Undiscovered Types [PLAYABLE on Galaxy Server!]

Name(s): Musharna
Type: Psychic/Poison
Justification: The mist from its forehead, while said to be dreams, looks mysteriously like miasma. That, and the dreams are actually eaten from other people. That can't be a good thing, can it.
New Moves: Poison Gas, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot, Belch, Clear Smog, Venoshock
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Sandslash
Type: Rock/Poison
Justification: Shrews in real life are noted to possess poisonous claws, and honestly the pokedex entries focuses more on its spikes than anything, and they look Rock-type enough to me.
New Moves: Rock Blast, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Rock Polish
Removed Moves: Earth Power
Altered Abilities: +Poison Point
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Type: Rock/Poison
Justification: Shuckle's whole deal is that its rocky shell is full of acidic fluids that break down and ferment plant matter, and as such learns Gastro Acid by level-up and Acid via breeding. By TM, it learns Sludge Bomb and Sludge Wave, which are occasionally seen on non-Poison types, but also Venoshock, which is found almost exclusively on Poison types. And is Shuckle really a bug, anyway? Well it doesn't really matter, because some Pokemon that are clearly bugs (Drapion) aren't even Bug type, so Poison is a suitable replacement.
New Moves: Toxic Spikes, Acid Armor, Acid Spray, Clear Smog
Removed Moves: Struggle Bug, Bug Bite
Altered Abilities: None


Gulpin, Swalot
Type: Poison/Fairy
Justification: The exact origin of these designs is very much up in the air, and at least to me, they look like whimsical but troublesome fairies from some sort of local folklore (Ireland, etc). Gulpin has a feather in its hat, Swalot has a comical mustache and the two of them look like they could be the generic slime enemy you find outside your home town in any JRPG.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Misty Terrain
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus
Type: Psychic/Poison
Justification: While dex descriptions never really state what the "special liquid" covering these three actually is (though you can harbor a solid guess based on their status as cell Pokemon), they interestingly learn Acid Armor. If the fluid protects them from harm, maybe it's poisonous to predators, supported by the hint that it's acidic. Makes more sense than "mysterious psychic cell goo."
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Acid, Acid Spray
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
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Name(s): Drapion
Type: Poison/Rock
Justification: Drapion not only doesn't make any sense as a Dark type (IMO), but it actually loses its bug type opon evolution. I felt like the last part was a pretty special part for Drapion, so I decided to keep that in, but replace Dark with Rock. Also, Scorpions often have heavy involvement with living under rocks and living in the desert, both of which are represented by its rock type.
New Moves: Stealth Rock, Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Bulldoze
Removed Moves: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Snarl
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Nidoqueen
Type: Poison/Fairy
Justification: Nidoqueen is the fully evolved form of the female nidoran, and even has queen in its name, and seeing how much the fairy type has in common with femininity i thought "why not"? Also having a different type that Nidoking helps it differentiate
New Moves: Moonblast, Play Rough, Dazziling Gleam
Removed Moves: Earth Power, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm
Altered Abilities: None
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Name(s): Lileep+Cradily
Type: Rock/Poison
Justification: Many, many times in its poked entries, Cradily & Lileep have the ability to secrete a digestive acid through its dicks tentacles. It learns tons of Poison type moves and creates and how is it a Grass type? It only has green, and it mentions poison 10,000 times in the pokedex.
New Moves: Acid Armor, Coil, Gunk Shot, Sludge, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock
Removed Moves: Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Worry Seed
Altered Abilities: +Liquid Ooze

Name(s): Inkay+Malamar
Type: Poison/Psychic
Justification: Malamar is a squid or cuttlefish. Squids and cuttlefish can be very, very, very poisonous. Especially the latter. Octopi, even, can be extremely toxic and have lots of poison running through them. The dark-type only makes sense with the opposite to screw with opponents, but Psychic type represents hypnosis better. Plus, digestive juice.
New Moves: Acid Spray, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab
Removed Moves: Embargo, Payback, Snatch, Thief, Foul Play, Night Slash
Altered Abilities: None
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Poison typed Aromatisse retaining Aroma Veil is kind of hilarious to me.

Name(s): Omanyte, Omastar
Type: Rock/Poison
Justification: It's basically a fanciful, prehistoric nautilus. Covered in spikes. It actually already learns Toxic Spikes! While nautilus in actuality are not generally poisonous, Omastar apparently has some capacity for such, and Omastar is a pretty nasty-looking fellow -also I considered "cheating" and using the shiny, purple sprites, but eh.
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge, Poison Jab, Acid Spray.
Removed Moves: Scald, Ice Beam.
Altered Abilities: None.

I might try a hand at the other two type combinations later.

Type: Psychic/Poison
Justification: The Venonat line learns Confusion, Psybeam, Zen Headbutt, and Psychic by level-up, and Sabrina used a Venomoth on her team in RBY/FRLG, despite not being a Psychic-type.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Vileplume (Oddish and Gloom remain Grass/Poison)
Type: Fairy/Poison
Justification: The Oddish lines seems to have an association with the moon, being able to learn Moonlight, and as of ORAS, Moonblast. The line also learns Dazzling Gleam by TM. The Pokedex also states that Oddish is nocturnal, being awoken only by moonlight.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
Discussion time!


Beartic's new type + priority make it significantly less mediocre, but base 50 Speed and an "okay" 110 base Attack still hold it back. Guts on TR teams and Swift Swim on rain teams show promise, though.


Dusknoir is even slower (at base 45 Speed) and weaker (at base 100 Attack) but I still have more hope for it. Ghost + Fighting is a legendary combo, and Drain Punch should help it a lot. With good bulk, Iron Fist to improve punching moves and a Rocks resistance to facilitate switch-ins, Dusknoir shows promise as a bulky attacker or offensive TR setter. Dusclops still sucks, though.


Marowak has the most move additions of pretty much any submission, and several of them are good options for the old Bonekeeper. Priority, recovery and powerful STAB are now at its disposal, along with quirky options like Final Gambit. Marowak's Adamant + Thick Club + Skill Link Bone Rush actually outdamages Primal Groudon's Adamant Precipice Blades. Like every other winner this slate, it's slow as hell, but maybe you could put them all on the same TR team.

Name: Venomoth
Type: Fairy/Poison
Justification: As has been pointed out many times in this thread, Fairy-type has a connection to the moon, and many species of moth are nocturnal. Also, I'm not even going to lie, ever since Twitch Plays Pokemon trashed Lance's Dragonite with nothing but ATV, I've been aching for a Fairy/Poison-type Venomoth, so that it can be a true Dragonslayer!
New Moves: Fairy Wind, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast
Removed Moves: Silver Wind, Signal Beam, Bug Bite
Altered Abilities: N/A
Like any other Ice type, Beartic loves not being weak to Stealth Rock anymore and Drain Punch can help heal back any damage. The type combo makes for some good coverage at least. A Rain Dance + Aqua Jet combo gives it a third pseudo STAB and second priority.

Marowak really hates Flying types since they are immune to Ground and resistant to Fighting- if it had Rock Blast it would be another story though with Rock/Ground coverage (Arm Thrust has lower base power for a multi-hit move). While it does have many options now, some of them are just things other Fighting types know and aren't really usable like Focus Blast and Vacuum Wave. Hammer Arm would be interesting in a Trick Room team at least. A new weakness to Fairy (as well as Psychic) isn't really pretty with how much Fairies are rampant in OU but at least hitting with high damage output moves thanks to Thick Club feels so satisfying if you can make it work.

Dusknoir's Iron Fist finally gives its STAB Shadow Punch a boost, along with the other punches it learns. Drain Punch at least gives it some form of recovery but it still probably won't hit hard enough.
Granbull (+Snubull) (by mcFlareon)

Fairy-> Fairy/Dark
+ Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Snatch, Switcheroo, Beat Up, Assurance, Foul Play, Dark Pulse
Pros: Sucker Punch and Knock Off are much appreciated, typing makes for a pretty good wall, could make use of Rattled

Cons: Less of a Fighting/Bug check, can't beat opposing Fairies

Purugly (+Glameow) (by mcFlareon)

Normal -> Normal/Dark
+ Snarl, Switcheroo, Pursuit, Quash, Night Slash, Beat Up, Dark Pulse, Thrash
Pros: STAB Sucker Punch and Pursuit are always nice, has actual resistances now
Cons: Obliterated by Mach Punch, stats except Speed are worthless

Luxray (by Swagodile)

Electric -> Electric/Dark
+ Dark Pulse
Pros: New STAB and resistances
Cons: Has more than one weakness

Feel free to discuss the impact of these new additions to the metagame below, or wait until around Thursday where I will officially initiate the discussion. Overall, minor changes this slate. Granbull is pretty promising with good typing, Attack, Intimidate and Sucker Punch. It has the tools to be offensive or defensive and the downsides of its new typing are nicely balanced out by its strengths. Purugly is better, but still trash. 71/64/59 defensive stats mean your new resistances don't mean a whole lot, and mediocre base 82 Attack gives you weak offensive presence. Luxray has most of the same problems it had before, but STAB Crunch helps a bit. I really don't have an opinion on it one way or the other.


Time for the eighth voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Poison + Fairy: Aromatisse (+3), Swalot (+2), Musharna (+1)
Poison + Rock: Shuckle (+3), Omastar (+2), Drapion (+1)
Poison + Psychic: Musharna (+3), Malamar (+2), Reuniclus (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.

Here are the valid submissions by type:


Name(s): Spritzee, Aromatisse
Type: Poison / Fairy
Justification: I remember when we (or at least when I) first saw Spritzee, people were saying that it could potentially evolve into a plague doctor Poison / Fairy. While it didn't exactly evolve into what we expected, I still feel like there are enough traits of the plague doctor in Aromatisse (and obviously Spritzee) that I can see it being Poison / Fairy. It would also let Aromatisse differentiate itself from the other Fairy-types. The movepool is a set of Poison-type moves that I could see it using. Nothing else is changed about it.
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Clear Smog, Venom Drench
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Musharna
Type: Fairy / Poison
Justification: Musharna feels more like a Fairy type than Psychic type (Munna is Fairy). It also evolves with a Moon stone and Fairies have a connection with the moon in this game- not to mention it learns Moonlight and is found in a placed called Dreamyard. Poison because of the dream smoke kind of sounds hallucinogenic if you ask me, but it has a more positive vibe which works well with Fairy.
New Moves: Poison Gas, Smog, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Clear Smog, Moonblast, Aromatic Mist, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain
Removed Moves: Psychic, Stored Power, Psywave, Telekinesis, Skill Swap
Altered Abilities: Telepathy -> Levitate (Telepathy is more Psychic-related and Levitate because, it actually does, kind of like Weezing)


Gulpin, Swalot
Type: Poison/Fairy
Justification: The exact origin of these designs is very much up in the air, and at least to me, they look like whimsical but troublesome fairies from some sort of local folklore (Ireland, etc). Gulpin has a feather in its hat, Swalot has a comical mustache and the two of them look like they could be the generic slime enemy you find outside your home town in any JRPG.
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Misty Terrain
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Nidoqueen
Type: Poison/Fairy
Justification: Nidoqueen is the fully evolved form of the female nidoran, and even has queen in its name, and seeing how much the fairy type has in common with femininity i thought "why not"? Also having a different type that Nidoking helps it differentiate
New Moves: Moonblast, Play Rough, Dazziling Gleam
Removed Moves: Earth Power, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Vileplume (Oddish and Gloom remain Grass/Poison)
Type: Fairy/Poison
Justification: The Oddish lines seems to have an association with the moon, being able to learn Moonlight, and as of ORAS, Moonblast. The line also learns Dazzling Gleam by TM. The Pokedex also states that Oddish is nocturnal, being awoken only by moonlight.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name: Venomoth
Type: Fairy/Poison
Justification: As has been pointed out many times in this thread, Fairy-type has a connection to the moon, and many species of moth are nocturnal. Also, I'm not even going to lie, ever since Twitch Plays Pokemon trashed Lance's Dragonite with nothing but ATV, I've been aching for a Fairy/Poison-type Venomoth, so that it can be a true Dragonslayer!
New Moves: Fairy Wind, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast
Removed Moves: Silver Wind, Signal Beam, Bug Bite
Altered Abilities: N/A

Name(s): Barbaracle
Type: Poison / Rock
Justification: Some species of shellfish are toxic and those claws look like they pack a mean Poison Jab.
New Moves: Gastro Acid, Cross Poison, Gunk Shot, Venoshock
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Sandslash
Type: Rock/Poison
Shrews in real life are noted to possess poisonous claws, and honestly the pokedex entries focuses more on its spikes than anything, and they look Rock-type enough to me.
New Moves: Rock Blast, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Rock Polish
Removed Moves: Earth Power
Altered Abilities: +Poison Point


Type: Rock/Poison
Justification: Shuckle's whole deal is that its rocky shell is full of acidic fluids that break down and ferment plant matter, and as such learns Gastro Acid by level-up and Acid via breeding. By TM, it learns Sludge Bomb and Sludge Wave, which are occasionally seen on non-Poison types, but also Venoshock, which is found almost exclusively on Poison types. And is Shuckle really a bug, anyway? Well it doesn't really matter, because some Pokemon that are clearly bugs (Drapion) aren't even Bug type, so Poison is a suitable replacement.
New Moves: Toxic Spikes, Acid Armor, Acid Spray, Clear Smog
Removed Moves: Struggle Bug, Bug Bite
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Drapion
Type: Poison/Rock
Justification: Drapion not only doesn't make any sense as a Dark type (IMO), but it actually loses its bug type opon evolution. I felt like the last part was a pretty special part for Drapion, so I decided to keep that in, but replace Dark with Rock. Also, Scorpions often have heavy involvement with living under rocks and living in the desert, both of which are represented by its rock type.
New Moves: Stealth Rock, Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Bulldoze
Removed Moves: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Snarl
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Omanyte, Omastar
Type: Rock/Poison
Justification: It's basically a fanciful, prehistoric nautilus. Covered in spikes. It actually already learns Toxic Spikes! While nautilus in actuality are not generally poisonous, Omastar apparently has some capacity for such, and Omastar is a pretty nasty-looking fellow -also I considered "cheating" and using the shiny, purple sprites, but eh.
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge, Poison Jab, Acid Spray.
Removed Moves: Scald, Ice Beam.
Altered Abilities: None.

Name(s): Drowzee -> Hypno
Type: Psychic / Poison
Justification: Hypno's pendulum and hypnosis theme cements the Psychic type while the whole draining people's dreams and nightmarish attributes of luring children away makes it sound sinister which sounds like Poison type. It uses the 'dark' side of Psychic powers through hypnosis and in a way, sounds like poison of the mind. It also learns Poison Gas naturally and can be seen in Koga's gym back in the Kanto games so at least the new type will make the gym make more sense.
New Moves: Clear Smog, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Gunk Shot, Gastro Acid
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Musharna
Type: Psychic/Poison
The mist from its forehead, while said to be dreams, looks mysteriously like miasma. That, and the dreams are actually eaten from other people. That can't be a good thing, can it.
New Moves: Poison Gas, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot, Belch, Clear Smog, Venoshock
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus
Type: Psychic/Poison
Justification: While dex descriptions never really state what the "special liquid" covering these three actually is (though you can harbor a solid guess based on their status as cell Pokemon), they interestingly learn Acid Armor. If the fluid protects them from harm, maybe it's poisonous to predators, supported by the hint that it's acidic. Makes more sense than "mysterious psychic cell goo."
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Acid, Acid Spray
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Inkay+Malamar
Type: Poison/Psychic
Justification: Malamar is a squid or cuttlefish. Squids and cuttlefish can be very, very, very poisonous. Especially the latter. Octopi, even, can be extremely toxic and have lots of poison running through them. The dark-type only makes sense with the opposite to screw with opponents, but Psychic type represents hypnosis better. Plus, digestive juice.
New Moves: Acid Spray, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab
Removed Moves: Embargo, Payback, Snatch, Thief, Foul Play, Night Slash
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Psychic/Poison
Justification: The Venonat line learns Confusion, Psybeam, Zen Headbutt, and Psychic by level-up, and Sabrina used a Venomoth on her team in RBY/FRLG, despite not being a Psychic-type.
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
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The ninth submissions slate has started! Submit Pokemon for the three following type combinations:

Steel + Ice
Steel + Poison
Steel + Normal

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is one week from now: Sunday October 4th at midnight.
Whoa didn't expect to win with some interesting options for the last slate :O

Also Voting link goes to a login page?


Name(s): Zangoose
Type: Normal/Steel
Justification: Zangoose is one of only two Normal types who can learn Metal Claw. Its sharp claws is heavily featured in its design and movepool, and the grey claws look sharp and metallic enough for Zangoose to share part of a Steel type. As Steel type grants an innate immunity to Poison (which still ties nicely to the Seviper rivalry), I felt its current abilities needed to be updated to be something less redundant. Added Anger Point for flavor. Tough Claws because of slashing focus and Mega Metagross, another Steel type gets it.
New Moves: Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Flash Cannon , Metal Sound
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Toxic Boost -> Guts, Immunity -> Tough Claws, +Anger Point


Name(s): Nidoqueen
Type: Poison/Steel
Justification: The dex talks about Nidoqueen's thick, scaly armour and since she's the more defensive Nido, Steel fits better than the more offensive Ground type. The grayish-blue colour also makes it look closer to Steel type than say, Nidoking. It still keeps its Ground moves since Steel and Ground have similar attributes and some Steel types learn the Ground moves it learn anyway.
New Moves: Iron Head, Metal Claw, Flash Cannon, Bullet Punch, Heavy Slam, Iron Defense
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Glalie -> Mega Glalie
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Its body is basically armour and ice and Steel type is usually the most appropriate type when thinking of armour. The icicles in its Mega form also look similar to crystals, which Mega Steelix also has, so it fits visually.
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Autotomize, Metal Sound, Iron Defense
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
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Name(s): Vanillite, Vanillish, and Vanilluxe
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: First of all, these three learn a crap ton of Steel type moves (Mirror Shot, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Automize, and Iron Defense), and are the only non steel types to learn mirror shot, which makes perfect material for being a steel type. Also, these three are based of Ice Cream, which can usually be put in a metal bowl (Again, representing steel type), which is especially true with Vanilluxe, who is based of a sundae, which need to be in those bowls. Also,these two get weak armor, which is an ability mainly given to rock and steel type Pokemon
New Moves: Metal Sound, Metal Burst, Iron Head
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Porygon, Porygon-2, Porygon-Z
Type: Normal/Steel
Justification: These three pokemon generally are heavily involved with Computers, which are made of different types of metals. They also evolve uses different discs (The Up-Grade and the Dubious Disc) which are again made of steel.
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Iron Head
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
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Name(s): Garbodor (Trubbish stays pure Poison)
Type: Poison/Steel
Justification: There are pieces of garbage on it that looks like they're made of metal. Also, it's a trash bag. Trash bags sit in trash bins.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Aototomize, Metal Burst, Metal Sound, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
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Donphan (Phanpy is now Normal)
Type: Normal / Steel
Justification: I can imagine Donphan and Phanpy being Normal-type rather than Ground-type. If anything Steel makes more sense on Donphan than Ground, since it's the armor Pokemon and it's well known for turning into a wheel and stuff - something that's fitting with Gyro Ball (which it can perfectly abuse thanks to its low speed). This is also why I'm replacing Sand Veil with Battle Armor - Battle Armor just makes more sense for "the armor Pokemon", especially now that it's not a Ground-type. As for moves I just added Iron Head and Flash Cannon because of its new typing - nothing too fancy here.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: Sand Veil --> Battle Armor
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Name(s): Carbink
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Carbink looks like a forming ice crystal around a metal deposit with a snowy top. It's blue and only relates to fairy though its connections to Diancie, which only makes sense through the "Diamond" design. Diamond isn't even blue (unless there boron, a metal, which is rare). Also, many Steel type pokemon incorporate steel into a deposits fashion, such as Steelix and Mawile.
New Moves: Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Self Destruct, Spikes
Removed Moves: Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Ancient Power, Power Gem, Moonblast
Altered Abilities: +Refrigerate

Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: The Pokedex compares it to an aircraft carrier, and states that its body is hard as steel.
New Moves: Heavy Slam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Own Tempo -> Clear Body

Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: The Pokedex compares it to an aircraft carrier, and states that its body is hard as steel.
New Moves: Heavy Slam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Own Tempo -> Clear Body
We already retyped Avalugg to Ice/Bug.
Also Voting link goes to a login page?
Should be fixed now.



Klink, Klang, Klinklang
Type: Steel/Normal
Justification: Unlike most Steel types, these things aren't fused with an animal or possessed by spiritual/psychic energy. They're just gears. Super normal gears...with eyes. If for no other reason, now it has a reason for having Return in its standard set other than the fact that this thing has no moves.
New Moves: Double Edge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Well it can't fly, can it? I have no other reason for this one other than the fact that Santa's factory (at least in modern depictions) is very mechanized as are the toys themselves. Sue me, all the good choices were taken.
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Steel Wing, Gyro Ball, Shift Gear, Gear Grind
Removed Moves: Fly, Sky Attack
Altered Abilities: None


(Mega) Steelix (+Onix)
Type: Steel/Poison (Onix becomes Rock/Poison)
Justification: Obviously these two are based on snakes (its in their species names), which are often poisonous. In the case of Pokemon, 2/4 primary snake-based lines are Poison type (Arbok/Seviper) with Serperior and Steelix being the odd ones out. No longer! For further proof, the snake-look-alike-exclusive move Coil is Poison type. The Ground typing was also superfluous as their bodies seem to be entirely made of Rock and Steel, respectively.
New Moves: Coil (it should have this already), Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Poison Fang, Cross Poison
Removed Moves: Mud Sport, Sand Tomb, Rototiller, Earth Power, Mud Slap
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Regenerator (Reptiles are known for their regenerative properties)
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Name(s): Qwilfish
Type: Poison/Steel
Justification: Qwilfish is based off a naval mine, which are made of steel and explode on contact. Also, it learns Gyro Ball as a TM.
New Moves: Iron Defense, Mirror Shot, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Magnet Bomb, Metal Burst, Automatize, Gunk Shot, Iron Tail
Removed Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Scald, Water Gun, Bubble
Altered Abilities: -Swift Swim, +Filter

Name(s): Registeel
Type: Normal/Steel
Justification: It is a immobile golem, being in a normal state for thousands of years.
New Moves: Double Hit, Tri Attack
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: None.

Name(s): Regice
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Regice is an ancient being able to withstand anything to make it melt, but maybe also for protecting it from steel. Maybe it can absorb it like a hit.
New Moves: Iron Defense, Mirror Shot, Heavy Slam, Magnet Bomb, Metal Burst, Automatize
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: +Filter

Edit: Formerly Klink's line was the Steel Normal, but it turns out that Jajoken posted it immeadientgly after this, so Registeel will fill it.
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Name(s): Drapion (Skorupi stays Poison / Bug)
Type: Poison / Steel
Justification: It's a giant scorpion...thing covered in armor. Drapion even looks a bit robotic, with its claws that look like they're straight from a claw machine and limbs that look very inorganic. It even has a sort of robot-spider look in its feet! Its movepool additions reflect its new Steel-typeness along with Stealth Rock, asit is not uncommon for Steel-types to get it.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Autotomize, Stealth Rock
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: S
Discussion time!


  • Granbull is pretty promising with good typing, Attack, Intimidate and Sucker Punch. It has the tools to be offensive or defensive and the downsides of its new typing are nicely balanced out by its strengths.

  • Purugly is better, but still trash. 71/64/59 defensive stats mean your new resistances don't mean a whole lot, and mediocre base 82 Attack gives you weak offensive presence.

  • Luxray has most of the same problems it had before, but STAB Crunch helps a bit. I really don't have an opinion on it one way or the other.
Also update on voting -- you should vote if you haven't. The spread on the Psychic category is currently 7/6/6/4, so literally one person could completely change who the winner will be. The other categories are fairly close as well.
Granbull becomes a great resist to pesky Dark moves like Knock Off and Sucker Punch, especially with Intimidate. It can even use the resist (with an added Ghost resist) to boost Speed, although being neutral to Bug now is a slight letdown but a Ghost resist is more useful. Great to pair with a Steel type which can take Poison/Steel attacks while Granbull can take the Ghost/Dark attacks that Steel is now neutral to. Sucker Punch is also a welcome priority addition to patch up low Speed.

Its a shame Purugly's stats are just so low, it needs a Defiant boost to deal damage. That said it at least have some utility for a fast U-turn/STAB Knock Off, and STAB on Fake Out is always nice. Maybe STAB Foul Play could be an option? Again, like Granbull, it can take on Ghost/Dark attacks that Steel would be neutral to but those defensive stats let it down too much. A fast Switcheroo could be an interesting option though.

It's a shame Luxray's movepool is still quite small. Being weak to the spammable Fairy type or U-turn isn't doing it good either. A more reliable second STAB option that has no recoil is pretty good though since being a physical Electric type can be very limiting.

Aromatisse (+Spritzee) (by The Reptile)

Fairy-> Fairy/Poison
+ Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Clear Smog, Venom Drench
Pros: Fairy that can serve as a Fairy check, immune to Toxic, can absorb Toxic Spikes, new STAB

Cons: Earns some common weaknesses, not a good Lati@s switch-in

Shuckle (by Jajoken)

Bug/Rock -> Rock/Poison
+ Toxic Spikes, Acid Armor, Acid Spray, Clear Smog
- Struggle Bug, Bug Bite
Pros: New entry hazard to set, can wipe boosts, immune to Toxic, checks Fairies
Cons: New x4 weakness

Reuniclus (+Solosis, Duosion) (by Jajoken)

Psychic -> Psychic/Poison
+ Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Acid, Acid Spray
Pros: New STAB, Fairy check
Cons: Ground weakness makes it harder to set-up and sweep



Time for the ninth voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Steel + Ice: Glalie (+3), Carbink (+2), Vanilluxe (+1)
Steel + Poison: Steelix (+3), Garbodor (+2), Nidoqueen (+1)
Steel + Normal: Donphan (+3), Porygon-Z (+2), Klinklang (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.

Here are the valid submissions by type:


Name(s): Glalie -> Mega Glalie
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Its body is basically armour and ice and Steel type is usually the most appropriate type when thinking of armour. The icicles in its Mega form also look similar to crystals, which Mega Steelix also has, so it fits visually.
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Autotomize, Metal Sound, Iron Defense
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Vanillite, Vanillish, and Vanilluxe
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: First of all, these three learn a crap ton of Steel type moves (Mirror Shot, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Automize, and Iron Defense), and are the only non steel types to learn mirror shot, which makes perfect material for being a steel type. Also, these three are based of Ice Cream, which can usually be put in a metal bowl (Again, representing steel type), which is especially true with Vanilluxe, who is based of a sundae, which need to be in those bowls. Also,these two get weak armor, which is an ability mainly given to rock and steel type Pokemon
New Moves: Metal Sound, Metal Burst, Iron Head
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Carbink
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Carbink looks like a forming ice crystal around a metal deposit with a snowy top. It's blue and only relates to fairy though its connections to Diancie, which only makes sense through the "Diamond" design. Diamond isn't even blue (unless there boron, a metal, which is rare). Also, many Steel type pokemon incorporate steel into a deposits fashion, such as Steelix and Mawile.
New Moves: Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Self Destruct, Spikes
Removed Moves: Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Ancient Power, Power Gem, Moonblast
Altered Abilities: +Refrigerate


Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Well it can't fly, can it? I have no other reason for this one other than the fact that Santa's factory (at least in modern depictions) is very mechanized as are the toys themselves. Sue me, all the good choices were taken.
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Steel Wing, Gyro Ball, Shift Gear, Gear Grind
Removed Moves: Fly, Sky Attack
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Regice
Type: Ice/Steel
Justification: Regice is an ancient being able to withstand anything to make it melt, but maybe also for protecting it from steel. Maybe it can absorb it like a hit.
New Moves: Iron Defense, Mirror Shot, Heavy Slam, Magnet Bomb, Metal Burst, Automatize
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: +Filter

Name(s): Nidoqueen
Type: Poison/Steel
Justification: The dex talks about Nidoqueen's thick, scaly armour and since she's the more defensive Nido, Steel fits better than the more offensive Ground type. The grayish-blue colour also makes it look closer to Steel type than say, Nidoking. It still keeps its Ground moves since Steel and Ground have similar attributes and some Steel types learn the Ground moves it learn anyway.
New Moves: Iron Head, Metal Claw, Flash Cannon, Bullet Punch, Heavy Slam, Iron Defense
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Garbodor (Trubbish stays pure Poison)
Type: Poison/Steel
There are pieces of garbage on it that looks like they're made of metal. Also, it's a trash bag. Trash bags sit in trash bins.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Aototomize, Metal Burst, Metal Sound, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


(Mega) Steelix (+Onix)
Type: Steel/Poison (Onix becomes Rock/Poison)
Justification: Obviously these two are based on snakes (its in their species names), which are often poisonous. In the case of Pokemon, 2/4 primary snake-based lines are Poison type (Arbok/Seviper) with Serperior and Steelix being the odd ones out. No longer! For further proof, the snake-look-alike-exclusive move Coil is Poison type. The Ground typing was also superfluous as their bodies seem to be entirely made of Rock and Steel, respectively.
New Moves: Coil (it should have this already), Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Poison Fang, Cross Poison
Removed Moves: Mud Sport, Sand Tomb, Rototiller, Earth Power, Mud Slap
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Regenerator (Reptiles are known for their regenerative properties)


Name(s): Qwilfish
Type: Poison/Steel
Justification: Qwilfish is based off a naval mine, which are made of steel and explode on contact. Also, it learns Gyro Ball as a TM.
New Moves: Iron Defense, Mirror Shot, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Magnet Bomb, Metal Burst, Automatize, Gunk Shot, Iron Tail
Removed Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Scald, Water Gun, Bubble
Altered Abilities: -Swift Swim, +Filter


Name(s): Drapion (Skorupi stays Poison / Bug)
Type: Poison / Steel
Justification: It's a giant scorpion...thing covered in armor. Drapion even looks a bit robotic, with its claws that look like they're straight from a claw machine and limbs that look very inorganic. It even has a sort of robot-spider look in its feet! Its movepool additions reflect its new Steel-typeness along with Stealth Rock, asit is not uncommon for Steel-types to get it.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Autotomize, Stealth Rock
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none

Name(s): Zangoose
Type: Normal/Steel
Justification: Zangoose is one of only two Normal types who can learn Metal Claw. Its sharp claws is heavily featured in its design and movepool, and the grey claws look sharp and metallic enough for Zangoose to share part of a Steel type. As Steel type grants an innate immunity to Poison (which still ties nicely to the Seviper rivalry), I felt its current abilities needed to be updated to be something less redundant. Added Anger Point for flavor. Tough Claws because of slashing focus and Mega Metagross, another Steel type gets it.
New Moves: Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Flash Cannon , Metal Sound
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Toxic Boost -> Guts, Immunity -> Tough Claws, +Anger Point


Name(s): Porygon, Porygon-2, Porygon-Z
Type: Normal/Steel
Justification: These three pokemon generally are heavily involved with Computers, which are made of different types of metals. They also evolve uses different discs (The Up-Grade and the Dubious Disc) which are again made of steel.
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Mirror Shot, Metal Sound, Iron Head
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Donphan (Phanpy is now Normal)
Type: Normal / Steel
Justification: I can imagine Donphan and Phanpy being Normal-type rather than Ground-type. If anything Steel makes more sense on Donphan than Ground, since it's the armor Pokemon and it's well known for turning into a wheel and stuff - something that's fitting with Gyro Ball (which it can perfectly abuse thanks to its low speed). This is also why I'm replacing Sand Veil with Battle Armor - Battle Armor just makes more sense for "the armor Pokemon", especially now that it's not a Ground-type. As for moves I just added Iron Head and Flash Cannon because of its new typing - nothing too fancy here.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: Sand Veil --> Battle Armor


Klink, Klang, Klinklang
Type: Steel/Normal
Justification: Unlike most Steel types, these things aren't fused with an animal or possessed by spiritual/psychic energy. They're just gears. Super normal gears...with eyes. If for no other reason, now it has a reason for having Return in its standard set other than the fact that this thing has no moves.
New Moves: Double Edge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Registeel
Type: Normal/Steel
Justification: It is a immobile golem, being in a normal state for thousands of years.
New Moves: Double Hit, Tri Attack
Removed Moves: None.
Altered Abilities: None.

The tenth submissions slate has started! Submit Pokemon for the three following type combinations:

Fairy + Ice
Fairy + Ground
Fairy + Fighting

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is (LESS THAN) one week from now: Sunday October 11th at midnight.