Upgraded movesets for NU tier Pokemon

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This article will be for posting possible new movesets for those NU tier Pokémon that can finally move up the ranks. With all the new moves that are being released, the tiers will start changing around. To start off, I am going to suggest some new movesets for Venomoth, one of my favorite Bug-type Pokémon, alongside Heracross.


Type: Bug/Poison
Abilities: Tinted Lens- Doubles damage for "Not Very Effective" moves.
Shield Dust
- Prevents Secondary Effects on Venomoth.
Dream World: Miracle Skin- Cuts the accuracy of moves that only inflict status conditions by 50%.
Base Stats:

HP: 70

Attack: 65
Defense: 60
Sp. Atk: 90
Sp. Def: 75
Speed: 90

Predicted 5th Gen. Tier: UU or BL

Finally, a blessing has come for all NU Bug-types for the new generation in the move: Butterfly Dance. The combination of Calm Mind and a Salac Berry will help to keep Venomoth on top of his game. There are also many things to consider with this "beast of the sky":

  • Access to Tinted Lens to avoid Resistance.
  • Access to an all new tanking move: Butterfly Dance
  • Prevents secondary effects from affecting Venomoth with Shield Dust.
  • Another tick with its all new ability Miracle Skin.
  • Frail on the Physical side.
  • Can be put on a Sun team, just give it Solarbeam.

1) Majestic Dancing Moth

Sleep Powder
Bug Buzz
Butterfly Dance

Item: Life Orb/Leftovers
Nature: Timid/Modest
Ability: Tinted Lens/Shield Dust
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd

This is the first moveset to introduce the powerful moth into the new 5th generation. With its all new move Butterfly Dance, Venomoth finally has the capability to sweep along the Special side. Sleep Powder allows Venomoth a free turn or two to set up. Bug Buzz, Psychic, and Tinted Lens wrap up the whole sweeping set by giving Venomoth coverage against many Pokemon. If you need recovery, you can replace Psychic for Roost, however, this will hinder its sweeping capabilities. Shield Dust is also acceptable in preventing this 10% Paralysis chance from Thunderbolt, for example.

2) Pass your boosts to me!

Butterfly Dance
Baton Pass
Bug Buzz/Roost

Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Miracle Skin/Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Def/4 SpD/252 Spd

This moveset gives Venomoth a Baton Pass (Or Support) moveset to help it's teammates by passing it's boosts through the move Butterfly Dance to Pokemon who can sweep, such as Infernape, Alakazam, Gengar, or even Ampharos. Pokemon such as Kokoromori benefit from this as well. Roost is so you can be able to Recover health lost from Substitute and will help Venomoth use this strategy again. Bug Buzz is there so Venomoth won't be Taunt bait. If necessary, you can switch Substitute out for Roost. Even with the EVs, Venomoth is pretty frail in the Physical side, and be K.O.'ed in an instant by Physical or Mixed Attackers. It's best to switch Venomoth in with an opponent who is weak against Venomoth. Tinted Lens is not suggested because you aren't necessarily attacking, but supporting teammates, and Substitute already works like Shield Dust.

3) Life Orb

Bug Buzz
Sleep Powder/Energy Ball/Roost
Butterfly Dance

Item: Life Orb
Nature: Timid/Modest
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spd

My, my. It's a small world after all. Life Orb will increase Venomoth's Power to deadly levels depending on the third move. Sleep Powder will allow time to set up and eventually sweep. Energy Ball just provides more coverage. Roost heals Life Orb damage and lets Venomoth sweep 'til the cows come home.

4) Choice Scarf (Ver. 2)

Bug Buzz
Giga Drain/Energy Ball

Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid/Modest
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spd

Even without Agility or Butterfly Dance, Venomoth still has the potential to sweep thanks to Choice Scarf, which puts Venomoth's Speed at 459 with a Timid nature, or 419 with a Modest nature. Also, it doesn't need to worry about switching into the wrong move thanks to Tinted Lens. The difference in Giga Drain and Energy Ball just depends on whether you want more health or more power.

Other Options

Solarbeam can be used only on a team that has sunny conditions, so it should be paired up with Pokemon who can set up the sun most effectively. Toxic/Poisonpowder and Venom Shock work effectively as the most powerful STAB move (only of the opponent is poisoned) standing at 130 Base Power (195 for STAB). Although not mentioned, Hidden Power can actually go well with Venomoth, since there are so many choices for the little guy. Sludge Bomb still goes as a good STAB move with little coverage. Bug Oppositon can replace Bug Buzz on the Baton Pass set since it lowers the opponent's Special Attack. Morning Sun provides recovery, but is often reliable due to Sandstorm teams. For those with the Soundproof ability (although very rare), there is always the safe and reliable Signal Beam, which provides a 20% confusion rate. Finally, there's always Toxic Spikes to go along a support moveset, which also combines well with Venom Shock.


Even with Butterfly Dance, Blissey has the potential to wall Venomoth thanks to access to Softboiled and its HUGE HP and Special Defense. It also has no problem with status conditions since it can heal its teammates with Aromatherapy and can switch out safely with Natural Cure. Registeel can threaten Venomoth with Iron Head, but can't take much hits after a couple of Butterfly Dances and healing through Roost. Both can threaten with Thunder Wave, to cripple Venomoth. Physical Typlosion can put the hurt on Venomoth with Flare Blitz, but must be careful of Substitute and the +1 Speed Boost that comes with Butterfly Dance. Houndoom can pretty much wipe out Venomoth, thanks to Nasty Plot, but can fail to dominate the moth in the Baton Pass set. (Help with more counters)

On the subject for comments. I will create more information when possible. Please forgive the lack of information, such as Team Options, and Counters. (Help suggest more counters for Venomoth) Please comment on this! :heart:

I don't even know if this warrants its own article really. Any 4th Gen NU poke who got buffs will have them displayed in the analysis pages on site.
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