What would [pokemon] look like if it were a different type?

Came across this thread (And forum) when browsing on google for a pic of Yanmega. and saw the 'Ice Yanmega' So I came to see the thread and there is some pretty awesome Pokemon different types on here. I'd liek to request someone try a Water Type Magmar or an Electric type Gyarados :D

And heres a Fighting type Eeevee Evolution *IN actuality, its a Leafeon pose, so a Fighting type Leafeon? (even thoguh there are no requests). Ignore the name, it was done out of fun a few months back.

I'll try and get working on a request, even though my way of making things isnt so great.

Well, I tried, and this is the best I could come up with. Personally I think Ground is a pretty hard type to do. But Practice makes perfect.

Shorter, cut-off wings. Exactly what I was thinking.
I did plan on removing the wings completely, but then it wouldnt look very Latios-y, so I just made them squared off and stumpy, so they were still there, but they wouldnt be much use to a Ground type.
Thats pretty cool. Albeit a little simplistic, but it really adds to the charm. I'd like to take a shot at one of these if anyone would like to give me a request I'd be happy to do it (try not to make it dragon though I get tired of all the dragon types...)
Alright I'll give it a try and post it up tomorrow. This is getting to be alot harder than I thought it might be, seriously I can't think of enough rock type characteristics to incorporate into a steel type (look at aggron).