Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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Good point. Another thing you can do is scout choiced Pokémon. Switch in Mimikyu, negate the damage, see what they locked themselves into and then act from there. This is assuming Disguise resets upon switching Mimikyu though.

if it reset via switching that could make Mimikyu unkillable

With all these new abilities, I'm starting to think that it'll be pretty cool to "change" you mon's ability with a new mechanic. I've always found annoying abandoning the mons of my first run 'cause of bad IVs and abilities (especially starters and legendaries), now that the IVs problem is solved, it could be cool to do the same with the abilities. Of course not any random ability, just changing between a number of limited abilities (now we have 3 at most for each pokémon, I'd say 4 would be a good number of potential abilities for each pokémon, excluding signature abilities and megas). Of course changing the ability too soon could be game breaking, it would need some kind of limit, but it's easy to control, maybe permitting the change at level 100 as for the IVs, or just getting the new mechanics after completing the story.

There was ability an item that changed abilities, just not to hidden abilities
I'd like to get back to bewear's ability. It's not really Fur Coat with a weakness added. Fur Coat halves the power of moves which use the defense stat. Fluffy halves the power of contact moves (by the way I read it). So, earthquake is only halved by Fur Coat while Grass knot is only halved by Fluffy. I don't say that's better, but it's different.
I'd like to get back to bewear's ability. It's not really Fur Coat with a weakness added. Fur Coat halves the power of moves which use the defense stat. Fluffy halves the power of contact moves (by the way I read it). So, earthquake is only halved by Fur Coat while Grass knot is only halved by Fluffy. I don't say that's better, but it's different.

That does make it different... I wonder if that means more moves are covered by Fur coat or Fluffy?
IV training n_n. The entire VGC community's been waiting for this. Can we also get an IV dropper?


I hope you get more options to change in the ruleset you're making, such as pkmn/move eligibility and levels.
Wait, is this on Pokémon's website? Could you link us?

Poor Game Freak losing all credit :(

Now, the fact you need to collect bottlecaps of all things to get access to IV manipulation somehow reminds me of the guy that forces you to get some soda in the first Left 4 Dead 2 chapter so that you can move on. Seriously...
Bottle Cap collecting is a popular hobby in Japan iirc, hence why James in the anime does it. Plus it makes a little sense - to raise your stat cap, you need to collect caps... aah, puns.

I'd like to get back to bewear's ability. It's not really Fur Coat with a weakness added. Fur Coat halves the power of moves which use the defense stat. Fluffy halves the power of contact moves (by the way I read it). So, earthquake is only halved by Fur Coat while Grass knot is only halved by Fluffy. I don't say that's better, but it's different.
Unfortunately, while that is cool on the surface, it's not that brilliant - there's very few contact special moves and even fewer good ones.
Mudsdale looks amazing. CLydesdales always looked cool to me, and this is no different. If this horse gets slack off if could become a impassible physical wall with that ability. Heck, even chesto resto can work on this horse if it already has a decent enough defense stat. Plus it looks to have a unique move, so thats cool

All in all, a great trailer. I am surprised just how many new pokemon they have been showing us on a monthly basis. We are still a little under 4 months away, what more can they show?!

Mudsdale's new move is called "High Horsepower". It's shown in the video on the website. I'm worried they are revealing too much to be honest unless there are a huge number of new mons and they maybe kept some Gen 6 designs for Gen 7 to explain the difference in the numbers? I'm not so sure.

EDIT: About Fur Coat, I'm pretty sure I remember this being translated oddly as well and we didn't know for sure how it interacted with moves until the games came out. Sames like the same ambiguity could be applied here.
I'd like to get back to bewear's ability. It's not really Fur Coat with a weakness added. Fur Coat halves the power of moves which use the defense stat. Fluffy halves the power of contact moves (by the way I read it). So, earthquake is only halved by Fur Coat while Grass knot is only halved by Fluffy. I don't say that's better, but it's different.

I dunno... the spanish version says "physical moves", so there's some inconsistency here. Better wait for in-game results, I guess. As simple as using physical spread moves on a Bewear and a Furfrou. Earthquake is the best pick, as it's not a contact move and is neutral on both.
All this talk about IV's and bottle caps and the only thing I can think about is:

Back to the news dropped. Even though I like all the new Pokémon, abilities, etc. I really hope they slow down a bit with the reveals. As much as would like to know more about the region, I also want there to be some surprises left to uncover.
To clarify (can't load up videos right now) - did the Pikachu have multiple stats boosted in the trailer? If so I think I'm going to die because I caught a Shiny Latios (soft resetting in ORAS) but it had the worst spatk and speed imaginable... if I can make that usable then Nintendo are my heroes.

And then you cry because having 31 IVs across the board = Hidden Power Dark aka useless. I hope they can allow us to choose by how much we want the IVs to increase by though
small note if they kept super training for evs on top of hyper-training for ivs;
Changing ivs, evs, and with ability capsule means pokemon from gen 1 transferring to gen 7 will be easier to get perfect, only issue is probably not hidden abilities and probably need to catch a few to get the right nature
Mimikyu would be fine for pivoting around. It has 3 immunities (fight, normal and dragon), which means the ability is not triggered every time Mimikyu switchs in. Thing is, the concept Mimikyu is based on doesn't suggest it will be getting an evolution, which probably means low BST and, in consequence, poor results in the competitive scene. Anyway I don't want to talk about its potential this early, as people have proved over time that they are not entirely capable of predict the impact a certain Pokémon will have in the metagame unless it is too late.
It's only revealing too much if there is only like 70 new Pokemon like XY.
Honestly even just 45 Pokemon catered competitively is more gamechanging and exciting than 100+ mons with 80 being useless.

I'm also calling it that Mimikyu will be used a lot in HO. Pokemon with a lot of immunities (it has 3) with an ability that basically acts as a 1 HP substitute makes it an excellent pivot and gives it many opportunities to switch in and deal damage.
Oh sweet... these new things are like godsend for Smogon, no?

Stamina sounds abusable in Triples unless they pull another Furfrou.
Fluffy is... err... inferior variation of Fur Coat? Told everyone, Flareon or even Furfrou is still fluffier.
Wimp Out seems to be something good if they're distributed more.
If Triage gives more than just one priority, I have bad feeling that GF will someday make even more crazy priority modifiers....
Disguise seems to be Mimikyu only. Matters not, I already love this little stuff. I'm hoping that it'll not be the only gimmick, though. Hoping for evolution....

Hyper Training? So no more stupidly tiring soft reset for best legendary? Holy Arceus, Hallelujah!!
Honestly even just 45 Pokemon catered competitively is more gamechanging and exciting than 100+ mons with 80 being useless.

Who cares if they're useless, barely a fraction of them are ever worth using in OU up. I just like tons of variety and good designs, over just fucking 70 okay at best designs.
While iv breeding is amazing for battling, it's pretty insulting for those people that breed, SR and RNG because from avid Breeders, RNGers, SRers, this is just feels like it's devaluing our stuff that we worked hard for. I've bred 50+ unique comp shinies and I'd hate to see all my effort go to waste over shinies people can catch and train like it's nothing.
While iv breeding is amazing for battling, it's pretty insulting for those people that breed, SR and RNG because from avid Breeders, RNGers, SRers, this is just feels like it's devaluing our stuff that we worked hard for. I've bred 50+ unique comp shinies and I'd hate to see all my effort go to waste over shinies people can catch and train like it's nothing.
Just keep it in your good memories man Nintendo/GameFreak is actually fixing a feature that shouldn't take hours and can make Pokemon you used in-game good competitively a lot easier and I'm probably still going to gen minus VGC but I appreciate this a crapton for VGC and I don't find any insults at this.
While iv breeding is amazing for battling, it's pretty insulting for those people that breed, SR and RNG because from avid Breeders, RNGers, SRers, this is just feels like it's devaluing our stuff that we worked hard for. I've bred 50+ unique comp shinies and I'd hate to see all my effort go to waste over shinies people can catch and train like it's nothing.
Not necessarily. One of the greater things about this system is that right off the bat, even though we don't know much, we can already see it means competitive breeding was not a waste of time - you don't have to use up an item, and you don't have to get your 'mon to Level 100. The way I see it this new method is best for fixing up something that was almost perfect in breeding - like, say, a Gengar with perfect IVs in HP, Defence, Special Attack and Special Defence but not Speed - and, of course, for non-breedable Legendaries. Not to mention event Pokémon!
While iv breeding is amazing for battling, it's pretty insulting for those people that breed, SR and RNG because from avid Breeders, RNGers, SRers, this is just feels like it's devaluing our stuff that we worked hard for. I've bred 50+ unique comp shinies and I'd hate to see all my effort go to waste over shinies people can catch and train like it's nothing.

No one is stopping you from breeding. In fact, breeding is still very important., Egg moves, natures, Shiney breeding, Hidden ability transfers, and getting 5 perfect IV's at a low level means less bottle caps needed to get to 6 IVs at level 100.
"What is this Pokemon you're showing me ?! I don't know how to train this kind of beast !" :mad: Game Freak please don't do this.
That would be very disappointing.
Even if it were the case - and I doubt it would be - it'll at least be good for in-game 'mon, shinies and events where you couldn't really control the IVs as much as you can in breeding.
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