Social Where is your nick from?

Oh boy story time.

Over the years I have had a few different names I use online and even some IRL and some I still use on the side. My old one that I had, TheAfroNinja, was based on a few different things. Its actually my IRL nickname a lot of people use to call me because obvious reasons. It could have been the one to keep for me but on various places, it's already been taken. Most notable and relating to this story, Twitch, where I wanted an account so I could participate in an online tourney. I came up with TheBisharpKing for a couple of different reasons

A. Bisharp is my favorite Pokemon of all time. I don't ever foresee any Pokemon being able to replace the love I have for Bisharp
B. At the time, nobody I knew or could think of really appreciated Bisharp so I proclaimed myself the King of them.

I still use TheAfroNinja on various sites that I originally used it like MAL, but other than that mostly I go by TheBisharpKing. Even people call me Bisharp IRL which I'm not exactly sure how I feel about but its okay I guess.

TL;DR: Needed a replacement for my old username; I am the King of Bisharps, my dudes.
It's a monster in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Kills a couple hundred people just by snorting, or something like that.

I was in my first year of university.

I've thought about changing it, but never settled on a new name.
Well my Middle Schools mascot was the Miners. I used to go by MunchingMiner, and most of the places with that nickname are me. I decided after my Junior year (about 3 years ago) to drop the Munching part and just add Mr. in front of it because it looked kinda clean tbh
Yoshi = My favorite video game character of all time, ya boi Yoshi, from Mario of course
Blaze = It sounds cool, I guess.... Well, now I can say that it's named after the ability of my favorite Pokemon, Combusken, which is a fact that I somehow didn't realize for like 3 years.

As for my Showdown name, piikiki4, 5 years or so back, I was a silly boy and wanted my name on Showdown to sound like Pikachu, but not, so I chose piikiki and it sounds stupid af, but eh.
I just really love the name Luna, although it's not my name and isn't even common here.
The old "Bakitso" part was because of Tibia long time ago. Used the random name generator of it and it came up with "x Bakitso". So I replaced it with Luna kek
Ooh, I have to write this down!

My boss at my former workplace used to say "Zio Billy!" (literally "Uncle Billy!", I'm Italian) to curse, to avoid saying, well... worse things. As in "Boss, our servers are down." "Again? Oh, Uncle Billy! That's gonna cost us!" It stuck with me and here I am.

My first idea was simply "Uncle Billy", but for some reason I figured "Billy the Uncle" would sound cooler.
Martin is my IRL name

gamer boy came a lot earlier than this; at the time when I made it I was adamant on becoming a big gamer, and it just kinda came from that. To cut a long story short, that never happened; my gaming was (and still is) limited to a small handful of Nintendo games, and I was never really as interested in expanding into being a major gamer as I liked to think I was.
I was into dragons a lot when I was around 13-15 years old and I also played a lot of the original Sims. One of the expansion packs added a bunch of magic stuff to the game, and one thing you could buy were dragon eggs. Depending on how you cared for the egg, it would hatch into one of three dragons, and the best one (it never set fire to things in your house) was called Pyritie.

I've been using this name for pretty much everything since then. (So, around 11 years now?) Despite how popular the sims was, I've only had people ask me if that's where my name was from like 3 or so times.

It looked like this:

P.S. it's pronounced like "pie right tea", not like "pirate" or whatever, as the name comes from Pyrite (fool's gold)
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Someone on SPP IRC mentioned HotSkittyOnWailordAction, and being the 11 year old I was at the time, I found it hilarious and changed my nick to it. Eventually had to abbreviate it because it was too long to use on most websites D:
My irl name is Connor, and one day this girl in elementary school who was in my class thought I was a girl (she was a new student) and called me Conni because I had longer than average hair for a boy, and it felt kinda dumb because I'm not female, but it was kind of funny and I stuck with it because it was my memory of that girl and it turns out that now she is my gf so thats why I use it, just a simple reference and memento-ish of childhood memories.

Btw it is not from that tv show character Conni, I never even heard of it until I searched up Conni and saw it.

oh yeah I forgot an important part as well so here goes, this kinda also adds up with the above paragraph which makes it a coincidence:

When I joined PS, I once went by the name Connoisseur X after watching a lot of Pokemon Black and White anime, and I used to joined this (now closed) infamous, random, and funny groupchat called the MemeDome. I had a lot of friends there and I liked to talk with people there and it was kinda like my PS home before I got interested in actual chat rooms. Then someday in Meme Dome someone started calling me Conni, randomly because they didn't want to say my full PS username, and then that made me remember the girl in my primary class (she wasn't my gf at this time) and I had a big sense of nostalgia but I kinda smiled because it was fun times and then I tried to make a new username that was light blue (fav color atm) and then came "FishyConni" which was light blue, and then when I kinda separated from Meme Dome and entered CafeLeWow I felt like FishyConni wasn't so mature so I changed to Connni, which was dark blue, and because Conni was taken at that time by some other inactive person.

After sometime I spent in Cafe Le Wow and then transitioned to the Pokemon Go room, I became a Room Driver and talked randomly with the other staff members in the skype chat, and then out of the blue Zarel hits me up saying, "hey you want the name Conni", and I reply yes and then boom, I had the new pink Conni username, and I used that for Smogon and PS ever since, and it's funny how that memories of my childhood and memories of the present forged this name, its a very sappy backstory for such a short name haha.
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My former nick should be pretty obvious, but I liked it for a while until everyone started asking me ''what's your main???'', so I decided to change my nick.

I was looking for a uncommon nick so I thought about alcoholic drinks names. I tried ''askov'' and it was available, since then I've been using it :]
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