this should be fun.
I'm sorry, but this is just plain nonsense.
no, it's not. the fact that i have to even make this post is irritating because the posts by spirit and nat were painfully clear. just because you are not in the majority opinion that either linoone or screens are an issue doesn't mean that this is "plain nonsense."
Screens are no more broken than they have been all generation. Linoone is maybe more favorable, but to call it broken is a longshot.
the first sentence here could be the only sentence in your post that makes sense. yes, you are correct; screens are the same as they have been all gen. my issue here comes with your use of the word broken in the second sentence, as i have no idea what that means to you. smogon's tiering policy framework defines broken as "elements that are too good relative to the rest of the metagame such that 'more skillful play' is almost always rendered irrelevant." skillful play around linoone does not matter. even with 100 percent perfect play every team loses to some combo of linoone set + support. it's impossible to account for all the moves linoone can run, and for the different types of support in screens, memento, and yawn. the difference between linoone and other set up sweepers is that you can outplay; it's not just winning or losing at preview. with barb and zydog you can outplay the z the move, with slurpuff you can revenge with more common priority, etc.
What it comes down to is that the so called "elite" players of the metagame are tired of facing HO builds in tournament.Playing HO is more or less as fun as stall. I get that they would rather play balance, where they would have a far higher chance of winning based on their knowledge of the metagame and skill level. Yes, HO teams are being used by players to attempt to cheese through skill gaps. This has happened for about 3 generations of Pokemon. Get over it.
bro what? no one ever said anything about ho teams as a whole; we're specifically discussing screens and linoone. and yes, you can run ho without linoone or screens, shocking i know. secondly you can just say me and nat, no reason to be scared :]
I get it. Playing HO is more or less as fun as stall. I get that they would rather play balance, where they would have a far higher chance of winning based on their knowledge of the metagame and skill level. Yes, HO teams are being used by players to attempt to cheese through skill gaps. This has happened for about 3 generations of Pokemon. Get over it. If you don't want to have a bad matchup versus screens, use a slot on the team to tech around it.
i'm glad you get it, because i don't. i don't think playing ho is more or less as fun as playing stall; i think the exact opposite. ho vs ho is one of the most fun matchups in all of pokemon; here's an example of a
fun ho vs ho game from spl where neither side used screens or linoone. yes, it's from an older meta, but we've already established that screens haven't changed, right?
ho isn't being used to cheese through skill gaps, screens and linoone are. can you show me one example from tours where someone brought non cheese ho to try and beat someone much better than them? it's hard to find because it doesn't make sense. with regular ho you have to outplay, that's why it's one of the hardest archetypes to pull off. also, who cares if something has been going on for three years? if something's wrong and can be fixed it should be.
and that's the issue. you need far more than a slot to tech around linoone with screens because of how many variations there are.
When it comes to strategies nominally deemed "cheese" for some reason, players don't want to think they should have to be accountable for adapting to it. If I built a balance that lost to CB Gross, no one would say, "wow, that's so dumb how CB Gross cheesed through your team", they'd say "run Slowbro idiot"
this is a half truth. people are underprepared for cheese when it's not used a lot, but as of a few weeks ago i don't think there's many people who aren't thinking about it in the builder.
if you built a balance team that lost to cb gross people would applaud you because that's nearly impossible. cb gross is checked or countered by almost every bulky water. i don't understand your point.
And saying that these styles are difficult to easily build around is a load of crap, most people haven't even tried adapting in the builder. What is banning Linoone/Screens going to accomplish anyone. There are other varaints of HO. Other sweepers can be found, which are just so "unfair" to all the "legitimate" balance teams it faces.
this is just a wild assumption. why would people not be trying to prep for linoone in the builder? banning linoone/screens would make the tier more competitive and less matchup oriented. yes, there are other ways to build ho, but no there are no other sweepers that rival linoone in its ability to sweep teams of all archetypes early and late game. if there were we would be talking about them.
Stop this madness. We can only prune this game's mechanics so much until it ceases to become Pokemon. Pokemon is a high variance game, metagames are not inherently stable and require constant adaption. Less talk of banning, get to building.
did you even read what you said? you just said metas aren't inherently stable and require constant adaptation. i lied earlier, you're right; this is the second truth in your post. metas change, people find new sets, and new things to abuse. linoone now has too many variations and different forms of support, so we have to adapt by suspecting linoone.
now that that's out of the way, i'd just like to say that i personally don't think screens is the problem, but i would be for a double suspect of linoone and screens (people vote to ban linoone, or screens, or both after they've qualified for the suspect). that's probably too complicated though, so i'm just advocating for a linoone suspect. i think it's uncompetitive, and based on smogon's tiering framework policy, broken.