Social Where is your nick from?


formerly hellpowna
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
I started playin in 2009, and my first nick was not hellpowna

I started playin wifi, I mostly played it since I discovered shoddy battle, and simulators.
I remember I was playin against an user called HollyGR, and his infernape was called Hell_Powa
Since I love nicknames ive choosen to call all my Infernapes "Hell_Powa"
While we were playin, he called me HellPowna for the first time, and since that time I changed my nick from "Domadraghi" to "HellPowna"
Infernape became my fav mon, later :)

And you...
Where is ur nick from??? :)
I've always liked Empoleon. Piplup was the first pokemon I took when I had Pokemon Pearl. Also, the first game I've ever had for Nintendo was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and as starters I had Torchic and Piplup. Basically my nickname here is an abbreviation of Empoleon.
I was bored so i took a phrase that is like plääh (something someone sighs when confronted with something boring) and lässynlää (aka what you say to someone in a degrading manner when you feel like theyre complaining too much or talking shit) and it just stuck on me. Only using it on smogon and ps tho.
I've definitely said this one before: in the early stages of LEGO's series Bionicle, there was a creature called a Ussal crab. My dad repeatedly called it a "useless crab" and suggested, when I lost the password for a previous account, that I make a new one with that as the username. And I never looked back...
Damn, forgot I had one of those when I was young.
I got it from a Touhou song, more specifically Imperishable Night's extra stage theme. It has other meaning outside of its presence in the name of a Touhou song, but the song was entirely why I chose this name.

I'm not exactly the most creative person in the world with usernames, my username when I first joined was literally just the name of a Fire Emblem game, no joke.
I started playin in 2009, and my first nick was not hellpowna

I started playin wifi, I mostly played it since I discovered shoddy battle, and simulators.
I remember I was playin against an user called HollyGR, and his infernape was called Hell_Powa
Since I love nicknames ive choosen to call all my Infernapes "Hell_Powa"
While we were playin, he called me HellPowna for the first time, and since that time I changed my nick from "Domadraghi" to "HellPowna"
Infernape became my fav mon, later :)

And you...
Where is ur nick from??? :)

Funniest thing in the whole story is that the guy using the infernape dint mean what you think he did, the GR on the end of his name is abbreviation for Greece, that means he was greek, the first part of the HELL_Powa derives from the word Hellas, another way to say Greece, the powa part spells like monkey in greek.
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Well you see here. On Snapchat it has this thing where you can make stickers of things, and slap them onto snapchats right. So, I had one sticker of Josef Stalin, and I had one of Landorus because I was using snapchat to make a logo for this league I'm in. In a haze of pot smoke, a light bulb flashed, and I realized that Landorus is a glorious Proletariat, and has a sick mustache like Stalin. So I slapped Landorus' head on Josef Stalin, called it Comrade Landorus, and the rest is history.
Comes from some kind of inside joke in a high school Spanish class. I wasn't even PART of the inside joke, so I have no idea where it comes from, but a friend of mine (who originated the name) and I used to say "Gato Del Fuego" sometimes in other classes. So when I first joined a Pokemon chatroom on Purplesurge back in 2010, picked it as a username, then used it for my youtube, forum accounts, smogon, steam, gmail, everything. The one thing that solidified it as a strong name was the fact that I was able to search "el gato de fuego" on google and got a pretty good avatar that I used for literally everything, only because it was the top google search.
Well my IRL name is Jennifer, but everyone called me Jenny growing up. One day my 3rd grade teacher at my new school put my name down on the board as "Genny" and everyone wondered what it was short for and someone thought it was Genesis, which I found funny. The name Genny stuck with me for pretty much the rest of my life. 7 is just my fav number.
Edit: This wasn't a joke please don't make some stupid meme out of this.
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Well I used to be a 3rd grade teacher who would mess about and purposefully write down the names of students incorrectly. One day right before lessons I was searching for the latest cool prank to meme up my lessons with and Rick Astley came up instead, which I found funny. The name I'm Rick Astley stuck with me for pretty much the rest of my life.