tom holland nickname lore
Once upon a time, I was actually Sablexe. I thought I was so clever lmao I really liked sableye back then (my fave mon) so I just changed the y to x and that was that.
I left mons and rejoined years later and created a new account. I genuinely didn't realize at the time that I couldn't do that (oopsy) but anyways I picked tom holland because I had a gay crush on tom holland and thought it was a fun name. Eventually, I started playing PU during Sun and Moon era and actually got pretty good at PU. When I got to like round 5 or 6 of the PU open, everyone started accusing me of being and alt account so I fessed up to a moderator once I realized that was like, not allowed lmao. I got an infraction at the time but I was a good smogonite so all is well now, and i was lucky they let me keep this name. But yea that's my interesting nickname lore I thought I may as well dump the lore for those interested.