TRU Manaphy Giveaway (wifi capture?)

As most people know, Toy's R Us is having an event on Saturday that will give Manaphy via the Mystery Gift. I've been wondering something though...

This is just some idle speculation and I don't know the technical details well enough. If anybody had the know-how, this might be cool.

We know that this thing is going to be given away through the Mystery Gift. I believe the DS is compliant with 802.11b. If you had the right equipment (a laptop, wireless card, and some sort of software), would it be possible to capture the Mystery Gift signal at the event? If it's just some wireless data, shouldn't it be possible to rig a computer to send out a Mystery Gift signal? It'd be nice to be able to get more Manaphy at a later date, and to share with our non-North American friends.
Something tells me that kind of thing shouldn't work. If it was possible, though, I would certainly be willing to try it out--provided with the software, anyway.

Oh well. One can dream...

*needs a job so he can save up for Pokemon Ranger... :(
Hm...Would anyone happen to have a list of locations this is at? And are the manaphies in eggs, or just come as manaphy? Finally, would I be able to recieve them if I already used a Pokemon Ranger event to get it?
This is a good idea. If we could somehow reverse engineer the broadcasted signal and be able to replicate it and re-broadcast with your standard WiFi Router, then I'd be stoked.

Perhaps if we could do an "inside job" where employees could take the data that is transmitted raw we could harness that much better than a received signal.


OP, it would be best if we could get the data in raw form over a receptive form. That way we could use the source files instead of one type received as in listening. The problem now is to find TRU associates who'd be willing and able to provide us with the data and then with that data, then device a way of programming a way of having it distributed through all types of routers that work with the DS.
Hm...Would anyone happen to have a list of locations this is at? And are the manaphies in eggs, or just come as manaphy? Finally, would I be able to recieve them if I already used a Pokemon Ranger event to get it?

ive heard that it is in a cherish ball so no need to worry about eggs and you can get it if youve gotten the egg from ranger
This used to be possible as seen here but since I believe Nintendo has implemented RSA encryption on all DS wireless meaning that no subsequent captures have been successful.
OP, it would be best if we could get the data in raw form over a receptive form. That way we could use the source files instead of one type received as in listening. The problem now is to find TRU associates who'd be willing and able to provide us with the data and then with that data, then device a way of programming a way of having it distributed through all types of routers that work with the DS.

I completely agree with this, but it might be difficult. (Or it might actually be really easy). I'm just going to speculate wildly here, but I think I'm too far off. You guys are familiar with the DS demo download stations, yes? These are nothing more than a DS with a special "game" in it, which makes the DS act like a server, sending out the demos to whomever is in range. I'm going to assume that for this Manaphy event, Nintendo is just going to send out special DS cartridges. (Not unlike the GBA Mew event, etc.) These special cartridges would make the DS send out Mystery Gift data. (Again, total speculation)

Now from here, I see two scenarios.
1. Have an "inside man" at TRU. Also, have someone who is able to rip the ROM of the Manaphy cartridge. (I'm wandering into some piracy grey-area here). I'm pretty sure this can be done, as there are ROMs of DS games do exist, and people with flash cards out there too. This would yield us an easy-to-use format. But it would require someone who could both rip the Manaphy cart, and knows someone that works at TRU.

2. Grab the Mystery Gift data out of the air. Some people have done something similar with the demo games.
I think this would be "easy" to obtain, but the raw data might be difficult to use.
TSPhoenix speaks the truth. Sorry guys. Maybe next time.

No, what he said has no bearing whatsoever on our "Pokegate" job.
The STREAM is encrypted, but the source is unlikely to be encrypted.

The source itself (the ROM which is broadcasted) may be protected by password, but it is highly, highly, highly unlikely it itself is encrypted.

I'm 70-90% sure there would be no password, however, if there was, said mole would know it.

If anyone is interested in this, a code of anonymity must be devised.
Gotta talk to some people in Jubilife, say something like WIFI CONNECTION EVERYBODY HAPPY or something, I forgot. And it opens up in your title screen. You just download manaphy that way. By the way guys, does anyone have a list of participating stores? I wanna go down to the US for this (I don't live too far), but I dunno which stores are participating.
Passive Observer has the right idea, ideally we really want to get a copy of the means of distribution itself as the signals are pretty worthless.

Just getting the cartridge is the hard bit, finding someone to dump it will be easy.

As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo is a bunch of hackers. "Oct. 05, 2007" my ass. I have no interest in Pokemon specially hacked to highlight some sort of money-making promotion. It is my opinion, though not widely shared, that all Pokemon and moves not naturally obtainable in the game should be banned from competitive play.
As most people know, Toy's R Us is having an event on Saturday that will give Manaphy via the Mystery Gift. I've been wondering something though...

This is just some idle speculation and I don't know the technical details well enough. If anybody had the know-how, this might be cool.

We know that this thing is going to be given away through the Mystery Gift. I believe the DS is compliant with 802.11b. If you had the right equipment (a laptop, wireless card, and some sort of software), would it be possible to capture the Mystery Gift signal at the event? If it's just some wireless data, shouldn't it be possible to rig a computer to send out a Mystery Gift signal? It'd be nice to be able to get more Manaphy at a later date, and to share with our non-North American friends.
Not sure if that'll work. I'm going to the event, I think my toysrus is having it.

Anyway, probably the main reason to have this saturday is becoming they are having a big sale at the same time (12-3). But because this is via mystery gift, you won't be there long.

BTW, you get a manaphy at level 50.
Not sure if that'll work. I'm going to the event, I think my toysrus is having it.

Anyway, probably the main reason to have this saturday is becoming they are having a big sale at the same time (12-3). But because this is via mystery gift, you won't be there long.

BTW, you get a manaphy at level 50.
It's actually the "geoffory's birthday" celebration.... supposedly the giraffe's b-day.
I don't think there would be anyone really willing to help with this unless you knew the managers and such as they'll all be around for it.
Otherwise it'd be Mission impossible poke-style.
As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo is a bunch of hackers. "Oct. 05, 2007" my ass. I have no interest in Pokemon specially hacked to highlight some sort of money-making promotion.

Oh, come on. I hope that's a joke.

Either way, if this works the same way the Darkrai giveaway did in Japan, your downloading of that "card" that you see in that image there prevents you from ever getting another Manaphy that way. So if you were to capture that signal and reproduce it somehow, only people whose save files didnt yet receive a Manaphy in this fashion would be able to get it.
Does anyone have a list of participating stores as of yet? I looked at the TRU site but their Manaphy promotion ad just leads to a Pokemon related goods page.
Does anyone have a list of participating stores as of yet? I looked at the TRU site but their Manaphy promotion ad just leads to a Pokemon related goods page.
As i Recall there was never a list of Participating stores for the mew event and I doubt there will be now.
easiest way to find out if a store near you is having it is to use the store search on TRU's site and call the stores in your area.... They should know for certain if they're having them by now.
something to think about, my TRU said they were doing DS giveaways and GBA giveaways.

Not sure if it was a mistake on the managers part, either way I'm bringing the old GBA and my DS. is possible. Anyone with a flash cart will know that there are roms of the wifi demos and trailers (sent in a similar way) available. It needs someone with a specific wifi adapter and a certain set of drivers to recieve signals compatible with the ds.
something to think about, my TRU said they were doing DS giveaways and GBA giveaways.

Not sure if it was a mistake on the managers part, either way I'm bringing the old GBA and my DS.
Mine were like "Hey --- (forgot name), where having a pokemon event Saturday?"

They she picked up the ToysRus Mag. with it on the back and said, "I guess so"

I hope they do, otherwise, I'll have to go somewhere else.
Kind of going off a tangent here but I didn't want to start another thread...

Supposedly you have to talk to a guy at the Pokemart counter to receive Manaphy. I wonder if the nature/IVs are set when you receive the Mystery Gift wirelessly or if they are set when you talk to that guy. Could it be similar to the breeding guy and eggs?
Kind of going off a tangent here but I didn't want to start another thread...

Supposedly you have to talk to a guy at the Pokemart counter to receive Manaphy. I wonder if the nature/IVs are set when you receive the Mystery Gift wirelessly or if they are set when you talk to that guy. Could it be similar to the breeding guy and eggs?
It is set when you pick it up from the guy at the pokemart.

No questions asked.