Sticky X/Y Sprite Project

Time for a one-month bump.
Mega Altaria

While I'm still not out of class yet (2.5 weeks left before freedom) I did finally manage to stay awake through lecture long enough to do a quick QC job, this time around on the frontsprite of Mega Altaria made by The Cynical Poet . If anything, it gives me a good reason to bump the thread. +)

>Made the clouds have darker outlines to better match Altaria's base sprite.
>Pulled in the neck to account for foreshortening and to better match the model, editted cloud muffler into full-on Cloud Beard. Because Mega Altaria is a PokeMan.
>Split the back-cloud into the five tail segments it has in OR/AS. Editted shading accordingly with the intent to imitate the shading on Altaria's base.
>Re-sprited the tail to make it split earlier on and appear more wavy and slender.
>Made the body a bit slimmer as well.

Starting Monday I might actually start having more time to sprite, so expect to see me becoming more active over the summer months. Until then, I've got watercolors and sketches and etc. that need drawing, so I'll chat more later. +)

Gotta say, aXl, the Mega Altaria updates are really great; in terms of linework and shading, I don't really have anything to comment on. However, one thing I've noticed with the Mega Altaria sprite in general (always have, mind you) is that the shade of blue is too dark. You'll find a spoiler tag below showing different media comparing base Altaria and Mega Altaria's color palette differences.

Sugimori art


Global Link art
Just wanted to get that out of the way, since I really feel the slight color differences do make a noticeable difference. I've already talked about this on Mega Salamence's sprite, but Mega Altaria's another one of those cases.

Speaking of which, I'm actually going to work on Mega Salamence's sprite again this weekend! It's been a long time, but I've been regaining my spriting drive, so I'm greatly looking forward to make all kinds of changes to the sprite.

Right then, that's all for now, everyone! Peace, Kyuzeth out.
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Farriella , What this sprite needs is a make over in general. I'll see what I can do, just to pile it on top of all the other crap I've been wanting to do.

Although I'm not particularly the busy guy I have like 17 days of school left, so you guys can expect me to do more after that. I'm also working on another set of sprites, one of which I already showed Princess. I'll probably make a video to go with it too x)

Oh yeah I still need to work on Groudon's color that exists too... So much shit to work on... Help me plz ;_; RIP Splash's inspiration and mobility.
I'm getting back into spriting a bit. I think we can all agree that out current Lopunny sprite is trash and that it needs to be replaced. I would have done something else on my to do list, something that was more needed. But just Farriella and I are having problems that I just needed to create one by scratch. Still WIP obviously, but I thinks at least somewhat better than what we had before.
The image on the left is just comparing Brongzong (same height) and normal lopunny.
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Special Delivery

Finally finished the collab with TrainerSplash so I thought I'd post it here. Hands are a pain, but at least we have something for the backsprite now. Only two/three more backsprites to go on my to-do list. +)

Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below, and I'll see if I can't get something else thrown together soon.

Also, have an enlarged version of a top-ten largest Pokemon contender:

TrainerSplash has had these shiny Primal Kyogre sprites for ages but they don't show in teambuilder. What's up with that?
In regards to the back sprites, it's most likely due to the fact that back sprites are never shown in the teambuilder, as they are solely for the battle system itself. I've just now checked the teambuilder, and only the regular sprites show up, it seems.
The sprites have been done for months and were never added to the doc or team builder for some reason.
It seems like the Doc itself has been updated in quite awhile either.
I'm human and miss things, also I've been preoccupied with other things.

I'll try to get to those parts in the coming days, but if anyone wants doc access and to pass me a zip of missing things I can always get the extra hand.
Think it may be a bit too quick so maybe you could try slowing it down a bit. You could try opening its mouth as well. But overall, it's nice :]
The thing about Mega Kanga is that the baby usually mimics the mother's movements, often lagging behind a bit. Try making it have similar movements but not quite in sync, for the rare animation I think this can be further shown by the baby looking up at it's mother or something similar. And yeah I agree the baby is a little quick, it feels it is in a menu sprite from gens 3-5 try making it less static and more of a smooth transition.
Added more movement, and the rare move. Do you see some error (only the baby, the mother is the original sprite)?

PD: The sprite needs to sync the time between frame (0,1 - 0,2 seg mother, and 0,15 all baby's frames). I have both sprite separated, and I merge them with photoshop, but I didn't find the option that allow to keep the same rate for each GIF. If someone know how to do that, tell me. I will google some solution these days.

its blinking a bit too much but other than that, its nice. You would have to give the baby more frames in order to slow it down. I dont think you can have 2 different frame rates.
I have a suggestion for the mega sceptile. Don't you prefer this sprite for the front view, than the sprite that already exists? Only I changed the head from the front spre to the back body, and this is the result (maybe, it need some fixes). The left image is my suggestion, and the right ir the actual sprite


I have a suggestion for the mega sceptile. Don't you prefer this sprite for the front view, than the sprite that already exists? Only I changed the head from the front spre to the back body, and this is the result (maybe, it need some fixes). The left image is my suggestion, and the right ir the actual sprite


Mega Sceptile's whole deal is that it attacks using its tail weapon, hence why it faces the opponent with its back; this makes it much easier for Mega Sceptile to attack with its tail. I'd keep it as is.