League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

im on a losing streak and i am also in a LoLfunk so if anybody wants to break my losing streak and get me out of this funk please add manisier and we'll play


  • Crimson Pact Bonus ability power gained reduced to 1 ability power per 40 bonus health from 25 health
  • Sanguine Pool no longer grants a speed bonus on use
Oooh :S
Yea im trying to get my win-loss positive.
Any heroes that i should seriously consider??
Ive got the 20 collecter edition champions + 1 (idk what it is) + Pantheon.


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
If anyone from smogon ever wants to play, add SwordsDance. I have over 750+ wins and all heroes unlocked.
Oooh :S
Yea im trying to get my win-loss positive.
Any heroes that i should seriously consider??
Ive got the 20 collecter edition champions + 1 (idk what it is) + Pantheon.
I would suggest you get a champion that can tank, because tanks make you think about the game a lot more since you're always trying to take hits. Mordekaiser, Amumu, Rammus and Shen are one of the best tanks available.

Don't ever feel discouraged because many people are and this game is insanely difficult. But it's worth it to practice. Even championship matched have people who screw up a lot. Do not be discouraged by a w/l streak
Vlad ruined???
He is still OP....just AP build and not HP based one...

Sanguine pool it is still OP, everything nerf on it will not make it not OP IMO...

Also,Tank at last!
I have 2 accounts, and on my second one I went from -15 W/L to +15 W/L simply by jungling a lot with Udyr and Yi (Thorns probably knows about this).

They seem to have cut down a lot on the ip and xp gains. I just played a 70 minute game and only got 50 ip in a losing effort.
The talked about this in the patch notes. Check the announcements in the forum area for the details. ;)

I've been playing for about 2 months now and I'm Lv25. I play Morgana, Rammus, and a lil' Blitzcrank for the most part. Once I get more runes, I'll be using Sona, Le Blanc, Karma, and Karthus. SN: RaveSage. Feel free to invite me sometimes.
so maokai is pretty poplar for his squishy crushing abilities

like if you're veigar just farming in a lane and maokai flashes out you'd better make like a tree and leave

seriously though the way he dominates team fights is just unbeleafable

maokai seems to go against the grain of most support tanks, but he's got the pushback like alistar

it seems the best build is rylai's crystal scepter followed by a few tanky items, but you can branch out a little into ad since you'll be meleeing to gain health

maokai is deciduously a mage killer like i said before, since his passive punishes them for casting spells

i wood like to see someone play him as a straight nuker though, that would be interesting

ok you guys are probably getting board of these puns. they're almost as bad as commiting high treeson

I don't ceder worth of what you said there

I mean the puns were a treet and all

But in the end your efforts were fruitless

i'm pining in a corner over how bad this is

i almosst took a lichen to this champ

i can't beleaf this

this thread got rid of my wood
Eh, I think Maokai is a bit overrated, personally. If he builds tanky, he's ignorable, and if he's built AP, he's just squishy. If Maokai falls behind from lack of farm or just dying, he gets left behind, kinda like Kassadin.

We'll see, maybe people will figure out ways to exploit him, then he'll be the new OP.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Eh, I think Maokai is a bit overrated, personally. If he builds tanky, he's ignorable, and if he's built AP, he's just squishy. If Maokai falls behind from lack of farm or just dying, he gets left behind, kinda like Kassadin.

We'll see, maybe people will figure out ways to exploit him, then he'll be the new OP.
The problem is Maokai outfarms everything on the planet at about level 3. His E + Q combo wrecks minions.

And if the Maokai you're playing against is ignorable you're playing a bad Maokai. Honestly, he really should be everywhere at once in teamfights, and it's hard not to be. His skill set just has such brilliant range and utility.

As for the build, I've been thinking about grabbing a Rylai's but I'm not entirely sure. I personally want Mana Regen early game on him so I build into a Philosopher's Stone, get boots grab a tanky item if someone on the enemy team is dangerous, otherwise I build straight into a Shurelya's. Also, at late game a Spirit Visage makes his innate go berserk mode healing for about 250 HP for every 5 spells cast around him. For his damaging item I have been going Trinity Force since he has to use both Spells and Melee hits, and has a relatively low speed, so the boost from this and the Shurelya's helps a lot. I don't know though, this is all still in testing mode.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Urgot is another really underrated champ, so I've heard. I just hope I'll be able to play him in Ranked without my team hating me, since he's really stigmatized.
Urgot is definitely underrated, but I can sorta see why. For a character who can get kills before level 6, he is better than anyone. His harass can easily chain into a kill, seeing as he can do such concentrated damage at almost full screen range. But you gotta ride that killstreak to the end of the game or you will fall far behind. Urgot can 1v1 most characters, but unlike Warwick, not every character. He can't anti-tank like WW, and he can be out-DPSd (he prefers it when squishy try to run away in vain). Urgot can double kill alot of pairs, but resorts to WW tactics in a teamfight, except without the survivability or the escape mechanism. I've been playing him lately by laning with a Tryndamere and buying aura's, and it's the best combination I've ever found. It is criminally easy to feed Trynd, early and mid game. This pair gives not only early game dominance, but late game sweeping.
Urgot is definitely underrated, but I can sorta see why. For a character who can get kills before level 6, he is better than anyone. His harass can easily chain into a kill, seeing as he can do such concentrated damage at almost full screen range. But you gotta ride that killstreak to the end of the game or you will fall far behind. Urgot can 1v1 most characters, but unlike Warwick, not every character. He can't anti-tank like WW, and he can be out-DPSd (he prefers it when squishy try to run away in vain). Urgot can double kill alot of pairs, but resorts to WW tactics in a teamfight, except without the survivability or the escape mechanism. I've been playing him lately by laning with a Tryndamere and buying aura's, and it's the best combination I've ever found. It is criminally easy to feed Trynd, early and mid game. This pair gives not only early game dominance, but late game sweeping.
got smashed badly by an urgot + trynd combo as kat, mtr can attest to this
got smashed badly by an urgot + trynd combo as kat, mtr can attest to this
Lol, I know I rage a lot, Thorns, but I really did mean it when I said that you shouldn't worry about it. Urgot is meant to dominate in a lane, and excel at hit-and-run combat, kinda like Dhalsim in Street Fighter or Flygon in Gen IV Pokemon. But that doesn't mean that you or Rammus should seek engagements against a superior foe.

On another note, just had some awesome games with Udyr, then some really bad games with Cho'Gath, rofl. That's why I'm starting to not like Cho: when I do well, things are fine, but when I suck, I really suck.
ok this might be a bit pre-emptive but who's up for a smogon 5v5? like ten smogon players in two teams playing each other in LoL. i think it'd be fun :x
Well wow i haven't been in here for awhile anyway ChEeZeOfLoVe add me...i'm decent. Cho gath is a epic beast...just letting you all know.
Of all my ranked champs, I play Cho'Gath second-most, and have a fairly high win% with him. I love to play him since he's easy to farm with, and is a support caster with a fun playstyle.

When I'm good with Cho'Gath, it feels like I can do no wrong. When I'm in a bad game, though, I feel terrible, and sometimes end up feeding.

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