Well #64 - Plague von Karma

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
"A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Tuesday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer." The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down, "Why not on Tuesday?" A voice from in the well shouts back, "Because on Tuesday, it's your day in the well."

###################################### (..).gif

"How did I get here?"
Well, it's nearly 1:30 AM Tuesday now in the UK, so let's get this out the sandbox and off the ground before I pass out, though lord knows I'll probably stay up until 4 or some ungodly hour anyway. This post ended up being pretty fucking huge because I have no regard for people's eyes or time. I'm kind of shocked I was even voted, but I hope this is interesting enough to make it worth it!

The Introduction
For those who don't know me, I'm a genwunner RBY player who goes "RBY isn't implemented properly NotLikeThis" every other week. I enjoy contributing to RoA and C&C with RBY content as resource-wise, the generation is pretty scattered. There's never been a "permanent" space for RBY, which has resulted in information being somewhat difficult to access, with one forum even being wiped off the face of the earth with no way to get the resources back. Unlike what some may believe, I play Gen 2 and the current generation as well, just not to a level I'd call competitive. If I don't have an informed opinion, I won't talk about it, because lord knows there are enough loud+uninformed people out there. Just how I am.

You may have seen me around the social forums as well - particularly Cong and Smogoff - because I have too much time on my hands. In Cong, I've made a bunch of threads based around some personal interests of mine in hopes of getting some discussion. There are some political bits I've brought up as well, usually ones I'm not knowledgable about, in hopes of learning about them. In Smogoff...well, you probably know me as that one BKC simp in every Well Nomination Thread...and chronic shitposter. There's also my spritework thread in Smeargle's Laptop, but eh, I hardly consider if "work".

The Plague von Karma Origin Story™
Some people have given origin stories on these wells, so here's an essay on how I wound up here, as well as my general history.

I've played Pokemon ever since I was 3 years old, starting with Pokemon Stadium and a copy of Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Gold. I was kind of a "90s kid bought up in 2000", with a lot of hand-me-downs from my dad, uncle and other family members. My family wasn't "rich", so I had to make do. I didn't even get internet access in my house 'till 2007ish, where I would end up lurking on 4chan and some niche forums, seeing stuff like the Final Fantasy House incident unfold. I played a lot of Pokemon with friends in the neighbourhood but eventually moved to another location due to some...family issues, let's call it that.

While I certainly don't look it, I've had a Smogon account for 6 years, originally under the pseudonym "Chippy2001" prior to changing my name to my actual tag. I lurked before making my account for a few years and was on PO for a bit. Not sure how long this was, but I remember seeing the whole "FREE SOMALIA!!!" thing. Once I joined Smogon, however, I made a bunch of awful posts that I sorely regret. This would continue on an irregular basis until very, very late 2018. I believe I got a lurk more warning from Kink at some point? It's my only infraction from what I know bar (rightfully) deleted posts, anyway.

Why did I join Smogon in the first place? Well, I was having issues with a PS user who was perving on me, which caused some flashbacks to a very dark time in my childhood. At the time, there wasn't a report button or anything, and I didn't know where to go. I forgot the name of the user by this point, but I don't think I'd want to remember anyway. It was a total mess. I believe I made a post in the old PS Suggestion Box and was dismissed due to Smogon being very separate from PS at the time. You can probably find it, but I hold no responsibility for the eye bleach you'll need for my cringe phrasing and mannerisms.

So, I was mostly a lurker with horrific opinions up until late 2018ish. What happened, and why did I suddenly come back posting tolerably? Let's go over the interim.

When I originally decided to hop into gaming communities, I was mainly reserved to Facebook Fire Emblem groups, and this continued into 2017. There was also Pokken Arena's forums, where I moderated the Pikachu Libre subforum for a hot minute, but I was, frankly, a horrible person, and neither community benefitted from my presence. I was very closeted and didn't get help with my mental problems; ergo, I definitely wasn't the kind of person who should be on a computer. I ended up becoming pretty radicalised and the like, in part due to my crippling self-hatred issues. Despite those horrific qualities, I somehow ended up moderating 3 of the big Facebook Fire Emblem groups at different points, in addition to my time on Pokken Arena; Nino's Magical Circlejerk, Fire Emblem: Skill Center and All Your Fire Emblem Waifus (AYFEW). Did I do it well? The only one I'd say that was done properly was Skill Center, where I would do regular unit reviews, hold events for people, and promote a lot of discussion over various things. I was a pretty vocal staff member on various issues as well. My problem was that I was really rough about certain things, and held opinions I would absolutely tear into my old self for these days. If you need an idea on how I was, think of those alt-righter snowflakes who throw a fit when you even consider the idea of enacting legislation against hate speech, with a dash of sealioning. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I did try to develop a fan game in AYFEW one time, but I don't think I'll go into it unless asked. It wouldn't be until late-2016 maybe early 2017 where I'd finally hoof it and get my ass into gear when I started to lose interest...and friends. There's a lot I regret, frankly. The biggest thing I got out of my time in these areas was a wealth of group moderation experience, which I would put to use later to good effect. I forgot what happened in the end with me and Pokken Arena, but I remember having disagreements with someone called Quiet who I think became owner...I either left or was kicked off. I just can't remember, this was like...2015-2016ish? I know they transferred to a new site since then...

I certainly did get my ass into gear, though. I went off-grid for a while and focused on self-improvement. I eventually discovered the sexuality that I'd been holding in for so long - biromantic homosexual, later figured to be trans - then went introspective and figured more stuff out. I got help for a lot of stuff, had the backing of a few friends, and soon I became significantly more liberal. Before long, I was a completely different person, the one you see here. The Plague von Karma prior to 2018 was a very different one.

Taking my experience from writing things for Skill Center - and with a brand new, productive attitude - I would turn to Smash. Yeah, one bad fandom to the next. Smash Ultimate had just come out, and I was looking for something to get into. A fresh start. I was primarily on Twitter for a time, as well as making minor appearances on Facebook until I saw one person talking about a bunch of Smash Character Discords, under an umbrella known as "SmashCords". So, I hopped into the Discord for the character I wanted for a decade and a half: King K. Rool. This was the worst decision I made in my time on the internet, possibly ever, and let me tell you: I have made some stupid decisions in my lifetime, like using 4chan!

I contributed greatly to King K. Rool's character metagame - in fact, some players have literally called me the pioneer - and ended up labbing out other characters as well. To this very day, I consider this spreadsheet to be one of the best works I have ever done. Furthermore, I have made significant contributions to SmashWiki on the side, including things on policy and the like. I'm particularly proud of the moveset pages I did for K. Rool there, featuring tons of documentation and citations: check out the FAir page, I'm particularly proud of what I did there! I could talk about SSBU King K. Rool for hours, hell, I'd happily coach anyone interested, give matchup advice, anything. Hell, I did it once for money and even helped high-level players like Onua. The work I did for Smash Ultimate largely moulded my interest in research to improve Pokemon Showdown. For a full run-down of what I did for Smash, I implore you to look here.

Anyway, moving on. I would eventually moderate a few SmashCords, in part due to my gigantic metagame contributions, but that's where it got hairy. Many things happened to me in the SmashCords that I won't go over in detail - some incidents include some shitty teen doxxing me, sexual harassment on 3 occasions, having to report multiple pedophiles, and more - the stress boiled over to the point of me having some kind of mental breakdown. This wasn't my staff placements causing stress, by the way. In fact, I enjoyed working on those and improving the communities, especially my work on the Terry Discord. The things causing me problems were very, very personal. The level of stress and abuse that the Smash Community brought upon me is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. I was often told to "ignore the bad eggs" among all the other cop-outs you and I have both heard many times, but people don't understand that this shit weighs on you, no matter how many times you're told to "move on" and the like. You don't just forget this shit: it will add up. When you're working for more than half the day on spreadsheets due to legitimate, genuine demands from the higher-ups in a certain top tier Discord, it will burn you to the ground. This is the tip of the iceberg, but let's not get depressing and instead move on to brighter things.

While my experience in Smash was generally negative, I met a lot of dear friends during this time, including my boyfriend, Abbey Street, who's the light of my life and we continue to have an amazing relationship to this day. I met Ex-RUTL Molk during this time too, and I have to say, the conversations I had with him were some of the most productive, eye-opening experiences I have ever had in my life. I have a massive amount of respect for the two of them, and they kept me playing Smash for a lot longer than I otherwise would have. There are some other friends I met, but this post is already gigantic, and it'd be discourteous to turn this into some shoutout circlejerk.

With some experiences that put me in therapy again behind me, I left the Smash Community for greener pastures, and those greener pastures would become my return to Smogon.

Since returning to Smogon...
So, who or what brought me back here? If you haven't guessed, it was Molk!

Molk introduced me to the SS RU community through a friend, though said friend turned out to be...reprehensible, and was banned. I won't go into that ordeal, but to say nothing else, I half considered hoofing it there and then. Instead of running away from the Pokemon Community, however, I ended up looking at the RBY Community. I lurked in the RBY community for a long time, since around 2015, watching the Pokemon Perfect forums and the like, mainly because of nostalgia and general interest in game design. I've been asked about my RBY and GSC experience in the past by a couple of people, so I think I owe an explanation.

Prior to me playing competitive RBY "for real", I would play RBY and GSC casually with some friends of mine on cartridge. This includes some irl friends and Facebook mates, some of which are the friends I grew up with. Be it netplay with TGBDual, screenshare software with Project64, Skype...we would play somehow. Overall, I rarely used Pokemon Showdown. This was partly due to the inaccuracies I complain about these days, which were only worse back then. Did you know Counter outright didn't work on Pokemon Showdown's Stadium sim for ages? Anyway, in terms of what we played format-wise, we would play the old official ones and Smogon's, primarily. We got the idea from some old gen WiFi battle YouTubers like Yus, who still does these battles to this day, by the way! We used this guide for Stadium if you're interested! This song and dance is how I got my metagame knowledge - in addition to watching forums - which was flawed. This was partly because of skill level differences, what the YouTubers used, and the nature of casual play. I'm pretty sure Earthworm may have some choice words for me regarding this flawed knowledge, anyway, given what I had to say about GSC NU a while ago. The friend group I was in was a weird pocket community that died off in late 2018ish, as I grew apart from them, not to mention everyone got bored with it. I won't go too much into it...it wasn't really a "positive breakup", but I think I was right to move away. When I started playing RBY and Stadium on Pokemon Showdown again after my miserable experiences years back, I ended up noticing all these bugs, as it's just stuff we found out over the years. I think that if I didn't play WiFi battles for all those years, and instead acted on the complaints among my friend group, I could have reported these problems much sooner, and they may even be fixed now.

I later discovered RBY 2k20 through some stuff Ortheore posted during the RBY Counter fiasco, I believe I saw it in his signature. I think it was...this post. I have a lot of respect for him as an RBYer, and his writings on Pokemon Perfect are largely what gave me my ideals regarding the game. I'm a bit less outspoken, though this can be considered a good or bad thing depending on perspective. I've since done a shit ton for RBY 2k20, becoming an administrator and doing a large amount of the Strategy Dex content and articles, plus programming formats and the like for the PS Side Server, which got me into contributing to PS Main. Curious? Here's the Petit Cup dex, an old format I decided to optimize to a stupid degree a while back that I finally got to put to paper somewhere.

Considering how I was raised, why did I go to RBY and not GSC? Well, it's a simple preference for RBY's qualities: the limited metagame allows for further access to heavier optimization, the mechanics are super intricate and interesting, and it's surprisingly flexible in terms of formats. These qualities are what keep me around and I don't see it changing anytime soon. If something ever happens with RBY that makes me leave, GSC would be the first place I go. As a game and history topic, I love GSC much more than RBY, but competitively RBY just feels more accurate to my preferences.

Other things
Anyway, here are some other facts I couldn't be arsed to write in ridiculous paragraphs, partially put here to preserve your eyes. Feel free to make questions out of these, I'm a nutter and will probably rant for ages about them.
  • While some people tend to think I'm like 30 years old or something, I actually just turned 20 this year!
  • I'm Welsh and was bought up learning Cymraeg and English at the same time. However, I moved to England at a young age, and as such, Cymraeg gradually faded from my mind. I recently took to re-learning it for the sake of heritage. Plus, if I move back to Wales later in life, it'll come in handy.
  • I'm Transgender, male to female, and very proud of it. I'm on a long waiting list for HRT and the like, though...
  • I'm on the autism spectrum. While I have a few other mental problems, I will refrain from commenting on them.
  • My political alignment is very, very far left. The average American will recoil in horror!
  • I own 4 reptiles: 2 Tokay Geckos (Gekko gecko), a Common Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), and a Chinese Golden Thread Turtle (Mauremys sinensis). I've considered becoming a proper, qualified Herpetologist one day.
    • I have owned many species of reptile before and can probably give advice on most common ones if you're interested in that as well. However, I have experience with Barking Geckos (N. Milii) and stuff too, so there is some niche stuff I could probably help with.
  • I'm a bit of a retro game enthusiast and have been collecting video games since I was a kid.
    • Outside of Pokemon, I enjoy Shin Megami Tensei (particularly Persona), Corpse Party, Donkey Kong Country and fighting games. There's a lot of others, though.
    • Fighting games are sick, though my boyfriend is more addicted than I could ever be. However, I have a pretty interesting here too that I could probably share.
  • I have a love for horror manga and I'm always taking suggestions for new reading material. Post em on my profile or something, would ya? Maybe I'll review em in the Cong anime and manga thread if that strikes your fancy.
    • Horror books are also cool, Lovecraft being a favourite. There's also stuff like Maurice Leblanc's Arsene Lupin that I enjoy, though!
    • SCPs and creepypasta are interesting things, but the quality varies too widely for me to just hop on a website and leaf through.
  • Trading card games are cool, and I primarily play Yu-Gi-Oh. The current meta is pretty mid but far better than a couple of years ago at least. I've played Cardfight Vanguard and the Pokemon TCG in the past, but not at a competitive level at all.
  • I have a pretty hefty stake in Video Game Preservation as a subject and have made some minor contributions to it. Fully open to debate on the topic.
  • I've worked as a writer in the past and would love to further this minor "career" of mine.
    • I've been paid £100 to do this Smash Ultimate Joker Guide with well over 100 pages, featuring extensive information on his kit and fundamentals, which was considered good enough for someone to translate into Spanish.
    • Dr Lava has hired me to help him with his "Doctor's Notes" sections on his "Dr Lava's Lost Pokemon" website, though my work hasn't yet been put up...you can expect it to pop up soon enough, though.
While I've heard some horror stories about Smogon, I think it's been among the more welcoming communities in my experience. I've not been harassed for being openly trans, and everyone is actively invested in learning about the game. There's still a lot to learn and get the hang of, but every day there's stuff I find, and the people here are really accommodating. Sure, there are some shitty people around, but they're actually dealt with, unlike other places I've been in. Thank you all!

Well, ask away!
Hi, Plague. I had a few questions since you know, it's the Well.

- What tier(s) do you like watching other than RBY and GSC? Play?
- What is your favourite retro RPG if any?
- If you had to pick a fighting game to get into, what it would be?
- What was your favourite set you ever came up?
- Who is your favourite character to play in fighting games and why?

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
what are your favorite things to put on a burger
Cheese and pickles I guess, I'm basic as fuck. Just gimme a McDonalds Big Mac and I'll be fine.

No better time for my first post than now. What is the most embarrassing thing youve ever done?
This one had me thinking a ton, there's a lot of dumb stuff to the point I'm not even sure what's embarrassing to me anymore.

I think the biggest one is a time a guy asked me out in school after buttering me up for a few weeks, and I kinda liked him. It turned out to be a joke and he spread it like wildfire. I think that may be what made me so closeted, actually.

Hi, Plague. I had a few questions since you know, it's the Well.

- What tier(s) do you like watching other than RBY and GSC? Play?
- What is your favourite retro RPG if any?
- If you had to pick a fighting game to get into, what it would be?
- What was your favourite set you ever came up?
- Who is your favourite character to play in fighting games and why?
- ADV is super interesting to watch, given how you constantly have to play around sand and stuff. Plus, seeing Claydol be viable in OU is interesting and funny.
- Tossup between Final Fantasy VII and the original SMT I think..? I've played a lot.
- King of Fighters 14, I fucking suck at it lol
- Assuming this is for Pokemon, I'm really not sure. I tend to go pretty cookie cutter. I did make a fire Mr. Mime set for VGC 2018 though, using Electrium Z and Wide Guard + Fake Out + Psychic + Technician Shock Wave. It handled Mega Charizard Y pretty well.
- Darkstalkers 3 Hsien-Ko. My first main, and never went off her since I was a little kid. The abstract animations and rushdown playstyle are super fun, especially considering all the depth her item tosses and stuff give her. Tenraiha spam is fun too.

A few questions.

1) What Fire Emblem games have you played/Which is your favorite?
2) Which units do you enjoy using the most?

(I know, asking Fire Emblem questions on a Pokemon forum, forgive me)
Smogoff is the off-topic forum for a reason!
- Played every single one. The SNES games are all great, I love FE3's pixel art in particular. However, I think Radiant Dawn may be my most fondly remembered these days.
- Duke Oliver of Tanas, the Champion of Beauty from Radiant Dawn. His battle theme is fucking incredible and perfectly represents how he's completely lost the plot. He's large and in charge.
Last edited:
1. What's 1 + 10?
2. Favorite Fighting Game?
3. If you could visit any country in the world, which could it be?
4. Favorite OST? (In Pokemon and outside of it)
5. Is Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- 2 for the Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation 4, Sega RingEdge 2, and Microsoft Windows (cough Steam cough) by the blessed lord and saviour, Daisuke Ishiwatari, truly the best game of all time? Even eclipsing Pokemon RBY?

I don't deserve to have this kind of power, I'd use it for nefarious deeds. Like fucking around. Exhibit A: this.

couldn't help myself, I'm sorry

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
jab jab powah dunk or jab jab reising tackull?
S = Strong, W = Weak, C = Use Command Input

If you're using both Jabs you should be mixing the specials up based on the opponent's SDI so they don't fall out, though emphasis should be on RT so to not stale PD; you need PD for the KO. RT can be angled forwards or backwards to handle SDI directions. Ideally, when doing this, you should be under a platform to reduce the lag from Rising Tackle and maintain the advantage state. w.RT under a side platform on BF, cs.RT under the middle one. Remember that cs.RT does the most damage, so putting emphasis on it also ensures maximum damage output from the Jab combo. Confirming into this sequence from something like DTilt is nice.

If you want to avoid that song and dance entirely while going for the funny hahas, Jab 1 xx cs.PD. It's near-impossible to escape on reaction and even then it's difficult.

1. What's 1 + 10?
2. Favorite Fighting Game?
3. If you could visit any country in the world, which could it be?
4. Favorite OST? (In Pokemon and outside of it)
5. Is Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- 2 for the Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation 4, Sega RingEdge 2, and Microsoft Windows (cough Steam cough) by the blessed lord and saviour, Daisuke Ishiwatari, truly the best game of all time? Even eclipsing Pokemon RBY?

I don't deserve to have this kind of power, I'd use it for nefarious deeds. Like fucking around. Exhibit A: this.

couldn't help myself, I'm sorry
- that funny meme
- Darkstalkers 3
- Anywhere - and I mean anywhere - but America.
- Layer Cake from Persona 5
- No
Hello Plague, nice to see that you're here

If you were going to play Minecraft, which gamemode would you play first and why?

What has been your favorite gen of pokemon? How about least favorite?

What is your opinion on modern RPGs? If you like them, what has been your favorite of these games? If you don't like them, what would you say that they lack compared to older RPGs?

Rank the eeveelutions from favorite to least favorite. Then give reasons as to why you ranked them that way.
1. what is your favorite class in FE and why?(Swordmaster, Paladin, Sage,etc)
2. Favorite fighting game music to listen to?
3. At what point did you realized that you were really into collecting data and graphing it?
4. White Castle or Burger King?
5. Favorite mythological creature?(Sphinx, Jabberwock, Leviathan, etc)
6. One Super power you would choose to have?


scatters things often
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Hey Plague, it's nice knowing more about you!

1-What's the best milkshake flavor?
2- Have you ever played Chrono Trigger?
3- If you've ever played the Zelda franchise, what's your favorite game?
4- How was the weather today?

Hope to see you around!


Like ships in the night, you're passing me by
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Vanellope von Schweetz
Georg von Trapp
Count von Count

have you learned the ways of metang from Molk?

was RBY better or worse before all the somewhat recent mechanic discoveries/fixes (like, going back to when normal types were able to be paraed by body slam?)

Thoughts on the relative assimilation of Wales into British (read: English) culture as compared to Scotland or NI? There’s tons of Welsh celebrities who basically speak BBC English and I’d be willing to bet plenty of folks don’t even know are Welsh. What at this point, aside from language, still is distinctly Welsh and that people do care about preserving?

Moreover, does anyone really care anymore that Charles is “prince of Wales” and did the investiture at Caernarfon etc? They showed it as something controversial in the crown but that was of the time. Do people still care about that kind of stuff aside from those who are generally opposed to the monarchy regardless of the use of that title, etc.?

tips for pronouncing the Welsh double L?

Does it bother you to hear Lloyd or Llewelyn pronounced with a regular English L?
What up Plague =]

What are your top 5 changes that you'd make to RBY/GSC?
Do you enjoy playing the actual physical pokemon games?
Do you think Nintendo is a threat to game preservation?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
Just woke up, let's get these done!

Hello Plague, nice to see that you're here

If you were going to play Minecraft, which gamemode would you play first and why?

What has been your favorite gen of pokemon? How about least favorite?

What is your opinion on modern RPGs? If you like them, what has been your favorite of these games? If you don't like them, what would you say that they lack compared to older RPGs?

Rank the eeveelutions from favorite to least favorite. Then give reasons as to why you ranked them that way.
- I actually really like Minecraft, Creative Mode is fun. Survival is best for a more traditional, replayable experience though.
- Gen 2 is my favourite as I've likely established, least would be Gen 6.
- I've never really been a fan of the "JRPG" formula that began popping up near the end of the PS2 era, but outside of that, modern RPGs are fine. It may just be my love for the old Final Fantasy games talking, though.

As for eevees...
:vaporeon: - Beautiful and perfect, especially the Red and Green design.
:sylveon: - The shiny says trans rights
:jolteon: - Can't teach that attitude, friend.
:espeon: - Funny nuke in Pokemon Colosseum that princess carries you to bed at night, love it.
:flareon: - Guts + Toxic Orb + Flare Blitz recoil is funnier than most things in Pokemon tbh
:umbreon: - Its cry sounds like it's got severe constipation which makes me have trouble taking it seriously
:leafeon: - Should have been the SW97 design tbh, also a victim of the flawed Physical Grass-type design.
:glaceon: - I often forget this one exists and that's pretty damn telling when it has such a nice design. Sux.

1. what is your favorite class in FE and why?(Swordmaster, Paladin, Sage,etc)
2. Favorite fighting game music to listen to?
3. At what point did you realized that you were really into collecting data and graphing it?
4. White Castle or Burger King?
5. Favorite mythological creature?(Sphinx, Jabberwock, Leviathan, etc)
6. One Super power you would choose to have?
- Wyvern Lord / Dragonmaster / Equivalents. When you use Shadow Dragon DS Jagen, PoR Jill and RD Haar...you'll understand.
- USF4 Hugo's theme is an amazing recreation of the original, adore it.
- No clue, I think it's just in my blood lol
- What the everliving hell is a White Castle idk if we have this in the UK
- Kelpie
- The power to create anything I want so I can make objects that automatically give me more superpowers.

Hey Plague, it's nice knowing more about you!

1-What's the best milkshake flavor?
2- Have you ever played Chrono Trigger?
3- If you've ever played the Zelda franchise, what's your favorite game?
4- How was the weather today?

Hope to see you around!
- Banana
- I really really need to man, holy fuck lol
- I have a surprising amount of Zelda games due to my tendency to buy joblots! Majora's Mask is definitely up there, as are Wind Waker and Link to the Past. The GameCube made a ton of Zelda stuff accessible so it's helped a lot.
- I just woke up and as per usual in the UK it looks like it's gonna rain and probably will end up not.

What is your favorite movie?
Difficult one...I wanna say something stupid like Kevin and Perry Go Large.

Serious answer though, the original Gozilla.

Vanellope von Schweetz
Georg von Trapp
Count von Count

have you learned the ways of metang from Molk?

was RBY better or worse before all the somewhat recent mechanic discoveries/fixes (like, going back to when normal types were able to be paraed by body slam?)

Thoughts on the relative assimilation of Wales into British (read: English) culture as compared to Scotland or NI? There’s tons of Welsh celebrities who basically speak BBC English and I’d be willing to bet plenty of folks don’t even know are Welsh. What at this point, aside from language, still is distinctly Welsh and that people do care about preserving?

Moreover, does anyone really care anymore that Charles is “prince of Wales” and did the investiture at Caernarfon etc? They showed it as something controversial in the crown but that was of the time. Do people still care about that kind of stuff aside from those who are generally opposed to the monarchy regardless of the use of that title, etc.?

tips for pronouncing the Welsh double L?

Does it bother you to hear Lloyd or Llewelyn pronounced with a regular English L?
No clue who the first two are but Count von Count is getting pegged.

There's literally like 6 Metang emotes in my personal Discord, not to mention the Freddie Freaker cult that started LMFAO

I honestly love the same-type effect immunity stuff, it adds a nice layer of strategy. Switching in Lapras on Blizzard to avoid freeze and the like is interesting, same with Snorlax to avoid paraslam. I wouldn't really be able to tell you the whole story due to my roots being cartridge, but I hope this answer is suitable.

I have really strong opinions about this that would probably deserve their own threads, but to say nothing else, the history of Wales and England is among the most tragic there is. I loathe England's handling of the country and even to this day it reeks of ignorance. At least we have our own parliament and industries, I guess...oh wait, England controls that and has been gradually fucking it up, right...

There hasn't been a native "Prince of Wales" for like, centuries, and it's something I'm personally super miffed with. The title went from something super important to a joke - a mockery - passed around by the monarchy. It means nothing and that's the problem.

You know that funny French c? It's kinda like that in a way...gotta use your throat a bit. I'd suggest looking up resources on YouTube, the "SaySomethingInWelsh" app is also really helpful.

Yes, though I can't blame them at all. Welsh as a language is treated like it doesn't exist by the English government, it's not even really supported by the education system, despite Wales doing everything to revive it.

Do you like sports?

What wittybot answer have you been most proud of?

What exotic reptile would you most want to own?
Due to some personal problems I wasn't able to play sports for a long time, and never really got into it as a result. I suppose I have a passing interest in football...that would be soccer to the Americans reading, iirc?

I have the memory of a squirrel on a ton of caffiene with a dash of cocaine for good measure, so I can't think of an answer.

Sailfin Water Dragon (Hydrosaurus sp.), no contest. They're absolutely astounding to look at, and the husbandry is interesting too.

What up Plague =]

What are your top 5 changes that you'd make to RBY/GSC?
Do you enjoy playing the actual physical pokemon games?
Do you think Nintendo is a threat to game preservation?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
RBY Changes
- Stad1 Recoil mechanics
- Increase availability of Hi Jump Kick
- Make Bide treat the user like they have Reflect+Light Screen while it's active, seems interesting as fuck
- Give Psywave something like 80 minimum damage, I think it could have genuine relevance that way
- Murder the recovery glitch in cold blood and hide the body in Russia

GSC Changes
- Bring back RBY Partial Trapping, it adds a cool dynamic with how you burn sleep turns under it.
- Add the SW97 beta type damage reducing items, like the Fire Tail which reduced Fire-type effectiveness. Gives more options while patching up otherwise crippling weaknesses, or making yourself stronger against a specific type.
- Add Spike stacking to make chip damage somewhat more potent, it would have a lasting effect on Snorlax at the very least.
- Increase distribution of Rapid Spin
- Make Delibird exist.

I wouldn't have played on cartridge for so many years if I didn't enjoy it! Hell, I encourage any competitive RBY player, at the very least, to give something like TGBDual a try. RBY are some of the few games I've actually played through more than twice, there's always something interesting going on.

If Nintendo's dip into live services isn't telling enough regarding how little they care about game preservation, idk what to say. They've actively torn down ROM websites that preserve games, C&D'd numerous preservation projects, and now they're starting to do limited digital releases with games like Super Mario Bros. 35. They're one of the biggest threats to game preservation in the industry and I think that will only become more apparent in the coming years.

I don't see where I am in the next 5 minutes and 10 years is certainly a challenge. I like to think I'll be living a happy life with my boyfriend, at least!


is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
with K. Rool in the game, which character would you now most like to have added to Smash?

what game do you think would be the most fun with an added battle royale mechanic a la Mario 35 & Tetris 99?

favorite DKC animal buddy?

choose one of these forgotten fighting game series to receive a brand new fully-fleshed out game: Rival Schools, Bloody Roar, Power Stone, Primal Rage, Bushido Blade

pick 1 Gen 1-2 single-stage non-legendary pokemon to receive an evolution (Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Lapras, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Unown, Girafarig, Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Heracross, Corsola, Delibird, Skarmory, Stantler, Smeargle, Miltank) and list what stats and typing you'd give it.

favorite meal?

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
with K. Rool in the game, which character would you now most like to have added to Smash?

what game do you think would be the most fun with an added battle royale mechanic a la Mario 35 & Tetris 99?

favorite DKC animal buddy?

choose one of these forgotten fighting game series to receive a brand new fully-fleshed out game: Rival Schools, Bloody Roar, Power Stone, Primal Rage, Bushido Blade

pick 1 Gen 1-2 single-stage non-legendary pokemon to receive an evolution (Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Lapras, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Unown, Girafarig, Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Heracross, Corsola, Delibird, Skarmory, Stantler, Smeargle, Miltank) and list what stats and typing you'd give it.

favorite meal?
I don't play Smash anymore, but Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers 3 would complete the trinity of characters I wanted, the other previously being Terry Bogard.

Give Donkey Kong Country a battle royale mode and watch chaos ensue.

The frog one...whose name I can never remember...


Ditto with doubled Speed and HP to make it better at transforming. For good measure, make it Steel-type with the ability to use Ditto's exclusive items. Boom, we have an Uber.

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
what do you think of rby tradebacks
Honestly, I've always thought Tradebacks should be standard while non-Tradebacks sit in the back, the reverse of what it currently is. NYPC Move legality aside - that's a whole other conversation - it's a super intriguing metagame with a lot of potential for optimization beyond what's currently around. Stuff like Hypnosis Ninetales could be really interesting. RBY 2k20 aims to tier tradebacks and that's part of what drew me there in the first place. I think it's the best way forward given the history, as this way, the status quo itself - non-Tradebacks - isn't hurt.

Regardless, the way things have gone is still an interesting thing in and of itself, since you essentially have two "generations".
Would Grimmsnarl become a top 5 OU character if he could learn Pursuit?

How did Nekroz become your favorite YGO deck to play?

Grilled chicken, or breaded chicken?

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
Would Grimmsnarl become a top 5 OU character if he could learn Pursuit?

How did Nekroz become your favorite YGO deck to play?

Grilled chicken, or breaded chicken?
- Probably not, but who knows? Imo it needs more reliable recovery first.
- 2015 Nekroz Format hit different. One of the most skill-centered formats of all time, long and far. Besides, I used Gishki beforehand and Nekroz was kind of its successor.
- Depends on the day.

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