Undiscovered Types [PLAYABLE on Galaxy Server!]


Type: Electric-Steel
Justification: Rotom-S has a typing that makes its ability useless being a levitating flying type. Steel-type makes a large amount of sense with the generally large metal blades fans usually have.
New Moves: Flash Cannon
Removed Moves: Air Slash
Altered Abilities: None
Someone was gonna copy Theorymon eventually
1) Electric + Steel is not on this slate
2) Electric + Steel is not even a unique type...

Probopass (by Swagodile)

Rock/Steel-> Rock/Electric
+ Levitate
- Sand Force
Pros: STAB Volt Switch, loses x4 weaknesses
Cons: Misses the perks of Steel

Porygon-Z (+Porygon 2, Porygon) (by mcFlareon)

Normal -> Electric/Psychic (+Electric)
+ Charge, Electrify, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Calm Mind, Barrier, Extrasensory, Psycho Shift, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Skill Swap
Pros: Makes better use of Adaptability, has real resistances (including Fighting), has a STAB pivot move
Cons: Gains a ton of new weaknesses

Electivire (+Electabuzz, Elekid) (by Swagodile)

Electric -> Electric/Fighting
+ Sheer Force
+ Close Combat, Superpower, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Bulk Up

Pros: New STAB allows you to take advantage of good offensive stats, priority makes up for Speed, Sheer Force improves Special sets
Cons: New weaknesses, loses Flying resistance



Time for the final voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Dragon + Steel: Haxorus (+3), Mega Aggron (+2), Mega Steelix (+1)
Steel + Ghost: Bronzong (+3), Klefki (+2), Registeel (+1)
Ghost + Dragon: Noivern (+3), Flygon (+2), Druddigon (+1)
Water + Fire: Gyarados (+3), Octillery (+2), Torkoal (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.


Name(s): Steelix -> Mega Steelix
Type: Steel/Dragon
Justification: Steelix looks like a giant metal wyrm, which can be a burrowing, limbless dragon. Also already learns Dragonbreath and naturally and can learn Dragon Tail. Changed Mega Steelix's ability to Filter since those floating metal scales look like they'll filter at least some attacks from the main body and Sand Force seems more of a Ground type ability anyway. Onix becomes Rock/Dragon
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rage
Removed Moves: Earth Power, Mud Sport
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Filter


Name(s): Mega Aggron
Type: Steel / Dragon
Justification: If it's good enough for OU Theorymon, it's good enough for me! Mega Aggron does have a slight dragonic look to it, so it's not completely stupid either, so it works out. Absolutely no changes to movepool / abilities
New Moves: none
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none


Name(s): Haxorus, Fraxure, Axew
Type: Dragon/Steel
Justification: Obviously, the Haxorus family is a group of dragons mixed with axes. If you need further convincing: "Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in hard armor." With both the offensive and defensive capability of steel, Dragon/Steel seems like an obvious fit.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Bullet Punch
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A

Name(s): Bronzor -> Bronzong
Type: Steel/Ghost
Justification: Part of its design as a bell and Bronzor's design as a mirror can be linked to a Japanese myth "A Mirror and a Bell" where local priests wanted local women to donate their bronze mirrors to be forged into a bell. One woman donated hers but regretted it later and because of this, her mirror wouldn't melt until she killed herself. Her lasts words were anyone who would break the bell will be given riches by her ghost, so many people rang it and the priests finally grew tired of the noise and rolled the bell down into a swamp. (Better explained here). Also, according to an old proverb, a mirror is the soul of a woman (Bronzor is a bronze mirror). It's an ancient artifact Pokemon that was found buried after sleeping after 2000 years, and anything that old and buried (reference to the bell of legend?) seems Ghost-like to me. It also summons rain from a portal from another world, and from the stories of Hoopa and Giratina, other dimensions seem to be associated with Ghost type. Also bells have some connotations to death in some cultures (death knell). Lastly, all those resistances with either Heatproof or Levitate to choose from to remove one weakness? STAB Shadow Sneak removing Trick Room's priority weakness? Sounds pretty scary.
New Moves: Shadow Sneak, Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Grudge, Spite, Pain Split
Removed Moves: Future Sight, Extrasensory, Psyshock, Skill Swap
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Regigigas (Regirock | Regice | Regigigas)
Type: Steel / Ghost (Rock / Ghost | Ice / Ghost | Ghost)
Justification: A similar idea to Golurk - it's an ancient metalic golem, who's to say that there isn't a ghostie inside? I know this is very flimsy (and not allowed if Regirock wins Rock / Electric) but hey why not. Adding any ghost moves that they may or may not have (I think only Gigas and Steel get Shadow Ball)
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force (All)
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none


Name(s): Klefki
Type: Steel/Ghost
Justification: Reposting from an earlier submission: "Klefki always seemed a bit..."off" to me. Why do you find it on the routes where all the haunted trees and pumpkins are? Continuing the trend of inanimate object Pokemon being the result of spirit possession (Aegislash, Cofagrigus, Banette, Chandelure, Rotom), I think Klefki should be a Ghost type. The sound of rattling metal in the night is a common ghost-story trope, and Klefki is certainly creepy enough to fit the bill."
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Hex, Curse, Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak, Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Spite
Removed Moves: Play Rough
Altered Abilities: +Levitate

Noibat -> Noivern
Type: Dragon/Ghost
Justification: Noivern is part-wyvern and part-bat, and bats are spooky and associated with horror just like ghosts. Frisk and Infiltrator are already abilities associated with Ghosts (Banette, Spiritomb, etc.) so it fits. Changed Telepathy to Levitate so it still flies and hey, a lot of Ghosts get Levitate.
New Moves: Night Shade, Curse, Ominous Wind, Shadow Claw, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Pain Split
Removed Moves: Hurricane, Air Slash
Altered Abilities: Telepathy -> Levitate


Name(s): Druddigon
Type: Dragon / Ghost
Justification: There really isn't much justification here flavor wise, I'll be honest. It does look a bit inorganic with its strange wing and body parterns. I'm aware that this barely qualifies as flavor. The real reason why I mention this is because Druddigon being Dragon / Ghost has cool applications competitively - now that it has Wisp and Pain Split, along with its good bulk it can abuse Dragon / Ghost very nicely defensively - notably its an ok switch-in into something like Keldeo.
New Moves: Pain Split, Will-o-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Phantom Force
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none


Name(s): Flygon
Type: Dragon/Ghost
Justification: Flygon is known as the "Desert Spirit" and has a mystical, otherwordly quality to it. Levitate is also a common sight on fellow Ghosts like Gengar, Duskull, Rotom and Mismagius. It retains its Ground moves from its pre-evolutions.
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Spite, Hex, Shadow Sneak
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Cursed Body, +Sand Rush (still the "Desert Spirit," non-Ground Pokemon like Stoutland get it)

Name(s): Torkoal
Type: Fire/Water
Justification: Part-turtle which is usually associated with water. Smoke can be steam and it lives near volcanoes like Mt. Chimney which can have hot springs (Lavaridge). Also looks like a walking cooking oven and that shell looks like it can hold boiling water hence Storm Drain.
New Moves: Scald, Surf, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Storm Drain


Octillery (Remoraid is still Water)
Type: Water / Fire
Justification: This has to do with what it's based off - a tank. While that isn't 100% a good reason, I could see the connection working. Plus, it gets Fire-type moves like Flamethrower and Fire Blast via level-up, and it's already a red-ish color, something that would not be out of place with other Fire-types. It basically just gains Fire-type physical moves - something it lacks.
New Moves: Fire Spin, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none


Name(s): Gyarados (Mega Gyarados remains Water/Dark)
Type: Water/Fire
Justification: Well, it doesn't fly, but what it does do is raze villages with incendiary beams from its mouth. Predictably from this description, it learns Fire Blast, Flamethrower and Incinerate already. Its 'dex entries are all about its thirst for destruction, and destruction is linked to flames and Fire. Ideally, it would have been Dragon type, but as fellow Gen 1 not-Dragon Charizard shows, Fire is a worthy substitute.
New Moves: Flare Blitz, Will o' Wisp, Fire Fang
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Flash Fire


Type: Water/Fire
New Moves:
Flamethrower, Fire Blast
Removed Moves: Ice Beam
Altered Abilities: N/A
Make sure to vote before Sunday November 22nd. No submissions slate this week, but stay tuned for next Sunday for a special announcement!
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Haxorus (+Faxure, Axew) (by Jajoken)

Dragon-> Dragon/Steel
+ Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Bullet Punch
Pros: Typing is very solid against Fairies and opposing Dragons, new STAB to murder Fairies, neat priority
Cons: Hates Steels that can get around EQ, gains Steel's very common weaknesses

Bronzong (+Bronzor) (by mcFlareon)

Steel/Psychic -> Steel/Ghost
+ Shadow Sneak, Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Grudge, Spite, Pain Split
- Future Sight, Extrasensory, Psyshock, Skill Swap
Pros: Gains Aegislash's legendary typing with the option to mitigate/negate two of its weaknesses, recovery,
Cons: None, honestly (only x2 resists Psychic, I guess? Steel/Ghost is just an overall superior typing)

Noivern (+Noibat) (by mcFlareon)

Flying/Dragon -> Dragon/Ghost
+ Levitate
- Telepathy
+ Night Shade, Curse, Ominous Wind, Shadow Claw, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Pain Split
- Hurricane, Air Slash
Pros: Gains two immunities, STAB Shadow Ball hits most Steels for good damage, retains immunity to Ground
Cons: Vulnerable to Pursuit trapping, loses niche of Dragon with powerful Flying STAB

Octillery (by The Reptile)

Water -> Water/Fire
+ Fire Spin, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz
- Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icy Wind
Pros: Great STAB combo, immunity to Burn, high-power Special and Physical options
Cons: Has trouble with Dragons, hates new Stealth Rock weakness
(Note: I removed Ice moves to be consistent with Volcanion and other Fire types)

When I first submitted the proposal for this project, Snaquaza pointed out that I should focus on only changing viable Pokemon, so that my promise of actually seeing these new types used in OU could be fulfilled. In the end, I decided to focus more on flavor over viability, but I always kept that in the back of my mind. Then, sometime around the point I started allowing ability additions, I made a decision. At the end of the project, I would make my own additions to the winning submissions in order to ensure that each new type is not only fitting, but also has the tools to function in OU.

So I guess this is where the "Pet Mod" tag comes in. I've made additions to every winning submission to attempt and give them a niche, all while staying within flavor. If a Pokemon had fewer than three abilities, I gave it three. If a Pokemon had abilities that were illegal/mostly useless, I often swapped them out for better ones. Some of the really good Pokemon (Victini) got subpar additions as to ensure they don't become overpowered, while sub-PU trash saw more dramatic changes that should make them at least somewhat usable without pushing them over the edge. Note that not all the additions have strictly to do with the new type, but many of them are just to fit the Pokemon overall. This is Undiscovered Additions.


+ Baton Pass
Gives Speed Boost sets some incentive over Tinted Lens ones, plus Yanmega already looked pretty strong and didn't need many additions. No flavor problems because Baton Pass is on a lot of random things.


Run Away -> Contrary
+ Dragon Dance

Obviously these additions aren't to be used together, haha. Dunsparce is really bad so it needed some help, and hopefully these changes will at least make it usable. Dragon Dance is for Serene Grace sets, where it can pick up the Speed to actually flinch people. Contrary is for Special sets that utilize Draco Meteor, obviously. It's flavorful enough because Serperior is similarly serpentine and gets it, and its in no way overpowered because Dunsparce is very slow and weak on the Special side. I think it could make for an amusing D-rank threat.


+ Gunk Shot, Circle Throw, Slack Off
: I'm of the opinion that the type change was overall a nerf, but we'll see in practice. Still, I wanted to give Scrafty a few more tools for both offensive and tanking purposes. Gunk Shot is something to break Fairies it already should have had, Circle Throw gives it two damage options for phasing sets (along with Dragon Tail) and Slack Off fits its identity of a rebellious street punk while also giving it some staying power.


+ Gunk Shot, Freeze Dry
: Just adding another option for STAB with Gunk Shot, and Freeze Dry is a flavorful option for those that want to reliably get past Rotom-W without a chance to miss. It pretty much already has anything it'd reasonably want.


+ Poison Touch, Liquid Ooze
+ Gunk Shot

: Submitted before the option to add abilities, so I made sure it had three. Poison Touch has low distribution (on good Pokemon) but is actually pretty cool, making every contact move into Sludge Bomb. Liquid Ooze is kind of niche, but it's still kind of funny against something that uses Leech Seed. Levitate will still be the most common ability, so I also added a new move in Gunk Shot (this is actually the last Gunk Shot addition, really).


+ Flame Body, Aftermath
+ Defog

: Needed some new abilities, so here we go. Flame Body makes sense and is really good on physical walls, as is Aftermath, though both of them aren't seen much due to low distribution. This is another case where Levitate is still too good to give up, so I also added Defog as a new option. True, Weezing is more concerned with creating fog than de-fogging it, but it learns Clear Smog which is the same basic idea -- it should be able to absorb smog as well as spew it. In any case, hazard control is always nice.


+ Quick Attack
: Before someone points out Banette's low Speed, go look at who actually gets Quick Attack. Yeah, they're not exactly Ninjask: Trapinch gets it and has 10 base Speed, while fully evolved Masquerain gets it at a speedy base 60. In any case, Quick Attack is pretty much a flavor-free move that gives Mega Banette another priority option, which is never bad.


+ Levitate, Sturdy
+ Stealth Rock

: Another one-ability wonder. Levitate is both a Ghost staple and something that Rock types love, while Sturdy is a Rock staple and something that everyone loves. Stealth Rock is something all Rock types get, so Cofagrigus shouldn't be an exception.


+ Magic Guard, Magic Bounce
: Mismagius is clearly a witch, so I gave it magic-based abilities to fill out the non-Levitate slots. Both Magic Guard and Magic Bounce are great options that will probably be used over Levitate, depending on whether you want more personal safety (Magic Guard) or more team support (Magic Bounce).


Own Tempo -> Regnerator
: It learns Recover, which has a description that deliberately mentions "restoring cells," and icebergs regenerate by accumulating more ice flows. More directly, Avalugg needs this. Ice/Bug is so easily worn down so Regenerator really opens up more doors for it. Now it can Spin, set Sticky Web, or be a bulky pivot with U-turn. Assault Vest Avalugg, anyone? Maybe not -- but this is definitely a much-deserved buff.


Telepathy -> Aroma Veil
+ Quiver Dance

: While Telepathy makes sense from a flavor standpoint, it's worthless in singles. However, it induces this mind control over the hive using pheromones, so Aroma Veil honestly makes just as much, if not more, sense. Notably, it means it can't be Taunted, which should help it on its Quiver Dance spree. And yes, I know Quiver Dance is "Butterfly Dance" in Japanese but most of what gets it are not butterflies either, so a queen bee works fine.


Hydration -> Dry Skin
+ Memento

: Dry Skin and Hydration are equally fitting to its 'dex entries, but Dry Skin is much more useful on an offensive Pokemon. Otherwise, there wasn't much I could do for it other than toss on Memento as an option for Spikes-stacking sets.


Flash Fire -> Snow Warning
Solar Power -> Drought
: Yeah, I just gave a Pokemon two weather abilities. But as I basically sold my original submission as "Cryogonal is basically a Pokemon that represents temperature in general based on its ties to both the sun and snow," I think it fits really well. Now, you can either fire off Blizzards or Fire Blasts/Solar Beams while supporting your team as a nifty weather setter. I would have given it Magic Guard to mitigate SR, but I couldn't really justify the flavor.


Pickup -> Flash Fire
+ Rapid Spin

: No reason to use Pickup, so let's turn that Fire neutrality into an immunity and a boost! Rapid Spin might seem like an odd addition, but its a staple on round Pokemon and "pumpkin rolling" is indeed a thing. Grass/Fire hates hazards, so I way to remove them is appreciated.


+ Inferno
: Probably the least worthwhile addition of the lot, but there's a reason for that: Victini has everything it's ever wanted and more. What else do I give it: Light of Ruin? No, I'm drawing the line here. A total gimmick, but with Victory Star you'll miss slightly less often with Inferno.


Snow Cloak -> Tough Claws
+ Agility, Ice Shard

: I essentially added some ideas from the alternate Beartic submission. Snow Cloak is bullshit, so it gets replaced with Tough Claws, giving Beartic more reliable damage output. Agility and Ice Shard help make up for your crippling Speed problem outside of Rain on Swift Swim sets.


+ Mach Punch
: It already gets a lot of punches, and with Iron Fist, there's no excuse. Another case of double STAB priority that really helps, and honestly there's not too much else I could give it.


Rock Head -> Mold Breaker
+ Rock Polish

: Mold Breaker is pretty flavor-free, and dropping Levitators and getting up Stealth Rock against Magic Bouncers is more helpful than getting no recoil on Double Edge. Rock Polish is seen on Pokemon on Landorus that aren't really Rock type, and helps fix the Speed problem Marowak has.


+ Pursuit
: Pursuit is a solid alternate STAB option that lets Granbull live up to its true potential: the ultimate Lati@s counter. Thanks to your stellar Fairy/Dark typing, you can use both immunities to switch in with ease and then proceed to trap them.


Own Tempo -> Tough Claws
+ Parting Shot

: Purugly needs a lot to rise above its shitty stats, and Tough Claws might due just that. Fake Out + U-turn is now more potent, and most of your other moves get just enough power for you to be a half-decent cleaner. Parting Shot gives you a niche as the only fast Parting Shot user in the game, and concerning flavor, just look at the stink-eye Purugly is giving you. Purugly is clearly enough of a dick to use this move.


Rivalry -> Moxie
+ Sucker Punch, Pursuit

: Rivalry is very shaky, and Moxie has a lot of the same connotations, flavor-wise, but is much more consistent. Sucker Punch and Pursuit give you a similar toolset to Honchkrow, another Speed-challenged Dark type. However, Pursuit and Sucker Punch are useful on many sets, including those that use Guts and Intimidate.


Healer -> Liquid Ooze
+ Wonder Skin
+ Toxic Spikes

: Aromatisse is all about secreting pheromones through its skin, so I filled out its ability pool with related abilities. Healer is useless, so Liquid Ooze is there instead to make sure draining Pokemon don't take advantage of you. Wonder Skin has terrible distribution, and it fits here so it might see some use. We need more Toxic Spikes setters, and there's a precedent for random Poison Pokemon getting it anyway.


+ Rapid Spin, Slack Off
: Similar to Gourgeist, Shuckle is a small, round little creature, and it already learns spin-move Gyro Ball. Also, it pretty much spends all day sitting still and sipping berry juice, so Slack Off isn't uncalled for either. While people may have a problem with giving Shuckle reliable recover at last, keep in mind it has a x4 weakness now, and still has low offensive pressure, so people can definitely take advantage of it.


+ Clear Smog
: Honestly there wasn't a whole lot else I could give it, so Clear Smog ensures others don't use you as setup fodder.


Moody -> Intimidate
: Moody is illegal so I figured I'd replace it with a useful pre-Mega ability, and Glalie is scary as fuck anyway.


Weak Armor -> Filter
: While Weak Armor isn't an entirely useless ability, Filter is both more usable and arguably more flavorful, recycling/trash processing and what not. In any case, it allows it to serve as a better tank.


+ Scrappy
+ Explosion

: Donphan was missing an ability, and Scrappy is a Normal type staple that gives it the useful niche of Spinning on Ghosts. Explosion is more of a wildcard but a lot of Steel types get it and STAB Scrappy Explosion is definitely appreciated.


Ice Body -> Sweet Veil
+ Nasty Plot

: Ice Body isn't especially useful, and Sweet Veil is flavorful (pun intended) and semi-usable against sleep users. Nasty Plot can be found on random shit like Pichu and Togepi, so it's not especially flavorful anyway but would certainly make Vanilluxe more useful.


Flower Veil -> Natural Cure
Symbiosis -> Harvest
: True, I'm removing Florges' two signature abilities, but because they have no use in singles, they get the ax. In turn, I kept the whole "Florges is trying to be a Grass type" theme by giving it Natural Cure and Harvest, two Grass-like abilities that fit on Florges as well. Sap Sipper may still be the superior choice, but being able to auto-cure status and cycles berries are worthy options.


Inner Focus -> Justified
: Both are Fighting type staples, but Justified is especially useful with a x4 Dark resist. Basically it already had everything it'd logically need, so Justified is just a nice bonus.


Illuminate -> Simple
+ Healing Wish

: Healing Wish is just another option for Prankster sets, what's important here is Simple (which I think is flavorful enough due to the 'dex stressing its simple minded nature). Yes, this means Tail Glow becomes an instant +6 Special Attack. Yes, it gets Baton Pass. Do I think this will be broken? Nope! It will give it a niche, for sure, but think about it for a second. If you have Simple, that means no Prankster. That means anything that outspeeds you (a great many things) and can 2HKO you (even more things) stops you before you can pass. This is easier than you think when you have such shitty defenses. What's more, you have a very low Special Attack stat, to the point where you can barely use the boost yourself. This means most phasers can just switch into you and click Roar or whatever without much fear of damage, weather you pass or not. Still, it will be something you can't play stupidly around, which is better than regular Volbeat, which you can play with half a brain and still beat it.


Oblivious -> Simple
+ Quiver Dance

: If Volbeat is the supportive threat, Illumise is the offensive one. Well, maybe not so much "threat." Your Special Attack is...slightly more usable, so +2/+2/+2 will have to be at least somewhat feared if left to set up. Sadly you can't Baton Pass due to the new regulations around Baton Pass, but you're essentially half of a Xerneas, so it might be somewhat decent if you can play it right.


+ Drizzle
: Masquerain lives up to its name! Admittedly, you still have much lower stats than Politoed and a Stealth Rock weakness is undesirable, but you can do a few things that Poli can't. For one, you can set up Sticky Web, which is less useful on Rain teams but may allow you to run less Speed and more bulk on your spreads (bulky Modest Swift Swim Omastar and the like). You can also set up Quiver Dance, serving a more offensive role, and Bug Buzz can break through Grass types troublesome to Rain teams. There's also the option of using it together with Politoed for two Rain setters, if that's your thing.


Swarm -> Scrappy
+ Fake Out, Extreme Speed, Baton Pass

: I'll admit these are some of the flimsiest and most extreme additions of all, but believe me, Kricketune is desperate. It has to be among the worst fully evolved Pokemon in the game, with awful stats and a tiny movepool. Now, it has a few small niches. STAB Belly-Speed or Fake-Speed with Tinted Lens or Scrappy is definitely pretty good in theory, though your Attack is only okay and your bulk is BAD. You also have the rare chance to pass Belly Drum, something only Smeargle could claim before. Baton Pass is also a somewhat musical move. Short of giving it Huge Power (which would make it unrealistically scary), this is the best I could do.


+ Slack Off
: According to the 'dex, after it rescues people from blizzards, it rests and warms them up. More importantly, we finally have a Fur Coat Pokemon with reliable recovery. It will also be useful in recovering of Stealth Rock damage.


+ Head Smash
: A lot of Rock Pokemon already get it, and Golem gets Rock Head. Head Smash + Double Edge will definitely give you some offensive pressure coming off a pretty good Attack stat, allowing you to do more than set up Rocks and Explode.


Run Away -> Adaptability
+ Superpower

: Rats are known for their hardiness and ability to adapt (although Adaptability is rather devoid of flavor and just ends up on all sorts of random Pokemon). Notably, Raticate somewhat overcomes its fairly low Attack do do some decent damage without resorting to Hustle or Guts. Superpower is to break through Steels, which Raticate really needs.


+ Focus Blast
: Probopass is looking fairly solid and pretty much has every Electric move it could need. Instead, I opted to give it a common coverage move of Electric types that can help in its task of trapping Steel types.


+ Stored Power
: Partly for a computer pun, partly for another STAB move, partly for a neat little addition on Pokemon that already look good, we have Stored Power. Include it on Calm Mind Porygon2 or maybe double dance Porygon-Z!


+ Swords Dance
: People always jump to Electivire's disappointing Speed as the main cause ineffective state in pretty much every metagame, but it also doesn't really have the wallbreaking power it needs to use that great base Attack. Now with a way to boost, it might live up to that Gen 4 potential.


+ Stealth Rock
: Many Steel types get this, and with Mold Breaker, you can break through Magic Bounce. You'll likely stick to fully offensive sets, but a neat utility option never hurt anyone. People include it on Sash Terrakion and Garchomp, so maybe this will have a similar set.


+ Mirror Coat
: Just a cute reference to the myth it was based on. Bronzong actually looks really scary as a defensive Pokemon right now, so I don't want to give it anything that would set it over the edge.


+ Hex, Defog
: Hex is something nearly every Ghost gets, so I just added it for consistency. Defog is a good utility option that it would have anyway if it came out two generations ago, so why not?


Moody -> Contrary
+ Overheat

: Contrary makes a ton of sense, and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise. Not only does Moody have the same general connotation as Contrary, but Water/Fire is pretty much the most contrary type around (aside from Ice/Fire). Overheat is on nearly every Fire type as well, and together they make you into a boosting artillery cannon. Probably won't see as much success as Serperior due to low Speed, but with a Scarf or on Trick Room, it could plow through the competition.


And there you have it. Nothing is really set in stone, but these are probably more or less the changes that are going into the final mod. I also started removing some of the useless, lower power moves like Ember as well as some unnecessary move removals (most submissions could keep their old STAB without it being too weird). If there's something that it makes absolutely no sense that a Pokemon doesn't have, point it out in the thread and I may have it.

That means there's only one thing left to do: code. I planned to work on this over Thanksgiving break, but likely I'll be caught up in other things. More likely, you'll see this on a tentative release date of December 31st.

Otherwise, that's it! I'd like to thank everyone that contributed to the project, and hopefully you'll all give it a try when it comes out.

So now, for one last time...

This will pretty much be the thread from now on. To give it a little more structure, I'd like to focus on potential sets for winning submissions to discuss their impact in the OU metagame, keeping in mind all the other new additions as well. Stuff like this:

Haxorus @ Lum Berry/Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 36 SpD / 220 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage/Dragon Claw
- Iron Head
- Earthquake/Superpower

Haxorus is a rare setup sweeper than can crush Unaware Pokemon and a rare Dragon type that can crush Fairies. If you opt for Superpower over Earthquake, you can actually damage Skarmory which otherwise walls you, but even at +1 you won't be doing enough.

Octillery @ Choice Specs
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def / 0 Spe
- Overheat
- Hydro Pump
- Water Spout
- Hidden Power [Ice]/Energy Ball

For use on Trick Room teams. If you've removed Chansey from the game, you can spam Overheat and boost up. Even then, Chansey actually needs to be at a fairly high amount of HP to actually take you on.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Octillery Overheat vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 153-181 (23.8 - 28.1%) -- 94.1% chance to 4HKO
+2 252+ SpA Choice Specs Octillery Overheat vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 306-361 (47.6 - 56.2%) -- 84.4% chance to 2HKO

Obviously Flash Fire Pokemon can't switch in safely thanks to your Water STAB. If you drop Water Spout for another move, you can run Life Orb and get the option to switch up moves as well.

So what do you think?
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Just a quick note Octillery's credit should be with The Reptile :)

Changes look really interesting, can't wait for December!

Not the best at these but trying some initial sets:

Mismagius looks pretty dangerous with the new abilities. A Life Orb set along the lines of this would deal some nice damage.


Mismagius @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot/Will-o-wisp/Taunt
- Shadow Ball
- Moonblast
- Hidden Power Ground/Fire

Ground for some nice Fairy/Ground coverage or Fire to deal more damage to Scizor. Nasty Plot for more power, WoW and Taunt for general utility. Alternatively, Magic Bounce would be nice if you decide to use a moveset with set up with Nasty Plot/Calm Mind.

Electivire finally has a proper physical Electric STAB with no recoil now that Thunderpunch outclasses Wild Charge.


Electivire @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thunderpunch
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Close Combat/Mach Punch

Bolt-beam-quake coverage is pretty nice so you could probably run Mach Punch for priority since Earthquake usually hits the same things as Fighting coverage.


Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate/Heatproof
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
- Trick Room
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball/Earthquake
- Shadow Sneak

Resistances galore allow for easier setting up of Trick Room. Shadow Sneak is particularly interesting in you could hit the enemy with STAB priority even in Trick Room.

Some other small comments since not lot of time right now:

-Probopass makes a really good switch-in to Talonflame, resisting both STABs and while it's Special Attack is okay at best, both STABs are something Talonflame is weak to. STAB Volt Switch is nice for gaining momentum.

-Porygon-Z finally gets new STABs to work with Adaptability (probably the most submitted Pokemon in all the rounds?). Immunity to Paralysis is nice and it resists both Iron Head and Air Slash so flinchax sets don't work against it. Adaptability Volt Switch is a really nice pivot move. Stored Power is an interesting addition although it's too bad Porygon 2 is only pure Electric so it lacks STAB (at least it only has one weakness and is neutral to Dark).

-Justified Mienfoo makes you think twice of throwing out Knock Off all around.

-Tough Claws + Ice Shard makes a nice combination for Beartic since its priority moves are contact based, making them hit a bit harder.

-Double STAB priority in Mach Punch/Shadow Sneak is useful in Trick Room situations for Dusknoir.

-Nasty Plot works with Clear Body for Vanilluxe, and a fast boost to Special attack is nice. Love the Sweet Veil pun lol. Just throwing out thoughts, I wonder if a change of ability to Snow Warning can also work to make it an interesting Blizzard spammer with 110 Special Attack, making flying Dragons even more afraid. (It is the Snowstorm Pokemon after all, and creates blizzards according to the Dex)

-Hex Noivern could be interesting- it has the speed to fire it off if a team mate manages to status an opponent, and the boost in power is nice. Maybe something for Toxic Spikes teams?

-Sucker Punch weakened enemies then nailing the KO to get a Moxie boost? Nice additions to Luxray, it also works with Pursuit trapping.

-Trading the two x4 Water and Ground weakness for a only one x4 Fighting weakness is decent for Golem. At the very least, most Fighting type moves are physical which is what Golem's good defense stat can patch up a bit. Most Water/Grass moves are special so they can be fixed slightly further under Sandstorm conditions, although it's better to pair Golem with Hippodown as Tyranitar also has that huge weakness to Fighting. Bulletproof offers nice immunities to some weaknesses like Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed and notably, the special Fighting moves Aura Sphere and Focus Blast. Couple this with its immunity to Ghost moves like Shadow Ball, Ghost/Fighting special coverage is suddenly useless against Bulletproof Golem.

It also loses an Ice weakness but is now susceptible to Electric/Paralysis and takes neutral damage to Stealth Rock. Head Smash is a great addition with Rock Head though.

-Kricketune can try for a Scrappy Fake Out+Endeavor+Extremespeed set with Focus Sash. That's something new at least to maybe throw off an opposing lead and break any Sashes. Also has Taunt and Knock Off if you can fit it in but it's most likely not going to last long with those defenses.
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+ Inferno
: Probably the least worthwhile addition of the lot, but there's a reason for that: Victini has everything it's ever wanted and more. What else do I give it: Light of Ruin? No, I'm drawing the line here. A total gimmick, but with Victory Star you'll miss slightly less often with Inferno.
It already has Inferno. Should it be either Zap Cannon or Dynamic Punch instead?
Quiver Dance is a cool addition to Vespiquen - not because of the extra speed per say, as it would need a lot of QDs to even outspeed anything with its abyssal speed. No, the main thing QD gives Vespiquen is the fact that it boosts Stored Power faster than CM and Defend Order, giving it 60 BP each time you QD (so after 1 QD it's at 80 BP and a dangerous 140 BP after 2). Something like this is what I see happening:


Vespiquen (F) @ Leftover / Colbur Berry / Weakness Policy
Ability: Aroma Veil / Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Quiver Dance / Defend Order
- Stored Power
- Bug Buzz / Focus Blast
- Heal Order

It's a very simple set - you QD to get bulky and to power up Stored Power to ridiculous levels. Quiver Dance is probably going to be the main boosting option, as it gives Stored Power huge boosts in power and patches up its terrible speed a bit. Defend Order can be used for the boost in Defense though, although it is much slower than QD. Bug Buzz vs Focus Blast are both good anti-Dark targets - one is your STAB and has decent enough neutral coverage outside of Steel-types, while Focus Blast also acts as an anti-Steel move. One leaves you walled by Steels and the other leaves you walled by Psychics, but both are good options since you're probably going to blast resists with Stored Power anyways. Heal Order is recovery. The items are mostly random thoughts outside of Lefties - Colbur Berry lets you take on the Dark-types that think they can simply wall you and blast them away with a Bug Buzz / Focus Blast. Weakness Policy takes advantage of all the weaknesses and natural bulk of Vesipquen, providing 4 boosts (2 of which are SpA) and giving Stored Power 80 more BP.
I've changed the attribution for Octillery, gave Victini Misty Terrain over Inferno, and fully updated the OP with the final winners.

Thanks for the discussion! I'm definitely looking forward to Bronzong + Octillery for a Trick Room core, and Vespiquen might be a sleeper threat.

Here's another set:

Stoutland @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Icicle Crash/Return
- Slack Off
- Roar
- Thunder Wave

While it doesn't have the best typing for a tank, its bulk is pretty decent even before Fur Coat. With it, it can act as an emergency stop to pretty much any physical attacker that lacks a STAB Fighting move, allowing it to phase or Twave for the rest of the team to deal with it.

252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Hammer Arm vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Stoutland: 248-292 (66.3 - 78%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Darmanitan Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Stoutland: 312-368 (83.4 - 98.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
So not exactly and Undiscovered Type but remember how Porygon 2 is now pure Electric?


Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpD
Calm Nature
- Recover
- Thunderbolt/Discharge/Volt Switch
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave/Magic Coat

As an Electric type, Porygon 2 is now immune to Paralysis so it can stand a chance to the evil flinchaxers with the names of Togekiss/Jirachi. It resists Air Slash/Iron Head with Eviolite, is pretty bulky (too bad Porygon-Z loses defensive stats during evolution, it would have also resisted Jirachi's Psychic type as well). It might still get flinched because of it's lower speed but that's where Thunder Wave/Discharge (and Traced Serene Grace) comes in. Togekiss in particular would not like to take a STAB Thunderbolt. Ice Beam is for Dragons and Boltbeam coverage, Volt Switch for momentum and Magic Coat can be an option if you opt for Discharge, protecting you from Toxic/Burn.

Trace can also give you interesting abilities- tracing Storm Drain/Water Absorb/Dry Skin makes you a good Water type counter because of Electric STAB. Same with Swift Swim against a Rain Team. If you somehow trace Chlorophyll against a Sun team, you can fire back Ice Beams to stop speedy Grass types. Flash Fire means your immune to burn as well as paralysis, while Poison Heal protects you from poison. Unaware is also a useful ability with the Eviolite bulk. Tracing Fur Coat Stoutland even lovelier. All depends on the matchup.

Just to feature an actual Undiscovered type winner:


Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Dark Pulse/Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Trick

Fast hard-hitting Volt Switches. Psyshock for another STAB and to hit special walls better like Chansey, while Dark Pulse for the flinch chance. Ice Beam for Boltbeam and Trick to mess up set-up sweepers/walls.

Also something gimmicky but here's at least something for Kricketune


Kricketune @ Focus Sash
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sticky Web/Taunt/Knock Off/Perish Song
- Fake Out
- Endeavor
- Extremespeed

Scrappy Fake Out to get rid of any enemy lead Sashes. It's poor defenses mean it goes down to anything so Sash guarantees you a turn where you can either hit back with a Scrappy Endeavor, Knock Off items if it enemy wasn't holding a Sash, throw a Perish Song to force a switch or just generally Taunt the enemy lead if it's a more passive type. Extremespeed for a last hoorah before dying. Weak to Sandstorm and status moves though, it really wants to be hit in the 2nd turn for the best use of Endeavor.

(Actually for a musical pokemon I'm surprised it doesn't get Encore.)

I thought of an interesting partner for Kricketune for leads know the musical bug's weakness and thinking of throwing out status/Stealth Rocks:


Mismagius @ Leftovers/Life Orb/Choice Scarf
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hex
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Pain Split/Trick/Moonblast

Switch in this banshee ghost after the initial Fake Out (or immediately if the enemy is faster and also has Fake Out). Magic Bounce allows protection from either Stealth Rock or Status moves that bypass the Sash+Endeavor strategy. Hex uses the bonus of bouncing back a status move to your advantage, outdoing Shadow Ball in Damage. Throw a WoW if it was a hazard that was bounced back. Taunt to prevent any set up moves. Pain Split for recovery, Trick for use with Choice Specs or Moonblast for a reliable STAB. Life Orb can be used to really take advantage of status if you want to maximise the damage for Hex. Destiny Bond could be an interesting option somewhere in there I guess.

Because of Kricketune's Ghost immunity, Mismagius won't have to fear a super effect Ghost attack coming its way during the switch in. Except for Mega Lopunny, it also doesn't have to fear enemy Fake Outs if you decide to switch out Kricketune the first turn because of a possible faster Fake Out.

If you cleared Stealth Rock then hoorah Kricketune's Sash is intact. Doesn't stop it being a one trick cricket though and Sand ruins it.
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Maybe add Superpower to Octillery as well?

I mean, its Attack is just as high as its Special Attack, and Inkay/Malamar learn it, and they're squids, which are similar enough to octopi.
I'll consider it, but I'm not sure it really adds anything to Octillery -- you already break through Chansey with repeated Overheats.

So not exactly and Undiscovered Type but remember how Porygon 2 is now pure Electric?

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SpD
Calm Nature
- Recover
- Thunderbolt/Discharge/Volt Switch
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave/Magic Coat

As an Electric type, Porygon 2 is now immune to Paralysis so it can stand a chance to the evil flinchaxers with the names of Togekiss/Jirachi. It resists Air Slash/Iron Head with Eviolite, is pretty bulky (too bad Porygon-Z loses defensive stats during evolution, it would have also resisted Jirachi's Psychic type as well). It might still get flinched because of it's lower speed but that's where Thunder Wave/Discharge (and Traced Serene Grace) comes in. Togekiss in particular would not like to take a STAB Thunderbolt. Ice Beam is for Dragons and Boltbeam coverage, Volt Switch for momentum and Magic Coat can be an option if you opt for Discharge, protecting you from Toxic/Burn.

Trace can also give you interesting abilities- tracing Storm Drain/Water Absorb/Dry Skin makes you a good Water type counter because of Electric STAB. Same with Swift Swim against a Rain Team. If you somehow trace Chlorophyll against a Sun team, you can fire back Ice Beams to stop speedy Grass types. Flash Fire means your immune to burn as well as paralysis, while Poison Heal protects you from poison. Unaware is also a useful ability with the Eviolite bulk. Tracing Fur Coat Stoutland even lovelier. All depends on the matchup.
This made me realize that we don't really have a bulky pure Electric Pokemon in the game, much less one with Recover. It's very similar to Normal in that it has a single weakness to exploit, but now you also have a few resistances. Definitely going to be trying this out.

Other sets:

Golem @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
- Stealth Rock
- Explosion
- Head Smash
- Earthquake/Endure

Donphan @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk
Lonely Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD / 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Explosion
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball/Endure

Two possible Custap leads. Both have high-power STAB Explosion (same base Attack), but Golem has better secondary STAB while Donphan has the option to spin away the enemy lead's hazards if they set them.

Donphan @ Assault Vest/Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Rapid Spin
- Explosion
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake/Return

A more traditional set for Donphan, only Scrappy almost always outclasses Sturdy/Sand Veil, as nothing will be able to escape your Explosion or Rapid Spin.
This made me realize that we don't really have a bulky pure Electric Pokemon in the game, much less one with Recover. It's very similar to Normal in that it has a single weakness to exploit, but now you also have a few resistances. Definitely going to be trying this out.

Actually now that you mention it, that means if Porygon2 comes in on something with Levitate, it'll have no weaknesses, which is pretty neat with the Eviolite.

Speaking of Eviolite, does the Sand Rush->Fur Coat change extend to Herdier as well? (the White/Y Dex does mention how Herdier's fur is "very hard and reduces damage") And is Slack Off Stoutland only? Because if Herdier does get Fur Coat, Eviolite enhances that bulk and Slack Off would really help. Pure Normal means less weaknesses and no SR damage, but compared to Stoutland, Herdier has inferior offensive presence and has no Leftovers.

More sets:


Probopass @ Leftovers/Air Balloon
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe
Modest Nature
- Volt Switch
- Power Gem
- Earth Power/Focus Blast/Hidden Power Fire
- Stealth Rock

An offensive pivot Probopass with Volt Switch as the main move. Power Gem deals the most damage to Talonflame/Mega-Charizard-Y and its typing resists both Fire/Flying moves, although it gets 2HKOed by MegaCharizardY's Solarbeam. Third slot is to hit the Steels you trap- Earth Power for accuracy, consistency and Heatran, Focus Blast for power and Bisharp/Skarmory while Hidden Power Fire is your best bet for Scizor (watch out for Superpower though). Alternatively, you can use Levitate if you don't care about trapping Steels and just want protection from Ground moves/Spikes/Toxic Spikes and Leftovers at the same time.


Granbull @ Leftovers/Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Pursuit/Sucker Punch

A bulky attacker Granbull set. Earthquake/Play Rough has really good coverage and the new Dark STAB gives solid coverage against Steels with Levitate/Air Balloon. Pursuit to trap fleeing Lati@s while Sucker Punch is for general high-STAB priority. Assault Vest can be an option against Special Attackers as Intimidate reduces damage on the physical side.

Also speaking of you trying to give a niche to the newly-typed Pokemon, I've been playing with the idea of what if Vanilluxe, the Snowstorm Pokemon had Snow Warning instead of Weak Armor? (I just recalled you not having much to say to its new type back when it won).

Not only will it be the ultimate Dragonslayer with 100% Blizzards under Hail, it also gains a niche of being able to disrupt the Rain/Sand setters with Freeze Dry/Moonblast respectively. Snow Warning also acts as a weather disrupter against full-weather teams. Another smaller niche is that it will be the only Hail setter that has an immunity. Something like:


Vanilluxe @ Life Orb/Choice Scarf
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Nasty Plot/Autotomize/Hidden Power Ground/Flash Cannon

Meant to be used as a weather team disrupter. Blizzard deals with dragons, birds, Hippowdon and would-be Chlorophyll Sun abusers. Freeze-Dry against bulky Waters, Politoed and rain teams. Moonblast is your best bet against Tyranitar as it scores a 2HKO under Sand, OHKO if your hail overrides Tyranitar's Sand Stream. For the last slot you can boost either your mediocre Speed or enhance your Special Attack if you can force/predict a switch (maybe against a Dragon for example) or if you're using Choice Scarf, use HP Ground to complement Fairy coverage and deal some damage to Steels. Flash Cannon can be an option if against Fairies or Diancie. It has no business trying to beat Mega Charizard Y though but a Blizzard/Freeze-Dry can still 2HKO Wallbreaker Mega Charizard Y before Stealth Rock damage at least. As for Hail damaging your own team members, it's the same damage as when Sand is around in OU except at least enemy Sand teams can't take advantage of Sand's effects- Hail is more of a disrupter against other weathers.

252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 265-312 (65.7 - 77.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Tyranitar: 393-463 (97.5 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 180 SpD Mega Tyranitar in Sand: 198-234 (58 - 68.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 180 SpD Mega Tyranitar: 291-346 (85.3 - 101.4%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Hippowdon: 517-611 (123 - 145.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 203-239 (68.3 - 80.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Freeze-Dry vs. 240 HP / 16 SpD Assault Vest Azumarill: 229-273 (57.1 - 68%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 24 SpD Mega Slowbro: 338-400 (85.7 - 101.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Freeze-Dry vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Rotom-W: 273-322 (90 - 106.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO

Lastly, do you think a Monotype team version of Undiscovered Type would happen later down the line? I mean, it's still too early since it's not even released yet but I just realised now that we have all types covered, it'll be interesting to see which new type combinations complement/enhance certain Monotype teams. Something I'd like to play around later down the road. :)
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Actually now that you mention it, that means if Porygon2 comes in on something with Levitate, it'll have no weaknesses, which is pretty neat with the Eviolite.

Speaking of Eviolite, does the Sand Rush->Fur Coat change extend to Herdier as well? (the White/Y Dex does mention how Herdier's fur is "very hard and reduces damage") And is Slack Off Stoutland only? Because if Herdier does get Fur Coat, Eviolite enhances that bulk and Slack Off would really help. Pure Normal means less weaknesses and no SR damage, but compared to Stoutland, Herdier has inferior offensive presence and has no Leftovers.

More sets:


Probopass @ Leftovers/Air Balloon
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe
Modest Nature
- Volt Switch
- Power Gem
- Earth Power/Focus Blast/Hidden Power Fire
- Stealth Rock

An offensive pivot Probopass with Volt Switch as the main move. Power Gem deals the most damage to Talonflame/Mega-Charizard-Y and its typing resists both Fire/Flying moves, although it gets 2HKOed by MegaCharizardY's Solarbeam. Third slot is to hit the Steels you trap- Earth Power for accuracy, consistency and Heatran, Focus Blast for power and Bisharp/Skarmory while Hidden Power Fire is your best bet for Scizor (watch out for Superpower though).


Granbull @ Leftovers/Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Pursuit/Sucker Punch

A bulky attacker Granbull set. Earthquake/Play Rough has really good coverage and the new Dark STAB gives solid coverage against Steels with Levitate/Air Balloon. Pursuit to trap fleeing Lati@s while Sucker Punch is for general high-STAB priority. Assault Vest can be an option against Special Attackers as Intimidate reduces damage on the physical side.

Also speaking of you trying to give a niche to the newly-typed Pokemon, I've been playing with the idea of what if Vanilluxe, the Snowstorm Pokemon had Snow Warning instead of Weak Armor? (I just recalled you not having much to say to its new type back when it won).

Not only will it be the ultimate Dragonslayer with 100% Blizzards under Hail, it also gains a niche of being able to disrupt the Rain/Sand setters with Freeze Dry/Moonblast respectively. Snow Warning also acts as a weather disrupter against full-weather teams. Another smaller niche is that it will be the only Hail setter that has an immunity. Something like:


Vanilluxe @ Life Orb/Choice Scarf
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Nasty Plot/Autotomize/Hidden Power Ground/Flash Cannon

Meant to be used as a weather team disrupter. Blizzard deals with dragons, birds, Hippowdon and would-be Chlorophyll Sun abusers. Freeze-Dry against bulky Waters, Politoed and rain teams. Moonblast is your best bet against Tyranitar as it scores a 2HKO under Sand, OHKO if your hail overrides Tyranitar's Sand Stream. For the last slot you can boost either your mediocre Speed or enhance your Special Attack if you can force/predict a switch (maybe against a Dragon for example) or if you're using Choice Scarf, use HP Ground to complement Fairy coverage and deal some damage to Steels. Flash Cannon can be an option if against Fairies or Diancie. It has no business trying to beat Mega Charizard Y though but a Blizzard/Freeze-Dry can still 2HKO Wallbreaker Mega Charizard Y before Stealth Rock damage at least. As for Hail damaging your own team members, it's the same damage as when Sand is around in OU except at least enemy Sand teams can't take advantage of Sand's effects- Hail is more of a disrupter against other weathers.

252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 265-312 (65.7 - 77.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Tyranitar: 393-463 (97.5 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 180 SpD Mega Tyranitar in Sand: 198-234 (58 - 68.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 180 SpD Mega Tyranitar: 291-346 (85.3 - 101.4%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 112 SpD Hippowdon: 517-611 (123 - 145.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Blizzard vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 203-239 (68.3 - 80.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Freeze-Dry vs. 240 HP / 16 SpD Assault Vest Azumarill: 229-273 (57.1 - 68%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 24 SpD Mega Slowbro: 338-400 (85.7 - 101.5%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Vanilluxe Freeze-Dry vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Rotom-W: 273-322 (90 - 106.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO

Lastly, do you think a Monotype team version of Undiscovered Type would happen later down the line? I mean, it's still too early since it's not even released yet but I just realised now that we have all types covered, it'll be interesting to see which new type combinations complement/enhance certain Monotype teams. Something I'd like to play around later down the road. :)
I definately aggree to give Vanilluxe Snow Warning instead of Weak Armour. Its typing isn't good defensively so its not like it can truly abuse it. But with Snow Warning, it would be MUCH more viable with 100% accurate BlizzSpam. Maybe it could get F.Blast too? Also, YES! Monotype would be excellent in a thread where soooo much new shifts have occured. (Steel is scary-good) Electric got great additions, moar Weather spam! Fire gets TWO new hazard removers, Fairy type actually has more than six options for a team and Dragon has a new Fairyslayer.
I definately aggree to give Vanilluxe Snow Warning instead of Weak Armour. Its typing isn't good defensively so its not like it can truly abuse it. But with Snow Warning, it would be MUCH more viable with 100% accurate BlizzSpam. Maybe it could get F.Blast too? Also, YES! Monotype would be excellent in a thread where soooo much new shifts have occured. (Steel is scary-good) Electric got great additions, moar Weather spam! Fire gets TWO new hazard removers, Fairy type actually has more than six options for a team and Dragon has a new Fairyslayer.

Fire Blast doesn't really make any sense flavour-wise and it's not like Vanilluxe can stand a chance against Steels anyway.

Actually, that reminds me of the new Ice/Fire Cryogonal, which does currently have Snow Warning for Blizzspam but also has access to Fire Blast against Steels (useful in Ice monotypes?). Freeze Dry/Fire Blast/Blizzard/Hidden Power Ground sounds like solid enough coverage. It has 105 Speed and is the fastest Snow Warning Blizzspammer but it only has 95 Special Attack compared to Vanilluxe's 110 Special Attack stat so it needs a Life Orb/Choice Specs to really do damage. That said, it's typing makes it an Ice type's worst nightmare (unless you're Mamoswine).

Alternatively, as a Sun setter, it can use Solar Beam/Freeze Dry to hit Waters that would otherwise wall your STABs (Freeze Dry protects you from another weather setter ruining your Solar Beam).

(Also Jajoken Cryogonal's pros entry in the first post still mentions the Fire immunity back when it used to have Flash Fire)

Another set:


Mienshao @ Life Orb/Leftovers/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Baton Pass/Stone Edge
- High Jump Kick
- Play Rough

This set the presence of Dark moves in the metagame to your advantage, potentially passing the Attack boost to the recipient. The ideal situation is Mienshao coming in on a predicted Dark attack, getting the Attack boost and hopefully bluffing a boosted Fake Out but you use Substitute instead. If successful, you can get a potential Substitute, an Attack boost and protection from status all-in-one. It has the Speed to set up a Substitute and you can potentially use Baton Pass to transfer the boost/Substitute to another teammate- although Talonflame would wall your STABs if you don't have Rock coverage. (If you want to troll Knock Off abusers in particular or punish birdspam, Rocky Helmet can at least deal some damage back).


Florges @ Leftovers/Sitrus Berry/Lum Berry
Ability: Sap Sipper/Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Earth Power
- Moonblast
- Wish/Synthesis
- Protect/Aromatherapy

Florges appreciates the Sun as it removes its new weakness to Water. Sap Sipper is usually superior especially against Chlorophyll Sun abusers but Harvest could also have potential for repeated Sitrus healing. Lum Berry is mentioned as without Sap Sipper, you are now prone to Spore. Lum Berry and Aromatherapy may seem redundant but if you want a guaranteed clutch cleric it presents something like an unlucky Paralysis/Sleep from stopping your attempt to heal your team. Alternatively, Lum Berry could help with Wish passing.

Florges @ Leftovers/Sitrus Berry/Lum Berry
Ability: Sap Sipper/Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Earth Power
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy/Synthesis
- Calm Mind

Alternatively, this Florges act as a Calm Minder under Sun. Ground/Fairy is nice coverage. Sap Sipper protects you from powder moves, Chlorophyll abusers and a Solar Beam weakness. For Harvest, you can choose the Berry that suits what you need depending on your third move slot, for example, Aromatherapy covering status moves as Sitrus recovers your health.


Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Slack Off
- Sticky Web/Toxic Spikes/Toxic/Rapid Spin
- Infestation/Clear Smog/Rapid Spin

Shuckle has a lot more utility with access to new moves. Toxic Spikes can be an alternate hazard if you don't like giving boosts to Bisharp. While Shuckle can now also absorb Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin is useful for Stealth Rock/Spikes/Leech Seed (and again, not relying on a Defogger means Defiant isn't activated). Toxic is also an option as with the new Poison type it's 100% guarantee to hit, is more instant and hits fliers.

I noticed Infestation is still in the movepool and it's your best bet for Shuckle to get the most damage although it doesn't have STAB. Clear Smog is a nice utility move if you don't like opponents setting up on Shuckle although it leaves you evcompletely walled against Steels. Interestingly, Clear Smog stops Clefable from using Calm Mind/Stored Power and Shuckle's typing/defenses resists both of Talonflame's STABs- although the best you can do is use Toxic/Infestation. It resists Victini's STABs, too, and it can remove Defiant/Competitive boosts with Clear Smog (although Clear Smog also removes V-create Defense/Speed drops).

252+ Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Shuckle: 78-92 (31.9 - 37.7%) -- 91.4% chance to 3HKO
+1 252+ Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Shuckle: 116-137 (47.5 - 56.1%) -- 82.4% chance to 2HKO
+1 252+ Atk Choice Band Victini Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Shuckle: 58-69 (23.7 - 28.2%) -- 92% chance to 4HKO
+1 252+ SpA Victini Blue Flare vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Shuckle: 69-82 (28.2 - 33.6%) -- 0.2% chance to 3HKO
+1 252+ SpA Victini Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Shuckle: 51-60 (20.9 - 24.5%) -- guaranteed 5HKO


Weezing @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Toxic Spikes/Defog
- Will-O-Wisp
- Sludge Bomb
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast

Weezing has a niche of being a Poison type that super resists Fairy while being immune to Ground coverage. It also is a Poison type with the greatest chance of fighting against Steels (definitely a boon in Poison monotype teams). It's also a good Defogger as it has nice Defense and Fire STAB to hit back against Bisharps who like to switch in on Defog. It can bypass Sucker Punch with Will-o-wisp but it needs to watch out for a +1 Knock Off.

+1 252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 191-226 (57.1 - 67.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 157-187 (47 - 55.9%) -- 78.5% chance to 2HKO

Maybe pair it up with Mienshao predicting the Knock Off? Weezing can take Poison/Steel/Fairy attacks aimed at Mienshao although both will fall to Psychic attacks. Actually, Weezing does a pretty good job of handling Victini's physical STABs (just be careful not to give it a Defiant boost).
252+ Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 127-150 (38 - 44.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Black Sludge recovery
+1 252+ Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 191-225 (57.1 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery


Noivern @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 SpD/ 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Roost
- Defog/Taunt
- Shadow Ball/Flamethrower
- Draco Meteor

Fast supporter set. Noivern is now a Ground-immune Defogger that is resistant to Electric and neutral to Stealth Rock, which can be healed with Roost. Taunt is good against leads to prevent hazards in the first place. Flamethrower deals with Steels like Scizor/Ferrothorn/Skarmory but Shadow Ball hits Mega Metagross harder.

Also, possible suggestion that came to mind is what if Noivern gets Nasty Plot? It's something a few Ghosts like Cofagrigus/Mismagius and even the bat Pokemon Crobat get- and gives Noivern an interesting niche of using Nasty Plot to cancel out the Draco Meteor SpAtk drop. A fast wallbreaker set could be possible with Shadow Ball/Flamethrower/Draco Meteor (maybe with Infiltrator?).
Last edited:
Just one thing. Does Remoraid lose those Ice moves as well.
I think so

Btw, MegaBanette+Mienshao+Haxorus seems a good core, 'cause they can absorb each other weaknesses, but I'm bad at doing analysis and stuff like that.

Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Insomnia/Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Sneak
- Return
- Taunt/Destiny Bond/Filler
Weak to Dark (and Scrappy Fighting), resistant to Bug and Poison, immune to Normal, Fighting and Ghost


Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified/Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Play Rough
- High Jump Kick/Drain Punch
- Baton Pass/Filler


Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Dazzling Gleam
- Fake Out/Filler
Weak to Poison, Psychic, Flying and Fairy, doubly resistant to Dark and Bug, resistant to Rock and Fighting, immune to Dragon


Haxorus @ Air Balloon/Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head/Bullet Punch
- Earthquake
Weak to Ground and Fighting, doubly resistant to Grass, resistant to Electric, Steel, Bug, Rock, Psychic, Water, Flying, Normal, immune to Poison

You can see that all the weaknesses are covered, except for Haxorus's Ground-type weakness, but you can easily use a Flying-type to cover this weakness with an immunity :)
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I think so

Btw, MegaBanette+Mienshao+Haxorus seems a good core, 'cause they can absorb each other weaknesses, but I'm bad at doing analysis and stuff like that.

Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Insomnia/Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Sneak
- Return
- Taunt/Destiny Bond/Filler
Weak to Dark (and Scrappy Fighting), resistant to Bug and Poison, immune to Normal, Fighting and Ghost


Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified/Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Play Rough
- High Jump Kick/Drain Punch
- Baton Pass/Filler


Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Dazzling Gleam
- Fake Out/Filler
Weak to Poison, Psychic, Flying and Fairy, doubly resistant to Dark and Bug, resistant to Rock and Fighting, immune to Dragon


Haxorus @ Air Balloon/Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Iron Head/Bullet Punch
- Earthquake
Weak to Ground and Fighting, doubly resistant to Grass, resistant to Electric, Steel, Bug, Rock, Psychic, Water, Flying, Normal, immune to Poison

You can see that all the weaknesses are covered, except for Haxorus's Ground-type weakness, but you can easily use a Flying-type to cover this weakness with an immunity :)

Talonflame and Weezing works with Haxorus as it resists Fire/Fighting and is immune to Ground. Actually Weezing can make a good core with Bronzong as well- just add something that resists Ghost/Dark moves. Possibly Granbull since Weezing can comfortably take on Fairy and Fighting types.

Also, possible suggestion that came to mind is what if Noivern gets Nasty Plot? It's something a few Ghosts like Cofagrigus/Mismagius and even the bat Pokemon Crobat get- and gives Noivern an interesting niche of using Nasty Plot to cancel out the Draco Meteor SpAtk drop. A fast wallbreaker set could be possible with Shadow Ball/Flamethrower/Draco Meteor (maybe with Infiltrator?).

Adding on to this, maybe Will-o-wisp isn't out of the question as well since I realise Noivern already learns a Fire move and most Ghosts get WoW. Definitely fast enough to use it. It would have synergy with Hex sets at least.

Also would a Curse set work for Noivern? It has access to a fast Roost to heal off self damage.


Noivern @ Leftovers/Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spe / 4 Def
- Roost
- Curse
- Taunt/Destiny Bond/Shadow Ball
- Draco Meteor/Shadow Ball

Taunt is great against walls with Recovery. A mono-attacking move isn't exactly the best since you are either walled by Fairies or Normals, so you can replace the third slot if you want. Noivern is immune to Extremespeed/Mach Punch and resists Aqua Jet but has to watch out for Shadow Sneak/Ice Shard. Destiny Bond is an option for enemies who have the power to KO Noivern and to take down a sweeper with you. If Noivern had Will-o-wisp it could be interesting to stack it with Curse damage but not sure what slot to put it in (maybe Taunt? Or replace Curse altogether). Infiltrator WoW can also be a thing.
Last edited:
So can this be a thing NOW? And a separate meta for Monotype. Hopefully youve taken all of the suggestions prior (Focus Blast/Blizzard Ice Cream), (Nasty Plot/WoW Noivern)
        name: "Undiscovered Types",
        desc: ["&bullet; <a href=\"https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3545992/\">Undiscovered Types</a>"],
        section: "Local Metagames",

        mod: 'undiscovered',
        ruleset: ['OU'],
'use strict';

exports.BattleScripts = {
    init: function () {
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'yanmega').types = ['Bug', 'Dragon'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'yanmega').learnset.dracometeor = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'yanmega').learnset.dragonpulse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'yanmega').learnset.outrage = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'yanmega').learnset.dragonrush = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'yanmega').learnset.batonpass = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'dunsparce').types = ['Normal', 'Dragon'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'dunsparce').abilities['1'] = 'Contrary';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dunsparce').learnset.dragontail = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dunsparce').learnset.dracometeor = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dunsparce').learnset.dragonrush = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dunsparce').learnset.dragonpulse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dunsparce').learnset.outrage = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dunsparce').learnset.dragondance = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'scraggy').types = ['Dragon', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.dracometeor = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.fireblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.flamethrower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.earthquake = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.circlethrow = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scraggy').learnset.slackoff = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'scrafty').types = ['Dragon', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.dracometeor = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.fireblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.flamethrower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.earthquake = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.circlethrow = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'scrafty').learnset.slackoff = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'shellder').types = ['Poison', 'Water'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shellder').learnset.sludgebomb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shellder').learnset.crosspoison = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shellder').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shellder').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shellder').learnset.freezedry = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cloyster').types = ['Poison', 'Ice'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cloyster').learnset.sludgebomb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cloyster').learnset.crosspoison = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cloyster').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cloyster').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cloyster').learnset.freezedry = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'eelektrik').types = ['Electric', 'Poison'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'eelektrik').abilities['1'] = 'Liquid Ooze';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'eelektrik').abilities['H'] = 'Poison Touch';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektrik').learnset.sludgebomb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektrik').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektrik').learnset.poisonjab = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektrik').learnset.poisonfang = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektrik').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'eelektross').types = ['Electric', 'Poison'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'eelektross').abilities['1'] = 'Liquid Ooze';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'eelektross').abilities['H'] = 'Poison Touch';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektross').learnset.sludgebomb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektross').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektross').learnset.poisonjab = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektross').learnset.poisonfang = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'eelektross').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'koffing').types = ['Poison', 'Fire'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'koffing').abilities['1'] = 'Flame Body';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'koffing').abilities['H'] = 'Aftermath';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'koffing').learnset.overheat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'koffing').learnset.solarbeam = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'koffing').learnset.defog = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'weezing').types = ['Poison', 'Fire'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'weezing').abilities['1'] = 'Flame Body';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'weezing').abilities['H'] = 'Aftermath';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'weezing').learnset.overheat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'weezing').learnset.solarbeam = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'weezing').learnset.defog = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'shuppet').types = ['Ghost', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shuppet').learnset.quickattack = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'banette').types = ['Ghost', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'banette').learnset.quickattack = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'banettemega').types = ['Ghost', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cofagrigus').types = ['Ghost', 'Rock'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cofagrigus').abilities['1'] = 'Levitate';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cofagrigus').abilities['H'] = 'Sturdy';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cofagrigus').learnset.stoneedge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cofagrigus').learnset.rockslide = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cofagrigus').learnset.powergem = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cofagrigus').learnset.stealthrock = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'misdreavus').types = ['Ghost', 'Fairy'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'misdreavus').abilities['1'] = 'Magic Guard';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'misdreavus').abilities['H'] = 'Magic Bounce';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'misdreavus').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mismagius').types = ['Ghost', 'Fairy'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mismagius').abilities['1'] = 'Magic Guard';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mismagius').abilities['H'] = 'Magic Bounce';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'mismagius').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'bergmite').types = ['Bug', 'Ice'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'bergmite').abilities['0'] = 'Regenerator';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bergmite').learnset.bugbite = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bergmite').learnset.strugglebug = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bergmite').learnset.stickyweb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bergmite').learnset.uturn = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bergmite').learnset.megahorn = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'avalugg').types = ['Bug', 'Ice'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'avalugg').abilities['0'] = 'Regenerator';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'avalugg').learnset.bugbite = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'avalugg').learnset.strugglebug = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'avalugg').learnset.stickyweb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'avalugg').learnset.uturn = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'avalugg').learnset.megahorn = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'vespiquen').types = ['Bug', 'Psychic'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'vespiquen').abilities['1'] = 'Aroma Veil';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.calmmind = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.psychic = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.psyshock = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.zenheadbutt = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.storedpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.thunderbolt = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.focusblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'vespiquen').learnset.quiverdance = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'accelgor').types = ['Bug', 'Dark'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'accelgor').abilities['0'] = 'Dry Skin';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.darkpulse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.knockoff = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.nastyplot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.nightslash = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.pursuit = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.thief = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'accelgor').learnset.memento = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cryogonal').types = ['Ice', 'Fire'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cryogonal').abilities['1'] = 'Snow Warning';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'cryogonal').abilities['H'] = 'Drought';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cryogonal').learnset.fireblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cryogonal').learnset.flamethrower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cryogonal').learnset.willowisp = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cryogonal').learnset.firespin = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cryogonal').learnset.sunnyday = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'cryogonal').learnset.overheat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'pumpkaboo').types = ['Grass', 'Fire'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'pumpkaboo').abilities['0'] = 'Flash Fire';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'pumpkaboo').learnset.overheat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'pumpkaboo').learnset.firepunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'pumpkaboo').learnset.flareblitz = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'pumpkaboo').learnset.rapidspin = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'pumpkaboo').learnset.phantomforce = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'pumpkaboo').learnset.shadowsneak = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'gourgeist').types = ['Grass', 'Fire'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'gourgeist').abilities['0'] = 'Flash Fire';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'gourgeist').learnset.overheat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'gourgeist').learnset.firepunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'gourgeist').learnset.flareblitz = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'gourgeist').learnset.rapidspin = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'gourgeist').learnset.phantomforce = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'gourgeist').learnset.shadowsneak = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'victini').types = ['Fire', 'Fairy'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'victini').abilities['1'] = 'Competitive';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'victini').abilities['H'] = 'Defiant';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.playrough = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.mistyterrain = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.confusion = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.zenheadbutt = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.storedpower = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'victini').learnset.psyshock = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'beartic').types = ['Ice', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'beartic').abilities['0'] = 'Guts';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'beartic').abilities['1'] = 'Tough Claws';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'beartic').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'beartic').learnset.closecombat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'beartic').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'beartic').learnset.agility = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'beartic').learnset.iceshard = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'dusclops').types = ['Ghost', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'dusclops').abilities['1'] = 'Iron Fist';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusclops').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusclops').learnset.focuspunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusclops').learnset.dynamicpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusclops').learnset.crosschop = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusclops').learnset.bulkup = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusclops').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'dusknoir').types = ['Ghost', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'dusknoir').abilities['1'] = 'Iron Fist';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusknoir').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusknoir').learnset.focuspunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusknoir').learnset.dynamicpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusknoir').learnset.crosschop = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusknoir').learnset.bulkup = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'dusknoir').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'marowak').types = ['Ground', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'marowak').abilities['0'] = 'Mold Breaker';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'marowak').abilities['1'] = 'Skill Link';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.closecombat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.armthrust = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.counter = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.finalgambit = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'marowak').learnset.focusblast = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Pokedex', 'aromatisse').abilities['1'] = 'Wonder Skin';
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'shuckle').learnset.clearsmog = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Pokedex', 'solosis').types = ['Psychic', 'Poison'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'solosis').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'solosis').learnset.acidspray = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'solosis').learnset.clearsmog = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'duosion').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'reuniclus').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'reuniclus').learnset.clearsmog = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Pokedex', 'glaliemega').types = ['Ice', 'Steel'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'glalie').abilities['H'] = 'Intimidate';
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'glalie').learnset.metalsound = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'glalie').learnset.irondefense = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'garbodor').types = ['Poison', 'Steel'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'garbodor').abilities['1'] = 'Filter';
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.ironhead = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.flashcannon = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.autotomize = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.metalburst = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.metalsound = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.irondefense = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.gyroball = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'garbodor').learnset.heavyslam = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'phanpy').types = ['Normal'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'phanpy').abilities['H'] = 'Battle Armor';
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'phanpy').abilities['1'] = 'Scrappy';
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'phanpy').learnset.ironhead = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'phanpy').learnset.flashcannon = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'phanpy').learnset.explosion = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'donphan').types = ['Normal','Steel'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'donphan').abilities['H'] = 'Battle Armor';
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'donphan').abilities['1'] = 'Scrappy';
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'donphan').learnset.ironhead = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'donphan').learnset.flashcannon = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'donphan').learnset.explosion = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanillite').types = ['Ice', 'Fairy'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanillite').abilities['0'] = 'Clear Body';
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanillite').abilities['1'] = 'Sweet Veil';
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillite').learnset.playrough = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillite').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillite').learnset.dazzlinggleam = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillite').learnset.drainingkiss = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillite').learnset.nastyplot = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanillish').types = ['Ice', 'Fairy'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanillish').abilities['0'] = 'Clear Body';
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanillish').abilities['1'] = 'Sweet Veil';
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillish').learnset.playrough = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillish').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillish').learnset.dazzlinggleam = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillish').learnset.drainingkiss = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanillish').learnset.nastyplot = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanilluxe').types = ['Ice', 'Fairy'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanilluxe').abilities['0'] = 'Clear Body';
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'vanilluxe').abilities['1'] = 'Sweet Veil';
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanilluxe').learnset.playrough = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanilluxe').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanilluxe').learnset.dazzlinggleam = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanilluxe').learnset.drainingkiss = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Learnsets', 'vanilluxe').learnset.nastyplot = ['6T'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'florges').types = ['Fairy', 'Ground'];
       this.modData('Pokedex', 'florges').abilities['0'] = 'Sap Sipper';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'florges').abilities['1'] = 'Natural Cure';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'florges').abilities['H'] = 'Harvest';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'florges').learnset.earthpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'florges').learnset.dig = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'florges').learnset.bulldoze = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'florges').learnset.mudslap = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'florges').learnset.sandstorm = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mienfoo').types = ['Fairy', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mienfoo').abilities['0'] = 'Justified';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'mienfoo').learnset.playrough = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'mienfoo').learnset.dazzlinggleam = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mienshao').types = ['Fairy', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'mienshao').abilities['0'] = 'Justified';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'mienshao').learnset.playrough = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'mienshao').learnset.dazzlinggleam = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'illumise').types = ['Bug', 'Fairy'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'illumise').abilities['0'] = 'Simple';
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'illumise').learnset.quiverdance = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'volbeat').types = ['Bug', 'Fairy'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'volbeat').abilities['0'] = 'Simple';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'volbeat').learnset.moonblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'volbeat').learnset.mistyterrain = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'volbeat').learnset.healingwish = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'masquerain').types = ['Bug', 'Water'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'masquerain').abilities['1'] = 'Drizzle';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'kricketot').types = ['Bug', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'kricketot').abilities['1'] = 'Tinted Lens';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'kricketot').abilities['H'] = 'Scrappy';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'kricketot').learnset.boomburst = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'kricketot').learnset.extremespeed = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'kricketune').types = ['Bug', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'kricketune').abilities['0'] = 'Tinted Lens';
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'kricketune').abilities['1'] = 'Scrappy';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'kricketune').learnset.boomburst = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'kricketune').learnset.bellydrum = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'kricketune').learnset.extremespeed = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'stoutland').types = ['Normal', 'Ice'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'stoutland').abilities['1'] = 'Fur Coat';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'stoutland').learnset.iciclecrash = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'stoutland').learnset.iciclespear = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'stoutland').learnset.slackoff = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'stoutland').learnset.firefang = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'geodude').types = ['Rock', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'geodude').abilities['H'] = 'Bulletproof';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'geodude').learnset.bodyslam = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'geodude').learnset.headsmash = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'geodude').learnset.mudsport = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'geodude').learnset.magnitude = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'geodude').learnset.earthpower = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'graveler').types = ['Rock', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'graveler').abilities['H'] = 'Bulletproof';
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'graveler').learnset.headsmash = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'graveler').learnset.mudsport = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'graveler').learnset.magnitude = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'graveler').learnset.earthpower = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'golem').types = ['Rock', 'Normal'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'golem').abilities['H'] = 'Bulletproof';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'golem').learnset.bodyslam = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'golem').learnset.headsmash = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'golem').learnset.mudsport = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'golem').learnset.magnitude = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'golem').learnset.earthpower = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'rattata').types = ['Normal', 'Poison'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'rattata').abilities['0'] = 'Adaptability';
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'rattata').learnset.venoshock = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'rattata').learnset.sludgebomb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'rattata').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'rattata').learnset.superpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'raticate').types = ['Normal', 'Poison'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'raticate').abilities['0'] = 'Adaptability';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'raticate').learnset.poisonfang = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'raticate').learnset.venoshock = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'raticate').learnset.gunkshot = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'raticate').learnset.sludgebomb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'raticate').learnset.sludgewave = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'raticate').learnset.superpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'probopass').types = ['Rock', 'Electric'];  
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'probopass').learnset.focusblast = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'porygon').types = ['Electric'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.charge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.electrify = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.electroweb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.magnetrise = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.voltswitch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.wildcharge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.calmmind = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.barrier = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.extrasensory = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.psychoshift = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.magicroom = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.wonderroom = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.skillswap = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon').learnset.storedpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'porygon2').types = ['Electric'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.charge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.electrify = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.magnetrise = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.voltswitch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.wildcharge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.calmmind = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.barrier = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.extrasensory = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.psychoshift = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.magicroom = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.skillswap = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygon2').learnset.storedpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'porygonz').types = ['Electric', 'Psychic'];
         this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.charge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.electrify = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.electroweb = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.magnetrise = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.voltswitch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.wildcharge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.calmmind = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.barrier = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.extrasensory = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.psychoshift = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.magicroom = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.wonderroom = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.skillswap = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'porygonz').learnset.storedpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'elekid').types = ['Electric', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'elekid').abilities['1'] = 'Sheer Force';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'elekid').learnset.closecombat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'elekid').learnset.superpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'elekid').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'elekid').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'elekid').learnset.bulkup = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'elekid').learnset.swordsdance = ['6T'];
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        this.modData('Pokedex', 'electabuzz').abilities['1'] = 'Sheer Force';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electabuzz').learnset.closecombat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electabuzz').learnset.superpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electabuzz').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electabuzz').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electabuzz').learnset.bulkup = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electabuzz').learnset.swordsdance = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'electivire').types = ['Electric', 'Fighting'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'electivire').abilities['1'] = 'Sheer Force';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electivire').learnset.closecombat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electivire').learnset.superpower = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electivire').learnset.drainpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electivire').learnset.machpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electivire').learnset.bulkup = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'electivire').learnset.swordsdance = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'axew').types = ['Dragon', 'Steel'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'axew').learnset.ironhead = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'axew').learnset.flashcannon = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'axew').learnset.bulletpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'axew').learnset.stealthrock = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'fraxure').types = ['Dragon', 'Steel'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'fraxure').learnset.ironhead = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'fraxure').learnset.flashcannon = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'fraxure').learnset.bulletpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'fraxure').learnset.stealthrock = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'haxorus').types = ['Dragon', 'Steel'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'haxorus').learnset.ironhead = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'haxorus').learnset.flashcannon = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'haxorus').learnset.bulletpunch = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'haxorus').learnset.stealthrock = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'bronzor').types = ['Steel', 'Ghost'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.shadowsneak = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.curse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.destinybond = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.phantomforce = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.grudge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.spite = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.painsplit = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.mirrorcoat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.futuresight = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.extrasensory = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.psyshock = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzor').learnset.skillswap = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'bronzong').types = ['Steel', 'Ghost'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.shadowsneak = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.curse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.destinybond = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.phantomforce = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.grudge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.spite = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.painsplit = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.mirrorcoat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.futuresight = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.extrasensory = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.psyshock = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'bronzong').learnset.skillswap = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'noibat').types = ['Dragon', 'Ghost'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'noibat').abilities['H'] = 'Levitate';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.nightshade = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.curse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.ominouswind = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.shadowclaw = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.confuseray = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.destinybond = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.grudge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.painsplit = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.hex = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.defog = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.hurricane = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noibat').learnset.airslash = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'noivern').types = ['Dragon', 'Ghost'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'noivern').abilities['H'] = 'Levitate';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.nightshade = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.curse = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.ominouswind = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.shadowclaw = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.confuseray = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.destinybond = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.grudge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.painsplit = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.hex = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.defog = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.hurricane = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'noivern').learnset.airslash = null;
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'octillery').types = ['Water', 'Fire'];
        this.modData('Pokedex', 'octillery').abilities['H'] = 'Contrary';
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.firespin = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.flamecharge = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.flareblitz = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.overheat = ['6T'];
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.aurorabeam = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.icebeam = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.blizzard = null;
        this.modData('Learnsets', 'octillery').learnset.icywind = null;

I added it in the Galaxy Server (It is in the second column, local metagames)

Tell me if something doesn't work
Last edited: