Yanmega (Analysis) [QC 2/3]

No, the correct format is:

<p>With its excellent Special Attack, decent Speed, and superb coverage Yanmega is a pokemon that can tear through teams that lack the ability to deal with the two main sets that Yanmega runs. Gifted with two of the best abilities in the game, Yanmega is either able to increase its speed each turn with Speed Boost, outspeeding the entire metagame after one or two boost or, have flawless coverage with one of its attacks with Tinted Lens. The effectiveness of both of Yanmega's main sets play entirely his abilities therefore making him a very predictable Pokemon that can be easily countered but if a team is not prepared for either set, Yanmega could easily rip through teams.</p>

<p>Yanmega's transition to 5th Generation has been quite unfavorable. He does not learn any new moves and Yanmega finds himself somewhat outclassed by the likes of Volcarona and Venomoth as a special attacking bug due to Quiver Dance. With Sharpedo getting Speed Boost from Dream World and having much better overall coverage, Yanmega can no longer boast being the best Speed Boost user. In addition the now prominent weather also has not been favorable to Yanmega. With all the abilities doubling speed Yanmega finds himself outspeed, requiring two turns of Speed Boosts to outrun threats such as Chlorphyll sweepers and Excadrill.</p>
Scarfchomp as a lead? Nah. You outspeed it after 2 boosts anyway.

True, Yanmega does outspeed everything after 2 boosts, but that's not the point I was making. The claim was that Yanmega outspeeds all pokemon after a SINGLE speed boost, including scarf abusers. The statement was incorrect and I was merely pointing that out. Not to mention, but there are a whole slew of pokemon above base 95 speed that are commonly Choice Scarfed. Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Jirachi just to name a few. Whether or not any of these Pokemon are leads is irrelevant anyway, as they can switch in on the first turn Protect and then still outspeed Yanmega. Furthermore, max speed Deoxys-S outspeeds Yanmega after a Single boost without a scarf and is commonly seen as a lead. I am not vouching for them to be considered as counters or checks but I think it's important to make sure that Yanmega's speed is described properly in terms of what it can and cannot outrun, as beginning players may not be entirely aware of the speed tiers.
Heatran 2HKO'd by HP Fighting since they carry Balloon most of the time but it is also 2HKO'd by Air Slash, so the decision on whether to run Ground or Fighting really is about what you'd rather hit. Plus Air Slash is safer since due to team preview, a Heatran switch can be seen and predicted. Air Slash also 2HKOs.

You mentioned that Air Slash 2HKOes Heatran twice. It seems a bit redundant.
  1. Remove the name "Attacking Lead," mainly because I dislike the term "lead" with team previews around. Yanmega is useable outside of the lead position as well, so the name of the set isn't entirely fitting. You could use a name such as "Life Orb Attacker" in its place.
  2. Remove Focus Sash on the first set; it's only useful if the Yanmega user decides to put him in the lead slot during the start of a battle. Simply make Life orb the main option.
  3. On the Choice Specs set, remove Shadow Ball as an option and shift it down into Additional Comments. Shadow Ball's only function is to hit Ghost-types, and with Tinted Lens, Bug Buzz will be doing tons to Jellicent, the main Ghost-type in OU. As such, Shadow Ball isn't necessary.
  4. Also, remove HP Fighting as an option from the Specs set as well; HP Fighting is used for Heatran and the like, but again, with Tinted Lens, you'll be 2HKOing it with Air Slash, making HP Fighting unnecessary too. Keep HP Ground / Fire, I suppose.
So, in the end, this should look like the following after these changes are made:

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Protect
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: Air Slash
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ground
item: Life Orb
ability: Speed Boost
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Giga Drain / U-Turn
item: Choice Specs
ability: Tinted Lens
nature: Timid / Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Tyranitar should not be mentioned as a counter, it takes a lot of damage from a choice spec'd bug buzz (bug is super effective against rock/dark) or HP fighting. Also excadrill outspeeds in sand after 1 boost.
My fellow QC members have terrible avatars


Edit: Actually, i'm withholding my QC check until you update your counters section with relevant Pokemon.

-Aerodactyl isn't common in OU so remove all mentions of it.
-Trick Room is extremely vague, please remove it. If it were relevant Trick Room would be mentioned in nearly every offensive Pokemon's checks and counter list.
-How about mentioning Thundurus (who can only check the Speed Boost version) it resists both of its STAB and threatens Yanmega with Thunderbolt.
-Blissey is male, mention Chansey too.
-Remove the paralysis mention its too vague. Paralysis shuts down just about every sweeper in the metagame, this is common knowledge.
-Mention that anything that can take 1 hit from Yanmega is a check due to its frailty.
-Specially defensive Jirachi is a solid check.

BTW the Specs should be #1, the attacking lead set is terrible.
I've been using Giga Drain on my Yanmega. I took out protect and run it with Air Slash, Bug Buzz, and Hypnosis. I use him as a Sashed lead and then just keep going until he's KO'd. Its pretty great, especially in UU. It allows you to take on things like Quagsire and Suicune while getting a health boost as well. Mamoswine leads used to be a huge problem for me, but not anymore, now I just use Giga Drain to take on their Ice Shard so they can't 2HKO me.
Giga Drain is a solid option and that is why I mentioned it on the Specs set. I've never really run a Yanmega with Hypnosis, but he certainly has the speed to pull it off, especially if you run the Speed Boost variant but sometimes running Protect is just much more worth it so you can protect, then outspeed and then KO.

Of course since it is so common, many would just switch to a counter and that is when you nail them with Hypnosis.
Counters section is still pretty sub-par but oh well.
  • Make the Choice Specs set listed before the Speed Boost set.
  • Rename "Attacking Lead" to "Speed Boost Sweeper", and on that set, list Life Orb as the only item and mention Focus Sash in AC. Priority, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock are all far too common.
  • Mention that the Choice Specs set and the Speed Boost set have different counters. Speed Boost has trouble breaking through some bulkier Pokemon if they aren't caught by a powerful move on the switch, and the Specs set is much more prone to revenge kills.
Do that and QC Approved (3/3)