
Death is the unknown where potentially there is nothingness, so I'd like to stay alive as long as possible because there's always the chance of something good happening.
That being said, I've never been tortured for long periods of time or felt pain so bad I want to die.
This thread is completely invalidated by similar arguments such as the war argument and the fast food argument.

Like has been said, there will always be war. You may try to stop war, but it will always happen. Likewise people eating fast food and/or doing drugs: People know it's bad but won't stop. Hell, some drugs are Illegal. You get fines which can lead up to imprisonment. This however dosen't stop people doing them. Sure, it will disable and/or kill you, but people still do it anyway. See where this is going? You could prove that people that are vegetarians live for 10 years longer than meat eaters, do not gain as much weight, and have a sharper mental acuteness, but people will still eat meat because it tastes good.

Argue all you want, you can't stop Meat eaters. I'm off to enjoy a piece of meatlovers pizza now.
To be quite honest I think death is pretty much a part of life, so to speak. I think the reason that people have a fear of death is because they don't know what happens next.

I'd actually say that most people fear death because after they die, they will be unable to accomplish/experience anything else in this world. It's like the grade school kid, trying to cram as much as he can into his last week of summer.
aki: that is pretty much the worst argument for anything ever.
"sure, there'll always be rapists around, so why bother trying to do anything about it"
I would say most people fear death because they have that fear programmed into them.

A fear of death increases your chances of surviving. I mean, some people fear it for all sorts of reasons, but I guess with the possible exception of people with severe mental defects, that is why everyone fears death.

Have a nice day.
On the whole B12 issue...

All human babies that are born must do one of these three things if they want to live:

1) Get B12 from animal protein, first usually in the form of human breast milk

2) Drink formula that's been fortified with B12

3) Take B12 supplements

This plainly suggets to me that animal products can and should be consumed, in significant quantities, all throughout life. There's no way to avoid animal products naturally without suffering for it.

I also think that grains and legumes are what's stopping people in developed countries from having a longer life span.
Queue if you live in America, you are a fine, shining example of how our edcation system is declining, and how low IQ the majority of the US public is. If your out of the US IDK...just all bad.
Vegetarianism is an initiative, an aspiration and a perpetual struggle, just like so many other things. Different people have different views.
I say if you can't eat meat you will die by the beat.

Seriously people, BEEF is good for you. Plants are NOT enough for the human systems to maintain their peak optimal performance. That is why vegetarians look yellowish in most cases. We are not dinosaurs, we do not *just* eat vegetation from trees.

We are Designed from Years of evolution of designs, so that we can beat that fish in the river and take a chomp right out of its spine.

The person who cannot do that, without their concrete jungle, will fail to maintain a healthy networked body (all functioning parts) and will perish in the wild, to be a meal for another that can survive (animals that aren't so retarded as to say "oh I don't want to eat meat" you know what happens to the bird that can't fly out of the nest, don't you?)
tastes like... chicken?

I can see from the perspective of vegeitarians, slaughter houses and milk farms are cruel places. Shit, look at the IAMS scandal uncovered by PETA, and that is in a pet food facility. I think the reason that those who acknowledge the poor treatment of animals and continue to support the companies do it for two reasons. Firstly is because these animals are intangible and therefore have no sentimental value to us. It's not like each one of these cows sends us a letter and a photo of themselves like those sponsor kids in Africa. As bad as it sounds I don't think most people have the capacity to care that much about a critter they don't know. The second reason is because people don't get a direct benefit, if any at all, for going out of their way to help these animals. No scratch that, I guess lower cholesterol is a benefit, but it's not appreciated. Those are just my thoughts, sorry if someone already posted something similar to this, I don't feel like sifting through all of these posts.​
Life can only be created through death, pretending you're a better person for not killing cuddly animals is hilarious. Death is the fate of all that lives, humans by our very nature kill to survive, be it plants, animals, microbes, ect.

So by PETA logic, using antiseptic is evil because it kills a million harmless microbes for every pathogen it kills, pesticide is evil because it kills thousands of bugs for every harmful crop killing insect, killing a spider is evil because it's not necessarily hurting anyone, killing a bear that is attacking you is evil because that bear may be endangered while humans are not. I could go on and on, please never tell me you're a vegetarian because you're preventing harm to animals, because as a human you have to kill living beings to live, and it is your right to do so. Indulge in your birthright, your cavemen ancestors didn't tame the lands just so you could go and get killed by a bear because you were at fault for being in the bear's territory.
Life can only be created through death, pretending you're a better person for not killing cuddly animals is hilarious. Death is the fate of all that lives, humans by our very nature kill to survive, be it plants, animals, microbes, ect.

So by PETA logic, using antiseptic is evil because it kills a million harmless microbes for every pathogen it kills, pesticide is evil because it kills thousands of bugs for every harmful crop killing insect, killing a spider is evil because it's not necessarily hurting anyone, killing a bear that is attacking you is evil because that bear may be endangered while humans are not. I could go on and on, please never tell me you're a vegetarian because you're preventing harm to animals, because as a human you have to kill living beings to live, and it is your right to do so. Indulge in your birthright, your cavemen ancestors didn't tame the lands just so you could go and get killed by a bear because you were at fault for being in the bear's territory.

You obviously don't know any of the consequences of the ecosystem with a list like that.

Lets just say, any of that goes, even the invisible stuff you cannot see, all of it goes. If any insect goes, no matter how much I hate them, gnats, ants, snipers, flies, if any of them go no more animals that feed off of them. No more birds flying around tweeting for your precious concrete jungle. Sure I bet there are some loons out there like this that just love to kill everything and not face any of that themselves, but that will change for the republicunts.
I'm vegitarian because I was raised without meat, since my parents are Vegitarians too. So, I just don't like the taste. However, I still drink milk and eat eggs/etc. I don't do it for health.
Oh come on man. Uhm... well, I understand I mean. All of my family (practically all of them) can eat cottage cheese in a bowl with salt and pepper. I can't even eat the stuff on anything, let itself.

However, I would have to say that, having had a hamburger, dorito's, and a claussen dill last night, that I would Never give up the "taste" of beef. To me it isn't about how it tastes, if you buy good beef it will be good, regardless of the "taste of beef". See that to me is alien. Whenever I go without meat too long I feel weak and tired, like I need protein. But this also happens when you need natural sugars from Fruit (especially if you drink a lot or occasionally).

My main point is that technically the body needs a specific ration of food everyday and usually what you Crave is literally what your body Needs. So by all means if you crave a nice fillet wrapped in bacon, or perhaps Chicken Courdon Bleu. Even grilled salmon is damn good with some lemon.

Dairy is good, but you cannot live on Dairy alone, infact too much dairy can be bad (kidney stones from calcium overload) and malnutrition. Hell even Constipation! Not only from cheese either. Too much of Anything in the dairy class will do it. Milk is always good for the bones though. Carrots are good for the eyes, but I prefer Fruits over veggies. Though I will still have a side-dish of peas, green-beans, carrots, or mashed potatoes. Just because those are the Goods man.


Without meat on the plate, there is just not a course to be had at the meal yet.
See, I don't really care about other poeple eating meat. I just don't do it. Btw, if you feel weak/tired w/o meat, that means that you're not getting protein from anything else. But, you can get it from other places. Such as Beans, Eggs, Milk, etc.
Life can only be created through death, pretending you're a better person for not killing cuddly animals is hilarious. Death is the fate of all that lives, humans by our very nature kill to survive, be it plants, animals, microbes, ect.

So by PETA logic, using antiseptic is evil because it kills a million harmless microbes for every pathogen it kills, pesticide is evil because it kills thousands of bugs for every harmful crop killing insect, killing a spider is evil because it's not necessarily hurting anyone, killing a bear that is attacking you is evil because that bear may be endangered while humans are not. I could go on and on, please never tell me you're a vegetarian because you're preventing harm to animals, because as a human you have to kill living beings to live, and it is your right to do so. Indulge in your birthright, your cavemen ancestors didn't tame the lands just so you could go and get killed by a bear because you were at fault for being in the bear's territory.

are you fucking serious lol

whether or not you agree with the idea of vegetarianism, saying we have to kill to survive (in the sense you mean, obviously we cannot exist without SOME harm to other living things) is absurd

'its our right' to kill other living things? have you ever stopped to fucking think that we are the only species capable of protecting the well-being of pretty much every other species? im not a vegetarian myself because frankly, i just dont care enough to alter my lifestyle that drastically. but i dont fucking pretend im excercising my right as a human to eat animals, thats just nonsense
You actually do have a right to eat animals, being higher up on the food chain. You don't, however, have a right to be cruel to animals, or anything of the sort, which he didn't seem to be implying.
errr there is no such thing as a "right"

it's not like a lion says SORRY ITS MY RIGHT when he devours a gazelle
You actually do have a right to eat animals, being higher up on the food chain

When a Mountain Lion kills a person via consumption of his/her flesh, there is a general out rage in the American public. They call for change, and hunting and depopulation of this species.

But the fact that the American public has almost driven this species to extinction by consuming nearly its entire natural food source being Buffalo does not outrage the public.

We let our selfishness take over out outrage for injustice.

You can not justify the elimination of species form this Earth, the consumption of 2/3rd of our world fresh water, more carbon emissions the auto industry, as well as pain and suffering, for the satisfying taste of sitting at the top of the food chain.
I personally agree that those that are higher up on the food chain have a right to eat the animals below them to an extent. This doesn't justify wiping out a species for no reason, but it does justify eating a ham sandwich in my eyes.

When a Mountain Lion kills a person via consumption of his/her flesh, there is a general out rage in the American public. They call for change, and hunting and depopulation of this species.

But the fact that the American public has almost driven this species to extinction by consuming nearly its entire natural food source being Buffalo does not outrage the public.

We let our selfishness take over out outrage for injustice.

You can not justify the elimination of species form this Earth, the consumption of 2/3rd of our world fresh water, more carbon emissions the auto industry, as well as pain and suffering, for the satisfying taste of sitting at the top of the food chain.

I know, its gotten so horrible. Its to the point that there are such pathetic families of Rich people that they will go out and Pay to kill an Elk.

What they can't hunt it and find one so they pay to shoot one caged up? This is moronic. Hunting is for Survival, it isn't an activity, it shouldn't be a TV show. But hell, then again they are making the DEA a tv show so it just goes to show, Even A war on People is entertaining enough for the american zombies to watch.

Watch their own countrymen be downpressed and murdered, ON TV.

Its gotten bad with this kind of BS in this commi country, and it has GOT to change.

Also, to make this more relevant to the post I heard a good reason to not be a vegetarian: "They're easier to shoot down when they're running because they don't have any energy".


And no, when a mountain lion (or any animal, rock slide, natural disaster, etc) kill off an american, I Cheer.

However, when animals are being slaughtered and murdered in cold blood, it angers and depresses me. This commi country has gotten so ignorant they are attacking MY animal and I will not tolerate that, I will Retaliate and "humans" (more like drones) will fall for every one of my comrade Wolves.
This is probably one of my longest walls of text, so be prepared.

Meat isn't as much of a need as a temptation. We all could survive without it, but it is really what most people crave in a dinner. Why else would people eat meat substitutes? The flavor and texture are just something that can't be duplicated. Sure, we rationalize it, saying that it has vital protein and vitamins. But this is why we eat meat.

I had the pleasure of driving to Pittsburgh to visit Carnegie Mellon this weekend, and I went to an Italian place. I ordered a ravioli dish filled with braised Wagyu beef (like Kobe beef) cooked in savory vegetables and drizzled in tomato rosemary sauce. Oh my fucking god. The best meal I ever had. (I'm making you hungry aren't I? >:-))

Most people, myself included, are not going to take the initiative to become a vegetarian/vegan. It is just too much work for most people. Also, meat isn't as bad as it's made out to be. Many forms of meat, like chicken, are quite good for you.

Originally posted by Fat Ambitions
You can not justify the elimination of species form this Earth, the consumption of 2/3rd of our world fresh water, more carbon emissions the auto industry, as well as pain and suffering, for the satisfying taste of sitting at the top of the food chain.

First of all, how are we causing mass extinction? We aren't nearly as bad as we used to be at this in America, but I could see how this is a problem in places like India and China.

If you're stressing that animals are more than just human playtoys, then why stress the fresh water consumption of animals? They are just as valid a part of a food chain as humans. It's like saying that since grass planted in backyards need water, we should get make everyone have backyards made of stone. Not to mention that humans do their own share of water-wasting.

I don't know why you're attacking the auto industry, but I can tell you that it is much more important than a crapload of cows. The auto industry is doing a lot to reduce their auto emmisions particularly in Europe and Japan. I do recognize that they are similar since both could be a lot cleaner at the people's will.

Pain and suffering are all relative. Sure, complain and explain all you want, but since you are not a cow/chicken/God, you don't know whether the cows/chickens are actually facing any pain in their death as compared to what their natural life would be. You also don't know what happens after death, or whether it would actually be better for them to die than live.
Similarly, I'm sure some people would think that a life of hardship and death at war after leaving high school is better than a life of being overstressed with a job for 50 years.

And no, when a mountain lion (or any animal, rock slide, natural disaster, etc) kill off an american, I Cheer.

That is a very poor, politically incorrect point of view. Humans killed by natural disasters of which they had no control over is not a cheering matter, although it may not be all bad (to keep with the logic I used in my last paragraph). People think that they are more important than mountain lions, so they go on an outrage when a person i s killed at the hands of a cougar. I say to them: Grow up. It's a fact of life. Everything that lives has a 100% chance of dying. A dictator can't expect to have a 100% approval rating when he takes power on his whim and does whatever he wants (I know, not the best comparison, but gets my basic point across).

I do find it funny when stupid people end up hurting themselves doing something stupid (like a robber shooting himself in the balls on accident). It's just sad that the world will always continue to discriminate a group of people/objects/groups/just about anything based on whatever is most prominent to them.