League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Surge could be nice for.....people like Kog'Maw and AP Teemo? Idk, it not being a support move was a douche move on Riot's part; I was looking forward to a Rally aura. But yeah, I could see it being most useful on AP autoattackers (or maybe hybrids?), but that'd require sacrificing another summoner spell, so idk.

So Promote makes the minion larger, and makes the sound of Nunu's Blood Boil. Am I the only person who thinks that Promote would be amazing on a champ like Heimerdinger? Idk why, but I just feel like he'd push even harder with Promote.

EDIT: Agreeing with Renosaur, /r is horrible, and the masteries are kind of confusing.
I expect that the entire world will now swear off Cait, now that she has 5 less move speed. But actually, what do any Cait players here think about the change. I never play Cait, but I can't imagine it is a significant nerf.

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I hate the new mastery trees, the stuff they give is all over the place (spell vamp under utility, what?) and I miss dodge. Time to experiment some...
Fizz is amazingly fun to play. Seems OP but what do I know. His skills do a LOT of damage on a short cooldown it seems to me.
Has anyone seen Stonewall and the several new jungle videos he put out? New masteries and everything. Fizz is quite good too. 3:55 clear with no leash.

Rammus 3:20 clear, no leash. Skarner 3:25. Nocturne 3:30.


hey that second guy isn't too bad
> Play Karthus mid against Fizz
> he jumps over my ult every time

> Play Kassadin mid against Fizz
> he jumps over my silence and does a full combo to me every time

That said, he gets easier to deal with as the game shifts from laning phase, but dang his gap closing is really really good


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
At first, when they were talking about what Fizz was gonna be able to do, I thought he sounds like he could be interesting.

Then, they showed his kit, and I was vastly entertained.

Then they gave him a skin where the Shark is an Orca.

My favorite animal is an Orca.

And another 20 easy dollars for riot.
Soooo I bought Fizz. With IP, hard-earned IP. Was hoping he'd be a fun champ to use.

Fun.....was a dire understatement. I don't know if he'll be nerfed, but all I know is that he is freaking amazing. Do not underestimate the power of his w's active. I've also found that rushing a Deathcap to Lich Bane, and taking 21/0/9 masteries, you end up bursting people to hell and back. And he can escape like nobody's business. Seriously, I usually get Cap and Bane and don't have time to get anything else, because the game's over. So far the furthest I've gotten in my build is Doran's Ring/Sorc Shoes/Deathcap/Lich Bane/Rylai's. I don't even know what my last 2 items should be, I never get that far.

All in all a fun character, and I fear he'll be nerfed when people cry foul.
He's gotta be nerfed, his damage is insane. I played him on Dominion and I burst down a full health Shyvanna when I had half-health. Once you have an item that gives you a bit of mana you can spam his abilities and never really have mana problems. I think he'll come down to earth a little bit when people learn how to not have their best spells dodged but the utility of his kit is amazing. Every spell is useful.

Q - Can be used to make you harder to hit by dashing behind enemy. Can also be used to prevent an escape if you have red or Rylai's. Get behind them to cut their escape route. His passive helps this a lot.

W - Basically just a better version of Teemo's poison. Makes people die so fast once you get their health low.

E - TURRET DIVE. You need to back away while you still have considerable health against Fizz because he can Q in while you are under turret. Hit you with his W's active and the E out and he'll take very little damage. So dirty. If you have minions in the turrets range the turret will switch to targetting them after you E I believe.

R - Easiest skill shot EVER. They have to be nerfing the range on this. You can hit people who are under turret from the jungle and the fish will latch on even if you're off in your aim by a bit. I think the hitbox on the fish is bigger than the particle. I haven't missed this yet.
Lol I miss with his ulti all the time (idk why, I just forget to aim the thing as far away as possible; I guess smartcasting makes me stupid at times). I agree though, his damage output is ridiculous. Though I find that it truly shines once Lich Bane is acquired, as you can easily kill an enemy with a single W->Q->E (with AAs in between). He's so much fun, and too nasty.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Fizz is fun minus the part where he's always picked before I get in. >:O man his R is busted too strongth
I'm a beast at autolocking before everyone else. Just go in into custom game to see where the champ is on your screen. I think I've been beaten like once during a new champs free week.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Tristana is not weak, just underappreciated. Send her bot with Ali or Sona and instagib them at level 2/6 respectively. Trist's burst is so stupid that it's not hard to kill them with a Flash Headbutt/Pulverize or a Flash ult from Sona. If you guys have watched Chaox and Xpecial do it, it's really simple. CC them, Rocket Jump smartcast Ignite E R. Dead before you know it, especially if one of the bot lane went back to go buy something.

Also, I'm having way too much fun with my 29/0/1 Tristana page.
Anyone have some good ideas on the new masteries? I love offense so much now. At least it makes Jax stronger offensively, if it raped him defensively. The offense and defense trees seem to offer so much now, what are you guys taking on your carries, offtanks, and aps?
Had some more fun games as Fizz. I agree with supermarth that it is very tempting to go all Offense with the new masteries. I'm currently running 22/0/6 (level 28) on Fizz and it's nice. Had an awesome kill on an Ashe last night. She was under turret clearing out a wave of minions my Rammus had pushed her way. I flashed from the jungle hit her with my WQR and then E'd away. As I landed on the ground from my E out of the turret's range my shark dealt the killing blow to Ashe. I typed, "OM NOM NOM" in the all chat and ran off. Was epic.


hey that second guy isn't too bad
Yeah, it's pretty funny that everyone I've talked to is running 21/0/9 or something close to that, when one of the main points of the remake was so that people stopped using the same setups (like 9/0/21 on casters)
Riot is all about "We want fun and exciting gameplay so we want everyone to 30/0/0, build glass cannon, and murder each other."

I hate being addicted to games that handle most matters of their game poorly... oh so poorly.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Riot is all about "We want fun and exciting gameplay so we want everyone to 30/0/0, build glass cannon, and murder each other."

I hate being addicted to games that handle most matters of their game poorly... oh so poorly.

Wait hold up... what?

They handled it in the correct way. The Offense tree now helps all offensive characters, the Defensive tree helps the defensive characters, and the Utility tree still has a lot of utility early, and helps supports further down. How is this a bad thing? That was the original intention.
Yeah, I'm going to have to strongly disagree with the whining about the new masteries as a concept (though a lot of them are mistuned... 1 AD =/= 1 AP), there's still a decent bit more choice now. Some APs can still justify 21 Support, APs with 21 in Offense still have two potentially attractive options with 9 in Defense or Support. Most Junglers will want a decent investment in Defense which makes sense since that's where tanks end up in this meta anyway, but more offensive junglers like Lee Sin and Fiddlesticks have more interesting choices to make between 9 Support for Swiftness/Runic Affinity(and Expanded Mind in Lee's case) and Defense for the outrageous jungle speed increase, with junglers super reliant on hitting 6 will still probably consider deep Support (as well as basically keeping up with Solo lanes because of it). Some tankier laners may still want deep support or defense (Galio could get away with any of the trees pretty easily, for instance). The only role I feel like didn't really gain anything interesting from the change is Support since mostly that was 0/6/24 0/9/21 type stuff before and 0/9/21 is still what seems popular now... I had been hoping some sort of Greed+Mercenary type thing might work but it's just not viable unless you're playing as like Soraka or support GP and vulturing assists with your Ults on cooldown, and even then you're giving up a lot. I'm not super sold on Offense's 21 pointer but in general the 9 and 21s are all pretty attractive which is as important as anything to making Mastery trees wok.

What I do think is interesting is the effective gold value of the masteries, saw an interesting thread on lol.com yesterday I know I linked to MrE and probably more people should read as they figure out their new masteries: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1489938

I like the changes in the patch in general a lot, as someone who plays quite a lot of support the CV nerf really hurts but that's probably good for the meta and I in general like Riot's direction with trying to create more kills in the early parts of games... it'll be interesting to see how successful that will be in tournaments. The role of jungling in general sure seems buffed thanks to faster clear times with Bladed Armor, more base XP to open up more mastery setups, and the CV nerf to make ganking easier which should open up things a lot at lower levels, too. The only thing I'm pretty iffy on is that with the change to Greed and some of the stuff they've said I get the impression Riot wants supports to end up with more gold so they can have a more meaningful/"fun" impact on teamfights but that's not going to happen the way they set things up now.
The AP thing did bother me too when i saw the masteries. The only reason I could see for why they make both the AD and Ap specs give them same amount of either was that you do not start with any AP, but even then, having 4 ap instead of 0 is not worth as much as having a free 4 extra AD, especially when it helps with last hitting in lane, whereas most ap champs can't afford to be firing off spells every time they want 19 gold

Completely off-topic, does anyone know why hotshot and elementz are swapping roles?

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