Sticky X/Y Sprite Project


Alolan Form
Update on my mega sableye. I really dislike how this head is coming out. So more feedback on that is good.
I updated the rupee gem a lot as you can see. Updated quite a lot showing reflected surfaces. I still plan to put it's transparency of the gem but it seems to do better without it. the only thing updated on the actual sableye are his eyes, and that horn? spike? what's that even called.


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Gem is looking much smoother, at the end feel free to make your own transparent but based on what I know of Sableyes available colours we won't have it so on PS.

Oh also some updating

You won't believe how many extra colours this thing originally had!

I ended up doing a lot more fixing than I intended to, but oh well. There is probably some more consistency fixing to do. My big hangup here is that dark orange and light red are now the same colour. I am either a genius or incredibly misguided and could give us some shiny headache later (not that some real shiny palettes aren't messed to begin with). So with that reason aside from some minor consistency edits I'd rather not touch this too much until we see the shiny.
I gotta say, that was a clever trick in regards to the orange bulbs on M. Sceptile. My only complaint on the sprite now is that the Red Tail Spike looks too flat without that extra shade.

Hi, could anyone recommend the best way of resizing these to 64x64?
My suggestion would be to break down the sprite into individual pieces and shrink each piece equally. That, or you could analyze the sprites in question and recreate them to the size of your liking.
Is it just me, or does Mega Sceptile look a tad... flat? Like, I'm not sure how to explain it, he just looks like he's casually glancing over his shoulder, instead of arching his body, craning his neck, looking backwards at his opponent. Maybe make his front-sprite's [as in the one that is facing its trainer]'s neck bend a tad towards the opponent to show some depth? It might totally just be me, though. Aside from that, the colours look amazing, and the backsprite looks perfect.

TrainerSplash - looks great so far! Can't wait to see more of it. Hopefully its "rupee" is blue when shiny, eh?

The Cynical Poet - I like what you've done with the body, and the pose and colours look really quite good! However, Layell's right in that the head does need some reworking. It's still too big, and its eyes make me think it's liable to go Jack the Killer on me, you know? It's still a really great base, though, and I definitely agree that the older one does need some touch-ups.
The Cynical Poet - I like what you've done with the body, and the pose and colours look really quite good! However, Layell's right in that the head does need some reworking. It's still too big, and its eyes make me think it's liable to go Jack the Killer on me, you know? It's still a really great base, though, and I definitely agree that the older one does need some touch-ups.[/quote]
Thank you! Seeing as people still say that the proportions are off, I decided to extend Litleo's body further.

The first two rows are Litleo with his newly modified body, with my colors and the current sprite's colors. The bottom two rows are slightly modified eyes. I honestly don't see why they're creepy in the slightest. I personally find them cute. But aside from that, I honestly can't figure out a way to make eyes that are less serial killer-esq that doesn't purposefully break away from what Litleo's eyes are supposed to look like. I included Shinx again as a comparison, and I honestly believe that with Shinx as a comparison, this new body fits in line with the B&W style. To give the exact numbers:

Litleo's head, including its ears, is 32x29, whereas Shinx's head, including its ears, is 35x25.
In respect to their body's, Litleo's body, not including its tail, is 26x20, whereas Shinx's body, without its tail, is 24x15.

I'd say that, with Litleo's added bulk to its body compared Shinx's, as well as Litleo's slightly smaller head width, Litleo's proportions should be fine. I don't expect Layell to accept the sprite, seeing as he is a merciless dictator already has a stigma against the Pokemon itself, though I figured I'd throw it out there in response to your comment.


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
This sprite project has been going on for a year, hard to believe time has flown by so quickly. This project actually had the first proposal back in late april of 2013, where I proposed it in response to some early gen 6 planning. Anyways we still haven't gotten the full 3D we wished for back then (3D isn't a pulgine), but the gif renders work well enough. Hopefully in this coming week I'll have an opportunity to celebrate that :D

Anyways I finally have some notes on the Honedge sprite, it needs some QC. I had it on veto for a while, but it's worse than I thought. On the front the ribbon fingers should be a cleaner line. In addition the back sheath needs some serious attention. If you look at the back of the model Honesge doesn't have its fingers visible at the back, they are merely attached at the bottom. This means that complex sheath is completely visible. To do it right we may need a fourth brown, which means an elimination of probably the marine blue shadow, I don't really have a problem with this as the back of the model doesn't have a big colour difference from front to back, whereas our sprite has two different shades. Whoever does this will also have to keep in mind colours for the shiny, and to avoid messing that up as well.

EDIT: Also before anyone even thinks about it I am reserving Mega Altaria for princessofmusic, because I know she will take us all down if she doesn't do that.
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EDIT: Also before anyone even thinks about it I am reserving Mega Altaria for princessofmusic, because I know she will take us all down if she doesn't do that.
princessofmusic should definitely sprite Mega Altaria. For that matter, I'd love to give Mega Salamence a go, as Salamence is one of my personal all-time favorites and I love its newly-obtained Mega Evolution. I'm gonna wait until the video with new info arrives so that I can get a better view of it, but I'm certainly giving it a go, if that's fine with you.
Personally I'd have liked to have given Mega Salamence a go - it's quite a sleek design and it would make a change from QCing :)

No complaints on princess doing Mega Altaria either.


Alolan Form
Well I'm going to give Mega Lopuny a go too. Since it seems to be the same as normal Lopunny just with a few lines and a new hair ear style.
After my version of her, I'll go try to help out with the others ones or continue on Sableye.


Alolan Form
Made my start with Mega Lopunny, Edited Megagross to work with it's new shiny counter part (which I added next to it), Made a Pikachu libre and a base for all Pikacosplays.
I'm home safely. Frankly, I was homesick the entire time and thought about the project every night before I fell asleep. Factor in stuff like boredom and seriously bad bug bites and we get a 4/10 vacation overall. )': Anyway, now I can put my foot down on some things.

Mega Sceptile

It still isn't where I'd like it to be, but regardless, it's a decent placeholder for now.


The Cynical Poet I like your new Litleo a lot more than the old one with the maniacal stalker face ngl. Apparently Layell disagrees with me but that's nothing new. Parts of your sprite seem a bit large and/or flat-looking, but hopefully, we can reach some form of compromise.


Layell, I de-approved it before leaving for a good reason. Like I said before, worst shiny ever.

Mega Altaria

EDIT: Also before anyone even thinks about it I am reserving Mega Altaria for princessofmusic, because I know she will take us all down if she doesn't do that.
princessofmusic should definitely sprite Mega Altaria.
No complaints on princess doing Mega Altaria either.
Whoa... I'm not as good as aXl.

Kyuzeth Salamence is my second-favourite Dragon after the fluffy soprano bird of doom. This Mega could've been better-looking though. ):


It looks great. Thanks, aXl. The only thing I have to point out is the left foot on the back sprite. Are you sure that the toes/claws shouldn't be visible? Other than that, I'd be ready to approve it, but we can wait for a finished Binacle first, since there are still loads of other things to animate (where have you animators been).


I want Pangoro redone eventually. It's low priority since it's already done, but I'm discontent with the current shading and proportions. I sort of figure that if Branflakes ever returns in time, he can redo his own sprite. Until then or until we finish most everything else, we can just leave this one alone for now.

New Releases

I get that we're excited about new stuff and need OK-looking static sprites by November, but don't forget that we have a whole bunch of old sprites that are still incomplete. I'm glad to see Cynical on Litleo, for instance. My goal up until this point has been finalizing as many XY sprites as possible before we get overwhelmed by ORAS stuff.

Lastly, the bloke whose ign name was "Jeremy" on the connecting flight to Chicago this morning and whose face I never saw... if perchance you actually saw the memo that said "Smogon sprites" and find yourself reading this, well, thanks for the cute Magcargo. I'll take good care of him.
I haven't posted here for ages but...update, incoming!

Just trying to get unfinished business done is all, namely Mega-Kangaskahan [Back], and QC's on Mega-Medicham and Hawlucha. Also, I have a new one in Mega-Diancie.

Mega-Kangaskhan [Back]

There were no matching backs for the new Mega-Kangaskhan Baby and thankfully, PoM reminded me of this. Not much to say here, but PoM did brought up the weird-looking back spikes on the past sprite so I made adjustments with the new one.

First course of action was to reduce the colors to reach the 15-color limit (which I'm guilty of breaking a number of times ;u;) From there, I went on to the main points to edit. 1. Smoothing out the floating bandages (please, I hope it's smooth enough now ;u;) and 2. Enlarging the fingers to make the hands more readable as a whole.


PoM and I worked together on Hawlucha briefly and this one I think is the latest one in progress. If I remember correctly, she did brought up my original Hawlucha sprite here but I believe this looks much better. The original looks as if it was squished vertically making it look a bit too pudgy whereas this one seems more anatomically true to Hawlucha. Edits include restructuring of the head and tweaking the "crotch fur".


The one on the spreadsheet was well over the 15-color limit (;u;) so aptly, I took care of that. Apart from that, the diamond dress arrangement were also tweaked and four of the yellow crests on its diamond lower body are now seen.

I'd say most of these are almost finished but still, comments and suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated, especially for Mega-Diancie!

Also, I'm gonna get my sappy-self on and ya'll need to deal with it. >:D~

This project means a lot to me as it hosted both my passion for spriting and Pokemon. I've met people here who were great source of inspiration and growth not only for spriting, but also for my personal side as well. I would just like to thank you guys who have been there throughout the project for making it the way it is now. And the way it is now is nothing short of amazing really. Special thanks goes to the mastermind of it all, Layell and of course, Co-Leader PoM. Cliche it may sound, but this project really would be nowhere without them.

Anyways, back to business.

I already made Mega-Lopunny actually but I see that TrainerSplash is already working at it. I am to blame really for not making any reservations resulting to such conflict. However, I am fine with you finishing the sprite and I'll just be ready for QC'ing if needed. As of now, I do have a few comments to share with you.

It is important to note that Mega-Lopunny is fairly taller than its base form so maybe at least a 3 pixel increase in height is needed and I'd say most of it would probably come from its legs. Other than that, there isn't much to say as you are still on the early stages. But, I do suggest making the pose more lively to better suit its new typing, Normal/Fighting.

The Cynical Poet I like your new Litleo a lot more than the old one with the maniacal stalker face ngl. Apparently Layell disagrees with me but that's nothing new. Parts of your sprite seem a bit large and/or flat-looking, but hopefully, we can reach some form of compromise.
I swear, I don't see why people don't think the original face was cute. Maybe I'm just into things that look maniacal...I hope that doesn't say anything about my girlfriend....*Gulp*

I'd definitely agree that my Litleo's shading needs a bit of a touch up, especially after resizing a couple of times. I've experimented with trying to make Litleo's face smaller, though I haven't had too much success in that endeavor.

Wobblebuns I love how your Mega Kangaskhan has been coming along, though I do a minor issues with her, being the shading. I've tried to put together my own palette:

The first one is yours and the second one is a slightly more...washed, I'd say? with colors taken from the X&Y Model. The third one is an experiment which is more reminiscent of Baby Kangaskhan's color palette in previous games. I just figured I'd post them all up, just to see some contrast.
I swear, I don't see why people don't think the original face was cute. Maybe I'm just into things that look maniacal...I hope that doesn't say anything about my girlfriend....*Gulp*

I'd definitely agree that my Litleo's shading needs a bit of a touch up, especially after resizing a couple of times. I've experimented with trying to make Litleo's face smaller, though I haven't had too much success in that endeavor.

Wobblebuns I love how your Mega Kangaskhan has been coming along, though I do a minor issues with her, being the shading. I've tried to put together my own palette:

The first one is yours and the second one is a slightly more...washed, I'd say? with colors taken from the X&Y Model. The third one is an experiment which is more reminiscent of Baby Kangaskhan's color palette in previous games. I just figured I'd post them all up, just to see some contrast.
Oh, I've been meaning to alter its palette for a while now but no one seems to be pointing out any problems about it until now so this part was remain untouched. I think it's best to stick with how it looks like in the official artwork, and to an extent the 3D models (not as accurate because some tend to be "washed up" in comparison to their Gen V sprites), which for both cases exhibit a more light blue/purple(?) shade. And so, I wouldn't mind using the second option. But personally, I think it's a little too blue so I suggest making it just a tad bit more purple. Now by changing the base color for the body, you would also need to recolor Momma Kangaskhan's claws (the shadow) as well to stay within the 15-color limit.
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Alolan Form
Mega Sceptile

It still isn't where I'd like it to be, but regardless, it's a decent placeholder for now.
hmm. Is this the front or back sprite you are talking about? If it's the front sprite I realize how it looks, and it also doesn't meet up to my expectations. I- or guess we as in the people working on the sprite, need to figure out how to make the head or just redo the sprite overall to match the backsprite. Lol I am such a bad spriter.

I already made Mega-Lopunny actually but I see that TrainerSplash is already working at it. I am to blame really for not making any reservations resulting to such conflict. However, I am fine with you finishing the sprite and I'll just be ready for QC'ing if needed. As of now, I do have a few comments to share with you.

It is important to note that Mega-Lopunny is fairly taller than its base form so maybe at least a 3 pixel increase in height is needed and I'd say most of it would probably come from its legs. Other than that, there isn't much to say as you are still on the early stages. But, I do suggest making the pose more lively to better suit its new typing, Normal/Fighting.
Hmmm do you mean make new feet? cause I was defiantly going to make new hands. It's Sugimori art shows it with it's leg up like blaziken a little. Should I implement that? I need to figure out how to do that hair those ears. It's going to look so sloppy due to my terrible spriting skills.

Pikachu Libre and Other Pikachu

Since we need new sprites for these guys (Already made libre so make sure to check it out guys!) should we be worrying about color amount? Pikachu Belle looks like it would take up too many colors. We should probably make surfing and flying pikachu sprites too. I would also like feed back on the base I made for the cosplay pikachu.


Alas poor Yorick!
is a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Yeah lets not make baby kanga purple ok, we also have to remember the shiny is even more purple. And I'll really only tolerate weirdish palettes on shinies lol.

I know I said that Pikachu cosplay was something I wouldn't touch but I enjoy maximizing the use out of each colour way too much to not do this.

Ok this is not the final palettes, but likely how many shades you can get away with per colour. Default Pikachu has 12, which is a ton already in yellow alone. So default is 3 flex colours, anything after that is stealing from the original.

Rock: We can use the cheek red on body, adding and extra grey and at least one green is necessary. Use lighter yellows for other sections.

Belle: Use light yellow parts for those weird tan parts, we may be able to cut out some of the yellows with that huge dress. I am not sure yet, this one has a lot of potential to be messy but very doable. Cutting a red and using shade and cover to get an extra light grey may also be required.

Pop: Easy

PhD: Cutting out the brightest yellow for hair is simple, we may want a blue for that dumb rare candy in the pocket but we might just ignore that too. Brown or White needing and extra shade is tough to decide at this point.

Libre: TrainerSplash should turn that birght yellow into a light grey to work with the white outlines more, and also watch how shiny works. We are lucky Pikachu has a very forgiving shiny that is basically a brighter yellow but this may result in some funky stuff. Use your flex colours where possible.

I am also not entirely sure about same pose, it's something we have to test, and considering how intricate the costumes are flexibility may be key. But if you want to be a jerk and make a new pose you better be doing the back as well!
The trailer has given us some really important details on Mega Salamence's design.

The screenshots and newly-released Sugimori art reveal Mega Salamence has light green scleras. The bright red lines on its stomach may also be worth of note, as well as the fact that its armor can slide open and shut so that it can retract and extend its forelegs.

I hope this information is helpful!


Alolan Form
Oh boy, more detail on the Pikachu Cosplays. More work for me. Not that I really care. I think I might make a new Mega Lucario Sprite soon, even though it's just a recolor of the BW sprite.


Alolan Form
That's essentially what the current sprite is, unless yours has modified proportions to correspond to Mega Lucario's slightly increased height.
Not really, I just don't like the idea of an exact recolor of the original sprite. By looking at Mega Lucario's posture and face he seems to be more calm. Our current sprite makes it look ready to battle and hyper. Which is not what is portrayed.
Not really, I just don't like the idea of an exact recolor of the original sprite. By looking at Mega Lucario's posture and face he seems to be more calm. Our current sprite makes it look ready to battle and hyper. Which is not what is portrayed.
Alright, that sounds pretty good! I'll be looking forward to what you'll bring to the table.
Not really, I just don't like the idea of an exact recolor of the original sprite. By looking at Mega Lucario's posture and face he seems to be more calm. Our current sprite makes it look ready to battle and hyper. Which is not what is portrayed.
Given Mega Lucario is pretty much finished and has everything, all this will do is waste time. Focus yourself on the sprites that are not marked in orange on the spreadsheet instead of going over stuff that has been long since approved, or it'll get to the point where ORAS is out and all the X and Y stuff isn't even done.

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