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Tubular Mod

Approved by Eevee General
Placeholder for the banner to come.

Otherwise known as Dylan's Wishlist, Somewhat Kind of Balanced OU, and "lol this is just bad".

Hi! As you can probably tell, I'm Dylan, I like to imagine what Pokemon would be like if it was balanced and if more Pokemon were actually good, and sometimes I even actually play the game! Of course this eventually led to me being like "man I can do this I believe in myself" and I attempted to balance OU. This is the result, I guess.

So what kind of changes should you expect in this Meta? Well, I attempted to make the S tier mons more on the terms of A+ or A mons, and tried to boost all the Pokemon below A up to A or A+, and some Pokemon that are just straight up unviable in OU have been buffed accordingly to try to give them at the very least a niche. Oh yeah and a lot of these are shamelessly stolen from the OU Theorymon project so hopefully they don't murder me. Please go check them out and stuff.

These changes include:
  • Ice Type having resists other than itself!
  • Certain Ubers Pokemon being nerfed down to be equal to OU Pokemon.
  • Abilities, Items, and Moves being buffed to create more variety in viable Pokemon sets.
  • Levitate being replaced by other abilities due to how much I hate it, and added in to Pokemon through a second or third type
  • As mentioned earlier, Pokemon being buffed into viability, and (generally) through flavorful changes!
Without further ado, you may find the change log at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kaxKxm86NKODE_wQileXTGZ_UoCiWQiKwDF7pIniA18/edit?usp=sharing
Please let me know how you feel about certain changes and if anything seems ridiculous, let me know. I'm eager to hear what you all think, and I hope that we can eventually have a very diverse OU metagame.

Special thanks to SuperSei and Jaguar360 for acting as some form of a council on this so far. Thank you both :toast:
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Threats and Such

Glalie-Mega @ Glalitite
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Spikes
- Return
- Earthquake
- Freeze-Dry
Mega Glalie, with its more than impressive improved offenses of 145/140/115, and it's incredible hard hitting power, forces many switches, which allow it to get up a layer of Spikes, quite the boon for Hyper Offense teams. Its great speed tier allows it to outspeed almost any defogger and hit any defogger for massive damage, OHKO-ing Lati@s and Zapdos with its return, and dealing massive damage to Articuno and Moltres. However, with the vast amount of priority the tier going unresisted by Mega Glalie's mono Ice typing, Mega Glalie finds itself afraid of anything who even thinks of Mach Punching or Bullet Punching it.

Aurorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Power Gem
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
With an incredibly impressive coverage of Ice/Electric/Rock/Ground, not many things find themselves wanting to switch into an Aurorus. Packing an incredible punch with its moves, Aurorus finds a niche as an amazing stall breaker due to the coverage of it's moves backed by an impressive 120 SpA stat.

Scyther @ Choice Band
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Quick Attack
- U-turn
- Knock Off
This uh... This might have to be nerfed a little LOL. Boasting the same speed tier as Mega Pinsir, Scyther basically boasts every advantage of Mega Pinsir and so much more. Scyther can also run an amazing SD Eviolite set to act as a late game sweeper instead of a wallbreaker.

Shaymin-Sky @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Air Cutter
- Seed Flare
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Skymin received a neat little tool in Technician, allowing it to run a special Flying STAB with both power and accuracy! While not exactly rare anymore, as this mod does buff the base power of Air Slash, it also boasts a 90 BP Hidden Power Fire. Skymin does an incredible job against offense, between it's incredible speed tier and amazing coverage.

Weavile @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bite
- Force Palm
- Ice Shard
- Fake Out
Dual priority Weavile with Technician and a set of moves that boast almost perfect neutral coverage (with all of your moves bar fake out hitting Azumarill for ineffective). Not much to say about this set other than a lot of Ice types have gotten much better.

Kyurem-White @ Life Orb
Ability: Turboblaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power
- Fusion Flare
- Ice Beam
Almost as soon as I posted this, I felt a bit of myself die inside as I immediately realized the mistake I made with giving this thing 110 speed. Well, on the bright side, you can always win a speed tie, right? right...? hahaha oh lord.

Diggersby @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Belly Drum
- Quick Attack
- Return
- Earthquake
Obligatory DIGGERSBY THO. This man sports an incredibly nasty attack stat after belly drumming. Also, due to Diggersby's not horrible bulk, it can actually set up a Belly Drum on a lot of things.

More threats to come.
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Holy shit Hoopa-U seems broken. Well at least Hyperspace Fury is weaker and Knock Off is slightly less spammable

Hoopa-C is now usable tho :)
Holy shit Hoopa-U seems broken. Well at least Hyperspace Fury is weaker and Knock Off is slightly less spammable

Hoopa-C is now usable tho :)

Yeaah, thinking about nerfing Hoopa-U. Just also wanted to post this quicker.
Glad you like that Knock Off is less spammable! It also gets a Technician boost after removing an item now, on the downside. Will probably have to remove Technician from Weavile as a result :(
There is something wrong with kyurem... can't quite place it though
Really like some of the changes. any ideas on when we can get a playable version?
i didn't know how to code anything when I started Violet Version, but since most of the changes were really simple, it was actually easy to figure out how to edit pokemon stats or the BP of moves and whatnot. skimming over your changes, it seems like the vast majority of them would be simple to code even for a beginner.
i didn't know how to code anything when I started Violet Version, but since most of the changes were really simple, it was actually easy to figure out how to edit pokemon stats or the BP of moves and whatnot. skimming over your changes, it seems like the vast majority of them would be simple to code even for a beginner.
That's good to hear, actually. Can I PM you and hear a little about how to do so?
Okay so to start a bit of discussion, how do you guys feel about unbanning Kyu-W if he had a stat spread that would mirror Kyu-B? (95/95/80/140/80/110)
I don't wanna do everything by myself, so I want to know how to hear how you guys feel about it before doing anything.
I believe that the introduction of fairy type and a nerfed stat spread will fix Kyu-W quite a bit. I've also been debating making Kyu-B Ice/Elec, and Kyu-W Ice/Fire, and then also changing Kyurem to have 600 BST, and an overall better typing.
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Now that Kyurem-B has Ice Punch, I think it would be ok for Kyu-W to mirror it. If that does end up being too much, 10 points from Sp. Atk could be put into Sp. Def or Attack.
So from my understanding the main reason Kyu-b was taken to OU was it lacked a decent Ice stab. We have a world where he has Ice punch. for that reason i would support Kyu-w coming down as it now is only a special version with equal stabs.
Oh yes, also, gems are currently giving the same strength to attacks as plates. So, gems will have to have their power boosted accordingly. 1.4, or 1.5 modifer though?
I'm leaning towards 1.4 as Acrobatics with Flying Gem is already pretty ridiculous.
Ice is already resisting itself, so how about a Dragon resistance?
After all, I don't see any Dragon Pokémon living on icical places except of Kyurem.
While strange at first, I think Electric/Ground Raichu actually works. I know that it's kind of weird on a Pikachu evolution of all things, but the color scheme fits with the hands and feet, it's a rodent and it has gotten Dig and Mud Slap for ground moves in the regular game (even though those moves are extremely common to have on non-Ground mons). It's a personal Pet Mod and the change isn't completely unjustified, so I'm for it.

(Not to say that disliking it is bad. Can't shut down people's opinions.)
why mad @ Levitate man

EDIT: wait so you buffed Stone Edge and left Ground moves alone but took away Levitate (which is a very good ability because Ground is a VERY GOOD offensive type)

why mad @ Levitate man

EDIT: wait so you buffed Stone Edge and left Ground moves alone but took away Levitate (which is a very good ability because Ground is a VERY GOOD offensive type)


Guess it would have been good to mention that they (should) inherently be immune.
Just not Gengar.
He's not levitating.
I'll put in my 2 cents here. mostly to shut dylan up.

Kyurem-B (Kyu-b)

Kyu-b has been put in an interesting place in this meta. It has less mixed potential but it has a very good speed, having 110! and he FINALLY has a very nice Physical Ice STAB. This is somehting he has been wanting for a while. so while he does have less attack, he is arguably more deadly.

Kyu-b @ life orb
252atk 252 spe 4 hp
Ice Punch
Dragon Claw/Outrage
Fusion bolt

THis moveset seems pretty self explanatory, but i will explain. Ice punch is a powerful STAB and teams up nice with Fusion Bolt for a BOltbeam Combo! Dragon move is another powerful stab and useful for just chomping away at things, just watch out for fairies. Earthquake is a deadly new move, that really shows just how strong he is by taking so many things out

DylanTubularK will you stop hounding me now? am i free?
Something I just noticed about Kyurem: If his forms' HP stats are changed, the base form's will have to be too. Also, it doesn't really make sense for Kyurem to have a higher BST than Kyurem-B and Kyurem-W. My suggestions:


HP 125 -> 95
Atk 130 -> 120
Def 90 -> 90
SpA 130 -> 120
SpD 90 -> 90
Spe 95 -> 85
BST 660 -> 600
Ability: Mold Breaker / Snow Warning (HA)

Glaciate: 85 BP, 95 Acc, Lowers the foe's Speed by 1 stage

I think this would be good for making it strong in spite of the stat nerf, while not being overpowered.