League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Banned deucer.
Yea i was thinking about it and i GUESS if you are support shurelyas to boost the rest of your team is a little more useful than personal boots but that entire game was a mess.

I see situations to get shurleyas over boots 2 but personally i wouldnt do it too often. remember you lose the gp10 part of the item so i dunno! i dont play support haha
i was just on a team that won in less than twenty minutes

is that common? i mean, the enemy team obviously kind of blew but we just absolutely raped their assholes. it was insane. i didnt even get time to recall and spend my 4.5k gold lol
Yea i was thinking about it and i GUESS if you are support shurelyas to boost the rest of your team is a little more useful than personal boots but that entire game was a mess.

I see situations to get shurleyas over boots 2 but personally i wouldnt do it too often. remember you lose the gp10 part of the item so i dunno! i dont play support haha
To be honest, my games never go beyond 30 minutes anyway...

But if you get early Shurelya's, pick up a Lucky Pick. I really like triple gp10 on support unless I'm horribly behind.


Banned deucer.
game 1: evelynn - 11/3/12 w
game 2: sona - 8/11/17 l
game 3: lee sin 4/10/20 w
game 4: katarina 8/8/10 l
game 5: lulu 5/9/16 l
game 6: rammus 5/15/24 w
game 7: swain 2/6/5 w
game 8: shaco 3/5/9 w
game 9: teemo 1/6/0 l
game 10: leona 0/7/2 l
game 11: karma 4/4/16 w

Jumpluff how do you prioritize wards vs items as a support? To many times I've gone back to face the dilemma of purchasing boots/ part of philo vs wards.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Some of the manaless champs add interesting twists to the game (Rumble, Shyv) but really they're just overpowered as shit. They also can almost jungle by default since they can easily do red gank since they don't need blue. Kennen specifically is stupid.
Kennen jungle true terror
Jumpluff how do you prioritize wards vs items as a support? To many times I've gone back to face the dilemma of purchasing boots/ part of philo vs wards.
i really dont see how this is a question directed at supports, when everyone in the game bar the ad carry buys wards (and even they do rarely)

if you need a ward buy one

too many supports get hung up on the idea that they are ward machines. this os false - they ward for two players, that is all


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
Sorry if this is an odd request but does anyone have a link to a map that shows where the "blue" and "red" neutral camps are?? I keep forgetting where they are. I need a map that shows a jungling route LOL.

Oh, an this isn't a question but a tip regarding neutral camps. If someone asks you to "leash" for them, it means they want you to attack a neutral camp (usually at beginning of game or at low levels) with a ranged character. This way, you can get some hits in while it chases them. Also, if you're going to attack a neutral camp, make sure you can finish off whatever is there. If you start to retreat, they just ran back to their camp and regain all their health instantly. This usually isn't an issue late game, but early on it is really annoying. Too many times I've bought potions early game, and wasted them while I fail to kill something at a neutral camp. I highly recommend getting someone to leash for you if you take on "red" or "blue" at level 1.
Sorry if this is an odd request but does anyone have a link to a map that shows where the "blue" and "red" neutral camps are?? I keep forgetting where they are. I need a map that shows a jungling route LOL.

Oh, an this isn't a question but a tip regarding neutral camps. If someone asks you to "leash" for them, it means they want you to attack a neutral camp (usually at beginning of game or at low levels) with a ranged character. This way, you can get some hits in while it chases them. Also, if you're going to attack a neutral camp, make sure you can finish off whatever is there. If you start to retreat, they just ran back to their camp and regain all their health instantly. This usually isn't an issue late game, but early on it is really annoying. Too many times I've bought potions early game, and wasted them while I fail to kill something at a neutral camp. I highly recommend getting someone to leash for you if you take on "red" or "blue" at level 1.
any jungling guide for a champion i've seen has a map. just look up a jungling guide for the champion you want to use and there will be a map


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
If Soraka was that far behind, I wouldn't have gone triple GP5 and instead went CDR boots with the money from Kage's. Triple GP5 is only good if you get it super early (pre-15 min mark) because it enables you to outscale the enemy support if they went double GP5 -> Shurelyas while you have more gold than them in the same amount of time.

Also Sona/Trist beats Soraka/Kog in lane so yea, botlane kinda stomped.

@Stagnant: If you need wards, get wards. If you still have 2-3 wards in your inventory when you go back and have 620 gold to get Philo, get Philo. Otherwise, get 1-2 wards and then Regrowth or Boots.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
Sorry if this is an odd request but does anyone have a link to a map that shows where the "blue" and "red" neutral camps are?? I keep forgetting where they are. I need a map that shows a jungling route LOL.

Oh, an this isn't a question but a tip regarding neutral camps. If someone asks you to "leash" for them, it means they want you to attack a neutral camp (usually at beginning of game or at low levels) with a ranged character. This way, you can get some hits in while it chases them. Also, if you're going to attack a neutral camp, make sure you can finish off whatever is there. If you start to retreat, they just ran back to their camp and regain all their health instantly. This usually isn't an issue late game, but early on it is really annoying. Too many times I've bought potions early game, and wasted them while I fail to kill something at a neutral camp. I highly recommend getting someone to leash for you if you take on "red" or "blue" at level 1.
Sounds like you are low level or something. People always help on wolves/wraiths + leash golem buff without even having to ask. But yeah for newer people reading this, help your jungler and leash. Also you don't need a map, just make a custom game and learn where all the camps are and respawn times.
Kennen jungle true terror
lol yeah. that post was pretty incoherrent. Obviously the jungle bit was unrelated to the Kennen bit. Kennen is so dumb mid because bad players aren't punished for missing harass unless you're playing an agressive laner. You'll also usually have to b before him since he has no mana to run out of.

But yeah, Rumble doesn't seem like a jungler but because he is manaless he can.
So today i discovered that not only is taric an awesome support but he is definitely the best support. Heal for sustain. Tanky as fuck. Stun. Burst. zomg so awesome.
Just went 19/4/9 as Caitlyn. First time I've ever carried as a ranged adc. Still didn't really "carry" though. Our top and jungle sucked and fed their mid Gragas but we won every teamfight because our Blitz and Veigar landed every grab and stun. Was pretty nasty.
Jumpluff how do you prioritize wards vs items as a support? To many times I've gone back to face the dilemma of purchasing boots/ part of philo vs wards.
What Thorns said pretty much, but since the question was directed at me, lane answer:

I try to go back with my partner where possible, so I tell them when I'm ready or will only need to wait a few seconds (not a minute and leave my partner 1v2 in lane) to buy component + ward. On the supports I play, I use the Wealth mastery, so I start Faerie Charm + 4 wards + Health Potion (unless I need a Vision Ward for whatever reason), and unless you need to ward every single opening possible, that can last you a long time. I favour getting my gp10 items over multiple wards and try to go back early to get more. I still need items and I will be horribly behind (putting our lane behind as well) if I only buy wards and buy them too slowly. If you have to go back and can't afford to finish your Philosopher's Stone and buy wards, then you should definitely let your laning partner know, because, let's face it, they might not check and they'll be playing under the assumption they'll have vision. You could delay your recall and try to pick up a single minion or something (if this is safe for your champion to do so) before you go back, which is half of one ward right there, or just tell them you need one for a ward and take it before you go back (don't fuck up their csing by trying to take half the wave because you can't hit a single creep).

With Philosopher's Stone, Greater Quintessences of Avarice, and two points in Greed (gp10 mastery), you'll have 23 gp10, so you earn a ward in thirty seconds. I often don't need to use my pot (because of the champs I play) so I end up selling it for another ward too zz

Of course, decision-making is important in LoL. If your lane is getting camped or your partner is getting zoned by Blitzcrank then a single ward for one of the brushes might mean all the difference in your lane and the few minutes you won't have your Philosopher's Stone will snowball you less but result in your partner farming more, so you should decide these kinds of things situationally sometimes.

Communicate with your carry. You are not their slave, but your job is to help them and if you recall at a bad time, depending on how the lane is progressing and what champions are in it, then they can get rushed 1v2 or be zoned out of all of their cs until you crawl back to lane. I might be naïve here, because I don't like supporting randoms so I only support people I can get along with, but if you can coordinate your recalls to suit both of you (e.g. hold off 30 seconds if you're not horribly pushed up so he can afford another Doran's Blade while you go back and finish your Philosopher's Stone) by telling them you'll need to go back soon, things will definitely work out better for both of you.

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