League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

hey i'll play make a league champion

passive that reduces incoming CC with the exception of knock-backs, knock ups and supression
q - spammable gap closer that acts as an aa reset and refunds mana if i last hit something
w - true damage steroid and passive sustain
e - some sort of stun/slow thing that's based on your % health and your opponents that perfectly blends your kit together
r - massive life steal 4 time ranged skillshot that procs sheen with each button press

and to top it off great stats!

my dream champion~~~
Great! You've managed to create a identical champion to one we've had. Now, that wouldn't happen, but this might.

passive that reduces incoming CC with the exception of knock-backs, knock ups and suppression
q - some sort of stun/slow thing that's based on your % health and your opponents that perfectly blends your kit together
w - spammable gap closer that acts as an aa reset and refunds mana if i last hit something
e - true damage steroid and passive sustain
r - massive life steal 4 time ranged skillshot that procs sheen with each button press

This won't happen either, because morello hates Irelia...
Great! You've managed to create a identical champion to one we've had. Now, that wouldn't happen, but this might.

passive that reduces incoming CC with the exception of knock-backs, knock ups and suppression
q - some sort of stun/slow thing that's based on your % health and your opponents that perfectly blends your kit together
w - spammable gap closer that acts as an aa reset and refunds mana if i last hit something
e - true damage steroid and passive sustain
r - massive life steal 4 time ranged skillshot that procs sheen with each button press

This won't happen either, because morello hates Irelia...
I think you missed the point.

Regardless, what do you guys think of the Rumble nerds. He's been my favorite champion for a while now, and his Flamespitter was OP after it was fixed. I'm worried that the passive nerf will just cut him to the ground.
hes fine, the danger zone change reduced his damage by less than 4% and doesnt effect his ult, and flame spitter is still the single strongest non ult ap skill in the game, at 370 (+1.35), not including danger zone which would make it 462.5 (+1.688), compared to anivia's flash frost at 360 (+1).

edit: oh except nidalee spear i guess she has the strongest
hes fine, the danger zone change reduced his damage by less than 4% and doesnt effect his ult, and flame spitter is still the single strongest non ult ap skill in the game, at 370 (+1.35), not including danger zone which would make it 462.5 (+1.688), compared to anivia's flash frost at 360 (+1).

edit: oh except nidalee spear i guess she has the strongest

not a fair claim to make at all considering the full damage happens over 3 seconds at a modest range, you'd very likely be able to land 4-5 twin fangs in those 3 seconds so


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Yes but consider the range difference of those two spells. Top lane is full of melee champions, and Rumble's shield provides a speed boost which enables you to easily stick to the opponent. Midlane is filled with ranged champions so if Cass is hitting her E's, she's doing it from near max range. Even with her Q speed boost, you still have to micro in between each E spell to get the most damage output. It's much easier for Rumble to do his ticks of damage than Cass.

Danger Zone won't make a noticeable difference on W and E, while the main noticeable difference from Q is only viewable because of the damage nerf on Q itself. You have to consider the amount of damage that it does for basically no drawback. He has no mana setbacks because he has no mana bar and heat is better than energy in some cases just because of the damage boost (whereas energy has none).
I agree with marth but saying that Q has no drawbacks..

Low Range on primary source of damage seems to be a hefty drawback.
the other thing about flame spitter is during those three seconds you dont have to constantly use flame spitter like you do other rapid sustain damage abilities. you can focus your attention on juking or landing electro harpoons or just chasing an enemy without cast delay. you may miss a damage tick or two but since it ticks per half second you probably wont miss more than 90 base damage and .45 ap worth of damage if you start from a good position.

not saying rumble is the best ap in the game but flame spitter is definitely on of the best abilities in the game, though it may be in some respects due to how rumble functions as a champion as sm mentioned.

also your expectations for cass are way off theres no way a cass is going to get 4 twin fangs in 3 second since twin fang cool down is actually travel time + .5 seconds and if you managed to get 3 twin fangs in 3 seconds you will probably have taken a lot of damage yourself.

I agree with marth but saying that Q has no drawbacks..

Low Range on primary source of damage seems to be a hefty drawback.
its not even low range it has a range of 600. twin fang has a range of 700 for comparison.

and what he means is you have virtually no cost for using flame spitter since heat resets so quickly and you can just instantly get yourself into danger zone by landing an electro harpoon to slow then shield and spitter as instant follow up. the only cost you could say flame spitter has is that you can use it for the next 6 seconds. oh no.
Some of the manaless champs add interesting twists to the game (Rumble, Shyv) but really they're just overpowered as shit. They also can almost jungle by default since they can easily do red gank since they don't need blue. Kennen specifically is stupid.


the best
Great! You've managed to create a identical champion to one we've had. Now, that wouldn't happen, but this might.

passive that reduces incoming CC with the exception of knock-backs, knock ups and suppression
q - some sort of stun/slow thing that's based on your % health and your opponents that perfectly blends your kit together
w - spammable gap closer that acts as an aa reset and refunds mana if i last hit something
e - true damage steroid and passive sustain
r - massive life steal 4 time ranged skillshot that procs sheen with each button press

This won't happen either, because morello hates Irelia...
you really missed the point of that...
Alright heres my take on a super CC champ.

Naut Passive
Blitz Grab
Alistar Headbutt
Naut E
Amumu Ult
I dont think you could get away from that.
Nidalee's Passive
Rammus's Q
Zilean's E
Hecarim's E
Yi's Ult

Yi's base movement speed.

Go crazy and get across the map in just a few seconds.

Lulu's Passive
Udyr's R
Kogmaw's W
Teemo's E
Fiora's Ult

Kennen's ATS

Go crazy with all those on hits.

Twisted Fate's Passive
Veigar's Q
Nasus's Q
Gangplank's Q
Karthus's Ult

Farm up and kill everyone.
tried gragas and karthus last night.

karthus was only okay for me. i got almost all of my kills (I had 7) from Requiem. I was doing okay for most of the match but we lost pretty handily as a team which sucked ass lol

Gragas was fucking awesome though. He's a ton of fun to play and very good as well. I think I went 10-3 and had a blast doing it. It's fun to go 1v2 top and just harass with those barrels for a while and then eventually going ult for a double kill :3


Makin' PK Love
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Only took me roughly 700 games... but I have finally climbed from the depths of ELO Hell to being Silver ranked (started my slow slow slow climb at <1000).



proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Inb4 drops to bronze again.

But dammit, now I feel compelled to play this game to silver elo as well. But that requires actual time spent playing this game. I'm logged in all day and play 1-3 matches a day tops, NONE of them by myself.


Who let marco in here????
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^Put result notes next to the characters like Dyrus did.

Watching Rodan's marathon is pretty amusing xD. Playing in it is also kind of hilarious. I played in the Lee Sin match and the match started out downhill but once we figured out to focus their extremely fed and legendary but zero-defensive-item Darius (so many ppl got caught ._.) there was nothing the opponent could do. In contrast to my regular matches, the amount of decision making was much less burdensome, and it was kind of relaxing ^_^


Banned deucer.
lol yea i know i was just playing around with the elo comment. the boots comment remains. Real. finished shurelyas and bought oracles before getting boots 2. probably more than 1 oracles
lol yea i know i was just playing around with the elo comment. the boots comment remains. Real. finished shurelyas and bought oracles before getting boots 2. probably more than 1 oracles
That's perfectly fine if you're doing well. As Thorns once put it, boots 2 are a massive goldsink. You can get almost the same amount of CDR as well as HP by buying a Kindlegem instead, and Shurelya's will help you if you get caught. I often buy boots 2 after Shurelya's on the supports I play if it looks like lane's going to end before I can get both. Early Shurelya's is so useful.

The nice thing about early Shurelya's is Shurelya's is really useful if you're behind and lane is ending as well as if you're ahead.

She 'died a lot' though, so probably needed boots.

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