Zodiac Sign, is actually you?

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So i was looking around my updates on Facebook, and i got this APP from a Horoscope which reads your Zodiac sign, and tells you what exactly of a person that Zodiac sign is.

For example, I'm a Scorpio. But it turns out everything a Scorpio is, of a person is actually me. I was pretty shocked, since i never bothered reading it EVER!!!. Now that i did, is like somebody actually telling me what kind of a person i am. Except it wasn't a person, it was just a long Text of words lol.

But i think everything in there was soo true about me, being a Scorpio.

How bout you guys?! Do you believe everything your Zodiac sign says about you, is actually the kind of person you are now in days?!
It's really nothing. Many of these descriptions are vague, and apply to most people. For example a common statement is "dislikes confrontation" or "can be a good friend" or "when annoyed, gets unpleasent" or "likes company".

But I don't believe in Zodiac signs mostly because I have a twin (same Bday obv + same zodiac sign), and we seriously couldn't be more different. we have completely different personalities, looks, interests, dislikes, friends, et cetera. So Zodiac really doesn't mean anything to me, and I'm sure most people will agree. But It's a cool and interesting idea nonetheless
I must admit that the Crapricorn description is almost a mirror match of me. BUt that's it for the Zodiac. I don't believe those daily predictions on the newspapers, that's just bllshit. It is you who make your own destiny, not an old coot with a card deck.

If you want cool Zodiac stuff, watch Saint Seiya, lol
So i was looking around my updates on Facebook, and i got this APP from a Horoscope which reads your Zodiac sign, and tells you what exactly of a person that Zodiac sign is.

For example, I'm a Scorpio. But it turns out everything a Scorpio is, of a person is actually me. I was pretty shocked, since i never bothered reading it EVER!!!. Now that i did, is like somebody actually telling me what kind of a person i am. Except it wasn't a person, it was just a long Text of words lol.

But i think everything in there was soo true about me, being a Scorpio.

I chalk it up to the Forer effect


Would anyone mind cp'ing the description it gave you?
I'm a tauros yet not stubborn at all. Astrology is bullshit, pull a piece of paper out of a hate and it will be as accurate as Zodiac signs.
you will always find similarities to your zodiac, if you intend to.
Abuse says he is not stubborn, because that is a negative aspect of being tauros.
But he could have compared the tauros' strength with his own as well.
It's all relative
They just make the descriptions so vague that it seems like it really is describing yourself. I'm a scorpio as well and I had a little book my parents bought me about all of these "scorpio" traits and I was pretty amazed...until I looked at my sister's "libra" book and discovered most of those applied to me as well.
They just make the descriptions so vague that it seems like it really is describing yourself. I'm a scorpio as well and I had a little book my parents bought me about all of these "scorpio" traits and I was pretty amazed...until I looked at my sister's "libra" book and discovered most of those applied to me as well.
That's exacterly what I'm trying to get at. I mean almost everyone can be stubborn, therefore if a sign says stubborn it will apply to most people, and be successful. IT's complete nonsense, far too general and far to vague. The Horoscopes are as well. "You will have to make a choice" is a common one, well people do that anyway. Also "You will be suprised" is far to vague.

And anyway, it's utter crap to think your birthday affects your personality/ behaviour/ what's going to happen to you. I've been to a website where it says Scorpio can't be friends with Libra, which is bullshit because my girlfriend is Libra, and many of my friends are also. I really wouldn't ponder on this or take anything to do with Zodiac very seriously.
off topic, but jesus the irony here is too much! at the top of the page there's a web ad for kazulah.com, which is a website about the zodiac signs

that's not irony, that's advertising based on page content
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