Trying to build a decent VGC team. I've got a pretty solid core in MBlastoise/Mamoswine/Trevenant, and I'm thinking Conkeldurr would be a good addition. I can't figure out what would be good for the other two slots, though. I've currently got Aromatisse/Reuniclus so that I've got a 3-Pokemon Trick Room core and a 3-Pokemon non-trick Room core, but it seems like I don't use Aromatisse often enough. I adore Heal Pulse for its shock factor, but often that's all Aromatisse ends up doing turn after turn.
The core:
Mega Blastoise @Blastoisite Protect/Water Pulse/Dark Pulse/Aura Sphere
Mamoswine Expert Belt Protect/EQ/Rock Slide/Ice Shard
Trevenant @Sitrus Berry Protect/Will o wisp/Horn Leech/Phantom Force
Conkeldurr @Assault Vest Mach Punch/Drain Punch/Rock Slide/??? (Currently Return)
Reuniclus @Wise Glasses Psychic/Shadow Ball/Recover/??? (Currently Trick Room)
Aromatisse Leftovers Trick Room/Heal Pulse/Protect/Moonblast
The main three actually play really well off each other. Blastoise is weak to Grass and Electric, Electric is covered by Mamo (except Rotom W, who is covered by Trev). Grass is threatened by Mamoswine even though it's weak to it, since most of the Grass-types in VGC are dual typed to something weak to EQ. Mamo is weak to Water (trev), grass (see previous), steel (scared of EQ) and fighting (covered by Trev). Trevenant is weak to fire (Blastoise), ice (Blastoise), flying (Mamo), and dark (Blastoise), with a reciprocal ghost weakness that can be played around.
I was thinking something to take care of opposing Grass-types better than Mamoswine, but the only things I can think of are Charizard and Talonflame, and I hate hate hate their 4x rock weakness. I also have nothing to check Fairies, but they're not really threatening to anything except Conkeldurr. So yeah. Any advice?