VGC 2024 Regulation F Metagame Discussion

This list of Pokémon that made it into Day 2 is super interesting to me. Urshifu Single Strike being that high in the usage specifically. I really thought that we kinda stepped away from that Pokemon in Reg E but now it’s back! I’m also surprised that there were no Walking Wake that made it into Day 2. Walking Wake was a Pokémon that everyone was hyping up, thinking that sun teams were back and that Hydro Steam was overpowered. But, turns out it bombed.

Also, I gotta know who’s running the Magmar, because that’s a Pokémon that a lot of people are looking at for that redirection option. And to see it make it into Day 2 surprises me and doesn’t surprise me at the same time. It’s not like redirection will ever magically disappear, but I thought both Ogerpon‘s and Amoonguss’s usage stats would be much lower.

Thundy-I in Day 2 REALLY caught me by surprise, the Prankster Thunder Wave really can help out with speed control and it also has some solid damage options with the Thunderbolt and the Wildbolt Storm. Again, an interesting call for this event in particular. However, I get why I’m seeing it here. Especially knowing the support it can provide.

Last thing I wanna touch on, and this is really important to me personally. 5 GLIMMORA IN DAY 2?! WHAT WAS POWER HERB METEOR BEAM COOKING UP??? Like, I know it’s a pretty solid buff for it, but I didn’t expect it to be used that often. And even weirder was that there were(probably, knowing that most people run Glimmora with Dozo) 2 Glimmora without Dozo? I guess that people are going all in when it comes to hazards and Meteor Beam strats, lol.
Its pretty late for me so I wont write anything big, but since Reg E I have been running band shifu, and after glim got meteor beam I've been running it too. The combo is extremely strong as they both hit really hard and cover for a lot of weaknesses, such as Urshifu being immune to psychic and Glimmora resisting flying and fairy, and can hit so many things for huge damage and run away with games by themselves if not slowed down fast enough. Im running glimmora without dondozo and its been really powerful, though I'll have to practice more with it. I defo think it has potential This is the team I have been using btw
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Chien-pao has more usage than incin day 2? Also, it seems that Urshifu and Rillaboom are the superior Water and Grass types, in contrast to day 1 with Ogerpon. Urshifu-S, Amoonguss, and Dragonite are all part of the day 2 top 12 as well. I find Dragonite interesting, considering it surpassed Entei. Flutter still at the top, with Farigiraf no where to be seen (just watching the usage stats lol). I'd like to know your opinions.
Portland has finished and had many surprises, I want to go over them and my personal thoughts.

Starting off, I think we need to talk about Incineroar :Incineroar:, Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: had a 15% usage lead over it in day 1, and in day 2, it was eclipsed by 20%. Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: and :Chien-Pao: also outdid it, and Rillaboom :Rillaboom: tied it for 4th in usage. Is Incineroar :Incineroar: overrated all along, not the best Pokemon we thought it was? No.

Incineroar :Incineroar: fits on less teams than Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: for sure, because unlike Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane:, Incineroar :Incineroar: has to face competition from Pokemon like Entei :Entei: and Ogerpon-H :Ogerpon-Hearthflame:. However, Incineroar :Incineroar:'s impact on the game is on a whole different level. It's a very versatile Pokemon with an insane toolkit which allows it to positively match into almost anything. It might not be able to 1v1 Ogerpon-W :Ogerpon-Wellspring: or Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt:, but neither like facing it because of its work as an Intimidate pivot.

Here, I piled the Top 30 I mentioned and as we can see, about 75% of the meta does not like handling Incineroar :Incineroar:. This is why Incineroar :Incineroar: rarely Teras, and why it is such a fantastic Pokemon. Incineroar :Incineroar: can switch in and out and disrupt the majority of your team really well, as its partners slowly break through your defensive core.

Overview for why they don't like Incineroar :Incineroar:.

Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: hates losing its Specs or having its SpA dropped as Incineroar :Incineroar: pivots into something that can handle it.
Ogrepon-W :Ogerpon-Wellspring: doesn't like being intimidated and facing fake out pressure, pushes you to play passively as Incineroar :Incineroar: switches out and then back in, mitigating the presence of your Ogerpon :Ogerpon-Wellspring:.
Iron Hands :Iron Hands: doesn't like being Intimidated, and if slow, losing the Fake Out game and dropping to -2 because Incineroar :Incineroar: clicked Parting Shot, Knock Off can heavily hinder it.
Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt: is annoyed by Parting Shot, which can also get a Pokemon that usually doesn't want to take on Its hits, safely in. Landorus :Landorus: and Draco Meteor for example.
Urshifu :Urshifu: doesn't like the fake out pressure or Intimidate, as Incineroar :Incineroar: resists Wicked Blow. If running a Choice Item, it's especially difficult for it to play around Incineroar :Incineroar:'s disruptive toolkit.
Landorus-T :Landorus-Therian: struggles to output as much damage when Intimidated, and because it usually runs Choice Scarf, Fake Out can be dangerous for it.
Entei :Entei: is harder to see but simply by being on the field, it threatens Chien-Pao :Chien-Pao: and prevents Entei :Entei: from clicking Sacred Fire, Parting Shot and Knock Off work just as well as ever.
Dondozo :Dondozo: is forced to run Oblivious because of it, and is still vulnerable to a Terastallised Incineroar :Incineroar: which can remove its source of recovery and mitigate the Order Up boosts with Parting Shot.
Tatsugayri :Tatsugiri: just doesn't like the Fake Out pressure as a Choiced Pokemon, and relies on inaccurate means of hitting Incineroar :Incineroar:.
Archaludon :Archaludon: doesn't enjoy the consistent reset to its Special Attack, and Knock Off can be devastating for your poor Special bulk.
Pelipper :Pelipper: doesn't like Fake Out Pressure, only one that Day 2'd Portland was Protectless Focus Sash if a perfect example.

I assume the bottom row is obvious lmao.

I also believe that Incineroar :Incineroar: is a lot more splashable than Chien-Pao :Chien-Pao: or Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:. New toy syndrome influenced Entei :Entei: teams a lot, and while they're very strong, Entei :Entei: can not compare to Incineroar :Incineroar:, which as I've explained is insane while also finding a place on almost every single archetype/core. The splashibility can be seen at both Portland and big Limitless tournaments.

Some other thoughts

Urshifu :Urshifu: is really strong right now and has more reasons to run it over its Water type counterpart now that Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt: is in the picture, Wicked Blow is one of the hardest moves to switch into right now, especially when paired with Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: which pressures the few Dark and Fighting types we have. Also super strong into Dondozo :Dondozo: which I find insane right now. Unfortunately Urshifu :Urshifu: is still afraid of priority even when not weak to it, as it really wants the Focus Sash to function on Balance teams. I think a very underexplored idea though is using Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: to get past its own weaknesses, Tera Grass in particular means you ignore Spore and Rage Powder, and gives you a resistance to Rillaboom :Rillaboom: and Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt:'s otherwise deadly priority. It also helps by walling Ogerpon-W :Ogerpon-Wellspring:, however the Pokemon is more manageable thanks to U-turn on the Choice Scarf sets.

Going back to Dondozo :Dondozo:, the 6 Chuppa runs is very strong, Ogerpon :Ogerpon: and Glimmora :Glimmora: have incredible synergy and can be used to cripple many otherwise Dondozo :Dondozo: checks. Seeing it in action and playing against it myself, definitely impressed me. Dondozo :Dondozo: also finds itself excelling thanks to the nature of an early format, and there being far less preparation for it, I'm not facing many issues but that's because Iron Hands :Iron Hands: is the GOAT.

What took me by a lot of surprise is that Landorus :Landorus: is no where to be seen with day 2, it looks to be one of the strongest Pokemon with its meta matchup. I imagine teams struggled to adapt against Priority spam teams which exploded in popularity at the regional. No Iron Hands :Iron Hands: either but less surprised as people have been underestimating it a lot lately. I've brought Iron Hands to 28 out of 34 games and clicked a move with it 99 times, so I can't doubt it. For comparison, I've brought Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: and Amoonguss :Amoonguss: to 24 and 23 games respectively, Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: clicking a move 48 times and Amoonguss :Amoonguss: clicking something 85 times. Really showing how reliable Iron Hands :Iron Hands: is into the meta and how long it can last.

Latias :Latias: seeing less usage than Farigiraf :Farigiraf: is surprising, especially after what I said before the event. In my defense, Latias :Latias: had a better conversion rate between the two days, and it was the one that pushed through to Top 8 in the end, so it's not all black and white. I did also expect more Indeedee-F Iron Crown :Indeedee-F: :Iron Crown: but I guess its good for me since my current team's matchup into it is straight up unwinnable.

What surprised me the most though, are some of the teams which Day 2'd, like, with all due respect, they're not very good imo.. - Archaludon :Archaludon: on a rain tram, simple enough, but wait, where is Electro Shot?? The Rillaboom :Rillaboom: gimmick is also not great when you can run the consistent Assault Vest and a better Pokemon than Archaludon :Archaludon: like Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: or Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt:. The Landorus-T :Landorus-Therian: also seems a bit off here, why over Landorus :Landorus: which answers Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt: better for the team, is less of a Tera Hog, and has perfectly accurate 130 BP spread damage in rain. Just synergises better with the team imo. - I'm not big on this team because double terrain has been notoriously bad, restricting you in what 4 you bring, and because of Trick Room, which has no abusers here. Looks like it's only for Regidrago :Regidrago: which has proven it doesn't need it to function. - This Suicune :Suicune: Tailwind team utilises a very weird Archaludon :Archaludon: set, which is just outclassed by Registeel :Registeel: based on what it's doing right now, something like Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt: or Landoeus-T :Landorus-Therian: would do you wonders here too. - This just I will never get, Smeargle :Smeargle: is used in an attempt to support Urshifu :Urshifu: and Gholdengo :Gholdengo: which realistically never works because of its frailty and the ever present Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:, which in fact annihilates this team apart from Tornadus :Tornadus: which I wouldn't expect to stay on the field for very long. Ursaluna-B :Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: is also used as a downgraded Landorus :Landorus: here, not exploiting Tailwind and hitting significantly less harder. - This team looks all over the place, double redirection and Incineroar :Incineroar: make a very slow team, tasked with supporting Glimmora :Glimmora: which is arguably questionable already. As Glimmora is still attacking when it sets up. This just does not mix with Latias :Latias:' Tailwind, which isn't being exploited enough due to it being meant for faster paced teams. Going to ignore the Metagross :Metagross: even though I think the Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane: matchup is fine as it is. - We also have the aforementioned protectless focus sash Pelipper :Pelipper: which I mightve let slide if it was Tera Ghost, but it's a reckless Tera Flying. This inconsistently in setting Tailwind forces you to run Tera Poison Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: and Baxcalibur :Baxcalibur:, even though the team appreciates Tera Grass and a strong Pokemon that synergises with the team like Landorus :Landorus:, Incineroar :Incineroar:, or Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt:. Tera Dark Amoonguss :Amoonguss: also doesn't make sense to me when you have Wide Guard and It is one of the few reasons your team wouldn't get murdered by Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:. The unlikely Tailwind also means Flutter Mane is running Speed Booster despite being paired with Archaludon :Archaludon: and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: lmao.

These teams may not be to my liking but they're not horrible, 7-2 is still a great record showcasing what the teams can do, I just find it to be really sub optimal.
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My thoughts on the meta right now after Portland.

  1. Ogerpon-Wellspring - Super good pokemon in my opinion, provides good support, good damage, good into Incineroar and Flutter Mane, Follow Me is goated move and good matchup into Scarf Urshifu-R helps.
  2. Incineroar - Pretty underwhelming right now considering how people are so well prepared for it. Still a really good pokemon (Top-5) in the meta and in the right hands this thing is still super good, tho Inner Focus and Defiant Mons plus Urshifu-R kinda invalidates it. Even Flutter Mane seems to have a good matchup into it, plus Landorus-I completely shuts it down.
  3. Urshifu-R - Still the stupid bear, but has a lot of good counters in Raging Bolt and rising usage of Ogerpon-Wellspring has made its life a bit difficult. Definitely has fallen a lot but as the meta stabilises and people find good combinations with this like Farigiraf, its gonna rise up in usage again and would be a strong meta threat.
  4. Farigiraf - (Warning - This is not a personal bias, genuine thoughts this time) In my opinion, one of the best support pokemon in the meta. Access to Trick Room, Helping Hand, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Psychic Noise and Imprison makes it a solid candidate to be on a lot of teams. The dark stab is not so prominent in the meta right now asides Incineroar Knock Off, Kingambit Kowtow Cleave and rare Chien-Pao Crunch. It can two shot Chien-Pao with Dazzling Gleam and 1v1 it pretty well. It's ability is super busted in a meta where priority is kinda really good and people did figure out that this thing can work in Portland and was in top 12 usage in Day 1 and I hope it will see more usage as the time goes.
  5. Entei - Definitely one of the best Fire types right now. Amazing stab Sacred Fire, Stomping Tantrum, Extreme Speed and Snarl definitely makes it one of the best candidates for Assault Vest and this thing will for sure rise in usage as we progress in the meta. A lot of teams will definitely benefit from its presence and ability to 1v1 Incineroar is good as well.
  6. Chien Pao- Apparently this thing has a lot of good matchups right now. Really solid Pokemon and saw amazing usage in Portland, I definitely feel falling usage of Urshifu-R was one of the bigger reasons for its success and I hope it continues to do well but it does depend on how the meta progresses so I don't have super early takes on it.
  7. Flutter Mane - Never doubt this Fairy Ghost, still No.1, stupidly good into the meta right now and well does crazy damage, nothing more to say, its the GOAT>>
  8. Raging Bolt - Definitely a standout, has good matchup into Tailwind and Urshifu-R, can provide consistent damage with thunderclap, can run Calm Mind, Booster Energy and has amazing damage output. I do feel it might fall as the meta progresses and I can't pinpoint exactly why but its just a hunch I can't deny, still super amazing and we would see it maybe win another regional or so.
  9. Landorus-I - Was super hyped as the meta started and kinda fell due to Ogerpon's high usage, it has still got amazing meta matchup and with the right teams this thing is still a menace. I would say its speed tier is really awkward and if other Tailwind teams remove it quickly, it can't steamroll the way it is supposed to. Chien-Pao and Ogerpon-Wellspring are its biggest enemies and if you can play your cards well, this thing is still a major threat.
  10. Hisui-Arcanine - This is really weird to say but in my eyes Hisui-Arcanine will make a return as the people look back into the old staples. As they realize its good super good matchup into Entei-Pao, Flutter, Dragonite and Incineroar, I feel this fire-rock dog will make his comeback and may even replace Incineroar on a lot of teams. Excited to see how this might work out in the future.
  11. Rillaboom - Pretty standard and amazing, Wood Hammer, Glide and Fake Out is still cracked, it might see a bit less usage as the meta goes but I am doubtful on this take myself as the grassy terrain recovery and the utility it provides is really good.
A few personal thoughts on testing and playing in this month.
A lot of people jumped on the Win-cineroar train and gave references to how it was dominant even when Urshifu-R was in Spikemuth and no Dynamax, the meta has changed big time. A lot of really good pokemon received Defiant and meta staples like Dragonite have Inner Focus as well.
Flutter Mane definitely has a really good matchup into Incineroar (Booster Spatk. has a better matchup arguably although specs is super good as well, the best item for sure.). Fake Out, Knock Off and Parting Shot is amazing toolkit which is highly disruptive but items like Covert Cloak, Clear Amulet and the aforementioned abilities I said have a good matchup into Incineroar. Farigiraf shuts one of its major benefit as a good Fake Out user, definitely does lose the 1v1 but proving disruption into Incineroar is huge.
Also I just checked LameLiarLeo Incineroar Text Thread and I highly agree to most of the points he has stated. I do feel like I have a few different thoughts on this though.
Chien-Pao is super splashable into teams right now due to its ability and the damage output it provides. Even if it loses the 1v1 against Incineroar, it sets its teammates to win into Incineroar. Raw 252+Atk Stomping Tantrum from Entei in Sword of Ruin and Sacred Sword at -1 clears Incineroar off the field. Not just that even Dragonite 1v1s Incin really well.
Meta adaptations like Covert Cloak Ogerpon, Inner Focus, Defiant have definitely created some obstacles for the King Of The VGC and I feel that people might be highly interested in the New Toy Syndrome like Entei and stuff but every good meta mon was born from New Toy Syndrome and I think we might see some really good and consistent counters for Incineroar. I still feel its a top 5 pokemon but its definitely not #1 (Flutter Goat) and would face some tough competition to make it into Top 3 as well. I had made this prediction super early in the meta and its working pretty fine right now, let's see how this take turns out in future.
That's it for why Incineroar is having a tough time in the metagame and isn't 70% usage rate. Consistently good for sure in the right hands.
Next post coming would feature some niche mons I think can work in Regulation-F (Gave one spoiler in Hisui Arcanine).
Going over fyfyy's responses:

Chien-Pao is super splashable into teams right now due to its ability and the damage output it provides. Even if it loses the 1v1 against Incineroar, it sets its teammates to win into Incineroar. Raw 252+Atk Stomping Tantrum from Entei in Sword of Ruin and Sacred Sword at -1 clears Incineroar off the field.

I think this does overlook a few things and isn't a black and white scenario. For one, without Choice Band, the Combination doesn't remove Sitrus Berry Incineroar :Incineroar:, who now gets a free Knock Off or Parting Shot into Entei :Entei:, and makes it difficult for the duo to be nearly as threatening, and Choice Band variants really don't like being locked into Stomping Tantrum against the majority of Incineroar teams, which with pivoting, can put Choice Band Entei :Entei: in a lot of trouble. Another thing to consider is that this is likely only happening by Turn 2 if It ever happens, because of Fake Out pressure, and that's enough time for the Incineroar :Incineroar: to reposition or even have its partner pick up a ko. The biggest one though is Incineroar :Incineroar:'s partner, doubling it means ignoring the partner who could very well remove Entei :Entei: from the field. Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:, arguably Incineroar's best partner thanks to typing, Fake Out Unseen Fist synergy, and because it is probably the single best Pokemon into Chien-Pao Entei :Chien-Pao: :Entei:, this is why you see the teams always carry Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt: and one of Rillaboom :Rillaboom: and Ogerpon-W :Ogerpon-Wellspring:. Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: has made my Entei :Entei: matchup very comfortable.

Not just that even Dragonite 1v1s Incin really well.

I do think it can, but it doesn't want to. Knock Off doing up to 60% thanks to your own Sword of Ruin and removing your source of damage, and still having Fake Out pressure into Chien-Pao :Chien-Pao:, giving your partner room to 1v1 Dragonite :Dragonite:.

Meta adaptations like Covert Cloak Ogerpon, Inner Focus, Defiant have definitely created some obstacles for the King Of The VGC and I feel that people might be highly interested in the New Toy Syndrome like Entei and stuff but every good meta mon was born from New Toy Syndrome and I think we might see some really good and consistent counters for Incineroar.

They are nice into Incineroar :Incineroar: but subtle details make it seem not as bad. Ogerpon :Ogerpon: for example is mainly on Dondozo Tatsugiri :Dondozo: :Tatsugiri: teams, which you'll likely not bring your Incineroar :Incineroar: to thanks to Glimmora :Glimmora: and arguably Dragonite :Dragonite:. If you were to bring it, you'll at least want to keep it healthy so you can pivot around Dondozo :Dondozo:. As for Defiant, there's really only the aforementioned Ogerpon :Ogerpon: or Kingambit :Kingambit: which requires a crazy amount of speed to avoid taking huge damage from Flare Blitz in exchange of the Defiant boost. We've already mentioned Inner Focus a bit.

I strongly agree with the second part, it is indeed new toy syndrome but that doesn't change the fact it's meta, if a bad Pokemon were to be top usage, if an otherwise good Pokemon has a bad matchup into it, it'll have its viability hindered regardless.
I strongly agree with Leo's response that he shared on my posts. I definitely feel like I am bit based towards Incineroar because of the amazing matchup my team has into it. My friend Agni went 6-3 with this in Portland and I am proud of how he played.
But going back into a few things I felt can be corrected. First of all Incineroar definitely threatens huge damage into Ogerpon but after a defiant boost and Superpower it OHKOs Incineroar cleanly.

+1 252+ Atk Ogerpon Superpower vs. 252 HP / 156 Def Incineroar: 196-232 (97 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
I do agree Incin can definitely have Chien-Pao as its partner but Ogerpon can have Specs Flutter Mane as well which threatens Dazzling Gleam plus Tera Ivy Cudgel to OHKO Chien-Pao before it moves, the possibilites are endless. I do feel the Kingambit point is extremely valid as it is slower than most Incineroar and takes heavy damage. I agree Ogerpon is really niche right now and this tech is highly specific to one team but who knows people might pick it up and use it in their Tailwind Hyper Offesne teams substituting Rillaboom, only time will tell.
Also a small correction can be that Urshifu-R with Choice Scarf is a really good partner with Incineroar.

As far as Dragonite is concerned it moves before Incin can.
252+ Atk Choice Band Sword of Ruin Dragonite Stomping Tantrum vs. 252 HP / 156 Def Incineroar: 180-212 (89.1 - 104.9%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
4+ Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 84-99 (44.2 - 52.1%) -- 13.3% chance to 2HKO
This is being generous towards Incineroar as most of them don't opt for Adamant Nature.
The Nerd of Now set doesn't even allow the Calcs to go upto 50% -
44 Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 79-94 (41.5 - 49.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
This calc is highly concerning and Outrage straight up knocks out Incin, also knocking off Choice Band is not favorable as one Stomping Tantrum plus Follow up Extreme Speed knocks it due to it not being Choice Locked now.

I do agree with the Kingambit point but just want to drop the calcs -
4+ Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Kingambit: 128-152 (61.8 - 73.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252+ Atk Kingambit Low Kick (80 BP) vs. 252 HP / 156 Def Incineroar: 144-170 (71.2 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery (This calc is concerning as well).

Also Urshifu-R is a premier Fire type answer and it does really well in most of the teams, I won't say its synergy with Incineroar is super good, it just as a standalone can perform really well and is good into Entei and other Incineroars, Incin doesn't majorly support it in any way to improve those matchups.

Also going over Portland a bit, we saw rare stream matches with teams having Incineroar, the sad thing was the teams who had Incineroar lost their Incin by turn 2 (I won't say its a skill issue, regionals are filled with coveted players), so the aforementioned pivoting with Parting Shot and Fake Out cycle that makes Incineroar look so enticing to use, in practicality things are a bit different. On paper it might be super good with the unlimited tools it has but I can't overlook the fact that power creep is definitely catching up to it and terastalization rarely benefits it as it tries to conserve the tera for its teammates.
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First of all Incineroar definitely threatens huge damage into Ogerpon but after a defiant boost and Superpower it OHKOs Incineroar cleanly.

+1 252+ Atk Ogerpon Superpower vs. 252 HP / 156 Def Incineroar: 196-232 (97 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
I do agree Incin can definitely have Chien-Pao as its partner but Ogerpon can have Specs Flutter Mane as well which threatens Dazzling Gleam plus Tera Ivy Cudgel to OHKO Chien-Pao before it moves, the possibilites are endless. I do feel the Kingambit point is extremely valid as it is slower than most Incineroar and takes heavy damage. I agree Ogerpon is really niche right now and this tech is highly specific to one team but who knows people might pick it up and use it in their Tailwind Hyper Offesne teams substituting Rillaboom, only time will tell.
Also a small correction can be that Urshifu-R with Choice Scarf is a really good partner with Incineroar.

It's definitely a great check, just figured most don't intend to lead Incineroar :Incineroar:, if bring it at all, against Dondozo Tatsugiri :Dondozo: :Tatsugiri: teams, which usually carry aforementioned annoying matchups like Dragonite Chien-Pao :Dragonite: :Chien-Pao: and Glimmora :Glimmora:.

As far as Dragonite is concerned it moves before Incin can.
252+ Atk Choice Band Sword of Ruin Dragonite Stomping Tantrum vs. 252 HP / 156 Def Incineroar: 180-212 (89.1 - 104.9%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
4+ Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 84-99 (44.2 - 52.1%) -- 13.3% chance to 2HKO
This is being generous towards Incineroar as most of them don't opt for Adamant Nature.
The Nerd of Now set doesn't even allow the Calcs to go upto 50% -
44 Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 79-94 (41.5 - 49.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
This calc is highly concerning and Outrage straight up knocks out Incin, also knocking off Choice Band is not favorable as one Stomping Tantrum plus Follow up Extreme Speed knocks it due to it not being Choice Locked now.

At the price of locking into Stomping Tantrum, facing the same issues as Entei :Entei:. I am mistaken on the Dragonite :Dragonite: calc, I must have ran into bulkless Dragonite :Dragonite: on the ladder, and it probably hates clicking Outrage as Incineroar :Incineroar:'s goth gf, Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane:, is usually next to It in this matchup. I do think you're overlooking the purpose of Incineroar :Incineroar: a bit, as Knock Off isn't used to beat Dragonite :Dragonite:, but moreso allow for its partners to beat Dragonite :Dragonite:, pivotting can be effective and you have a lot less to fear now that Dragonite :Dragonite: doesn't have the power of an atomic bomb.

Also Urshifu-R is a premier Fire type answer and it does really well in most of the teams, I won't say its synergy with Incineroar is super good, it just as a standalone can perform really well and is good into Entei and other Incineroars, Incin doesn't majorly support it in any way to improve those matchups.

The synergy mainly comes from Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:, pressuring relevant Incineroar :Incineroar: checks like Entei :Entei: and Landorus :Landorus: and allowing it to sit on the field forever. Incineroar :Incineroar: also helps Urshifu-R :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: by using Intimidate and Parting Shot to weaken otherwise would-be checks, like Raging Bolt :Raging Bolt:, Ogerpon-W :Ogerpon-W:, Rillaboom :Rillaboom:, and Flutter Mane :Flutter Mane:. You also can't forget Fake Out + Unseen Fist, an unmatched pairing that can break teams out of position.

Also going over Portland a bit, we saw rare stream matches with teams having Incineroar, the sad thing was the teams who had Incineroar lost their Incin by turn 2 (I won't say its a skill issue, regionals are filled with coveted players), so the aforementioned pivoting with Parting Shot and Fake Out cycle that makes Incineroar look so enticing to use, in practicality things are a bit different. On paper it might be super good with the unlimited tools it has but I can't overlook the fact that power creep is definitely catching up to it and terastalization rarely benefits it as it tries to conserve the tera for its teammates.

Im going to avoid questioning their skills as well, but I really don't think that should be happening in any good balance team. Your Incineroar can cripple a team to a ridiculous extent just by switching out, and you'll have your Flutter Mane, Grass, and Water-types which make for great switch-ins. If Incineroar :Incineroar: won't be effective in the long game, then that was just a casual "I don't know what to do Im going to bring Incineroar". I'm going to analyze the first Day 2 set using Incineroar :Incineroar:, being Zhe Zhang vs Navjit Joshi

Incineroar just by pivoting in, annoys Rillaboom and follows it up with huge damage from Flare Blitz, we saw, in particular, the endless possibilities in that turn 2 thanks to Incineroar's Fake Out pressure, Parting Shot, and super effective Flare Blitz. Another nice note here is how Rillaboom couldn't damage Incineroar, so playing passively with Flutter Mane was safe. Turn 3 also went smoothly, Incineroar being able to pivot around Raging Bolt easily even if it wasn't removed by Flutter Mane. Ogerpon-W shows itself as a great partner here, giving Incineroar the option to come back in with Intimidate even if that turn didn't go as well as it did.

Game 2 Incineroar brings its own Fake Out pressure to neutralise Rillaboom's and Raging Bolt abuses Urshifu-R's forced switch by Calm Minding. We See Incineroar eat up Entei's Stomping Tantrum and remove Rillaboom, setting up a wincon for Flutter Mane. Incineroar pivots well again and making Chien-Pao's Stellar Tera useless, while also saving up Intimidate and Fake Out pressure against Chien-Pao and Urshifu-R in the endgame. A lot of opportunities are created throughout the game, and Incineroar comes in Intimidating Chien-Pao, allowing Ogerpon-W to live and OHKO the problematic Entei.

In both games, Incineroar :Incineroar: just like the casters said "One of the reasons Incineroar is so strong, switching in and out, in and out, getting those intimidates out, having the Fake Out pressure at any given moments, as well as it took multiple ground type attacks its weak to and shrugged them off." Maybe this is just the first match of the stream and the rest showcase what you're referring to with it strictly being on paper. I'm happy to look over and write about the other games, however, I lack time right now so until then!
4+ Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 84-99 (44.2 - 52.1%) -- 13.3% chance to 2HKO
This is being generous towards Incineroar as most of them don't opt for Adamant Nature.
The Nerd of Now set doesn't even allow the Calcs to go upto 50% -
44 Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 79-94 (41.5 - 49.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
The Nerd of Now calc mistakenly gives Incineroar a 0 Attack IV on its standard set. After correcting that:

4+ Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 94-112 (49.4 - 58.9%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO

44 Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 90-106 (47.3 - 55.7%) -- 78.9% chance to 2HKO

The calc also incorrectly lists Zap Cannon as 100 power. Hopefully, someone can contact the calc's creator(s) and let them know of the mistakes.
The Nerd of Now calc mistakenly gives Incineroar a 0 Attack IV on its standard set. After correcting that:

4+ Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 94-112 (49.4 - 58.9%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO

44 Atk Sword of Ruin Incineroar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 188 HP / 4 Def Dragonite: 90-106 (47.3 - 55.7%) -- 78.9% chance to 2HKO

The calc also incorrectly lists Zap Cannon as 100 power. Hopefully, someone can contact the calc's creator(s) and let them know of the mistakes.
Thanks for the correction, was helpful to know that. I just didn't check it that minutely, I stand corrected with the calcs.
LameLiarLeo It is a pleasure to read your thoughts about Incineroar and definitely opened a new perspective to me. I definitely feel my perception was warped due to playing players who couldn't use Incineroar to its full potential combined with the fact that my team does really well into it.
I definitely feel its a top 5 mon for sure and people hopefully will be able to use it well.
Also I would like you to check Anton Galkin vs Alex Underhill's game, this definitely made me feel weird about Incineroar since it had a super good matchup into that team with Intimidate vs Ogerpon-Wellspring, Chien-Pao, U-turn momentum and Knock Off utility. I do feel Parting Shot might have improved the matchup for Anton, but again Assault Vest Incineroar is a set that's decently popular as well (not a big fan of it though).
i see a lot of rain teams with archaludon and electro shot is kinda broken. so is this the new meta?
I feel that this is the same with Lando-I, just shooting up in usage. This is the same, but with rain. I would say Lando-I could beat Archaludon, but on a rain team, you always run Urshifu, which can OHKO Lando-I with Surging Strikes and even Aqua Jet with rain and Tera. Sacred Sword mons like Chien-Pao and even Iron Boulder can out speed and kill Archaludon, thanks to Sacred Sword with avoiding defense boosts. Chien-Pao can use Focus Sash to avoid a one shot from Electro Shot. That's why I mentioned Lando-I, because it's immune to Electro Shot. I leave out Lando-T here because of Stamina being a huge issue. I do kinda whish Whimsicott got Rain Dance, because it also can Beat Up into Archaludon, set up rain (I wish), and make sure that Archaludon does great damage into Pokemon with Body Press. Assault Vest would help on this Pokemon, surviving Flutter Mane. Electro Shot, Body Press, Flash Cannon and Dragon Pulse. I think Dragon Pulse is better than Draco Meteor because swapping out with Defense boosts can be quite hurtful. That's all I have to say about Archaludon, definitely being meta. I think that there are ways to beat it, but there is counterplay to that as well. That's just VGC. But yeah, good meta Pokemon. Reply to this, and yeah, that's it.
Last edited: How do we feel about this team? i've gotten a bit of success on low ladder and any improvements would be appreciated
I think that Zen Headbutt isn't reliable. I've run Swords Dance stuff, so you can try that. Probably not Tera fighting on the Boulder. Ghost and Grass are both good, one avoids Fake Out, and the other is just good defensively on the Pokemon. Even Water. Ape should be Adamant. Jolly is only good on Scarf Gambit sets, which aren't relevant. A bulkier Bulk Up set with the Beat Up support can be nice. For Whims, Tera Ghost to avoid Fake Out, Encore over Taunt, and a Timid Nature. Incin just doesn't run Protect, so Flare Blitz there. The spread is iffy, more HP, a small amount of Attack, less defense (intim saves you), and a little less Special Defense. Even a tad bit of speed. The Uranium is pretty good, and the Enamorus. I don't know a lot about this guy. Don't run Cloak+Tailwind, because you already have Whims. Instead, a life orb and iron head or even Tera blast with Tera stellar. But if you want the same Tera, iron head. That's pretty much what I'd change.
To the surprise of no one, :incineroar: is currently ranked #2 in terms of usage, with 48% of teams using it in bo1 and 58% in bo3. :Flutter mane: is keeping it's #1 performance, but what I find interesting is that :iron hands: has apparently fallen off in terms of usage, and by a lot. At one point in time the second most used Pokemon, with about 30% usage just a few months ago, now has >10% usage. In it's place is of course Incineroar but also :rillaboom: and :raging bolt: