What do you do when your brain just won't let you study anymore?

Adderall works very well. Whenever you get home from your classes take a nap and then take some adderall, you can go for several hours with limited breaks inbetween. And it doesn't really cause side effects, just ease yourself into it at first and you should be fine. Whenever I need to cram I take twice my prescribed dose and nothing negative happens to me, in fact it often gives me enough energy to finish early and start a different project.
You guys have very nice tips :D
but for me I have to say that that I can only Start Study One day before the exam.
Otherwise I'll forget everything.
Mhh and I always try to find a connection between the stuff I have to learn and the stuff I Know.
Eating + Listening to music is the Best way to relax. :)
I good way to study is to remove yourself from distractions, such as consoles, computers, TV, Smogon etc. Just knuckle down and do it. Music is helpful for some people, as is excercising before. Taking regular breaks also helps break up the tedious nature of studying.

That reminders me, I have a Maths exam tomorrow. I should probably take my own advise.
To start a 3+ hour of studying, I start off with the following:
-Kick around a soccer ball for about 30 minutes
-Take a shower
-Start studying, while reading your textbook on your bed

Trust me, if you study on your bed, everything seems more comfortable, especially on a rather cold night, open your window, feel the cool wind etc.
If I were you, I wouldnt try anything unnatural. This method gets boring, if you normally study a week + for exams
Hey don't look at me for advice. I spent the majority of my study time playing video games and stuff like that. (It didn't work out so well when it came right down to it.) Anyway, if I had to take a wild guess I'd say your just getting bored or it. Kind of a blunt way to put it but I'd say that's the best way to describe when you just don't wanna do it anymore. You should find something to do. (Oh hey lookie there. The same answer as most everyone else on this thread lol) Real fun things are a no no cause you'll lose track of time. Just try something that'll get your mind off of studying for about a half hour or so. I don't know your likes and your dislikes so I cant help you there but your best option is to do something that feels nuetral to you. Don't make yourself suffer. This is important but its not worth torturing yourself over. Most importantly, just calm down. If you feel you'll forget things if you do something else take a deep breath and review before leaving for your break. Then when you get back review again.
Of course I've experienced this several times before. I would usually calm my mind up and rest a bit, then try study again.
I play pokemon for ~30 minutes, and always end with a win. Then I shut off all distractions (in most cases my computer) and start studying.
No distractions = no problem = good gradez