Wi-Fi Blacklist: as of January 30th, 2014

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Legal is when you make a Pokemon that is possible to get in the game or in this case, possible to receive a Pokemon from a Wi-Fi event, special event, etc. It's illegal because if I see a non-shiny Entei, I would assume it doesn't have ExtremeSpeed. (Only shiny-Cherish Ball Enteis would have ES)
Valid point, I see why that is problematic.
I would like to report riversid for Wi-Fi Battle Rules infractions: Specifically, for using hacked pokemon without prior notice, and for purposefully DCing mid-battle.

My first (slight) suspicion of hacked pokemon was his shiny Bulky Gyarados. -1 Stone Edge from Machamp w/ Att IV of 27 vs. perfect Bulky Gyara with suggested EV spread yields 46.5% - 55.1% dmg. My 1st SE did visibly less than 50%, not even reaching yellow HP pool on his Gyara. My 2nd SE did slightly more than 50%, bringing him into the red even after 2 leftovers. Not game changing a bit, but suspicious.

Then his CurseLax came out. He ended up +2 Curses and slept, I had CB Scizor (Att IV: 23) out and I used Superpower. Vs. perfect Snorlax with suggested EVs, the dmg is 51.2% - 60.2%. Vs. perfect 252/252 Snorlax, the dmg is 41.6% - 49.2%. My Superpower did ~35-40%.

And then there was his shiny Crocune. First of all, it had HP electric that killed my Gyarados. Then my +1 DDtar w/ Babiri Berry (Att IV: 17) used 2 Crunches before being offed. Against 252/252 perfect Suicune, Crunch does 31.4% - 37.1%. Between 2 Crunches and 2 turns of leftovers, we're looking at 50.3% - 61.7% dmg. His Suicune ended up in the green.

Finally, when it was down to his Lucario and Dugtrio (3rd shiny) against my weakened ScarfTran, and when he failed to kill Heatran off with Extremespeed and as I used Flamethrower, we disconnected. I have never disconnected on Wi-Fi and have a secure connection.

His posts on the battle forum ( here #2845, #2848) gave no indication of legal hacks, only an acceptance for a battle and his FC (No sig).

Immediately after the DC, I sent him a PM asking him if he dc'd on purpose. Minutes later I saw that he had logged off, even though he had set up a battle after we were through. This was at 9:50 AM my time, and it is now 11 AM.

Thank you for your time.
I had fought a battle with Skillie23 (5285-7181-0424) it was down to our last couple pokemon. and after wearing his starmie down with swampert i got 2 protects in a row on what i think were his last 2 hydro pums. as soon as i got the second protect i got D/C its obvious why. I VMed him and got no response its very frustrating to fight a long battle only to see a blue screen
Reporting Griffwinski for disconnecting. He left after a paralysis and Stone Edge miss, and the timing was a bit too perfect for it to have been an accident. I haven't had a response from him, but if I get one I'll delete this post.
I'm sorry but it's so boring when the opponment is so lucky. I'm not a bad player but sometimes everybody do mistakes. I promise I will never do that again so please take me out this blacklist

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Adding Mr. "I will Battle u Who I won't lose my name is griff and my friend code is 1334 4459 3035" to the battle-me disconnector list, and keeping Skillie23 there as well, as that's not the way things work around here. We do not tolerate disconnectors that laugh like a hyena around here thinking they can get away with such silliness.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
@Skillie23: at least battle-me blacklistees still have the privilege to request for battles as we almost never take anybody off that list. Hmmm, when was the last time that happened? Very rarely it seems.


Obsessive Collecting Disorder
strictlypreme is distributing my Shiny Nidoran, as seen here and here. Don't know who gave him this rights, but he cannot trade my Pokémon. :S

Some got a PM in my inbox, otherwise I would never had seen this.
I'm not sure if i can post here, but i am just here for backup with buckert, i saw everything on his thread. He has'nt removed it either.
please, tell me if i should'nt of posted, and i'll delete it.
Oh, and he is distributing more than one person's pokemon from BGMf.
strictlypreme is distributing my Shiny Nidoran, as seen here and here. Don't know who gave him this rights, but he cannot trade my Pokémon. :S

Some got a PM in my inbox, otherwise I would never had seen this.
don't know why he/she is reporting me. i know the nidoran was given to me to fully redi otherwise i wouldnt list it in my thread. had no idea fully redi meant no trading outside of smogon -_-

if anything, i did take the nidoran off both thread
It's only your fault for not respecting redis rights.
i don't think you read the rules on buckert's thread:
If a Pokémon has redis right, it can ONLY be redistributed on Smogon
strictlypreme is distributing my Shiny Nidoran, as seen here and here. Don't know who gave him this rights, but he cannot trade my Pokémon. :S

Some got a PM in my inbox, otherwise I would never had seen this.
To add to what Buckert said, strictlypreme has been falsely listing IVs and/or Hidden Power type's incorrectly. An example (and I'm sure there are more) would be the Heatran from this post. It has Hidden Power Electric, not Grass. Unless of course he's not bothered to list the correct IVs...

It has been brought up by other users too that he's been trading other people's non/semi-redis Pokémon as fully redis. These examples are here (bottom of post) and here. The guy doesn't seem trustworthy to me at all.
in response to your comment on bulb, aco, i don't feel uneasy/warm. But hey, a bit of advice? mind your own business. this is strictly between me and buckert. i believe he can speak for himself. what is it to you? yes, i made a mistake, i'm only human. afterall, aren't we all human? if i get another response from you, it'll be personal between us. me and buckert can handle this like mature adults. we learn from our errors, and we move on. its pretty funny how you got nothing better to do than to stay on my case. ridiculous!

@uuwarrior, i'm surprise you finally decide to visit smogon when you seize the opportunity to attack me. yes, i did post incorrect iv's but wasn't that fixed afterwards? i spoke with chocolate kipps about those pokemon being redi and i believe it was resolve. why bring that up again? obviously you are desperate to get me out. i don't blame you, afterall you do despite me

diabolico sent me a list via pm with all the fully redi pokemon and i took the list and applied it to my thread
is that wrong?
@uuwarrior, i'm surprise you finally decide to visit smogon when you seize the opportunity to attack me. yes, i did post incorrect iv's but wasn't that fixed afterwards?
It wasn't fixed afterwards, hence I noticed the Heatran and its incorrectly listed IVs.

Also, yes we're all human but we're supposed to be intelligent creatures. It takes no time at all to check Google or whatever using the OT and ID to search with so credit can be given to original users, and check redistribution. Personally, I feel a Pokémon shouldn't be listed at all if the original OT is unknown.
alright then, if you so desperately want me ban, then you have my word

"i should be banned for listing incorrect iv's and redistributing other people's pokemon without permission."

proof? i listed the hp wrong for heatran

i'm done arguing.
hopefully without me, smogon can be more blessed

have a happy new year everyone!
i was only on your case b/c BMGf literally had this problem, but of a bigger proportion, literally, 2 weeks (?) ago. and yeah, we're only human, but what about the IV problem.
but to be honest, don't say i have nothing better to do than Get on your case, seriously, i would rather not, so i'll get over it, you wanna get over it.
we can get over it, no big deal, now is it?
EDIT: sorry, ninja'd i guess, it was a mistake, i think we shuld forgot, i will forogt, and everyone on BGMf would'nt care, i now see it more from your point of view, So I am sorry. No hard feelings?


I'll go, see you there...
I have a reason to suspect matadraxis cheats... Magma storm has 70% accuracy.
Using it three times in a row sorely decreasing the probobility.

1st time: 70% Chance
2nd time: 35% Chance
3rd time: 17.25% Chance

Heatran cannot outspeed a jolly jirachi with 31 IV's in speed, and evd 252 in speed. But heatran did outspeed jirachi, so that heatran probobly had a choice scarf. No way he had a wide lens.
Now with this, i can probobly say, he got lucky.

But in this case, your blissy uses sing twice.
Sing has a 55% chance of hitting using it twice consecutively causes the probobility to go down.

1st time: 55% chance
2nd time: 27.5% chance

Blissy used a leftovers so widenlens again is not possible.

I dont know if he just got lucky or what?

Also, meteor mash with metagross crit twice, and both times increased attack.
Wifi is also notebly slow.

I can deduce that he is using an action replay.

Also, all of his moves, (Fire Blast, Thunder, etc) seems to always hit, and crit most of the time
I have a reason to suspect matadraxis cheats... Magma storm has 70% accuracy.
Using it three times in a row sorely decreasing the probobility.

1st time: 70% Chance
2nd time: 35% Chance
3rd time: 17.25% Chance

Heatran cannot outspeed a jolly jirachi with 31 IV's in speed, and evd 252 in speed. But heatran did outspeed jirachi, so that heatran probobly had a choice scarf. No way he had a wide lens.
Now with this, i can probobly say, he got lucky.

But in this case, your blissy uses sing twice.
Sing has a 55% chance of hitting using it twice consecutively causes the probobility to go down.

1st time: 55% chance
2nd time: 27.5% chance

Blissy used a leftovers so widenlens again is not possible.

I dont know if he just got lucky or what?

Also, meteor mash with metagross crit twice, and both times increased attack.
Wifi is also notebly slow.

I can deduce that he is using an action replay.

Also, all of his moves, (Fire Blast, Thunder, etc) seems to always hit, and crit most of the time
When gravity is active the evasion of all pokemon is lowered to 3/5. This means that attacks with low accuracy like Magma Storm now have 100% accuracy, the same with Sing, it has 92 Accuracy with gravity, yep Heatran had a choice scarf and max speed EVs, the crits were just luck.
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