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Social Where is your nick from?

Cool thread, my turn now :

Some people know me from the time when my name was D_C_T_D ( DonCocoTheDwarf / DonColombusTheDrake ), my old name on the internet / on games that I used to play like MC ( revive The Hive :pensive: :fist: ).
Coco is one of IRL nickname and Dwarf because I've always been like them : I wasn't ( I'm still not kekw ) very tall and I was stingy
I always had an obsession ( mostly because I'm a history enthusiat ) by the spanish title " Don " and by the navigator Christopher Columbus so I mixed both and it became Don Colombus ( o > u because it's " Christophe Colomb " in french lol ); Drake in reference to the dragons and to the Green Earth Navy CO from Advance Wars named Drake.
It became Le Don mostly because it's shorter and also because I wanted to change.
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I wasn't ( I'm still not kekw )

It became Le Don mostly because it's shorter

I see a pattern
King Neodude is a weird name for me. It started off as a bit but for a lack of a better name I just stuck with it. It was basically the name of a low quality laughing emoji.

If I had to change my name to something which I'm considering, it'd be most likely be a character from Final Fantasy 13, Orphan, or maybe something from Greek mythology (Thanks Siegfried for further enabling this)
My nickname was based off of a specific item from a semi-popular roblox game about 7-8 years ago and it just kinda stuck. I was gonna use the original name word for word but it was taken so I had to change the last two letters.
i was going through it 2018-2020, thus the name. i dont completely remember but i suppose the le part was just younger me trying to make light of a bad situation? i eventually got better but the name stuck bc a) every cool name i would wanna namechange to is old and taken and b) the name has stuck by now due to how many platforms i use it on/how many cute lil nicknames ppl have made for it (i assume any new idea i'd have for a name would be hard to get used to in that regard)
Mohamed is a very common name in Somalia and Muslim countries in general. At one point 13/17 of my classmates had the same name so we went by our middle or last name. Whichever wasn’t Mohamed because it is not uncommon for Mohamed or Mohamoud to be your last name. Awil is my father’s name and CAWIL is the Somali spelling.
Mine comes from the fact I was expecting Pokémon Z (or Pokémon XYZ) in 2015 and I felt like XY needed a third version. Given how we didn't get it in the end, I decided to remember this by using this nickname in PS!.

Now, PLZA's announcement has made me think about changing my nick but I don't know which one I could go for, so I'll probably stay with this one.
tom holland nickname lore
Once upon a time, I was actually Sablexe. I thought I was so clever lmao I really liked sableye back then (my fave mon) so I just changed the y to x and that was that.

I left mons and rejoined years later and created a new account. I genuinely didn't realize at the time that I couldn't do that (oopsy) but anyways I picked tom holland because I had a gay crush on tom holland and thought it was a fun name. Eventually, I started playing PU during Sun and Moon era and actually got pretty good at PU. When I got to like round 5 or 6 of the PU open, everyone started accusing me of being and alt account so I fessed up to a moderator once I realized that was like, not allowed lmao. I got an infraction at the time but I was a good smogonite so all is well now, and i was lucky they let me keep this name. But yea that's my interesting nickname lore I thought I may as well dump the lore for those interested.
i explained here before my name here being a play on if they made a ghost evo eevee but my longest termed nickname with some friends was Subz or Subzi cus in 3rd grade a kid hit me with his backpack for helping my friend (a girl he liked) off the bus [theres always ice stepping out from the puddles where the busses park, anyone in cold winter climates know] and i just threw a block of broken ice back at him lol.
a play off sub zero from mortal kombat obviously lol.