xy teams used in classic po. surprisingly only one lando was used when it's typically in all my teams
thalk deo

It's literally just THALK with a Deoxys-A slapped onto the build for fun. I will hold that THALK as a base is fundamentally solid in the metagame, with pretty much every match-up and notable threat in the metagame covered evenly, though it's a bit more skill-based than other builds due to a lack of particularly strong match-ups as well. I look at the sixth slot in THALK as more of a flex slot than a constant; the prototypical version uses Sylveon, which capitalizes on all the spacing to be a slow wincon, but really the slot can be changed up depending on metagaming, style, or just personal preference. I've tried out Azumarill on this six, for example, for a wincon that can be played aggressively and for a Pokemon that has a better matchup vs Landorus-T and Heatran.
Deoxys-A is the one I used in my game vs SMB; I really just felt incredibly aggressive, if not ballsy, at the time. This was a version I tried out during DPL; it performed well enough in testing, but at the time it had Pursuit which really sucked so I put ESpeed on it instead. Deoxys-A fits well on this composition because it can quicky apply pressure on pretty much everything, working well with THALK's generalist, check-everything nature while appreciating the space that it gives back. Psycho Boost and Superpower have great neutral coverage between them, while ESpeed means I have more tools for Talonflame, rain, and moments when I slip vs opposing Speed control. This is certainly an aggressive yet probably viable take on the comp for sure.
lmfao what

It doesn't look like it, but this is actually a straight up Full TR team. I built this for last year's Grand Prix PO when I wanted to use Mega Gardevoir + Diancie for some fun with strong spread damage in TR along with ErupTran. Amoonguss is there as a facilitator / TR threat, with Gyarados being more of a utility attacker and Talonflame as a strong presence in any field condition (that can also make space for a TR set with a kill if played properly).
This team is really just good at playing for position, hitting stuff with strong attacks, and repeating the process due to how hard to pick off the threats are. Playing for resets is surprisingly not that difficult, and things that can Sub don't punish me that much due to my guys's good match-up against them. Amoonguss is not really a problem because my team still has presence outside of TR + I have a lot of techs for it; obviously Mega Gardevoir can just Psyshock, but I also have Gogs on Tran as well as double STalk double Band. Team looks iffy but it definitely bosses up, Diancie is good.

I was originally trying to build with MGar + double priority as a concept of an offensive team that works in any field condition, with LOKB and Keldeo for breaking presence and Raichu as facilitation, but the team was so weak to Scarf Lando-T I decided to have Scarf Kyurem-B instead, making it pretty much a bootleg of the prototypical geniekiller. I made this around pre-Skymin, and what makes this team a bit different is how Keldeo fits into the team's structure.
What makes Keldeo over Volcanion a viable option is that, though you do miss out on some TR match-ups as well as become somewhat weaker to Amoonguss, the team does become overall better in dealing with Mega Kangaskhan, opposing Kyurem-B, Hydreigon, and Heatran. That is to say, I definitely think that Keldeo is better in a faster, positioning-oriented metagame as the Speed, power, and coverage will be much more key in immediately pinning down the threats that Talonflame and Kyurem-B can't. There's also some personal flavor here in Helping Hand Keldeo, the move being useful in surprise picks with Talonflame and Bisharp and giving Keldeo presence even in a TR match-up.
double eject gar rain

This was built around last year's Grand Prix, originally designed as an offensive team that can eat alive common meta matchups at the time. At first this was Sludge Bomb / Focus Blast SubMGar, which was meant to destroy THALK, though I since changed FB to Shadow Ball as a more generalist weapon in the current XY metagame; the team still does retain its being a rain team that beats other rain teams, with CB Talonflame, Timid Kingdra, and Ludicolo that outruns Adamant MPert by a point being prominent features of the squad.
When it comes to HO teams like these, momentum is king. Double Eject Button is on this team, on the two support mons at that, for safely and efficiently setting up a position of strength; they're handy for quickly setting up rain, but they're also useful for times when position gets conceded and taking it back becomes a priority. Politoed and Amoonguss are also quite handy outside of providing a safe switch; aside from obviously setting rain, Politoed is slow for a decent TR match-up alongside Talonflame and Amoonguss, while Amoonguss is handy for soaking a hit for Kingdra and MGar. Mega Gengar is bulky because it doesn't really need the power that much as all it needs to do is stay alive and trap for longer; the spread itself is made to take a CB BB from Talonflame, which can be problematic if not efficiently dealt with.