Fusion Evolution V3 (Voting Phase)

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Parents: Diggersby / Bibarel
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Diggarel
New type: Ground / Water
New base stats: 92 / 80 / 78 / 62 / 78 / 84
New ability and desc: Giant Power (Huge Power + Simple) - Attack stat is tripled.
Notable moves: Waterfall, Earthquake, Aqua Jet, Quick Attack, Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, Wild Charge, Ice Punch, U-Turn, Swords Dance, Aqua Tail, Crunch
Role Identification: An effective base 240 attack. Not much else to add there aside from the fact that it has Swords Dance.
Also, just pointing out that that's not how stat tripling works, it triples the final stat not the base one:

base 80 admant 252 EVs -> 284 Attack stat

Then you triple it:

base 80 adamant 252 EVs Giant Power -> 852 Attack stat

now to find out the corresponding base attack stat we go to the PS! calc (or if it is over 255 you have to manually calc it like it did for Diggarel) and substitute the base Attack until we get 852 Attack, leving us to:

base 338 adamant 252 EVs -> 852 Attack stat

Keep in mind that different EV spreads result in different correspondig Attack stats btw! I'm just assuming 252 Attack EVs because that's always what you'd want to run
I'll just change it to Steel / Fairy, as it now is neutral to Mach Punch and Bullet Punch.
idk if that solves the problem, yeah, you are neutral to those priorities but Steel/Fairy is an even better defensive / offensive typing than Steel / Ghost, and is arguably the best type of the game in some people's opinion. I think it is the ability that needs the nerf, not the typing...
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DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Raichu-Alola
Offspring name: Lelechu
New Type: Psychic / Electric
Base Stats: 70 / 85 / 70 / 132 / 100 / 109 (+5 HP, +0 Atk, +8 Def, +20 SpA, +0 SpD, +7 Spe) [BST: 566]
New ability and desc: Psychic Surge + Surge Surfer = Psychic Surfer: Summons Psychic Terrain upon switching in, and doubles Speed if Psychic Terrain is active.
Notable Moves: Draining Kiss, Psyshock, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Psychic, Taunt, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Nuzzle, Nasty Plot, Light Screen, Reflect, Surf (Alolan Raichu can get it via Event, probably if you evolve Pikachu with Surf in Alola).
Role Identification: Tired of all those Pheromosa fusions and priority spams? Say hello to Lelechu, capable of summoning Psychic Terrain and getting doubled speed right from the bat. This wallbreaker is excellent, especially in Nasty Plot set up, and in addition, shut down Prankster-Taunt and other annoying priority assets, this one can be a real shocker, especially if you run Psyshock in the case of Blissey, Chansey, and other Special Walls. If you wanted guaranteed Paralysis spreading, you can use Nuzzle instead of Thunder Wave, as the former one don't normally miss. The thing is, it is not as bulky as Tapu Lele, and Psychic/Electric is not the best defensive type combination either.

DNA Donors: Jirachi / Wigglytuff
Offspring name: Jiratuff
New Type: Steel / Fairy
Base Stats: 120 / 85 / 92 / 92 / 95 / 72 (+0 HP, +0 Atk, +20 Def, +0 SpA, +20 SpD, +0 Spe) [BST: 556]
New ability and desc: Serene Grace + Competitive = Hotheaded: The user's Sp.A is doubled when using a move with a secondary effect. The Special Attack doubling is not a stat stage change and thus only once per turn.
Notable Moves: Psychic, Charge Beam, Calm Mind, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon, Shadow Ball, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, U-Turn, Moonblast, Ancient Power, Signal Beam, Stealth Rock, Water Pulse, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Bubble Beam, Healing Wish
Role Identification: I only increase the Defense and Special Defense to not only give it bulk but also because of its Ability that when it is using a move with a secondary effect, it Sp.A will double (not increased in stages) for this hit. This will make it surprisingly powerful, as using a move with a secondary effect will, if it fully invest in Special Attack, a Special Attack of 622 (assuming that the maximum for this Fusion would be 311). This makes it a terrifying wallbreaker, and it can also spread Paralysis, put up Stealth Rock and give a sacrificial cleric with Healing Wish. It is slow and can be stalled by the likes of Blissey (without correct coverages), but underestimating this one will be a bad idea.

DNA Donors: Palkia / Servine
Offspring name: Servia
New Type: Grass / Water
Base Stats: 85 / 100 / 87 / 105 / 97 / 111 (+10 HP, +10 Atk, +0 Def, +0 SpA, +0 SpD, +20 Spe) [BST: 585]
New ability and desc: Pressure + Contrary = Spatial Inversion: When this Pokémon with Spatial Inversion is in, all stage-based stat changes besides the user will operate as if it is inverted (a +2 Atk and +1 speed will be treated as -2 Atk and -1 speed for an example).
Notable Moves: Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Coil, Earth Power, Power Gem, Blizzard, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Aura Sphere, Hone Claws, Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Calm Mind, Leech Seed, Sword Dance, Taunt, Toxic, Synthesis
Role Identification: While it is a jack-of-all-trade, master-of-none (except of Speed, which is 111 and is good enough), its Ability is what makes it stand out, in addition of access of Coil or Calm Mind, as well as enough coverages. Such Ability will actually weakens the set-up sweepers and stopping the snowball effect, making it much bulkier than its base stat would lead you to believe. While it cannot freely spam Leaf Storm like Serperior would do, it can do more such as spreading Paralysis in the form of Thunder Wave, and as mentioned, coverages in the form of Earth Power, Power Gem, Flamethrower, Aura Sphere and Stone Edge.
More to come.
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Thats what it was to begin with! But people got mad because it was immune to Mach Punch and Extreme Speed....
If I may offer some knowledge concerning priority in FE. Priority is surely not limited to what any metagane offers, as mons like Thundini, Thundurbee and Silvally+Comfey's abilities all provide very different varieties of priority. Thundurbee and Thundursaurus have +1 priority on all Bug and Grass attacks respectively. Thundini has +1 priority on attacks with 70% accuracy or less. SilvallyXComfey has +3 priority on virtually any type it wants. Several -ate attackers crawling with priority attacks litter here as well. Thats not even counting countless signature priority attacks Fusion Moves have made (go over there now and submit!!!!!!!!) So priority in FE is certainly not limited.

Another interesting point is Anti-Priority. With two different Psychic Terrain setters, and Mons like Tsarekion, anti priority measures are present and viable. What's interesting however is the Dark type. With plenty of the priority attackers having a Prankster base, its inheret flaw still remains - Dark types are still immune! Dark types take no damage from attacks boosted by abilities originating from Prankster, other than Indulgence users (as Triage is the base and not Prankster). Which brings me back to your KlefkiAegi fusion. Dark types, while being mostly unable to threaten it with a Steel/Fairy typing, take no damage from NONE of its attacks. Even with all that in place, I believe the ability should be nerfed to status only, as to make not everybody run Dark types on every team. And while the typing can go anyway, I think purecSteel is an interesting and not broken way of doing it. Pure Steel typed fusions are unheard of, Steel/Fairy is crowded asf and Ghosts are busted/overrated anyways.

Hope that solved any issues
The whole thing with Prankster hybrids and Dark-Types is honestly very interesting. Turns Dark-Types more and less counters for these abilities, which sorta balances things out a bit. Even tho there already were some priority blockers, it's nice being dependable on your sheer type, which is way harder to remove than abilities since the moves that change types are much less viable than the ones who remove abilities (Even in Fusion Moves, I don't recall any Type-Changing move, but I do remember an ability-removing one). I'll try to see if there are any other simillar cases, because then the mod may be a bit more balanced already (Even tho it's hard to say without anything stablished)

On a more irrelevant note, my subs are finished, if anyone wants to take a look and take your notes
DNA Donors: Venusaur / Marshadow
Offspring name: Venushadow
New Type: Grass / Ghost
Base Stats: 85 / 123 / 81 / 115 / 95 / 102 (+0 HP, +20 Atk, +0 Def, +20 SpA, +0 SpD, +0 Spe) New ability and desc: Overgrowing Technician (Overgrow + Technician) - Grass-typed moves get a 1.5 boost, but under 1/3 HP, gets boosted 2x.
Notable Moves: Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Take Down, Double-Edge Razor Leaf, Worry Seed, Synthesis, Petal Blizzard, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Return, Frustration, Bulldoze, Amnesia, Charm, Giga Drain, Grass Whistle, Elemental Punches, Drain Punch, Shadow Sneak, Spectral Thief, Sucker Punch
Role Identification: Mixed Attacker, but with a more excelling Attack. The ability makes it very powerful. I guess its a niche over its mega?
Venushadowite (+18 Attack, +40 Defense, +22 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense | Thick Fat | N/A | +55.5 Kg)
Parents: A / B Shared egg group: C Offspring name: AB New type: A / B New base stats: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 New ability and desc: Ab (A+B) - Aaabbb. Notable moves: Aaabbb Role Identification: Aaabbb
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If I may offer some knowledge concerning priority in FE. Priority is surely not limited to what any metagane offers, as mons like Thundini, Thundurbee and Silvally+Comfey's abilities all provide very different varieties of priority. Thundurbee and Thundursaurus have +1 priority on all Bug and Grass attacks respectively. Thundini has +1 priority on attacks with 70% accuracy or less. SilvallyXComfey has +3 priority on virtually any type it wants. Several -ate attackers crawling with priority attacks litter here as well. Thats not even counting countless signature priority attacks Fusion Moves have made (go over there now and submit!!!!!!!!) So priority in FE is certainly not limited.

Another interesting point is Anti-Priority. With two different Psychic Terrain setters, and Mons like Tsarekion, anti priority measures are present and viable. What's interesting however is the Dark type. With plenty of the priority attackers having a Prankster base, its inheret flaw still remains - Dark types are still immune! Dark types take no damage from attacks boosted by abilities originating from Prankster, other than Indulgence users (as Triage is the base and not Prankster). Which brings me back to your KlefkiAegi fusion. Dark types, while being mostly unable to threaten it with a Steel/Fairy typing, take no damage from NONE of its attacks. Even with all that in place, I believe the ability should be nerfed to status only, as to make not everybody run Dark types on every team. And while the typing can go anyway, I think purecSteel is an interesting and not broken way of doing it. Pure Steel typed fusions are unheard of, Steel/Fairy is crowded asf and Ghosts are busted/overrated anyways.

Hope that solved any issues
Question: Could you change what type blocks your Prankster-based priority if the other ability has a type involved?
Question: Could you change what type blocks your Prankster-based priority if the other ability has a type involved?
I heard that the immunity came from the Dark typing itself, and not the ability, just like how Ghost-type pokemon are immune to trapping abilities.
I can't confirm that, but if so it shouldn't be changeable.

Parents: Aggron / Avalugg (Monster)
Offspring name: Aggralugg
New Type:

Base Stats: 97/128/197/67/68/54 | BST 611
New ability and description: Sturdy (Sturdy + Sturdy).
Notable Moves: Offensive: Avalanche, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Ice Punch, Metal Burst, Stone Edge, Superpower
Utility: Rapid Spin, Recover, Roar, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave
Set Up: Curse
Role Identification: Aggralugg is a physical wall thanks to a great 97/197/68 bulk. It brings utility to its team thanks to access to Stealth Rock and Rapid Spin. It has access to Recover which allows it to come several times on the field. However Aggralugg has a double weakness to fire and fighting and a simple weakness to ground which are common offensive typing.

Stone: Aggralite
New Type:

Base Stats: 97/158/247/67/88/54 | BST 711
New ability and description: Filter
Notable Moves: See Above
Role Identification: Mega-Aggralugg has still the same role than regular form but it performs it better thanks to better typing, ability and bulk which allows it to take more powerful hits.
+2 252 Atk Adaptability Lucario-Mega Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Aggron-Mega: 309-366 (77.6 - 91.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
240+ Atk Groudon-Primal Precipice Blades vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Aggron-Mega: 150-177 (37.6 - 44.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+2 252 Atk Marshadow Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Aggron-Mega: 225-265 (56.5 - 66.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Filter Aggron-Mega: 213-252 (53.5 - 63.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


DNA Donors: Genesect / Gardevoir
Offspring name: Genevoir
New Type:

Base Stats: 70 / 115 / 80 / 125 / 105 / 100 | BST 595 (+1 HP, +20 Atk, +3 Def, +3 SpA, +11 Spe)
New ability and description: Copy Paste (Download + Trace). Copies foe's stats changes.
Notable Moves: Special: Flamethrower, Flash Canon, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Technoblast, Thunderbolt
Physical: Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, Explosion, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Thunder Punch
Utility: Healing Wish, U-Turn, Will-O-Wisp
Set Up: Calm Mind, Shift Gear
Role Identification: Genevoir has a wide movepool allowing it to hit every Pokémon it wants. It has also a good typing in Steel / Fairy with 9 resists, 2 immunities and 2 weaknesses. However Genevoir is rather slow and its offense are rather low: it wants a Life Orb to boost its damages and a Choice Scarf to boost its speed.

Stone: Genevoirite
New Type:

Base Stats:70 / 135 / 80 / 165 / 125 / 120 | BST 695
New ability and description: Pixilate
Notable Moves: See Above
Role Identification: Mega Evolving brings Genevoir what it needed: speed and power. It loses a good ability in Copy Paste for STAB Pixilate boosted Extreme Speed, Technoblast and Explosion. Mega-Genevoir can run either a special set, a physical set or a mixed set. Genevoir has also access to boosting moves in Shift Gear and Calm Mind.

Parents: Lopunny / Lucario (Field)
Offspring name: Lopurio
New Type:

Base Stats: 77 / 103 / 87 / 94 / 92 / 107 | BST 560
New ability and description: Mental Agility (Inner Focus + Limber). Prevents flinching and paralysing.
Notable Moves: Offensive: Extreme Speed, Close Combat, Elemental Punches, High Jump Kick, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fake Out
Utility: Healing Wish, Encore
Set Up: Swords Dance
Role Identification: Lopurio has bad stats. It must be used only with its Mega Stone.

Stone: Lopurite
New Type:

Base Stats: 77 / 163 / 97 / 94 / 92 / 137 | BST 660
New ability and description: Scrappy
Notable Moves: Same as previously
Role Identification: Mega-Lopurio looks like Mega-Lopunny in STABmon without Lovely Kiss and Rapid Spin. STAB Fake/Speed coming from a 163 base attacks isn’t kidding. Mega-Lopurio has a perfect neutral coverage with its STAB and doesn’t need to run coverage moves. It also outspeeds the majority of the unboosted Pokémon thanks to a 137 base speed.
Lopurio @ Lopurite
Ability: Mental Agility
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Extreme Speed
- High Jump Kick / Close Combat
- Swords Dance / Healing Wish


DNA Donors: Delibird / Regigigas
Offspring name: Deligigigas
New Type:

Base Stats: 80 / 120 / 80 / 75 / 80 / 100 | BST535(+3 HP / +13 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +13 Spe)
New ability and description: Energetic Start (Hustle + Slow Start). Attack and Speed are multiplied by 1,5 for 5 turns.
Notable Moves: Offensive: Double Edge, Drain Punch, Drill Peck, Earthquake, Fake Out, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Knock Off, Quick Attack, Seed Bomb, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt
Utility: Destiny Bond, Rapid Spin, Spikes
Role Identification: Deligigas typing and stats don’t look so good compared to other Fusions but with 252 EV in Attack and Speed thanks to Energetic Start its stats are 80/205/80/75/80/175. Deligigas has a wide movepool allowing it to hit a lot of different Pokémon. Moreover Deligigigas is a great spinner because it forces switches due to its offensive presence and can threaten Ghost-type with Knock Off. Despite its amazing offensive potential, Deligigas has an awful defensive typing in Ice / Normal and a terrible 80/80/80 bulk.


DNA Donors: Diggersby / Magearna
Offspring name: Diggearna
New Type:

Base Stats: 100 / 75 / 105 / 90 / 105 / 75 | BST550(+18 HP / +9 Def / +9 SpD / +4 Spe)
New ability and description: Soul-Power (Soul-Heart + Huge Power). Doubles Special Attack.
Notable Moves: Offensive: Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Flash Canon, Fleur Canon, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Surf, Thunderbolt
Utility: Heart Swap, Pain Split, Spikes, U-Turn, Volt-Switch
Set Up: Agility, Calm Mind
Role Identification: One of the best Wallbreaker, Ground/Fairy has a great neutral coverage (only naturally resisted by Steel / Flying and Poison / Flying) and a perfect neutral coverage under Gravity. It has also access to Agility to threaten offense. Moreover it has a good bulk for a wallbreaker (100/105/105) allowing it to take several hits. It will be a nice addition to FE Uber.
Diggearna @ Choice Specs
Ability: Soul-Power
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Fleur Canon
- Earth Power
- Volt-Switch / U-Turn
- Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Spikes

Diggearna @ Electrium-Z / Icium-Z
Ability: Soul-Power
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Agility
- Earth Power
- Dazzling Gleam
- Calm Mind / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt
+2 90+ SpA Choice Specs Magearna Fleur Cannon vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 393-463 (55.9 - 65.8%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and 3 layers of Spikes


Parents: Snorlax / Slaking (Field)
Offspring name: Snorking
New Type:

Base Stats: 165 / 145 / 92 / 90 / 97 / 75 | BST664
New ability and description: Antibodies (Truant + Immunity). This Pokemon is curedfor poison every other turn.
Notable Moves: Offensive: Crunch, Earthquake, Facade, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Frustration, Ice Punch, Pursuit, Thunder Punch
Utility: Slack Off, Taunt
Set Up: Bulk Up, Swords Dance
Role Identification: Snorking has a great 165/92/97 bulk and a high attack stat of 145. However it has a rather low Speed of 75. These great stats allow it to effectively run several sets.
Snorking @ Choice Band
Ability: Antibodies
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Frustration
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Facade / Focus Punch

Snorking @ Life Orb / Darkinium Z / Groundium Z
Ability: Antibodies
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Frustration
- Crunch
- Earthquake / Taunt
- Swords Dance

Snorking @ Leftovers
Ability: Antibodies
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Frustration
- Crunch / Taunt
- Slack Off
- Swords Dance

Snorking @ Leftovers
Ability: Antibodies
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Frustration
- Crunch / Taunt
- Slack Off
- Bulk Up
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Parents: Sylveon + Exploud
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Expleon
New type: Fairy/Normal
New base stats: 109/88/74/110/111/74
New ability and desc: Pixi Voice ~ Sound-based moves become Fairy-Type and have 1.2 power.
Notable moves: Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Wish, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Surf, Taunt, Heal Bell.
Role identification: With 110 base Sp. Atk and a 168 Power Fairy-Type Boomburst, Expleon can hit very very hard! It's moderate. 109/74/111 bulk is OK, which should allow it to live a hot or two. It has an amazing movepool to support itself, and luckily it's ability only gives the boost to sound type moves, meaning if you really wanted some Normal STAB, you could run Double-Edge. All around balanced and useful Pokémon, plus a good name!


Parents: Arceus + Liepard
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Lieceus
New type: Dark/Normal
New base stats: 92/104/85/124 (+20)/85/133
New ability and desc: Pranktype - If this Pokémon is Lieceus, its type changes to match its held Plate or Z-Crystal; gives its moves that match that type +1 Priority
Notable moves: Too much to list, huts let's just say a lot of good moves.
Role identification: Lieceus is a very versatile Pokémon, with its ability being so so similar to Covally's Triage System, but Lieceus gets a LOT more moves to support it and better stats. It has 124 attack meaning a Plate + Judgement with the +1 Priority is going to very FAST and very POWERFUL. It has amazing utility in Knock Off, SD, U-Turn, Fake Out, Foul Play, Defog, WoW, and Recover all with +1 Priority ensuring that it happens. Overall one of the most versatile and useful Pokémon.


Parents: Pyukumuku + Lunala
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Lunuluku
New type: Ghost/Water
New base stats: 106 (+10)/86/120 (+11)/100 (+17)/120 (+2)/51
New ability and desc: Poky Shield - If this Pokémon is at Full HP, when this Pokémon is damaged, the move's user loses an equal amount of HP; damage taken from attacks is halved.
Notable moves: Roost, Recover, Moongesit Beam, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Moonblast, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Night Shade, Focus Blast, Air Slash, Taunt.
Role identification: Lunuluku is a very bulky mon with 106/120/120 defenses, with an ability that makes spamming Roost/Recover waaaay better! It hasn't decent Sp. atk of 100, and with Calm Mind, you can get some very powerful Moongesit Beamss if your able to setup. Overall, Lunuluku is a Roost/Recover Spammer that actually gets a very good gain out of it, by killing the opposing mon If they try to kill you.

Is Lunuluku too good? If so, I can nerf it.
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Throwing in as many unused typings/mons as I can here...


DNA Donors: Illumise / Giratina
Offspring name: Illuminati
New Type: Bug / Ghost
Base Stats: 112 / 75 / 105 / 95 / 110 / 95 (+5 HP, +2 Atk, +8 Def, +9 SpA, +8 SpD, +8 Spe) | 592 BST
New ability and desc: Fake Press (Prankster + Pressure) - Moves with 5 base PP have +1 priority unless a Dark-type is on the field.
Notable Moves:
5 PP moves: Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, Ancient Power, Draco Meteor, Hyper Beam, Shadow Force, Stone Edge, Mega Kick, Dynamic Punch, Giga Impact, Moonlight, Encore, Destiny Bond, Gravity, Sunny Day, Rain Dance
Other: Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz, Aura Sphere, Earth Power, Icy Wind, U-turn, Dragon Tail, Roost, Defog, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Calm Mind
Role Identification: That is one diverse priority movepool. Dual STAB, Rock coverage, recovery, Encore, Destiny Bond, weather, and even Gravity. Stats are about average by FE standards, and typing is nothing special offensively or defensively, but this could be a fun mon to use.

DNA Donors: Marowak / Lugia
Offspring name: Wakia
New Type: Ground / Psychic
Base Stats: 95 / 85 / 120 / 90 / 117 / 85 (+12 HP, +20 SpA, +8 Spe) | 592 BST
New ability and desc: Electron Scales (Lightning Rod + Multiscale) - When attacked directly at full HP, the user takes half damage and gains +1 SpA.
Notable Moves: Earth Power, Psyshock, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Bonemerang, Stone Edge, Roost, Stealth Rock, Defog, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Swords Dance, Roar
Role Identification: The sort of wall that bites back, granted not with the best typing or offenses. At least it has usable coverage and a decent support movepool.

DNA Donors: Swoobat / Mewtwo
Offspring name: Swootwo
New Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 90 / 85 / 75 / 130 / 75 / 135 (+4 HP, +2 Atk, +3 Def, +15 SpA, +3 SpD, +13 Spe) | 590 BST
New ability and desc: Stupefy (Klutz + Unnerve) - Negates the effects of all opponents' items (excluding Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and form-changing items) while the user is on the field with this Ability.
Notable Moves: Psystrike, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, U-turn, Knock Off, Calm Mind, Taunt
Role Identification: Undaunted by Choice Scarf users, has an easier time with Leftovers users, has no problem with Assault Vest Dark-types, and...well, that's about it, really. The negation of opposing Life Orb and Choice Specs/Band isn't much considering Swootwo's pure Psychic typing and 90/75/75 defenses. Swootwo also has two different Mega Evolutions, but those are not quite as novel.


Mega Evolution: Mega Swootwo X
Type: Psychic / Fighting
Base Stats: 90 / 165 / 85 / 130 / 85 / 135 (+80 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD) | 690 BST
Ability: Steadfast
Notable Moves: Low Kick, Drain Punch, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, U-turn, Knock Off, Focus Blast, Taunt, Bulk Up
Role Identification: Gains Fighting typing and hits decently hard on the physical side. Not much else to say.


Mega Evolution: Mega Swootwo Y
Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 90 / 125 / 55 / 170 / 105 / 145 (+40 Atk, -20 Def, +40 SpA, +30 SpD, +10 Spe) | 690 BST
Ability: Insomnia
Notable Moves: same as regular Swootwo
Role Identification: Outspeeds more non-Scarfers and doesn't fear sleep moves. If neither of these two quirks is necessary, you're probably better off with regular Swootwo.

DNA Donors: Mawile / Kyurem-Black
Offspring name: Maurem-Black
New Type: Fairy / Dragon
Base Stats: 100 / 135 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80 (+13 HP, +8 Atk, +3 Def, +3 SpA, +3 SpD, +8 Spe) | 585 BST
New ability and desc: Fright Volts (Intimidate + Teravolt) - Upon switching in, opponents on the field have their Abilities suppressed and their Attack lowered by 1 stage, in that order.
Notable Moves: Play Rough, Dragon Claw, Fusion Bolt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Focus Blast, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Roost, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Taunt
Role Identification: A sort of stallbreaker kinda (but not really) like Harem. Its Ability is Intimidate-related rather than Pressure-related, and it doesn't do anything to item effects. Its stats are not quite as terrifying, and its physical coverage is rather lacking. But, at least it can set up Stealth Rock and has a form of priority in Sucker Punch.

Parents: Carracosta / Ludicolo
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Carracolo
New type: Rock / Grass
New base stats: 87 / 99 / 111 / 96 / 92 / 61 (+10 all around) | 546 BST
New ability and desc: Crazy Crust (Swift Swim + Solid Rock) - Once per switch-in, if the user is hit by a super-effective attack, it takes 75% damage from the attack and has its Speed doubled.
Notable moves: Stone Edge, Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Liquidation, Knock Off, Giga Drain, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Scald, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Shell Smash
Role Identification: Looks really slow at a glance, but by virtue of its Ability, it can become equivalent to base 172 with full investment and positive nature. Speed aside, its stats are about average, its coverage is not bad, it comes with Shell Smash, and it can sabotage through means such as Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, and Knock Off.

Parents: Glaceon / Espeon
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Glaspeon
New type: Ice / Psychic
New base stats: 75 / 72 / 95 / 140 / 105 / 97 (+10 all around) | 584 BST
New ability and desc: Heal Sync (Ice Body + Synchronize) - If any other Pokémon on the field gains HP by any means, the user gains the same percentage of its own HP.
Notable moves: Ice Beam, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, (Z-)Celebrate, Calm Mind, Baton Pass, Heal Bell
Role Identification: Be careful not to heal around this wallbreaker. Although its bulk, Speed, typing, and coverage leave something to be desired, it hits fairly hard off its base 140 Special Attack, and it can boost its stats with Calm Mind or Z-Celebrate.
Minor edit: Changed Glasp's name to Glaspeon
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Throwing in as many unused typings/mons as I can here...


DNA Donors: Illumise / Giratina
Offspring name: Illuminati
New Type: Bug / Ghost
Base Stats: 112 / 75 / 105 / 95 / 110 / 95 (+5 HP, +2 Atk, +8 Def, +9 SpA, +8 SpD, +8 Spe) | 592 BST
New ability and desc: Fake Press (Prankster + Pressure) - Moves with 5 base PP have +1 priority unless a Dark-type is on the field.
Notable Moves:
5 PP moves: Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, Ancient Power, Draco Meteor, Hyper Beam, Shadow Force, Stone Edge, Mega Kick, Dynamic Punch, Giga Impact, Moonlight, Encore, Destiny Bond, Gravity, Sunny Day, Rain Dance
Other: Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz, Aura Sphere, Earth Power, Icy Wind, U-turn, Dragon Tail, Roost, Defog, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Calm Mind
Role Identification: That is one diverse priority movepool. Dual STAB, Rock coverage, recovery, Encore, Destiny Bond, weather, and even Gravity. Stats are about average by FE standards, and typing is nothing special offensively or defensively, but this could be a fun mon to use.

DNA Donors: Marowak / Lugia
Offspring name: Wakia
New Type: Ground / Psychic
Base Stats: 95 / 85 / 120 / 90 / 117 / 85 (+12 HP, +20 SpA, +8 Spe) | 592 BST
New ability and desc: Electron Scales (Lightning Rod + Multiscale) - When attacked directly at full HP, the user takes half damage and gains +1 SpA.
Notable Moves: Earth Power, Psyshock, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Bonemerang, Stone Edge, Roost, Stealth Rock, Defog, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Swords Dance, Roar
Role Identification: The sort of wall that bites back, granted not with the best typing or offenses. At least it has usable coverage and a decent support movepool.

DNA Donors: Swoobat / Mewtwo
Offspring name: Swootwo
New Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 90 / 85 / 75 / 130 / 75 / 135 (+4 HP, +2 Atk, +3 Def, +15 SpA, +3 SpD, +13 Spe) | 590 BST
New ability and desc: Stupefy (Klutz + Unnerve) - Negates the effects of all opponents' items (excluding Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and form-changing items) while the user is on the field with this Ability.
Notable Moves: Psystrike, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, U-turn, Knock Off, Calm Mind, Taunt
Role Identification: Undaunted by Choice Scarf users, has an easier time with Leftovers users, has no problem with Assault Vest Dark-types, and...well, that's about it, really. The negation of opposing Life Orb and Choice Specs/Band isn't much considering Swootwo's pure Psychic typing and 90/75/75 defenses. Swootwo also has two different Mega Evolutions, but those are not quite as novel.


Mega Evolution: Mega Swootwo X
Type: Psychic / Fighting
Base Stats: 90 / 165 / 85 / 130 / 85 / 135 (+80 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD) | 690 BST
Ability: Steadfast
Notable Moves: Low Kick, Drain Punch, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, U-turn, Knock Off, Focus Blast, Taunt, Bulk Up
Role Identification: Gains Fighting typing and hits decently hard on the physical side. Not much else to say.


Mega Evolution: Mega Swootwo Y
Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 90 / 125 / 55 / 170 / 105 / 145 (+40 Atk, -20 Def, +40 SpA, +30 SpD, +10 Spe) | 690 BST
Ability: Insomnia
Notable Moves: same as regular Swootwo
Role Identification: Outspeeds more non-Scarfers and doesn't fear sleep moves. If neither of these two quirks is necessary, you're probably better off with regular Swootwo.

DNA Donors: Mawile / Kyurem-Black
Offspring name: Maurem-Black
New Type: Fairy / Dragon
Base Stats: 100 / 135 / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80 (+13 HP, +8 Atk, +3 Def, +3 SpA, +3 SpD, +8 Spe) | 585 BST
New ability and desc: Fright Volts (Intimidate + Teravolt) - Upon switching in, opponents on the field have their Abilities suppressed and their Attack lowered by 1 stage, in that order.
Notable Moves: Play Rough, Dragon Claw, Fusion Bolt, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Focus Blast, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Roost, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Taunt
Role Identification: A sort of stallbreaker kinda (but not really) like Harem. Its Ability is Intimidate-related rather than Pressure-related, and it doesn't do anything to item effects. Its stats are not quite as terrifying, and its physical coverage is rather lacking. But, at least it can set up Stealth Rock and has a form of priority in Sucker Punch.

Parents: Carracosta / Ludicolo
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Carracolo
New type: Rock / Grass
New base stats: 87 / 99 / 111 / 96 / 92 / 61 (+10 all around) | 546 BST
New ability and desc: Crazy Crust (Swift Swim + Solid Rock) - Once per switch-in, if the user is hit by a super-effective attack, it takes 75% damage from the attack and has its Speed doubled.
Notable moves: Stone Edge, Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Liquidation, Knock Off, Giga Drain, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Scald, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Shell Smash
Role Identification: Looks really slow at a glance, but by virtue of its Ability, it can become equivalent to base 172 with full investment and positive nature. Speed aside, its stats are about average, its coverage is not bad, it comes with Shell Smash, and it can sabotage through means such as Stealth Rock, Leech Seed, and Knock Off.

Parents: Glaceon / Espeon
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Glasp
New type: Ice / Psychic
New base stats: 75 / 72 / 95 / 140 / 105 / 97 (+10 all around) | 584 BST
New ability and desc: Heal Sync (Ice Body + Synchronize) - If any other Pokémon on the field gains HP by any means, the user gains the same percentage of its own HP.
Notable moves: Ice Beam, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, (Z-)Celebrate, Calm Mind, Baton Pass, Heal Bell
Role Identification: Be careful not to heal around this wallbreaker. Although its bulk, Speed, typing, and coverage leave something to be desired, it hits fairly hard off its base 140 Special Attack, and it can boost its stats with Calm Mind or Z-Celebrate.
I have to point out that the abilities of Illuminati and Glasp are a bit over creative. For a start, with Illuminati, neither ability specifies anything to do with 5 pp, just pp in general, so that bit is kind of off. Both of Glasp's abilities are based on what happens to the user, not any other pokemon, so it should influence other pokemon when something happens to it, not the other way around.
It doesn't honestly matter very much, I'm just picky. Cool fusions.

Return from the Legendary Slate!
DNA Donors: Emolga / Mewtwo
Offspring name: Emoltwo
New Type: Electric / Psychic
Base Stats: 80 / 92 / 75 / 135 / 75 / 137 (+20 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Pressurized Static (Static + Pressure) - When this Pokémon is on the field, opponents use up twice as much PP.
Notable Moves: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Future Shock, Psystrike, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Aura Sphere, Energy Ball, Discharge, Charge Beam, Air Slash
Role Identification: Emoltwo is a fast Special Sweeper. It is vulnerable to Sucker Punch, but so long as that threat isn't a thing, it can wreak havoc. It has two tricks up its sleeve, however...

New Type: Electric / Fighting
Base Stats: 80 / 172 / 85 / 135 / 85 / 137 (+80 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD)
New ability: Steadfast
Notable Moves: Psycho Cut, Wild Charge, Brick Break, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Pursuit
Role Identification: Emoltwo may have been a good Special Sweeper, but this is just crazy. It's got an absurd Attack stat and the Speed to use it, and it doesn't have to be concerned about Sucker Punch anymore. This thing's a brutal Physical sweeper, especially if it uses Laser Focus or Bulk Up.

New Type: Electric / Psychic
Base Stats: 80 / 132 / 55 / 175 / 105 / 147 (+40 Atk, -20 Def, +40 SpA, +30 SpD, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Insomnia
Notable Moves: See Base Form
Role Identification: You thought Emoltwo in base form was crazy enough, but imagine a Xurkitree that's almost as fast as Pheromosa. Yeah, we're going there. It's even more vulnerable to Sucker Punch, but it has alright Special bulk. Best hope you have priority...
Correct me if I got anything wrong, but is Pressurized Static basically Pressure? If so, why doesn't it inhehit anything from Stactic?

DNA Donors: Rampardos / Zygarde-10%
Offspring name: Ramparde-10%
New Type: Rock / Dragon
Stats: 81 / 134 / 67 / 73 / 67 / 106 (+6 HP, +2 Atk, +2 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe) (528)
New ability and description: Destructive Aura (Sheer Force + Aura Break) - The user's moves will get powered up by 33%, but will lose their secondary effect if they have one. The reverse will happen with the opponent, with the power of their moves going down 33%, but doubling the chance of secondary effects. Prevents Life Orb recoil.
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Extreme Speed, Iron Head, Superpower, Thousand Arrows, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Stealth Rock, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Sludge Wave, Earth Power
Role Identification: Here is basically a very scary fusion. With a 134/106 Physical stat spread, able to make it launch dangerous STAB moves in the form of Head Smash and Outrage. It's ability further enhances its power, powering up its moves at the cost of secondary effects. And with a slightly better 73 Special Attack, it can make the idea of an mixed set not impossible. However, there are extreme drawbacks to its desire. First of all, its 2 best STAB moves, Head Smash and Outrage, have extreme drawbacks. Head Smash gives it half the damage taken in recoil, and combined with the low HP and lack of recovery, it can go down very quickly, and Outrage confuses it and locks it in for 2-3 turns, meaning that a Fairy can come in and destroy it. And speaking of destroying it, it only has so much time to set up and attack when it has horrible bulk and typing, meaning a single Super Effective hit or even a strong neutral hit will destroy it. The ability helps a little bit by reducing the damage from most moves, but it must be careful as it applies a Serene Grace effect to it, meaning that if the target is faster and has a very useful flinching option, it ruins it.

DNA Donors: Espeon / Porygon-Z
Offspring name: Poryeon-ESP
New Type: Normal / Psychic
Stats: 81 / 74 / 67 / 142 / 85 / 120 (+6 HP, +2 Atk, +2 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe) (528)
New ability and description: The Thing That Reflects All (Download + Magic Bounce) - If the opponent has a higher Defense than Special Defense, the user will gain a Attack boost and reflect Special moves. If the opponent has a higher Special Defense than Defense, it will reflect Special Attack boost and reflect Physical moves. The user will also reflect status moves.
Notable Moves: (Z-)Conversion, Hyper Voice, Tri Attack, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam, Recover, Thunder Wave, Detect, Wish, Morning Sun
Role Identification: This is more of an experiment. What about an ability that reflects moves back, but with damaging moves. That's where The Thing That Reflects All comes in. I was going to do Decidueye and Xatu, but the abilities were hidden, so that was out the window. So here is this abomination. And boy, what a thing it is. With a high 142 Special Attack, about as high as even some Megas here, and a equally impressive 120 Speed, along with Z-Conversion and another STAB typing to use if it doesn't use Z-Conversion. Not to mention the access to reliable recovery and a good coverage movepool with BoltBeam. However, the main draw point is the ability. If a frail Physical Attacker comes in, it will get a nasty surprise when their attack hurts them instead! However, it requires luck, as a fair amount have a higher Defense, meaning it will get the useless boost and be bombarded with physical attackers, but Special Attackers will still get the nasty surprise. Mold Breaker is also a thing, killing it with 81/67/85 is not helpful either. However, you go man! Get out there and use these!


DNA Donors: Solgaleo / Gothorita
Offspring name: Gaothleo
New Type: Psychic / Steel
Stats: 104 / 93 / 90 / 104 / 87 / 96 (+6 HP, +2 Atk, +2 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe) (574)
New ability and description: Gaoth's Grasp (Full Metal Body + Shadow Tag) - If the opponent lowers this Pokemon's stats (but not self-inflicted), it cannot escape unless the user switches out or the opponent is a Ghost-type. Doesn't get affected by Mold Breaker or its variants.
Notable Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Morning Sun, Energy Ball, Zen Headbutt, Sunsteel Strike, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Trick, Z-Splash, Calm Mind, Trick, Noble Roar, Metal Burst
Role Identification: Now, this may be a standerd Psychic type. However, it has a secret in the form of Gaoth's Grasp. Here, if someone has Intimidate or Defog, they won't escape. Here is where Gaothleo comes in, with decent 93/104/96 offensive spread and 104/90/87 defensive spread, along with great coverage and utility and a great defensive typing, it can get the job done. However, sometimes its stat aren't enough, and any powerful thing can kill it. Z-Splash and Z-Heal Block can go either way when they feel like it.

I may add some more, but this all I got for now, some reposts.
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DNA Donors: Rampardos / Zygarde-10%
Offspring name: Ramparde-10%
New Type: Rock / Dragon
Stats: 81 / 134 / 67 / 73 / 67 / 106 (+6 HP, +2 Atk, +2 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe) (528)
New ability and description: Power Split (Sheer Force + Aura Break) - The user's moves will get powered up by 33%, but will lose their secondary effect if they have one, including recoil, self-inflicted confusion, and self inflicted stat drops. The reverse will happen with the opponent, with the power of their moves going down 33%, but doubling the chance of secondary effects, recoil taken, and the self-inflicted stat drops. Prevents Life Orb recoil.
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Head Smash, Extreme Speed, Iron Head, Superpower, Thousand Arrows, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Stealth Rock, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Sludge Wave, Earth Power
Role Identification: Now, why Zygarde 10% instead of Zygarde 50%? That's because it wouldn't be this fast. That and Zygarde has the same attack throughout it's forms. Anyway, welcome to the world of this thing existing. It has a interesting ability that basically breaks it in all the right ways. Given the fact that this thing has more power and bulk with the 33% boost to it and the drop to the opponent can really cause some mind games. That, combined with the fact that it has almost widespread coverage, immunity to Life Orb, recoil, AND stat drops, and Dragon Dance with 134/106 Physical stats, and you got yourself one of the most powerful Fusions in the game. However, defensively it's kinda awful. While it has a 4x resistance to Fire and a neutrality to Stealth Rock, 2 things all over this metagame, it has glaring weaknesses in Fighting, Water, Dragon, Ice, Fairy, and Ground, all of which have more terrifying moves, stats, and abilities, especially Mold Breaker clones, in which they can tear through it's pathetic 81/67/67 bulk. Not to mention the fact that Fairies exist really limit its Outrage abuse. However, if you're lucky and eliminate those, you got yourself one of the best fusions in the metagame.

DNA Donors: Espeon / Porygon-Z
Offspring name: Poryeon-ESP
New Type: Normal / Psychic
Stats: 81 / 74 / 67 / 142 / 85 / 120 (+6 HP, +2 Atk, +2 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe) (528)
New ability and description: The Thing That Reflects All (Download + Magic Bounce) - If the opponent has a higher Defense than Special Defense, the user will gain a Attack boost and reflect Special moves. If the opponent has a higher Special Defense than Defense, it will reflect Special Attack boost and reflect Physical moves. The user will also reflect status moves.
Notable Moves: (Z-)Conversion, Hyper Voice, Tri Attack, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam, Recover, Thunder Wave, Detect, Wish, Morning Sun
Role Identification: This is more of an experiment. What about an ability that reflects moves back, but with damaging moves. That's where The Thing That Reflects All comes in. I was going to do Decidueye and Xatu, but the abilities were hidden, so that was out the window. So here is this abomination. And boy, what a thing it is. With a high 142 Special Attack, about as high as even some Megas here, and a equally impressive 120 Speed, along with Z-Conversion and another STAB typing to use if it doesn't use Z-Conversion. Not to mention the access to reliable recovery and a good coverage movepool with BoltBeam. However, the main draw point is the ability. If a frail Physical Attacker comes in, it will get a nasty surprise when their attack hurts them instead! However, it requires luck, as a fair amount have a higher Defense, meaning it will get the useless boost and be bombarded with physical attackers, but Special Attackers will still get the nasty surprise. Mold Breaker is also a thing, killing it with 81/67/85 is not helpful either. However, you go man! Get out there and use these!

I may add some more, but this all I got for now, some reposts.
Recoil moves, moves with self-stat dropping effects and self-confusion effects are all not affected by Sheer Force, so why are they affected by Power Split?
Also, Power Split is already a move.
Now that we can use Mewtwo, I must ask: Are it's megastones allowed? It says in the OP that all megastones that are banned from OU will be banned here, but in this case the mon is banned and not the mega itself (Like, say, Gengar or Salamence). I'll assume we can.

Another thing I'd like to ask: How does Ash's Greninja work when fused with mons that have megas?
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I fixed the two weird mega typings, and the spreadsheets will stay the same one.

Resubmitting this guy, as it can fill a lot of niches with Tactician
Role: Tactical Weakling

Parents: Sableye + Porygon2
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Poryee
New type: Normal - Ghost
New base stats: 87 / 77 / 90 / 87 / 90 / 55 (BST: 486, +20 HP, +10 DEF, +2 SPA, +8 SPD)
New ability and desc: Tactician (Download + Prankster): Status moves used by Poryee have +1 priority (unless the opponent is a dark type). Additionally, Poryee uses the status move in its last move slot whenever it switches in.
(Note: only status moves will work, and it has the same priority as Intimidate, no matter what priority it had before)
(Note 2: I made the ability only work on Poryee because otherwise, anything with Tactician and roar/whirlwind astronomically broken)

Notable moves:
Status / Last Slot Moves: Conversion, Recover, Will-o-wisp, Thunder Wave, Agility, Trick, Magic Coat, Role Play, Conversion 2, Embargo, Torment, Taunt, Substitute, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Recycle, Magnet Rise, Gravity, Nasty Plot, Imprison, Toxic, Protect / Detect, Confuse Ray, Trick Room
Attacking Moves: Tri-Attack, Thunder(bolt), Shadow Ball, Ice Beam / Blizzard, Psychic / Psyshock, Power Gem
Role identification: Poryee is possibly one of the most versatile and customize-able fusions to ever exist. There was an OM with a similar concept to the ability Tactician, and this concept massively changed the game. Poryee brings this concept into Fusion Evolution! Because of Tactician, there are a whole lot of things that Poryee can do automatically that other fusions cannot, and there are also a whole lot of status moves that Poryee can use viably that other fusions cannot. This makes Poryee incredibly unpredictable and able to fit on a variety of teams, despite not appearing that way at first. Poryee's neat defensive typing in Normal - Ghost provides three immunities and one weakness, which allows Poryee to switch in to a large variety of moves, encouraging the use of Tactician moves. Although Poryee does lack some moves that would benefit greatly from this ability, and does have some bad base stats for doing anything, Tactician remedies that by changing its role to become independent of base stats. Poryee can suffer some form of 3MSS depending on what move is used for Tactician in the last move slot.

Here is a list of many of the functions Poryee can perform instantly through use of Tactician.
  • Sunny Day = Drought
  • Rain Dance = Drizzle
  • Role Play = Trace
  • Agility = Light Speed (From FE)
  • Nasty Plot = Magnetic Surge (From FE)
  • Embargo = Half of Overwhelming Presence (From FE)
  • Conversion = Automatic strategic type change
  • Conversion 2 = Automatic advantageous type change
  • Magnet Rise = Levitate
  • Gravity = Anti-Levitate
  • Magic Coat = 1-turn Magic Bounce
  • Recover = Stronger, switch-in Regenerator
  • Taunt = Auto-anti-status, probably the best Tactician move
  • Substitute = Auto 75% HP and safe switch in
  • Protect / Detect = Auto-Safe switch-in
  • Imprison = Anti-taunt or Anti-recover (probably worse than Taunt)
  • Recycle = Recover limited items
  • Confuse Ray / Toxic / Will-o-wisp / Thunder Wave = Automatic status
  • Trick = Improved Trick user
  • Torment = Anti-single move spammers
  • Trick Room = Automatic Trick Room for TR teams
Poryee also has a mega, which happens to work very well with the base form to give it some boosts without even needing a turn before mega evolving.


Parents: Sableye-Mega + Porygon2
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Poryee-Mega
New type: Normal - Ghost
New base stats: 87 / 87 / 140 / 107 / 140 / 25 (BST: 586)
New ability and desc: Magic Bounce
Notable moves: All of Poryee's moves
Role identification: The mega form is interesting because it can get some benefits past normal Sablenite fusions through the use of Tactician. For example, you can get a free Nasty Plot boost to play on Poryee-Mega's strengthened special attack, or you can use Trick Room to use its slowness to its advantage. You can also use Substitute to give Poryee-Mega some durability, and many other status moves can give it some function beyond merely being a defensive mega.

Sbeegee was undeniably overpowered, so Bunngi is here to replace it!
Role: Rapid Regenerator

Parents: Bunnelby + Lugia
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Bunngi
New type: Normal - Psychic
New base stats: 92 / 63 / 95 / 61 / 95 / 92 (BST: 498, +20 HP, +11 DEF, +9 SPE)
New ability and desc: Tough Muncher (Multiscale + Cheek Pouch): This pokemon gains 33% of its HP upon consuming a berry, after the berry's effect has been done. Additionally, the power of moves targeting this fusion while it holds a berry is reduced by 20%.
Notable moves: Recycle, Roost, Spikes, Toxic, Whirlwind, Return, Aeroblast, Ice Beam, Light Screen / Reflect, and many physical moves from Bunnelby
Role identification: Now that's more like it. With Tough Muncher, Bunngi, while holding a berry, has roughly 131 (fully invested) base for a fully invested defense, or 122 (uninvested) base without investment. With its additional bulk, Bunngi can handle stronger threats, and survive a hit to ensure that it can eat a berry for free recovery and additional effects (depending on the berry). However, with Bunngi's ability, it loses its additional bulk upon using a berry, so using Recycle or a berry that cannot be eaten by Bunngi (like a Kasib berry) is recommended. As a wall alone, though, Bunngi is completely outclassed by other Normal / Psychic walls like Oxybliss-Defense and Bezong, so taking full advantage of free berry recovery is probably the better option. Also, watch out for Knock Off, as it can leave Bunngi as a pretty mediocre wall with a large HP loss when it hits.

Many berries can work with Bunngi, but the 25% stat-boosting and Custap berries, Sitrus berries, Lum berries, and Kee / Maranga berries are generally the best option, with Sitrus being the best of those.

A probably great counter to the above fusion, and a lot of Psychic types in general
Role: Item Thief

Parents: Hoopa-Unbound + Sneasel
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Noundel
New type: Dark
New base stats: 67 / 147 / 57 / 102 / 122 / 97 (BST: 592, +20 ATK, +20 SPD)
New ability and desc: Burglar (Magician + Pickpocket): When this fusion hits an opponent with a contact move, it steals the opponents item before the move's effects take place. (Note: This ability is still restricted to the Magician / Pickpocket banlist)
Notable moves: Knock Off, Throat Chop, Taunt, Swords Dance, Fake Out, Ice Shard Pursuit, Punishment, Foul Play, Fire / Thunder / Ice / Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Icicle Crash
Role identification: I am going to assume that Hyperspace Fury does not work, as Noundel is not Hoopa-Unbound. With that in mind, Noundel can still deal massive amounts of damage to fusions that rely on their items by not only stealing their item, but using it themselves. Because of that, Noundel is a bane to walls that need (or prefer) their items, such as Bunngi (above submission), Snoopa, and walls such as Oxybliss-Defense. Noundel additionally gets more moves, such as Taunt and Pursuit, to punish walls even further. Noundel's item stealing abilities also make it great against Focus Sash abusers as well. Additionally, Noundel has a physical movepool with many utility moves such as Fake Out, Throat Chop and Swords Dance. However, Noundel has horrible physical bulk, with a paper-thin physical spread of 67 / 57, causing it to be incredibly frail on the physical side and very susceptible to Fighting type fusions. Noundel can attempt to counter this with Foul Play, but it is generally best to try to avoid strong physical attackers altogether, as Noundel does best against walls and special attacking Psychic types. If you want to sweep, it is best to remove opposing physical attackers, especially ones with ExtremeSpeed or fast priority.

Tired of physical-attack-punishing fusions like Cofagreelix ruining your day? Fear not!
Role: Contact Bypasser

Parents: Solgaleo + Togedemaru
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Togalaga
New type: Steel - Electric
New base stats: 105 / 135 / 90 / 76 / 90 / 100 (BST: 596, +4 HP, +18 ATK, +5 DEF, +9 SPD, +4 SPE)
New ability and desc: Deflector Shields (Full Metal Body + Iron Barbs): Whenever this fusion makes contact with a fusion that has an ability or item that negatively affects contact (derivatives of Mummy, Iron Barbs, Gooey, etc), this fusion does not receive it and reflects it back onto the fusion that had the contact punishing ability or item. (Note: Moves like Protect or Spiky Shield still act normally, and are not deflected. An example of this ability working is this fusion using a contact move on Cofagreelix, which has Mummy Fortitude. Instead of receiving Mummy, Cofagreelix's ability is changed to Mummy as if it had made contact. If an ability benefits the fusion that receives contact, such as Weak Armor or Stamina [not based on contact anyway], then the move lands as normal and the fusion with that ability still gets the activation from it.)
Notable moves: Fake Out, Nuzzle, Zing Zap / Wild Charge, Sunsteel Strike, Morning Sun, Crunch, Toxic, Flare Blitz, Encore, Spiky Shield, U-Turn
Role identification: Togalaga is a physically offensive powerhouse, featuring a type making switching it in very easy, Sunsteel Strike to plummel fusions that rely on their abilities, and a very interesting ability that heavily punishes the fusions that usually counter it. With its ability, Togalaga can add heavy damage to those with Iron Barbs derived abilities, reflect status effects onto those that have Effect Spore or Flame Body (and similar) related abilities, and become effectively immune to Mummy Fortitude if it hits Cofagreelix first. This helps Togalaga break through some of the toughest fusions in the meta, making their most powerful aspect work against them. Togalaga also gets moves which blend extremely well with its ability, such as Fake Out, Nuzzle, U-Turn and Sunsteel Strike. However, Togalaga is not very difficult to defeat. It has a 4x weakness to ground, which hurts its chances of switching in if the opponent predicts a Togalaga switch early. Additionally, Togalaga's typing, while beneficial defensively (except for ground), is not very powerful offensively, leaving many fusion type combinations (particularly ground) able to resist Togalaga's attacks. Despite these flaws, Togalaga can effectively take down fusions that rely on punishing opponents through contact, and assist physical attackers that use contact by hitting their threats hard.

more (hopefully actually balanced) fusions coming later
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Regular fusions:


Parents: Salazzle / Aurorus
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Aurazzle
New type:

New base stats:
105 HP / 80 Atk / 76 Def / 115 SpA / 86 SpD / 97 Spe (BST: 559)
New ability and desc: Contaminate (Corrosion + Refrigerate) - This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Poison type and have 1.2x power.
Notable moves: Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Freeze Dry, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Stealth Rock, Thunderbolt, Encore, Fake Out
Role Identification: Aurazzle is a strong special attacker with great STABs that let her kill Fairies and Dragons, which are everywhere in FE. She has a decent speed tier and an okay bulk, which means she doesn't die to every priority attack like all Pheromosa fusions out there. Aurazzle also has a wide coverage movepool and some useful status moves, for example Taunt, Will-O-Wisp or Stealth Rock.

Aurazzle @ Life Orb
Ability: Contaminate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Beam / Freeze Dry
- Earth Power / Fire Blast
- Nasty Plot

A Nasty Plot set that can break holes in slower teams with strong Contaminated Hyper Voices and coverage attacks. Earth Power is recommended but Fire Blast can be used if you wan't to kill all those Steel+Bug fusions.

Parents: Volbeat / Sableye
Shared egg group: Human-Like
Offspring name: Beatle
New type:

New base stats:
67 HP / 84 Atk / 85 Def / 66 SpA / 85 SpD / 77 Spe (BST: 464)
New ability and desc: Irritating Pest (Swarm + Prankster) - This Pokemon's Bug-type moves have their priority increased by 1.
Notable moves: Bug Buzz, Tail Glow, Dark Pulse, Roost, Power Gem, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Knock Off
Role Identification: Beatle has a bad defensive typing and low stats, but he has a niche in Irritating Pest, which gives his Bug-type moves +1 priority. Beatle's terrible Special Attack becomes quite scary after a Tail Glow boost and then he can sweep weakened teams with priority Bug Buzz.

Beatle @ Insect Plate / Buginium Z
Ability: Irritating Pest
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Bug Buzz
- Dark Pulse / Power Gem
- Roost

A late game cleaner set. You can use Dark Pulse as a secondary STAB attack or you can use Power Gem to hit Fire and Flying Pokemon.

Parents: Volbeat / Sableye-Mega
Shared egg group: Human-Like
Offspring name: Beatle-Mega
New type:

New base stats:
67 HP / 94 Atk / 135 Def / 86 SpA / 135 SpD / 47 Spe (BST: 564)
New ability and desc: Magic Bounce
Notable moves: Bug Buzz, Tail Glow, Dark Pulse, Roost, Power Gem, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Knock Off
Role Identification: Mega Beatle is much bulkier than the regular one, he is a bit stronger too and he has a nice ability in Magic Bounce. However his Bug-type moves don't have priority anymore.

Beatle-Mega @ Sablenite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Roost
- Dark Pulse
- Will-O-Wisp / Thunderbolt

An offensive set that utilizes Tail Glow to break holes in teams.

Beatle-Mega @ Sablenite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Roost
- Will-O-Wisp
- U-turn

A defensive pivot set that bounces entry hazards away, annoys foes with Knock Off and Will-O-Wisp and provides slow U-turn for teammates.

Legendary fusions:


DNA donors: Regigigas / Yamask
Offspring name: Gigamask
New type:

New base stats: 84 HP / 115 Atk / 97 Def / 67 SpA / 97 SpD / 65 Spe (+10 HP +20 Atk +10 SpD) (BST: 525)
New ability and desc: Mummy Trudge (Slow Start + Mummy) - Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Ability changed to Slow Start.
Notable moves: Return, Earthquake, Knock Off, Superpower, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Power-Up Punch, Rock Polish, Destiny Bond, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, Haze, Memento, Pain Split, Trick Room
Role Identification: Gigamask is a bulky physical attacker. He has a great defensive typing, awesome ability that punishes other physical attackers, a lot of coverage attacks and a few utility status moves such as Toxic Spikes, Will-O-Wisp, Destiny Bond or Memento. His main role is to weaken the opposing team with his ability, spreading poison/burns and spamming STAB Return.

Gigamask @ Leftovers
Ability: Mummy Trudge
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Toxic Spikes / Will-O-Wisp
- Knock Off
- Pain Split / Destiny Bond / Memento

With this bulky EV spread Gigamask can take a few hits (especially if the foe is weakened by Slow Start) and deal some passive damage and make it easier for his teammates to set up on the opposing Pokemon.

DNA donors: Palkia / Duosion
Offspring name: Pasion
New type:

New base stats: 97 HP / 80 Atk / 75 Def / 157 SpA / 90 SpD / 65 Spe (+20 HP +20 SpA) (BST: 564)
New ability and desc: Instant Recovery (Pressure + Regenerator) - If this Pokemon is hit by a foe's move, it restores 1/4 of it's maximum HP.
Notable moves: Spacial Rend, Psychic, Psyshock, Fire Blast, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Recover, Trick Room, Calm Mind, Iron Defense
Role Identification: Pasion is a very powerful special attacker with good coverage options and reliable recovery. His bulk is quite mediocre, but he has got an amazing defensive ability that allows him to avoid some 2HKOs.

Pasion @ Leftovers / Draco Plate
Ability: Instant Recovery
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Spacial Rend
- Psyshock
- Aura Sphere / Focus Blast / Fire Blast

A Trick Room set that utilizes Pasion's low speed and turns him into a scary sweeper. Spacial Rend is arguably Pasion's best STAB attack and Psyshock is his secondary STAB attack that hits specially defensive Pokemon. Fighting or Fire coverage is recommended in the last moveslot to hit Steel and/or Dark types super effectively.

DNA donors: Lugia / Dunsparce
Offspring name: Lusparce
New type:

New base stats: 103 HP / 90 Atk / 100 Def / 97 SpA / 109 SpD / 87 Spe (+10 Atk +20 SpA +10 Spe) (BST: 586)
New ability and desc: Forced Grace (Pressure + Serene Grace) - This Pokemon's moves have their secondary effect chance multiplied by 2.5, but they lose one additional PP.
Notable moves: Air Slash, Aeroblast, Body Slam, Headbutt, Hyper Voice, Earth Power, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Ancient Power, Ominous Wind, Recover, Stealth Rock, Defog, Glare, Calm Mind, Agility, Coil, Trick
Role Identification: Lusparce is a versatile Pokemon. He has got a good bulk, average mixed attacking stats, average speed and ridiculously huge movepool. But Lusparce's real niche is his ability Forced Grace, which gives his Air Slash 75% chance to flinch (however Air Slash can now be used only 12 times instead of 24, because it loses double PP). Air Slash is not the only move Lusparce can abuse Forced Grace with: there is Body Slam, Headbutt, Ice Beam and Ancient Power/Ominous Wind. Lusparce has got plenty of useful status moves too, for example Recover, Stealth Rock and Defog. He can set up with Calm Mind, Coil or Agility.

Lusparce @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Forced Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Earth Power
- Flamethrower
- Trick

A simple Choice Scarf set that flinches its way through teams. Flamethrower's 25% chance to burn is nice too.

Lusparce @ Leftovers
Ability: Forced Grace
EVs: 248 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Calm Mind
- Agility
- Recover

A double set up set that can destroy teams after a few Calm Mind boosts.

DNA donors: Xerneas / Dragonair
Offspring name: Xenair
New type:

New base stats: 93 HP / 127 Atk / 80 Def / 120 SpA / 84 SpD / 84 Spe (+20 Atk +20 SpA) (BST: 588)
New ability and desc: Fairy Scale (Fairy Aura + Marvel Scale) - If this Pokemon is statused, its Fairy moves have their power doubled.
Notable moves: Moonblast, Geomancy, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Flash Cannon, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Close Combat, Extreme Speed, Iron Tail, Dragon Rush
Role Identification: Xenair is a dangerous set up sweeper that can use special sets with Geomancy or physical sets with Dragon Dance. Special sets hit much harder than the physical ones because with Flame Orb Moonblast has 190 power (Fairy Scale), but physical sets set up faster and can use strong priority in Extreme Speed.

Xenair @ Flame Orb
Ability: Fairy Scale
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Dragon Pulse
- Fire Blast

A special sweeper set that utilizes Geomancy and Fairy Scale. Moonblast hits extremely hard after one Geomancy and the Fairy Scale boost. Moonblast then OHKOs or 2HKOs basically everything (including Chansey, Specially Defensive Registeel and Specially Defensive Groudon-Primal). However it takes two turns to execute Geomancy and Xenair isn't that bulky, so she should set up against passive Pokemon that can't harm her too much.

Xenair @ Life Orb / Dragonium Z
Ability: Fairy Scale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed / Iron Tail

A physical sweeper set that utilizes Dragon Dance to set up quickly and sweep weakened teams in the late game. Sadly Xenair lacks Play Rough so this set has got only Dragon STAB. Extreme Speed is a great move that can OHKO some frailer Choice Scarfed Pokemon.
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DNA Donors: Hoopa-Unbound / Beedrill
Offspring name: Hoopill-Awoken
New Type: Dark / Poison
Base Stats: 72 / 145 / 50 / 107 / 105 / 97 (+20 Atk, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Disarm (Magician + Sniper) - Critical hits do 1.5x the damage and removes the foe's item if possible.
Notable Moves: Hyperspace Fury, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, U-Turn, Elemental Punches, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Zen Headbutt, Drill Run, X-Scissor
Role Identification: Even if your mega slot is taken, Hoopill-Awoken is a force to be reckoned with. If it holds a Scope Lens, it can effectively run Knock Off without actually running it! It also has an okay speed tier and great attack. Speaking of...
DNA Donors: Hoopa-Unbound / Beedrill-Mega
Offspring name: Hoopill-Awoken-Mega
New Type: Dark / Poison
Base Stats: 72 / 205 / 50 / 77 / 105 / 167
New ability and desc: Adaptability
Notable Moves: See above
Role Identification: Base 205 Attack and Adaptability. It also has base 167 speed. Not much else to it...
Sorry, but Beedrillite is banned :/
I fixed the two weird mega typings, and the spreadsheets will stay the same one.

Resubmitting this guy, as it can fill a lot of niches with Tactician
Role: Tactical Weakling

Parents: Sableye + Porygon2
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Poryee
New type: Normal - Ghost
New base stats: 87 / 77 / 90 / 87 / 90 / 55 (BST: 486, +20 HP, +10 DEF, +2 SPA, +8 SPD)
New ability and desc: Tactician (Download + Prankster): Status moves used by Poryee have +1 priority (unless the opponent is a dark type). Additionally, Poryee uses the status move in its last move slot whenever it switches in.
(Note: only status moves will work, and it has the same priority as Intimidate, no matter what priority it had before)
(Note 2: I made the ability only work on Poryee because otherwise, anything with Tactician and roar/whirlwind astronomically broken)

Notable moves:
Status / Last Slot Moves: Conversion, Recover, Will-o-wisp, Thunder Wave, Agility, Trick, Magic Coat, Role Play, Conversion 2, Embargo, Torment, Taunt, Substitute, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Recycle, Magnet Rise, Gravity, Nasty Plot, Imprison, Toxic, Protect / Detect, Confuse Ray, Trick Room
Attacking Moves: Tri-Attack, Thunder(bolt), Shadow Ball, Ice Beam / Blizzard, Psychic / Psyshock, Power Gem
Role identification: Poryee is possibly one of the most versatile and customize-able fusions to ever exist. There was an OM with a similar concept to the ability Tactician, and this concept massively changed the game. Poryee brings this concept into Fusion Evolution! Because of Tactician, there are a whole lot of things that Poryee can do automatically that other fusions cannot, and there are also a whole lot of status moves that Poryee can use viably that other fusions cannot. This makes Poryee incredibly unpredictable and able to fit on a variety of teams, despite not appearing that way at first. Poryee's neat defensive typing in Normal - Ghost provides three immunities and one weakness, which allows Poryee to switch in to a large variety of moves, encouraging the use of Tactician moves. Although Poryee does lack some moves that would benefit greatly from this ability, and does have some bad base stats for doing anything, Tactician remedies that by changing its role to become independent of base stats. Poryee can suffer some form of 3MSS depending on what move is used for Tactician in the last move slot.

Here is a list of many of the functions Poryee can perform instantly through use of Tactician.
  • Sunny Day = Drought
  • Rain Dance = Drizzle
  • Role Play = Trace
  • Agility = Light Speed (From FE)
  • Nasty Plot = Magnetic Surge (From FE)
  • Embargo = Half of Overwhelming Presence (From FE)
  • Conversion = Automatic strategic type change
  • Conversion 2 = Automatic advantageous type change
  • Magnet Rise = Levitate
  • Gravity = Anti-Levitate
  • Magic Coat = 1-turn Magic Bounce
  • Recover = Stronger, switch-in Regenerator
  • Taunt = Auto-anti-status, probably the best Tactician move
  • Substitute = Auto 75% HP and safe switch in
  • Protect / Detect = Auto-Safe switch-in
  • Imprison = Anti-taunt or Anti-recover (probably worse than Taunt)
  • Recycle = Recover limited items
  • Confuse Ray / Toxic / Will-o-wisp / Thunder Wave = Automatic status
  • Trick = Improved Trick user
  • Torment = Anti-single move spammers
  • Trick Room = Automatic Trick Room for TR teams
Poryee also has a mega, which happens to work very well with the base form to give it some boosts without even needing a turn before mega evolving.


Parents: Sableye-Mega + Porygon2
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Poryee-Mega
New type: Normal - Ghost
New base stats: 87 / 87 / 140 / 107 / 140 / 25 (BST: 586)
New ability and desc: Magic Bounce
Notable moves: All of Poryee's moves
Role identification: The mega form is interesting because it can get some benefits past normal Sablenite fusions through the use of Tactician. For example, you can get a free Nasty Plot boost to play on Poryee-Mega's strengthened special attack, or you can use Trick Room to use its slowness to its advantage. You can also use Substitute to give Poryee-Mega some durability, and many other status moves can give it some function beyond merely being a defensive mega.

Fear not, for there are no Huge Power shenanigans in this fusion
Role: Rapid Regenerator

Parents: Diggerby + Lugia
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Sbeegee (pronounced Sbee - jee)
New type: Flying - Ground
New base stats: 115 / 73 / 115 / 70 / 115 / 102 (BST: 590, +20 HP, +12 DEF, +8 SPE)
New ability and desc: Tough Muncher (Multiscale + Cheek Pouch): When this fusion eats a berry, it restores 33% of its HP after the effect of the berry applies. Additionally, when this fusion is holding a berry, the damage of moves is reduced by 50%.
Notable moves: Recycle, Recover / Roost, Earthquake, Whirlwind, Spikes, Toxic, Aeroblast, Ice Beam, Knock Off, and a lot of strong physical moves
Role identification: A self-healing powerhouse of a wall, Sbeegee brings a new power to the table: berry mastery. With Sitrus berry, Sbeejee can restore 58% of its HP on the turn that it drops below half and still use a move. While Sbeegee's actual defensive stats may be slightly lacking (considering it is best used against absolute powerhouses like Axatree and Heratana), Sbeejee gets doubled defensive power if it is currently holding a berry, making it able to resist many moves to get to that 50%. Other berries work with Sbeegee as well, such as berries that boost stats at lower HP. However, it is not a good idea to use the Yache Berry (the one that reduces Ice damage) or any berries that reduce damage, because it leads to Sbeegee losing a 50% damage reduction for another, less reliable 50% damage reduction. Sbeejee is rather passive with its damaging moves, though, but has moves like Toxic and Spikes to drive off wallbreaking fusions and set up hazards with its incredible staying power. Recycle in particular boosts Sbeegee's capabilities, as it gives Sbeegee the ability to effectively double its defenses and recover a berry that is automatically better than Sitrus in a single move.

Also, Sbeegee would probably look funny, so that's why its named the way it is.

more fusions coming later
Sbeegee is OP as heck man. If you make it hold a berry it can't eat, such as Grepa berry, then its uninvested Defense and Special Defense are both 532.
That's the equivalent of an uninvested base 248 defense stat in each defense.
When you invest in a defense, it gets up to 658 (without a nature). In comparison, fully invested 255 base defense is merely 609 (still no nature).
With natures, it gets up to 722 in the defense stat of choice.
In fact, your fusion's invested defense is between that of a base 289 defense mon and a base 290. It has this sort of thing for both defensive stats, as well as 115 base HP, a good defensive typing and reliable recovery. It can even use its bulk to boost with Swords Dance or Calm Mind, and since it has 102 base speed it can sweep. Well, the ability says it reduces the damage of moves in general, not just enemy moves, but I'm assuming that's an oversight.

In fact, it's so bulky it survives an Ice Beam from Timid Kyurem-White AFTER SR, and presumably survives modest before SR
252 SpA Life Orb Turboblaze Kyurem-White Ice Beam vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sbeegee: 302-364 (69.5 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
That's the highest special attack non-mega besides Xurkitree, with a STAB 4x effective 90 BP move, and it doesn't even kill this. How are pokemon which can't hit it SE going to stand a chance?
I get that things can run Knock Off, but not everything should have to carry Knock Off just to deal with this, and its bulk without the ability is still fairly good. Something which can bait Knock Off so reliably makes it really hard to play around when your opponent can switch in a resisting set-up sweeper on it and then ruin your day.
This is clearly not balanced, please nerf the damage resistance in some way.
Sbeegee is OP as heck man. If you make it hold a berry it can't eat, such as Grepa berry, then its uninvested Defense and Special Defense are both 532.
That's the equivalent of an uninvested base 248 defense stat in each defense.
When you invest in a defense, it gets up to 658 (without a nature). In comparison, fully invested 255 base defense is merely 609 (still no nature).
With natures, it gets up to 722 in the defense stat of choice.
In fact, your fusion's invested defense is between that of a base 289 defense mon and a base 290. It has this sort of thing for both defensive stats, as well as 115 base HP, a good defensive typing and reliable recovery. It can even use its bulk to boost with Swords Dance or Calm Mind, and since it has 102 base speed it can sweep. Well, the ability says it reduces the damage of moves in general, not just enemy moves, but I'm assuming that's an oversight.

In fact, it's so bulky it survives an Ice Beam from Timid Kyurem-White AFTER SR, and presumably survives modest before SR
252 SpA Life Orb Turboblaze Kyurem-White Ice Beam vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sbeegee: 302-364 (69.5 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
That's the highest special attack non-mega besides Xurkitree, with a STAB 4x effective 90 BP move, and it doesn't even kill this. How are pokemon which can't hit it SE going to stand a chance?
I get that things can run Knock Off, but not everything should have to carry Knock Off just to deal with this, and its bulk without the ability is still fairly good. Something which can bait Knock Off so reliably makes it really hard to play around when your opponent can switch in a resisting set-up sweeper on it and then ruin your day.
This is clearly not balanced, please nerf the damage resistance in some way.

I didn't really think about the implications of the 50% damage resistance. Sbeegee is removed, and I may remake it to be a whole lot more balanced. Thanks for seeing that.

Edit: Remade it into Bunngi, which does not outclass every physical or special wall in the game
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