I would like to report
riversid for Wi-Fi Battle Rules infractions: Specifically, for using hacked pokemon without prior notice, and for purposefully DCing mid-battle.
My first (slight) suspicion of hacked pokemon was his shiny Bulky Gyarados. -1 Stone Edge from Machamp w/ Att IV of 27 vs. perfect Bulky Gyara with suggested EV spread yields 46.5% - 55.1% dmg. My 1st SE did visibly less than 50%, not even reaching yellow HP pool on his Gyara. My 2nd SE did slightly more than 50%, bringing him into the red even after 2 leftovers. Not game changing a bit, but suspicious.
Then his CurseLax came out. He ended up +2 Curses and slept, I had CB Scizor (Att IV: 23) out and I used Superpower. Vs. perfect Snorlax with suggested EVs, the dmg is 51.2% - 60.2%. Vs. perfect 252/252 Snorlax, the dmg is 41.6% - 49.2%. My Superpower did ~35-40%.
And then there was his shiny Crocune. First of all, it had HP electric that killed my Gyarados. Then my +1 DDtar w/ Babiri Berry (Att IV: 17) used 2 Crunches before being offed. Against 252/252 perfect Suicune, Crunch does 31.4% - 37.1%. Between 2 Crunches and 2 turns of leftovers, we're looking at 50.3% - 61.7% dmg. His Suicune ended up in the green.
Finally, when it was down to his Lucario and Dugtrio (3rd shiny) against my weakened ScarfTran, and when he failed to kill Heatran off with Extremespeed and as I used Flamethrower, we disconnected. I have never disconnected on Wi-Fi and have a secure connection.
His posts on the battle forum (
here #2845, #2848) gave no indication of legal hacks, only an acceptance for a battle and his FC (No sig).
Immediately after the DC, I sent him a PM asking him if he dc'd on purpose. Minutes later I saw that he had logged off, even though he had set up a battle after we were through. This was at 9:50 AM my time, and it is now 11 AM.
Thank you for your time.