Maximum Carnage Mafia - Avengers Win! (As well as Pidge and tredge)


The Sirens were blazing. The evening news was ablaze.

The Serial Killer Cleatus Kassidy, known more frequently as Carnage, has broken free from Ravencroft this evening. Carnage is best known for being one of the most violent and deadly of Spider-Man's villains. Our own Ben Urich is live on the scene

Thanks Mary! Apparently Carnage has been planning this for quite a while. There are notes in his cell that show that this will be very bad for New York City. When he broke out, he took some other criminals that he has dubbed the Carnage Squad to help him terrorize this town. To make matters worse, the first thing he had planned upon his escape was to recruit the Sinister Twelve to help him defeat Spider-Man once and for all. Back to you Mary.

Thanks Ben. We have just received word from the NYPD that they have been in touch with Spider-Man. Apparently he will not be handling this fight alone. He has sought help from both The Avengers and The Slingers to help him deal with the Carnage menace.

In addition, one person who was going to ally with Carnage has already been caught.

RB Golbat said:
Dear Mekkah,


You are the Black Cat. A renowned thief, you had a crush on Spider-Man until you realized he was married and would have nothing to do with you. Your anger made you so mad, that you decided to join the Sinister Twelve. However, before you could met up with them, you were captured.

Being a quick and nimble thief, you will be the first on a scene of a death, and escape with all the items that user has holding.

You win if the Sinister Twelve win.


Welcome to Maximum Carnage Mafia hosted by RB Golbat and Dubulous.

Game approved by Mekkah.

Rules and stuff:

1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

2. The game will begin on Night 0. Kills are invalid on Night 0, but any other roles are valid. During this time, no one may paste any part of his or her role PM unless they are mafia members on the same team. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM RB Golbat if you want help creating a fake role PM.

3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are not perfect and will most likely make mistakes in role PMs.

3.1 If you find an error, please contact either RB Golbat or Dubulous and we will fix it.

4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM RB Golbat or Dubulous for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.

5. Each Day period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case (a majority of votes is up to the host's discretion).

6. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received.

7. During the day you must bold your vote and use vote/voting/lynch/lynching or any variation (I will be lenient with this). To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to no lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will be nullified. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.

8. You may target dead users with your abilities, but that does not mean anything will happen.

9. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. That means don't ask about them.

10. There are items in this game. You may hold an arbitrary number of items at one time. You may give away an item at any time by sending a PM to RB Golbat and Dubulous entitled “Day/Night X – Giving <item> to <user>.” The item will reach user at the conclusion of that Day or Night.

10.1 If a person is holding an item when they die, their items will be given to the killer.

10.2 If a person is holding an item during a lynch, it will randomly be given to someone who voted to lynch them.

11. I should be informed about all google docs, spreadsheets, IRC channels, pastebins, or whatever else you create for this game.

12. IRC use is crucial to communication in this game. If I find any user's neglecting IRC or other communication with his or her team, we will sub out (after prodding of course).

13. If you have any questions about the game, you can find either of us on IRC on #smogon, #stark, or #fluodome. You can find both RB Golbat or and Dubulous under our respective nicks (although RB Golbat might be TaylorSwiftFan).

14. Send all PMs to RB Golbat and Dubulous, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given night/day, don't forget to PM us "Night/Day X - Idling" to make it much easier for us.
Since people on both sides have been asking, I will answer it here if it wasn't clear enough from the sample role PM/story in the opening post:

The Sinister Twelve, Carnage, and The Carnage Squad are the Village

The Avengers, Spider-Man, and The Slingers are the Mafia


Player List: (3 Alive)

6. Dogfish44
8. Fangren
11. Goodbar

Important actions:

Thorns subbed out for DCJ
asim subbed out for LonelyNess
2. Anachronism - Sandman - Sinister 12 - Inspector - Vaccumed up Day 1
X-Trader subbed out for Johann
Matty subbed out for -mind-
16. macle - Carnage - Sinister Twelve/Carnage Squad - Village Lynchpin/Mayor - Killed Night 1
26. tredge - Venom - Neutral - Lynchpin Breaker - Won Night 1
10. Game_Freak201 - Dopleganger - Carnage Squad - Hooker/Thief - Lynched Day 2
9. FinnRagetti - J. Jonah Jameson - Sinister 12 - Announcer - Arrested Day 2
7. Eo Ut Mortus - Prodigy - The Slingers - Bodyguard - Killed Night 2
5. DarkAmber8828 - Demogoblin - Carnage Squad - Redirecter - Killed Night 2
4. assassinfred - Carrion - Carnage Squad - Safeguard - Killed Night 2
23. TanzAufDemVulkan - Rhino - Sinister 12 - Cannonballer - Died Night 2
3. asim --> LonelyNess - Spider-Man - Slingers/Avengers - Mafia Lynchpin/Hooker - Killed Night 2
19. Pidge - Morlun - Neutral - Lynchpin Breaker - Won Night 2
Scrubs subbed out for zerowing
20. reachzero - Shriek - Carnage Squad - Silencer/Vote Changer - Lynched Day 3
21. Scrubs --> zerowing - Jackal - Sinister Twelve - Role Copier - Killed Night 3
Anachronism sprung from jail
14. Kannon - Kraven the Hunter - Sinister Twelve - Inspector - Lynched Day 4
25. Thorns --> DCJ - Green Goblin/Norman Osbourne - Neutral - Wolf - Killed Night 4
15. Kharozz - Chameleon - Sinister Twelve - Reverse Martyr - Killed Night 4
29. zorbees - The Vulture - Sinister Twelve - Tracker - Lynched Day 5
Johann subbed out for askaninjask
Xyphang subbed out for Igor
27. X-Trader --> Johann --> askaninjask - Scarlet Witch - Avengers - Redirector - Lynched Day 6
J-Man subbed out for shade
24. the interwebs - Kingpin - Sinister Twelve - Reviver - Killed Night 6
13. J-Man --> shade - The Beetle - Sinister Twelve - Bodyguard - Lynched Day 7
28. Xyphang --> Igor - Spot - Sinister Twelve - Switcher - Killed Night 7
12. HD - The Hornet - The Slingers - Thief/Persuader - Lynched Day 8
1. Alakapimp - Dusk - The Slingers - Kidnapper - Killed Night 8
18. matty --> -mind- - Black Widow - Avengers - Silencer - Lynched Day 9
22. Supermarth64 - Doctor Octopus - Sinister Twelve - Thief - Killed Night 9
17. MagicMaster87 - Captain America - The Avengers - Safeguard - Lynched Day 10
2. Anachronism - Sandman - Sinister Twelve - Inspector


Does whatever a SPIDER PIG does

Can he swing

From a web

No he cant

He's a pig


He is a SPIDER PIG!!

Gl everyone
Whoever has the role Carnage, please contact me on IRC.

edit: I strongly recommend that whoever has an inspector role inspect me and report back to your alliance accordingly. Once I am confirmed village, this will be a lot easier.