Autumn Friendly 2012

Just faced someone with a weird name but it the primary focus was "Donut" from Arizona. I literally haxed him nearly every turn, he even got a double Icy Wind miss. He forfeited at 4-1, that is truly inspirational. My hat goes off to this guy.
Just started and I'm doing decent. Priten from New Jersey, USA.
I accidentally put a wrong item on a mon so I'm making up for that by winning ;)

So I just battled that one korean player. Boy what a match.This was the match that would get me to 1800 or see another 10-20 point drop. I seen specs cress as soon as he ohko'd my top, and I suspected scarf mence though I never truly found out if it was. Though I haxxed him with the dp crit the match comes down to his +6 ttar, and my near dead cress.

Well now im 36-4-9 at 1800 something.

So I just battled that one korean player. Boy what a match.This was the match that would get me to 1800 or see another 10-20 point drop. I seen specs cress as soon as he ohko'd my top, and I suspected scarf mence though I never truly found out if it was. Though I haxxed him with the dp crit the match comes down to his +6 ttar, and my near dead cress.

Well now im 36-4-9 at 1800 something.
I battled him too! His mence was scarfed, his mence outsped my scarf mon.
so bored of this tournament already

but i keep on playing anyway

Haha, I can also feel that coming soon too but I want to try and gather as many points as I SRSLY can this time, even if I have to American body clock it.


Gonna watch that then probably sleep. I want to take a break, so far i'm around 1662 not updated. I've taken 2 heavy losses like a man.
With around 7 Dcs and 19 wins. The dc ratio is also making me want to stop a bit (if it makes any difference).
If anyone wants to look at my records with extra info, it will be on page 9.
Thundurus doesn't learn Tailwind hahaha (unless you mean Thunder Wave but a paralyzed mon won't outspeed anything but the very slowest mons even in Tailwind)
LOL, that's totally true. I keep confusing it w/ Tornadus! So I kinda botched that.

My Terrakion had a berry to shrug off paralysis/sleep anyways. :P

Handling a bulkier team would have been interesting - I think I would have CCed your hitmontop to get rid of him, probably surviving a technician boosted STAB super effective mach punch once, but not twice, then it would have been me trying to drop rockslides all day long.

But when my protect didn't work as I'd expected it to, game over man! Game Over! :P
just got back to the touny after like a 2 hr break

Heres the battles...

Match number I dont recall W 2-0
Felix from spain w 3-0
JaciMew from spain Loss 0-1
Rekoner from Mexico w ???
Jack from ??? won 3-0
Noe From mexico w 4-0
Nestor ill (usa) w 3-0
Rio 1483 from none won 1-0
Yazan 1449 from none w 4-3 after t1
Jesus From none w 3-0
Timatab 1489 From texas W 3-0
1585 ced france W 2-0
1546 Nicolas France 3-0
1526 rick Honduras w 4-0
1541 pAtrick AUSTRIA W 4-0
1701 Fred france L0-4
1378 Matt UK 4-0
1500 diego canada 4-2 dc
Pako spain 1500 2-1 Win
markell Georgia 1490 w 3-0
Noir from none 1510 w 4-1
Black 1404 4-0 W
Roxas 1527 canada w 2-0
1625 Uwe netherlands L 0-1
Andy 1718 Ohio w 2-1
1740 Luci Germany W 2-0
sapul 1522 Mexico W 4-2 d.c
Esther 1333 spain W 2-0 d/c
IVO 1500 portugal 3-0
Pablo 1389 spain 3-0
Andrea Italy 1663 W 1-0?
BABBY? none 0-1 soooo close
1482 salazar UK W 2-0
ERvin 1253 None w 4-0
Phatsu France 1588 4-1 D/C
Pikchu none 1500 3-0 W
1705 Nido L0-3
Kuzkan 1635 none D/C
J.L 1643 spain D/C 2-1
1768 #1 nick d/c
mirka Usa 1609 W 1-0
Kamek Az 1579 W 1-0
OMR mexico 1446 D/C 4-3
1454 Axel Brazil w 2-0
1475 edson Mexico w 4-0
ash 1475 none 4-2 d/c

my record is 59-14-18 with a record of 1771 I had a 1776 rating but i lost to Babbytron by 2hp or so... that really hurt and other than that it has been a d/c fest, and i have been winning since will play more tomarrow and I will be filming
Whos Mavric rated 1710. Really close match, lucky with the crit at the end. GGs


Teammate running nearly the same team is 14-1-1 right now too
Im going to call it a night. Managed to get a fun battle against OT:Dmac

BV# 15-61212-36048

Im currently 47-4-9(or10) at a 1836 rating. Im going to plan on getting it to the 1950's tomorrow haha.
What is the reality about disconnections? Do you get +1 disconnection every time your opponent disconnects (and therefore you may be disqualified if you have 10% more disconnects then average even if you never disconnect) ?
What is the reality about disconnections? Do you get +1 disconnection every time your opponent disconnects (and therefore you may be disqualified if you have 10% more disconnects then average even if you never disconnect) ?
Sadly, yes. Just hope you don't run into too many DCers :/

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