropius? Faster than something? 9/10 times I bet it dies first.
Unless I'm missing something, how's Leaf Blade illegal with Swords Dance? Swords Dance is still a TM, and LB is an egg move.
EDIT: NVM thought you were talking about SD + LB, but it's DD + LB that's illegal.
...sir... you DO realize that this is Tropius you're talking about, don't you? :0 Tropius? Faster than something? 9/10 times I bet it dies first.

NU/UU tier. And if you have the guts to try it in OU, switch it to uh... a wall. Lol.
Incinerate is hardly an issue. It's a waste of a moveslot. 30BP won't be useful for anything. If anything, the main issue would be something like a Pokemon with Tension. Or for stall sets, Taunt/Encore. And even though Exeggutor pulls it better because it can still hit hard even with defensive EVs and nature, a set with Enigma Berry is pretty funny. They have to start hitting you neutrally, which could mess them up really badly. Tropius's common weaknesses and great defenses help greatly in this role.
Here I come, I am cinnamon!
Tropius @ Yache Berry
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Harvest
IVs: 0 speed IVs
252 HP, 100 def, 156 sp. def

Giga drain
Hp Fire
Natural Gift

An attempt at a bulky set up tank. The Evs and the berry allow tropius to tank Ice Beams from both Choice Specs and Life orb starmie while he takes somewhere around 50%. It also allows him to shrug off ice beams from every single bulky water in the game. With Harvest' mechanics confirmed, this set is to be used in the sun. Natural gift allows you to make use of your berry on the offensive side as well, letting tropius hit flying and dragon types SE if need be. HP Fire is necessary for every grass pokemon in the sun. Giga drain is to be used after growth to help heal off any damage tropius may have taken. With no leftovers, the added survivability of giga drain helps.

Hopefully, we can get some action in this thread?
Well, I tried out the OPs set on PO, and managed to pull it off in my second battle. Best thing ever. Infinite PP Tropius, can't be killed, can't even be phazed thanks to Ingrain. You do need to set some hazards up (otherwise they can just avoid PP loss by switching), though, and I assume damaging weather would also break the strategy. Either passing Tropius a sub or managing to sub with it before they attack is also important; my first attempt fizzled out somewhat when Tropius got T Waved the turn it subbed whilst all set up.

One other thing to be slightly wary of would be something with fast and slow moves, or that speed ties with Tropius - for instance, a slow Abomasnow could Blizzard the turn you sub first, then spam Ice Shard the next turns. (Though the hail there would end up killing you anyway; so Sunny Day could be a worthwhile moveslot on Tropius.)
Stallnanasaurus @ Custap Berry
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 SpD
Nature: Impish
- Whirlwind / Roar
- Substitute
- Protect
- Synthesis

Whirlwind or Roar with Custap Berry racks up Spikes and Stealth Rock damage and the -6 Priority is ignored with Custap Berry. Simply send it Tropius on something that can't hurt it and set up a Substitute. Substitute down to 25% with your 244 HP EVs which allow 100 HP Substitutes (Sadly, not 101). Then start Whirlwinding causing tons of damage until a possible Priority user comes in. (Mamoswine and Scizor) Defense EVs are to let you take Priority moves which are mostly Physical and Vaccum Wave is not very effective against Tropius anyway. The only moves you really have to watch for is Bullet Punch and Ice Shard. Shandera and Magnezone are good partners. Shandera can trap Mamoswine and Scizor and KO then each. Magnezone resists most of Tropius's weaknesses. Synthesis is to heal up to 75% for later if you suspect a Priority move. (They break your Substitute while you heal) Protect stalls an extra turn after Synthesis for Toxic Spikes. The remaining EVs are put into SpD for bulk. Burungeru, Magnezone and Tropius can be used together to cover each other's weaknesses, revenge kill, stall and spin-block.
Stallnanasaurus @ Custap Berry
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 SpD
Nature: Impish
- Whirlwind / Roar
- Substitute
- Protect
- Synthesis

Whirlwind or Roar with Custap Berry racks up Spikes and Stealth Rock damage and the -6 Priority is ignored with Custap Berry. Simply send it Tropius on something that can't hurt it and set up a Substitute. Substitute down to 25% with your 244 HP EVs which allow 100 HP Substitutes (Sadly, not 101). Then start Whirlwinding causing tons of damage until a possible Priority user comes in. (Mamoswine and Scizor) Defense EVs are to let you take Priority moves which are mostly Physical and Vaccum Wave is not very effective against Tropius anyway. The only moves you really have to watch for is Bullet Punch and Ice Shard. Shandera and Magnezone are good partners. Shandera can trap Mamoswine and Scizor and KO then each. Magnezone resists most of Tropius's weaknesses. Synthesis is to heal up to 75% for later if you suspect a Priority move. (They break your Substitute while you heal) Protect stalls an extra turn after Synthesis for Toxic Spikes. The remaining EVs are put into SpD for bulk. Burungeru, Magnezone and Tropius can be used together to cover each other's weaknesses, revenge kill, stall and spin-block.
Unless they changed it in Gen V, Custap Berry doesn't affect priority, so it's still at -6. Also, it only works once, so it wouldn't be much use anyway.
Unless they changed it in Gen V, Custap Berry doesn't affect priority, so it's still at -6. Also, it only works once, so it wouldn't be much use anyway.

Harvest lets you get back your berry after you Sub down to 25% or below.

And I just found out that it's still -6 Priority. Shame, I just made a whole team based on it. :(
@ BombKirby
You could attempt to but it is really hard to keep your HP at 25% without being killed.

Substitute mixed with Synthesis and Protect might get you some where. I just heard that Inconsistent was banned or something so this could possibly be an alternative if yer desperate.

EDIT: Just click the quote button to quote. I'm just guessing you didn't know that or something. ^_^'
Substitute mixed with Synthesis and Protect might get you some where. I just heard that Inconsistent was banned or something so this could possibly be an alternative if yer desperate.

EDIT: Just click the quote button to quote. I'm just guessing you didn't know that or something. ^_^'

I knew how to do that, I just got lazy I guess.

Problem though:

You send in Tropius.
Trollpius subs up.
Foe Switches to Counter.
Sub down to Starf Berry. Get Random Boost.
Protect. Get 2nd Boost.
Synthesis as foe breaks Sub.

Unless you get Speed boosts or the Correct Defenses you're pretty much gonna die. Especially to SE attacks.
For those interested in Tropius' potential, here's a log for people:

Battle between big daddy smug cat and Showsni started!

Tier: Standard OU
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Showsni sent out Nattorei!
big daddy smug cat sent out Kyuremu!
The foe's Kyuremu is exerting its Pressure!

Start of turn 1
The foe's Kyuremu used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Nattorei lost 252 HP! (71% of its health)

Nattorei used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around big daddy smug cat's team!

Nattorei restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 2
Showsni called Nattorei back!
Showsni sent out Dusclops!

Dusclops is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Kyuremu used Hidden Power!
Dusclops lost 39 HP! (20% of its health)

Start of turn 3
big daddy smug cat called Kyuremu back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Swampert!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Swampert!

Dusclops used Pain Split!
The battlers shared their pain!

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4
Showsni called Dusclops back!
Showsni sent out Espeon!

The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
The foe's Swampert's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
But it failed!

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5
Espeon used Reflect!
Reflect raised Showsni's team defense!

The foe's Swampert used Earthquake!
Espeon lost 103 HP! (30% of its health)

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6
Espeon used Light Screen!
Light Screen raised Showsni's team special defense!

The foe's Swampert used Earthquake!
Espeon lost 106 HP! (31% of its health)

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 7
Espeon used Psychic!
The foe's Swampert lost 29% of its health!

The foe's Swampert used Earthquake!
Espeon lost 117 HP! (35% of its health)

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8
Espeon used Psychic!
The foe's Swampert lost 29% of its health!

The foe's Swampert used Earthquake!
Espeon lost 8 HP! (2% of its health)
Espeon fainted!

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Showsni sent out Nattorei!

Start of turn 9
big daddy smug cat called Swampert back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Infernape!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Infernape!

Nattorei used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of big daddy smug cat's team!

Nattorei restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10
The foe's Infernape used Overheat!
It's super effective!
Nattorei lost 144 HP! (40% of its health)
The foe's Infernape's Sp. Att. sharply fell!
Nattorei fainted!
The foe's Infernape is hurt by its Life Orb!

Showsni sent out Vaporeon!

Start of turn 11
big daddy smug cat called Infernape back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!
The foe's Vaporeon is hurt by spikes!

Vaporeon used Substitute!
Vaporeon made a substitute!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 12
Vaporeon used Aqua Ring!
Vaporeon surrounded itself with a veil of water!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Vaporeon's Water Absorb absorbs the attack!

Showsni's reflect wore off!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 13
big daddy smug cat called Vaporeon back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Ononokusu!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Ononokusu!
The foe's Ononokusu is hurt by spikes!

The foe's Ononokusu has Mold Breaker!
Vaporeon used Baton Pass!
Showsni called Vaporeon back!
Showsni sent out Smeargle!

Showsni's light screen wore off!

Start of turn 14
The foe's Ononokusu used Dragon Dance!
The foe's Ononokusu's Attack rose!
The foe's Ononokusu's Speed rose!

Smeargle used Spore!
The foe's Ononokusu fell asleep!

Start of turn 15
The foe's Ononokusu is fast asleep!

Smeargle used Ingrain!
Smeargle planted its roots!

Start of turn 16
The foe's Ononokusu is fast asleep!

Smeargle used Spore!
The foe's Ononokusu is already asleep.

Start of turn 17
The foe's Ononokusu woke up!
The foe's Ononokusu used Dragon Dance!
The foe's Ononokusu's Attack rose!
The foe's Ononokusu's Speed rose!

Smeargle used Spore!
The foe's Ononokusu fell asleep!

Start of turn 18
The foe's Ononokusu is fast asleep!

Smeargle used Baton Pass!
Showsni called Smeargle back!
Showsni sent out Tropius!

Start of turn 19
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Ononokusu is fast asleep!

Start of turn 20
The foe's Ononokusu is fast asleep!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 21
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Ononokusu woke up!
The foe's Ononokusu used Outrage!
Tropius protected itself!

Start of turn 22
The foe's Ononokusu used Outrage!
Tropius's substitute faded!
The foe's Ononokusu is hurt by its Life Orb!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 23
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Ononokusu used Outrage!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Ononokusu calmed down!
The foe's Ononokusu became confused!
Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 24
The foe's Ononokusu is confused!
The foe's Ononokusu used Dragon Dance!
The foe's Ononokusu's Attack rose!
The foe's Ononokusu's Speed rose!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 25
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Ononokusu is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
The foe's Ononokusu lost 65% of its health!
The foe's Ononokusu fainted!

big daddy smug cat sent out Infernape!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Infernape!
The foe's Infernape is hurt by spikes!

Start of turn 26
The foe's Infernape used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Tropius's substitute faded!
The foe's Infernape is hurt by its Life Orb!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 27
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Infernape used Hidden Power!
Tropius protected itself!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 28
The foe's Infernape used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Tropius's substitute faded!
The foe's Infernape is hurt by its Life Orb!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 29
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Infernape used Close Combat!
Tropius protected itself!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 30
The foe's Infernape used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Tropius's substitute faded!
The foe's Infernape is hurt by its Life Orb!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 31
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Infernape used Hidden Power!
Tropius protected itself!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 32
big daddy smug cat called Infernape back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!
The foe's Vaporeon is hurt by spikes!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 33
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Wish!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 34
big daddy smug cat called Vaporeon back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Swampert!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Swampert!
The foe's Swampert is hurt by spikes!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Vaporeon's wish came true!
The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 35
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert used Ice Punch!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 36
The foe's Swampert used Ice Punch!
It's super effective!
Tropius's substitute faded!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

The foe's Swampert restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 37
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert used Ice Punch!
Tropius protected itself!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 38
The foe's Swampert used Ice Punch!
It's super effective!
Tropius's substitute faded!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 39
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Showsni's team!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 40
The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 41
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

Start of turn 42
The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 43
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

Start of turn 44
The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 45
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Swampert used Stealth Rock!
But it failed!

Start of turn 46
big daddy smug cat called Swampert back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!
The foe's Vaporeon is hurt by spikes!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 47
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Wish!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 48
big daddy smug cat called Vaporeon back!
big daddy smug cat sent out Infernape!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Infernape!
The foe's Infernape is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Infernape fainted!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

big daddy smug cat sent out Vaporeon!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Vaporeon!
The foe's Vaporeon is hurt by spikes!

Start of turn 49
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!
Tropius ate its Leppa Berry!
Tropius's Protect's PPs are restored!

The foe's Vaporeon used Wish!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tropius's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 50
The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
It's not very effective...
Tropius's substitute took the damage!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.
Tropius ate its Leppa Berry!
Tropius's Substitute's PPs are restored!

Vaporeon's wish came true!
The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tropius's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!

Start of turn 51
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 52
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
The foe's Vaporeon protected itself!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 53
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Tropius protected itself!

Start of turn 54
The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
It's not very effective...
Tropius's substitute faded!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 55
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Tropius protected itself!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 56
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
The foe's Vaporeon protected itself!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 57
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
The foe's Vaporeon protected itself!

Tropius used Protect!
But it failed!

Start of turn 58
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
But it failed!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 59
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
The foe's Vaporeon protected itself!

Tropius used Protect!
But it failed!

Start of turn 60
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
The foe's Vaporeon protected itself!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 61
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Tropius protected itself!

Start of turn 62
The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
It's not very effective...
Tropius's substitute took the damage!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 63
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Tropius protected itself!

Start of turn 64
The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
It's not very effective...
Tropius's substitute faded!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius made a substitute!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 65
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Surf!
Tropius protected itself!

Tropius absorbed nutrients with its roots!
Aquaring restored Tropius's HP.

Start of turn 66
The foe's Vaporeon used Yawn!
Tropius's substitute blocked Yawn!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

Start of turn 67
Tropius used Protect!
Tropius protected itself!

The foe's Vaporeon used Yawn!
Tropius protected itself!

Start of turn 68
The foe's Vaporeon used Yawn!
Tropius's substitute blocked Yawn!

Tropius used Substitute!
Tropius already has a substitute.

big daddy smug cat: how long are you goin to do this?
big daddy smug cat: your eventually going to struggle

Start of turn 69
The foe's Vaporeon used Protect!
The foe's Vaporeon protected itself!

Tropius used Protect!
But it failed!
Tropius ate its Leppa Berry!
Tropius's Protect's PPs are restored!

Tropius's gained a Leppa Berry thanks to its Harvest!
Showsni: Until I hopefully win
big daddy smug cat: ah i see
Showsni: Infinite PP
big daddy smug cat: well im bored

Match won on turn 18; though, not actually won until I've struggled all his Pokémon to death by PP stall many, many turns later.