let's break that video down. i'll paraphrase to the best of my ability and add my own comments in brackets afterwards.
Q: When the generation is over and the servers for Xbox One are shut down, will the games still be playable?
A: It's still early to talk about the end of the generation when it's not even begun. The system is designed for flexibility, but let's get the system out there first.
[kind of avoiding the question and the system doesn't seem to be very flexible at all but w/e]
Q: If someone is banned, whether their fault or not, will they lose access to the games they purchased?
A: Absolutely not, you will always have access to the games you purchased.
[contradicts the tweet but that was apparently for the 360; though another tweet said they still had no info so idk. anyone know what it says in the tou?]
Q: I like to buy collector's editions and stuff with physical bonuses inside. Why can't someone with such a thing play the game offline for more than 24 hours? Why can't that work as a failsafe if the internet or servers or down - "please insert the disc to continue" or something?
A: With the way we designed the Xbox, it's based on flexibility, and one of the ways we can do that is sharing, so our being able to always see what's in your library is an important part of always being connected.
[but that doesn't mean that the failsafe shouldn't/can't work? doesn't make sense and that's like the opposite of flexible]
Q: What is the additional value brought by the always-online connection?
A: The system will be able to say "hey, this is your game," and it'll appear in your library without your having to do anything, so you can automatically have access to the most updated library.
[...what. that doesn't have anything to do with a forced always-online and my library is automatically updated when i /put the game disc in/ lolol or just buy it digitally so w/e]
Q: Will you change anything about the Xbox One after seeing the Sony conference? If so, what?
A: No, we're pretty happy with what we've done with Xbox One.
Q: What is your target audience for the Xbox One? Many people outside of the US are getting watered-down features or flat-out can't use the Xbox One. Why should someone who can't use your features buy Xbox One?
A: Xbox One is built for the future and the majority of the world is now connected. If they're talking about Netflix and such, it's an industry problem, not an Xbox problem.
[being a canadian i know this pain ;n; though isn't the xbox flat-out not going to work in some countries? not the same thing really + i wouldn't say the majority of the world has the internet when the majority actually doesn't - according to
this it's two and a half billion out of seven billion; while a lot of that is africa and many wouldn't have a console anyway, it's still a little misleading and a lot of people even in developed countries don't have a wireless internet connection at home]
Q: Can you please clarify how the HDMI input is going to be used? Is it going to allow input from a set-top cablebox or other HDMI compatible devices as well? Will the current Xbox 360 be able to be input into the Xbox One to allow the UI of the One to be overlayed onto current-gen Xbox 360 games?
A: Yes. Basically this means you can switch from TV to games in a flash while still staying connected to Live. You can definitely plug a 360 into the back, as well.
[the first part has always been touted and is cool, but he was a little unspecific about the xbox, though i guess he means what was described. pretty cool.]