Undiscovered Types [PLAYABLE on Galaxy Server!]


Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: Glalie is in the Fairy egg group. And I always thought it was weird that Gardevoir was retyped to Fairy, but Glalie, who also has a Dawn Stone counterpart and is in the Fairy egg group, did not.
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Gallade
Type: Fairy/Fighting (Medicham is Psychic/Fighting so I'm not killing a unique combo)
Justification: The rest of its family are Fairy-types.
New Moves: Play Rough
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A
Wow Poison/psychic results were so close :O

Reserving Meloetta as Fairy/fighting

For Pirouette form anyway. fairy replaces normal type so Aria form will be Fairy/Psychic- I assume this is okay?


Name(s): Meloetta -> Meloetta-Pirouette
Type: Fairy/Psychic -> Fairy/Fighting
Justification: It looks like a fairy with those human-shaped features- even more than the current sound-based Fairy Wigglytuff. It also learns Dazzling Gleam already. The dex says its melodies can alter Pokemons feelings. Its design can also be similar to the concept of a muse from Greek mythology. I added Pixillate as an ability 1) because Fairys like Sylveon get it and 2) so it can still make use of its signature move Relic Song and other sound-based moves which are typically Normal moves.
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Baby-doll Eyes, Disarming Voice
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Pixilate, +Own Tempo


Name(s): Vanillite -> Vanillish -> Vanilluxe
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: If a meringue-based dog can be a Fairy, then an ice dessert icicle Pokemon can be one too. It looks fun and mischievous enough to be one, too.
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Baby-doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Clear Body (icicles are transparent and Regice gets it)


Name(s): Florges
Type: Fairy/Ground
Justification: Florges is the Garden pokemon, and Pokemon seems to be intent on focusing on Florges as a Fairy that has a strong relationship with Grass Pokemon, but is not a Grass type itself. So the next best thing (despite the floral body decorations) is becoming part-Ground type, moreso focusing on the 'Earth' part of the Ground type. Nymphs, while having mostly a connection with plants can also relate to the nature and earth overall. Its Y entry states how it past kings allow them to create flower gardens and having strong relationships with the flowers around its territory, so think of a like a fairy with a green thumb gardening role (hence Rototiller). Earth Power for STAB and Dig/Bulldoze/Earthquake/Sandstorm just for obligatory moves Ground types learn, although it will hardly use those. Also, pre-evolutions are still only Fairies.

As for an extra ability spot, the Dex talks about obtaining power from flowering plants so I put Sap Sipper as an option because flavour-wise, I can see it absorbing Energy Balls, Petal Dances and Solarbeams to power it up, even though it's not specifically a herbivore like the Japanese name, it draws energy from plants so the ability effect makes sense.

New Moves: Rototiller, Earth Power, Dig, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Mud Slap, Sandstorm
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Sap Sipper
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Name: Jirachi
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: Jirachi is based off wishes, which kinda relates to myths of the shooting star. It also looks like a shooting star, which are made of ice and rock. Jirachi is a very tiny, small, humanoid thing that can fly, like an fairy.
New Moves: Play Rough (by level up), Moonblast (by level up), Charm, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Moonlight, Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Hail, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
Removed Moves: Fire Punch, Iron Defence, Iron Head
Altered Abilities: +Snow Warning, +Ice Body

Name: Breloom (Shroomish becomes Grass/Fairy)
Type: Fairy/Fighting
Justification: It's in the Fairy egg group, so it counts?
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Punch, Ice Punch
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Cute Charm replaces Effect Spore.

Names : Phanpy/Donphan
Type: Ground/Fairy
Justification: Phanpy is a cute little elephant and both learn Play Rough as an egg move.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Name: Carbink
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: It certainly looks frosty - it's even wearing a winter scarf. Fairies, Ice, and Carbink are all united by their connection to a shiny crystalline aesthetic.
New Moves: Aurora Beam, Avalanche, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Ice Ball, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Mist, Powder Snow
Removed Moves: Rock Throw, Smack Down, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm
Altered Abilities: +Ice Body
Just commenting on the previous winners since discussion usually starts around end of the week anyway..

Rock/Poison Shuckle looks really interesting actually. Absorbs Toxic Spikes and can't be poisoned is nice for a tankish Pokemon (HP is still low but Toxic immunity is always nice)- and a new hazard is a good addition to its arsenal. A Pokemon with tankish stats also having Clear Smog is pretty neat to reset boost. Losing the Stealth Rock weakness is also very welcome. Also has some nice resists to Talonflame's STABs. Very nice utility options although x4 weak to common Ground moves is something to watch out for.

Reuniclus is something other Poison types need to watch out for since they generally can't do anything with their STABs unless they are part Dark/Bug/Ghost. It makes a good switch-in to Fighting types with the x4 Psychic resistance although its low Speed may be an issue.

Similarly, Aromatisse looks to be a very good Fighting-type switch in with the same x4 Fighting resistance, although its Defense is still mediocre. It has a nice x4 resistance to U-turn, too. Absorbing Toxic Spikes is pretty cool for a cleric role too. Some neat little things although not enough good changes.

Name(s): Mienfoo, Mienshao
Type: Fighting/Fairy
Justification: These two possess both the general color scheme and semi-mythical quality of Fairy types. While they don't currently learn any Fairy type moves, they do learn Aura Sphere, a rare move only see on a) Lucario, b) Pokemon with Mega Launcher, c) Legendary Pokemon, and d) Togekiss, a fellow Fairy. Doesn't seem like a move you just get for the heck of it, so I'll say there's something special about this pair.
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: Once again, we're left with very few Ice types to modify so I'm back at Delibird. I think this one fits better than my last submission though -- Delibird is either based on one of Santa's elves or Santa himself, both of which could be considered Fairy-like based on their ties to local folklore and kind yet mischievous nature. And once again, flightless bird. Get out of here, Flying type.
New Moves: Play Rough, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: Fly, Sky Attack
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Fairy/Ground
Justification: Based on a myth, which is a good start. What's more, its role in Mystery Dungeon is that of a wise sage-like character, and in the general canon it has predictive abilities. Nearly all of its dex entries mention earthquakes, but few mention water itself, so losing Water type won't be that big a deal -- Barboach still retains it and thus passes on its Water type moves with no issues (think Surskit -> Masquerain).
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Hydration -> Forewarn
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Type: Fairy/Ground
Justification: Based on a myth, which is a good start. What's more, its role in Mystery Dungeon is that of a wise sage-like character, and in the general canon it has predictive abilities. Nearly all of its dex entries mention earthquakes, but few mention water itself, so losing Water type won't be that big a deal -- Barboach still retains it and thus passes on its Water type moves with no issues (think Surskit -> Masquerain).
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Hydration -> Forewarn

Bit of a slip-up there.

It's actually based on a regular catfish with influence from myths, specifically growing out of actual catfish behavior: they react to earthquakes before they happen, which somehow grew into a myth about a giant catfish at the center of the world that causes earthquakes. But at its core it's a regular catfish, Pokemonized.

Name: Jirachi
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: Jirachi is based off wishes, which kinda relates to myths of the shooting star. It also looks like a shooting star, which are made of ice and rock. Jirachi is a very tiny, small, humanoid thing that can fly, like an fairy.
New Moves: Play Rough (by level up), Moonblast (by level up), Charm, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Moonlight, Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Hail, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
Removed Moves: Fire Punch, Iron Defence, Iron Head
Altered Abilities: +Snow Warning, +Ice Body

It's actually based on a Japanese tradition of putting up slips of paper for wishes you'd like granted.

Anyway, I can see the Fairy connection just from the fact that it can learn Meteor Mash, just like Clefable, but the Ice typing seems a bit of a stretch. Eh.


Name(s): Primeape, Mankey
Type: Fighting/Fairy
Justification: Cute little monk-OH GOD GET IT OFF MY FACE

... but seriously, hardcore as Primeape is, Mankey and Primeape are fuzzy balls of cuteness and fuzziness. And I wanna see them viable. :(
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
Fixed the typo.

In other news, because of the delayed slate, I've decided to extend the voting and submission deadlines until next Sunday. 13 total submissions is pretty low, though not horrible, but more importantly only 2 people (other than me) have voted for the previous slate. Those results would be seriously skewed, so I'll give people another week to vote and submit if you'd like.

Jynx / Smoochum
Type: Ice / Fairy
Justification: Jynx could potentially be based off a Yama-Uba - basically, a japanese folklore monster that lives in the icy mountains. I can't really describe it that well on my own, so here's a Wikipedia link instead. Ice / Fairy to me seems a lot more fitting with it over Ice / Psychic. Also it fits super well with its "counter-part" Mr. Mime - not only do they keep sharing a type, bu they would both be Fairy-types that...honestly, don't fit with the others design wise (most of them are cutsy and shit, and then you get Mr. Mime and now Jynx). Forewarn was replaced with Snow Cloak, as I feel Snow Cloak fits better (Forewarn is much more of a Psychic ability)
New Moves: Moonblast
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Forewarn --> Snow Cloak
Name(s): Dewgong
Type: Fairy/Ice (Seel becomes Fairy/Water)
Justification: While there isn't any Fairy-ish basis for Dewgong, the white coloring and the fin-like flippers and tails makes it resemble a mermaid somewhat.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play Rough, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Sweet Kiss
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Thick Fat/Serene Grace/Ice Body (Seel keeps Hydration

Name(s): Ursaring
Type: Fairy/Fighting (Teddiursa becomes pure Fairy)
Justification: Both Teddiursa and Ursaring have moon marking on them, which is related to Fairy-type in Pokemon. Ursaring also learns a lot of Fighting-type moves, along with a bulky build that looks like it can be a Fighting-type.
New Moves: Moonblast, Charm, Baby-Doll Eyes, Storm Throw, Circle Throw, Drain Punch
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Flygon
Type: Ground/Fairy (Vibrava becomes pure Ground; Trapinch remains pure Ground)
Justification: Flygon is known as "The Desert Spirit", is the "Mystic Pokemon". It doesn't even look too Dragon-ish, anyways.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Fairy Wind, Charm
Removed Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Dragon Pulse
Altered Abilities: None

(Mega) Glalie (by mcFlareon)

Ice-> Ice/Steel
+ Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Automatize, Metal Sound, Iron Defense
Pros: No longer SR-weak, gains resistances that Ice lacks, good STAB options for Physical and Special, super-resists Ice, can boost Speed
Cons: Obliterated by Fire and Fighting, and to a lesser degree, Ground

Garbodor (by zerobreaker000)

Poison -> Poison/Steel
+ Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Automatize, Metal Burst, Metal Sound, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam
Pros: Super-resists Fairy, gains all of Steel's useful resists
Cons: Loses useful Fighting resistance, destroyed by Ground

Donphan (+Phanphy) (by The Reptile)

Ground -> Normal/Steel (+Normal)
+ Battle Armor
- Sand Veil
+ Iron Head, Flash Canon
Pros: Cool mix of imunities and resistances, slow STAB Gyro Ball is useful, STAB Rapid Spin (lol)
Cons: Misses STAB EQ, Fighting types hurt



Time for the tenth voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Fairy + Ice: Vanilluxe (+3), Carbink (+2), Delibird (+1)
Fairy + Ground: Florges (+3), Whiscash (+2), Flygon (+1)
Fairy + Fighting: Mienshao (+3), Meloetta (+2), Ursaring (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.

[NOTE: Glalie and Donphan been removed from the voting selection because they won Slate 9, and Jynx because it has a unique type]
Here are the valid submissions by type:

Name(s): Vanillite -> Vanillish -> Vanilluxe
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: If a meringue-based dog can be a Fairy, then an ice dessert icicle Pokemon can be one too. It looks fun and mischievous enough to be one, too.
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Baby-doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Clear Body (icicles are transparent and Regice gets it)


Name: Jirachi
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: Jirachi is based off wishes, which kinda relates to myths of the shooting star. It also looks like a shooting star, which are made of ice and rock. Jirachi is a very tiny, small, humanoid thing that can fly, like an fairy.
New Moves: Play Rough (by level up), Moonblast (by level up), Charm, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Moonlight, Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Hail, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard
Removed Moves: Fire Punch, Iron Defence, Iron Head
Altered Abilities: +Snow Warning, +Ice Body


Name: Carbink
Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: It certainly looks frosty - it's even wearing a winter scarf. Fairies, Ice, and Carbink are all united by their connection to a shiny crystalline aesthetic.
New Moves: Aurora Beam, Avalanche, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Ice Ball, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Mist, Powder Snow
Removed Moves: Rock Throw, Smack Down, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm
Altered Abilities: +Ice Body


Type: Ice/Fairy
Justification: Once again, we're left with very few Ice types to modify so I'm back at Delibird. I think this one fits better than my last submission though -- Delibird is either based on one of Santa's elves or Santa himself, both of which could be considered Fairy-like based on their ties to local folklore and kind yet mischievous nature. And once again, flightless bird. Get out of here, Flying type.
New Moves: Play Rough, Misty Terrain, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: Fly, Sky Attack
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Dewgong
Type: Fairy/Ice (Seel becomes Fairy/Water)
Justification: While there isn't any Fairy-ish basis for Dewgong, the white coloring and the fin-like flippers and tails makes it resemble a mermaid somewhat.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play Rough, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Sweet Kiss
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Thick Fat/Serene Grace/Ice Body (Seel keeps Hydration

Name(s): Florges
Type: Fairy/Ground
Justification: Florges is the Garden pokemon, and Pokemon seems to be intent on focusing on Florges as a Fairy that has a strong relationship with Grass Pokemon, but is not a Grass type itself. So the next best thing (despite the floral body decorations) is becoming part-Ground type, moreso focusing on the 'Earth' part of the Ground type. Nymphs, while having mostly a connection with plants can also relate to the nature and earth overall. Its Y entry states how it past kings allow them to create flower gardens and having strong relationships with the flowers around its territory, so think of a like a fairy with a green thumb gardening role (hence Rototiller). Earth Power for STAB and Dig/Bulldoze/Earthquake/Sandstorm just for obligatory moves Ground types learn, although it will hardly use those. Also, pre-evolutions are still only Fairies. As for an extra ability spot, the Dex talks about obtaining power from flowering plants so I put Sap Sipper as an option because flavour-wise, I can see it absorbing Energy Balls, Petal Dances and Solarbeams to power it up, even though it's not specifically a herbivore like the Japanese name, it draws energy from plants so the ability effect makes sense.
New Moves: Rototiller, Earth Power, Dig, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Mud Slap, Sandstorm
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Sap Sipper


Type: Fairy/Ground
Justification: Based on a myth, which is a good start. What's more, its role in Mystery Dungeon is that of a wise sage-like character, and in the general canon it has predictive abilities. Nearly all of its dex entries mention earthquakes, but few mention water itself, so losing Water type won't be that big a deal -- Barboach still retains it and thus passes on its Water type moves with no issues (think Surskit -> Masquerain).
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Hydration -> Forewarn


Name(s): Flygon
Type: Ground/Fairy (Vibrava becomes pure Ground; Trapinch remains pure Ground)
Justification: Flygon is known as "The Desert Spirit", is the "Mystic Pokemon". It doesn't even look too Dragon-ish, anyways.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Fairy Wind, Charm
Removed Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Dragon Pulse
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Gallade
Type: Fairy/Fighting (Medicham is Psychic/Fighting so I'm not killing a unique combo)
Justification: The rest of its family are Fairy-types.
New Moves: Play Rough
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Meloetta -> Meloetta-Pirouette
Type: Fairy/Psychic -> Fairy/Fighting
Justification: It looks like a fairy with those human-shaped features- even more than the current sound-based Fairy Wigglytuff. It also learns Dazzling Gleam already. The dex says its melodies can alter Pokemons feelings. Its design can also be similar to the concept of a muse from Greek mythology. I added Pixillate as an ability 1) because Fairys like Sylveon get it and 2) so it can still make use of its signature move Relic Song and other sound-based moves which are typically Normal moves.
New Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Baby-doll Eyes, Disarming Voice
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Pixilate, +Own Tempo


Name: Breloom (Shroomish becomes Grass/Fairy)
Type: Fairy/Fighting
Justification: It's in the Fairy egg group, so it counts?
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Fire Punch, Ice Punch
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Cute Charm replaces Effect Spore.


Name(s): Mienfoo, Mienshao
Type: Fighting/Fairy
Justification: These two possess both the general color scheme and semi-mythical quality of Fairy types. While they don't currently learn any Fairy type moves, they do learn Aura Sphere, a rare move only see on a) Lucario, b) Pokemon with Mega Launcher, c) Legendary Pokemon, and d) Togekiss, a fellow Fairy. Doesn't seem like a move you just get for the heck of it, so I'll say there's something special about this pair.
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Primeape, Mankey
Type: Fighting/Fairy
Justification: Cute little monk-OH GOD GET IT OFF MY FACE... but seriously, hardcore as Primeape is, Mankey and Primeape are fuzzy balls of cuteness and fuzziness. And I wanna see them viable. :(
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Ursaring
Type: Fairy/Fighting (Teddiursa becomes pure Fairy)
Justification: Both Teddiursa and Ursaring have moon marking on them, which is related to Fairy-type in Pokemon. Ursaring also learns a lot of Fighting-type moves, along with a bulky build that looks like it can be a Fighting-type.
New Moves: Moonblast, Charm, Baby-Doll Eyes, Storm Throw, Circle Throw, Drain Punch
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

The eleventh submissions slate has started! Submit Pokemon for the three following type combinations:

Bug + Fairy
Bug + Water
Bug + Normal

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is one week from now: Sunday October 25th at midnight.

Type: Bug / Water
Justification: This should be a no brainer, but I technically need to give justifcation so basically Masquerain almost 100% makes more sense as Bug / Water than Bug / Flying. It has a huge Water-type movepool, it's prevo is Bug / Water and it's name even suggests Water-typing. The movepool makes so much sense I don't even need to add anything to its movepool (it even gets Scald, which is almost 100% exclusive to Water-types, and outside of Emboar and Mew they are at least somewhat related to Water-type)
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: It has a very pixie-esque appearance, and it learns Draining Kiss via level-up.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Moonlight
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Friend Guard -> Magic Guard


Name(s): Ledian
Type: Bug/Normal
Justification: Best thing I could think of for this typing. Even among Bug/Flying-types, it's extremely generic.
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A

Name(s): Kricketot -> Kricketune
Type: Bug/Normal
Justification: Sound-based moves and Pokemon are usually associated with Normal type (see Hyper Voice, Exploud/Jigglypuff/etc), so Normal type fits for this musical cricket. Added some musical/sound moves.
New Moves: Boomburst, Belly Drum, Metronome
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Tinted Lens


Name(s): Ledian
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: The Dex mentions it gets energy from starlight and stars are close enough to the moon theme that most Fairy type moves are. Like Clefable is associated with the moon, Ledian could potentially be a Starlight based version with the Bug type mixed in. Also I could see ladybugs (along with other fairy-like things such as butterflies and mushrooms) in gardens where fairies could live in some storybook fairy tale interpretations.
New Moves: Moonblast, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Fairy Wind
Removed Moves: Aerial Ace, Acrobatics
Altered Abilities: Iron Fist -> Magic Guard

Clauncher -> Clawitzer
Type: Water/Bug
Justification: It looks very insect like with its body, especially the antennae things on Clawitzer's huge claw. It also learns U-turn and X-scissor already.
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug, String Shot, Pin Missile, Infestation, Signal Beam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Sniper, +Tinted Lens
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Name(s): Gastrodon
Type: Water/Bug
Justification: Because apparently slugs are Bugs, as shown by Accelgor. That, and what's Ground about it anyways?
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, Acid Spray, Signal Beam, Sticky Web, Struggle Bug
Removed Moves: Earthquake, Dig, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fissure, Earth Power
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Regenerator (Sea slugs are known to be able to regenerate.)

Name(s): Porygon-Z
Type: Normal/Bug
Justification: Porygon-Z is noted to experience glitches, or shall we say, bugs.
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Infestation, Leech Life, Rage Powder, U-Turn
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A

Name(s): Illumise
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: It's one of the few mons who learn Moonlight naturally and fits the Bug-type look, as well as having a few Fairy-type moves learned naturally.
New Moves: Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, Baby-Doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Misty Terrain
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A
Name(s): Anorith and Armaldo
Type: Bug/Water
Justification: Anorith and Armaldo are based off trilobites, little bugs in the ocean.
New Moves: Muddy Water, Hydro Pump, Surf, Waterfall, Scald, Crabhammer, Razor Shell, Whirlpool, Withdraw
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Volbeat
Type: Normal/Bug
It's a ladybug, what did you expect?
New Moves: Hyper Voice
Remoed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A

Name(s): Flygon (Trapinch and Vibrava become Bug/Ground
Type: Bug/Fairy
It learns Bug moves, it's in the Bug egg group, and it is a mythical beast. Also, it is the only Pokémon to learn Bug Buzz without being an Bug type.
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, X-Scissor
Removed Moves: Draco Meteor, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Fire Blast
Altered Abilities: N/A
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Name(s): Volbeat
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: Pretty much the same justification as zerobreaker000's justification form Illumise, except that Fairy types are more associated with the moon, and Volbeat has a bit more association with the moon than Illumise
New Moves: Misty Terrain, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Skorupi and Drapion
Type: Bug/Water
Justification: Skorupi and Drapion are based of Water Scorpions and are both in the Water 3 Egg Group, and they tend to be found in either Marshes or around lakes despite being Scorpions, so it would really only make sense to make these two Water types. In addition, they also already learn Rain Dance, which is rather odd for these two when they don't have any way of producing rain or are not Water or Electric type.
New Moves: Surf, Scald, Waterfall, Water Pulse, Dive, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Removed Moves: Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes, Night Slash, Snarl, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Manaphy, Phione
Type: Water/Bug
Justification: This pair is famously based on a species of marine mollusks, which some might not consider as "bugs," but they look like this and Game Freak has twisted that definition in the past (hermit crabs, snails, tube worms and extinct shrimp are all fair game). What's more, Manaphy's semi-signature move, Tail Glow, is a a Bug type and it can also learn Signal Beam and U-turn, giving it more Bug type moves than most non-Bug type Pokemon.
New Moves: Bug Buzz
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Sticky Hold, +Gooey


Name(s): Butterfree
Type: Bug/Normal
Justification: As the first and most common Bug type, Butterfree represents the status quo of Bugs. Its name is even Butterfly minus the "fly," and many flying Pokemon aren't Flying type. To make up for the loss, it gains Levitate as an ability.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Gust, Aerial Ace
Altered Abilities: +Levitate


Name(s): Dustox
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: Dustox is one of the only Pokemon that learns Fairy type Moonlight, and is overall associated with the moon, considered to be a Fairy-type domain. It also causes mischief like many Fairy types. It retains most of its Poison moves due to its dex entries, however.
New Moves: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss
Removed Moves: Venoshock
Altered Abilities: +Prankser


(Mega) Glalie may seem worse do to the dual x4 weaknesses, but I honestly think the new resistances and ESPECIALLY the Stealth Rock neutrality give it all it needs to succeed as an offensive 'mon. Sure, Steel STAB isn't a terribly good combo with Ice (they're walled by most of the same types and most Fairies are already destroyed by Ice anyway), but I don't even think you need to run it. Adamant with Automatize + Return/Double Edge + Earthquake + Explosion/Freeze Dry/Ice Shard will serve you well enough, and the potential to be a cleaner and not just a wallbreaker is pretty darn cool.


Garbodor might find a small niche as a hipster Azumaril check for teams that can't use Mega Venusaur, or a Togekiss counter for teams that need one for some reason. It's undoubtedly better than it was, but is it enough? I'm not sure. Metal Burst is a neat trick, and the tier could always use more Toxic Spikes setters. Rocky Helmet + Aftermath can function similarly to a suicidal Tankchomp, I suppose.


Oh Donphan. I don't even know how useful this change will be, because it's pretty much an entire shift in identity. Hopefully it can succeed and stop being an OU laughing stock, though. Even in exchange for STAB Gyro Ball and Return, I question if losing STAB EQ is worth it. At the very least, people can't accuse it of being directly outclassed, because no one else has this type!
At the very least, Donphan isn't as useless against Levitating Ghosts, and at the very least it is immune to Gengar's STABs so that counts for something. Another neat thing is it is now immune to Toxic Spikes while still retaining the Stealth Rock resistance, so it can spin those hazards easier now.

Kinda feel bad for making Glalie super weak to Fire since the Dex mentions Fire can't melt its body, but an Ice type getting tons of resistances is always nice.

Vanilluxe (+Vanillish, Vanillite) (by mcFlareon)

Ice-> Ice/Fairy
+ Clear Body
+ Play Rough, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Baby-doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss

Pros: The ultimate Dragonslayer, Fairy is great offensively and defensively
Cons: Double Steel weakness

Florges (by mcFlareon)

Fairy -> Fairy/Ground
+ Sap Sipper
+ Rototiller, Earth Power, Dig, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Mud Slap, Sandstorm

Pros: Has three useful immunities that completely wall Mega Sceptile/Ampharos, great STAB combo that breaks Steels, no longer outclassed by Sylveon
Cons: Gains Scald weakness

Mienshao (+Mienfoo) (by Jajoken)

Fighting -> Fairy/Fighting
+ Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam
Pros: Cool STAB combo, terror to Dark types, gains an immunity
Cons: Gains two weaknesses, has yet another inaccurate move to use



Time for the eleventh voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Bug + Fairy: Vivillon (+3), Illumise (+2), Volbeat (+1)
Bug + Water: Gastrodon (+3), Manaphy (+2), Masquerain (+1)
Bug + Normal: Porygon-Z (+3), Kricketune (+2), Ledian (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.


Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: It has a very pixie-esque appearance, and it learns Draining Kiss via level-up.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Moonlight
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Friend Guard -> Magic Guard


Name(s): Ledian
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: The Dex mentions it gets energy from starlight and stars are close enough to the moon theme that most Fairy type moves are. Like Clefable is associated with the moon, Ledian could potentially be a Starlight based version with the Bug type mixed in. Also I could see ladybugs (along with other fairy-like things such as butterflies and mushrooms) in gardens where fairies could live in some storybook fairy tale interpretations.
New Moves: Moonblast, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Fairy Wind
Removed Moves: Aerial Ace, Acrobatics
Altered Abilities: Iron Fist -> Magic Guard


Name(s): Illumise
Type: Bug/Fairy
It's one of the few mons who learn Moonlight naturally and fits the Bug-type look, as well as having a few Fairy-type moves learned naturally.
New Moves: Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, Baby-Doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Misty Terrain
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Flygon (Trapinch and Vibrava become Bug/Ground
Type: Bug/Fairy
It learns Bug moves, it's in the Bug egg group, and it is a mythical beast. Also, it is the only Pokémon to learn Bug Buzz without being an Bug type.
New Moves: Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, X-Scissor
Removed Moves: Draco Meteor, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Fire Blast
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Volbeat
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: Pretty much the same justification as zerobreaker000's justification form Illumise, except that Fairy types are more associated with the moon, and Volbeat has a bit more association with the moon than Illumise
New Moves: Misty Terrain, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Dustox
Type: Bug/Fairy
Justification: Dustox is one of the only Pokemon that learns Fairy type Moonlight, and is overall associated with the moon, considered to be a Fairy-type domain. It also causes mischief like many Fairy types. It retains most of its Poison moves due to its dex entries, however.
New Moves: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss
Removed Moves: Venoshock
Altered Abilities: +Prankser

Type: Bug / Water
Justification: This should be a no brainer, but I technically need to give justifcation so basically Masquerain almost 100% makes more sense as Bug / Water than Bug / Flying. It has a huge Water-type movepool, it's prevo is Bug / Water and it's name even suggests Water-typing. The movepool makes so much sense I don't even need to add anything to its movepool (it even gets Scald, which is almost 100% exclusive to Water-types, and outside of Emboar and Mew they are at least somewhat related to Water-type)
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Clauncher -> Clawitzer
Type: Water/Bug
Justification: It looks very insect like with its body, especially the antennae things on Clawitzer's huge claw. It also learns U-turn and X-scissor already.
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug, String Shot, Pin Missile, Infestation, Signal Beam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Sniper, +Tinted Lens


Name(s): Gastrodon
Type: Water/Bug
Because apparently slugs are Bugs, as shown by Accelgor. That, and what's Ground about it anyways?
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, Acid Spray, Signal Beam, Sticky Web, Struggle Bug
Removed Moves: Earthquake, Dig, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Fissure, Earth Power
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Regenerator (Sea slugs are known to be able to regenerate.)


Name(s): Anorith and Armaldo
Type: Bug/Water
Justification: Anorith and Armaldo are based off trilobites, little bugs in the ocean.
New Moves: Muddy Water, Hydro Pump, Surf, Waterfall, Scald, Crabhammer, Razor Shell, Whirlpool, Withdraw
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Skorupi and Drapion
Type: Bug/Water
Justification: Skorupi and Drapion are based of Water Scorpions and are both in the Water 3 Egg Group, and they tend to be found in either Marshes or around lakes despite being Scorpions, so it would really only make sense to make these two Water types. In addition, they also already learn Rain Dance, which is rather odd for these two when they don't have any way of producing rain or are not Water or Electric type.
New Moves: Surf, Scald, Waterfall, Water Pulse, Dive, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Removed Moves: Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes, Night Slash, Snarl, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Manaphy, Phione
Type: Water/Bug
Justification: This pair is famously based on a species of marine mollusks, which some might not consider as "bugs," but they look like this and Game Freak has twisted that definition in the past (hermit crabs, snails, tube worms and extinct shrimp are all fair game). What's more, Manaphy's semi-signature move, Tail Glow, is a a Bug type and it can also learn Signal Beam and U-turn, giving it more Bug type moves than most non-Bug type Pokemon.
New Moves: Bug Buzz
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Sticky Hold, +Gooey

Name(s): Ledian
Type: Bug/Normal
Justification: Best thing I could think of for this typing. Even among Bug/Flying-types, it's extremely generic.
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Kricketot -> Kricketune
Type: Bug/Normal
Justification: Sound-based moves and Pokemon are usually associated with Normal type (see Hyper Voice, Exploud/Jigglypuff/etc), so Normal type fits for this musical cricket. Added some musical/sound moves.
New Moves: Boomburst, Belly Drum, Metronome
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Tinted Lens


Name(s): Porygon-Z
Type: Normal/Bug
Porygon-Z is noted to experience glitches, or shall we say, bugs.
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Infestation, Leech Life, Rage Powder, U-Turn
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Volbeat
Type: Normal/Bug
It's a ladybug, what did you expect?
New Moves: Hyper Voice
Remoed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Butterfree
Type: Bug/Normal
Justification: As the first and most common Bug type, Butterfree represents the status quo of Bugs. Its name is even Butterfly minus the "fly," and many flying Pokemon aren't Flying type. To make up for the loss, it gains Levitate as an ability.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Gust, Aerial Ace
Altered Abilities: +Levitate

The twelfth submissions slate has started! Submit Pokemon for the three following type combinations:

Normal + Ice
Normal + Rock
Normal + Poison

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is one week from now: Sunday November 1st at midnight.


We're nearing the end of the project -- this is the third to last slate, with the final slate being Ubers-exclusive types (Dragon/Steel, Dragon/Ghost, Ghost/Steel). As such, the next slate will cover the final two types (I counted Electric + Dark twice before, so this slate is only two) that don't exist in the game at all (Electric + Fighting and Electric + Psychic). IF ANYONE COMES UP WITH TYPES I MISSED, PM ME OR POST HERE. If there were one or two I didn't account for, I'll add them to the next slate. Thank you.

Rattata -> Raticate
Type: Normal/Poison
Justification: Rats carry germs and disease and are usually considered vermin or pests. Rattata can be found in Castelia sewers and also has a purple colour scheme that fits with the Poison type.
New Moves: Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Stoutland
Type: Normal/Ice
Justification: Dex mentions it rescues people stranded in blizzards in mountains, so it makes sense that an Ice typing helps it plough through blizzard conditions with no problem. Can be found in Cold Storage.
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Hail, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Removed Moves: Fire Fang
Altered Abilities: Sand Rush -> Fur Coat


Name(s): Geodude -> Graveler -> Golem
Type: Rock/Normal
Justification: The most common Rock type found in most regions. Design-wise its also very pedestrian- a rock with a face and limbs. Dex entries even mention how people mistake Geodude for rocks without noticing- they are that plain. The Ground type isn't even really that pronounced in its Dex entries anyway and is most likely because all Rock types besides Fossils were Ground type in Gen 1. (Compare Onix for example where it is explicitly mentioned to dig tunnels underground). Still keeps the more important Ground moves because Rock types typically get them. Replaced Sand Veil with Bulletproof because Dex flavour of how Golem survives dynamite blasts. Loss of Ground STAB will be missed but it gets STAB on Double-Edge (with Rock Head) and Explosion. Maybe some STAB Flail fun with a Sturdy set?
New Moves: Body Slam, Headbutt, Mega Punch
Removed Moves: Mud Sport, Magnitude, Earth Power
Altered Abilities: Sand Veil -> Bulletproof
Last edited:
Name(s): Stunky/Skuntank
Type: Normal/Poison
Justification: It's a skunk, just a nasty skunk. It looks evil, but it's just a skunk. It also has Keen Eye, which in mind, is given to a bunch of Normal types. Also, it's movepool is mostly Normal moves, it's in the Field Egg Group, and it's design looks a bit normal except for the giant overhanging tail.
New Moves: Hyper Voice, Self-Destruct, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot (this is a standard for a lot of Normal types and also why it does not have it yet?), Seed Bomb (this is as well), Whirlwind, Slam, Quick Attack, Rage
Removed Moves: Dark Pulse, Punishment, Foul Play, Memento, Snatch, Snarl, Torment, Taunt
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Cranidos/Rampardos
Type: Normal/Rock
Justification: They look a bit regular and the other Sinnoh fossil got a secondary typing, so why not Cranidos and Rampardos?
New Moves: Head Charge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Rock Head

Name(s): Glaceon
Type: Normal/Ice
Justification: It's from Eevee and is a Field Pokemon.
New Moves: Pin Missle, Icicle Spear, Twineedle, Spike Cannon (these 3 are for flavor), Power Gem (also for flavor)
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Iron Barbs (for flavor