Wi-Fi Event Discussion -(NA/EU)Deoxys out now; (JP)Genesect reveal

Wow this is pretty great. Will you be able to catch it in the wild or will it just be given to you at a Poke Center like Keldeo was? I'd like to use the Synchronize trick to get a Jolly nature for Deoxys-S. I suppose I could just soft reset a bajillion times like I did with Garchomp, Keldeo, etc.
I bought that game and 100%ed it. I kinda want to know where the deoxys are...

Either way though it's an event. Clearly nintendo thought it was rare enough to need an event. And it kinda does.
@duke3528: The Deoxys mission in Guardian Signs was an event-only DLC mission. It is no longer available for download as of January 2011.

@blitzlefan: Given that there is no in-game event for Deoxys in the coding of any Gen V game, there is no choice but for them to just give it to you at a Pokemon Center.
Or you can buy Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs and get as many as you want when ever you want

That required two DS's and two Guardian Signs games though. Plus this Deoxys has Dark Pulse and Nasty Plot which I'd take over Meteor Mash and Detect any day, and like mentioned earlier the event is no longer active.
I remember a similar Japanese event Deoxys came in a Dusk Ball; will this also come in a Dusk Ball or will it be in a Cherish Ball?
Odds are it's a clone of the Japanese event, which means it'll come in a Dusk ball.
How is this a topic all on its own? This Deoxys event was performed in Japan a year ago, and they never translated it over until just now. Geez, PR people, way to bug your western fans...This makes me wonder how soon they're planning on translating that Mewtwo with Hurricane.
Can't wait for this, ever since I accidentally deleted my old Deoxys from the old event.
How is this a topic all on its own? This Deoxys event was performed in Japan a year ago, and they never translated it over until just now. Geez, PR people, way to bug your western fans...This makes me wonder how soon they're planning on translating that Mewtwo with Hurricane.

I guess they'll do that and Shiny Genesect around August/September to hype up XY even more.
I was so jealous of my Japanese friends when the download was available then, but HELL YES it's available in the US now! :) Also, I really want an Arceus event. We haven't had one in ages and I want to be able to use EK Arceus legally.

Edit: yeah, I missed the Arceus event.
"All English Language Games"

:| Yeah because North America is the ONLY place that speaks English -_-

Yeah, why would England speak English? That's just stupid.

Besides, only England is getting it, America speaks American technically! :)

And Australia is fine because it they have awesome voices there! :D
I was so jealous of my Japanese friends when the download was available then, but HELL YES it's available in the US now! :) Also, I really want an Arceus event. We haven't had one in ages and I want to be able to use EK Arceus legally.

Wait, why can't you? I thought Extremespeed was a level up move.

Unless you're implying you missed it.

I'd like an opportunity to nab a shiny one :D

As of right now, the only Pokemon that can't be shiny are:


I'd love it if these guys could somehow be worked into gen 6 to appear in the wild. Perhaps it could be done in a similar fashion as the original mystic ticket.

I can guess that Reshiram and Zekrom are unable to be shiny because it'd contradict the cutscenes, Celebi was never available in the wild, Arceus's hall of origin was never accessible (wasted potential there), and Meloetta, Keldeo, and Genesect are event only which have a shiny lock. But why Victini? That just seems weird to me.
How is this a topic all on its own? This Deoxys event was performed in Japan a year ago, and they never translated it over until just now. Geez, PR people, way to bug your western fans...This makes me wonder how soon they're planning on translating that Mewtwo with Hurricane.

I'm sure this Nasty Plot Deoxys is from December...
I'm sure this Nasty Plot Deoxys is from December...

also it's coming now, rather than back in december, is because oh hey

The english version of this, Plasma Freeze, is being released at the same time.
How is this a topic all on its own? This Deoxys event was performed in Japan a year ago, and they never translated it over until just now. Geez, PR people, way to bug your western fans...This makes me wonder how soon they're planning on translating that Mewtwo with Hurricane.

It was released in Japan a few months ago, not a year ago. This is normally about the standard time it takes for them to translate the event over to other languages. And honestly, you should just be glad that they even bothered to translate the event to English (and presumably other languages soon after).
It was released in Japan a few months ago, not a year ago. This is normally about the standard time it takes for them to translate the event over to other languages. And honestly, you should just be glad that they even bothered to translate the event to English (and presumably other languages soon after).
I mean...wat.

Maybe last December really feels that far away...time to go outside and walk birds in nature.

did you guys know they're redistributing this Deoxys in Japan at the same time the english games are getting it?
I decided that rather than new threads for every giveaway, we can just have one so I'm commandeering this.
More corocoro leaked out and it detailed the Genesect event we knew was going to happen but with more than what we thought it'd get!

Level 100
@Choice Scarf
-Extreme Speed
-Blaze Kick
-Gear Shift
-Unrevealed 4th move (I'd guess Techno Blast)