Lie, Cheat, and Steal Mafia Thieves Win


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
The 9th AB Game has ended. Hare are your results.

Unclever has died.

Dear Celever,
You are Bender.

“Yeah, well... I'm gonna go build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the park!”

Once per game at night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Backup USER”. If USER is a dead Liar, you permanently gain their action and their corresponding 9 point bonus.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

It is now Day 9. Deadline is in 24 hours (but I think we can end sooner, can't we?).


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
lynch blue_tornado

sorry chaps, this is all she wrote.

FireMage I understand you may be persuaded? as you are aware you are the ONLY villager left, however we know your role was the same as penguin's, and you will never be able to win a lynch even if it's 1v1. thus you have a genuine 0% chance of winning, so you should not vote and/or break your persuade and be godkilled, allowing us to win the lynch and then the game. this would be a kind thing to do.

edit: also I will give u cookies, I am a girl and thus it is automatic I can bake. pls accept the cookies.
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Lynch Yeti

Make this cooler and save kingmaker for tomorrow's 1v1. Makes no difference to you, FireMage.

EDIT: Actually, I just realized, FireMage CAN win. Yeti and Acklow just need to hit each other into submission until they both die.
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I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Bland apparently went on vacation, so that simplifies things.

Dear FireMage,
You are Dahlia Hawthorne.

“Helping? Don’t make me laugh. From the day I was born to the day I died, I never helped anyone! I lived for myself and, in the end, I died for myself. I thought that was obvious.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Watch USER”. You learn who targeted USER with actions that night. When you have 9 points, you will also receive USER’s full role PM.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Without Bland complicating things, the endgame fell into place pretty neatly. Sasquatch was currently the Thieves killer, while Blue_Balls was the cheaters original. Unfortunately Blue_Balls was in kill range, and so being killed prevented him from killing coffeyninja.

Dear Blue_Tornado,
You are Azula.

“I don't have sob stories like all of you. I could sit here and complain how our mom liked Zuko more than me. But I don't really care. My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right of course, but it still hurt.”

Opposition Fixer
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Oppose USER”. During the next special phase, USER will be opposing you.

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Kill USER”. USER will lose 4 points. When you have 9 points, your target will lose 5 points instead. If you die, this action will pass to a teammate.

You are allied with the Cheaters. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

After that it was a simple thing to lynch Achew, even with his persuade.

Dear Acklow,
You are Sima Yi.

"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Persuade USER1 to vote for USER2”. USER1 will vote for USER2 in the lynch. Each night you may use this action OR the following;

Special Silencer
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Special Silence USER”. During the next special phase, USER will be unable to communicate or make any input whether to ally or betray. This negates any persuasion taking effect at the same time. When you have 9 points, you may use both of these abilities that night.

You are allied with the Cheaters. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

With that the Thieves won.

Dear ginganinja,
You are Gul Dukat.

“I know that our past makes it difficult for you to accept me as an ally. I also know that every fiber of your being is telling you to say 'no, no, no', but somewhere, I know there's a 'yes'. You need to listen to that 'yes' - not for my sake, not for Cardassia's, not even for Bajor's... but for your sake.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Silence USER”. USER will be unable to talk in the thread the following day. This negates any persuasion taking effect at the same time. Each night you may use this action OR the following;

Special Persuader
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Special Persuade USER to (ALLY or BETRAY)”. During the next special phase, USER’s group will be forced to pick the specified option. When you have 9 points, you may use both of these abilities that night.

You are allied with the Thieves. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Dear Yeti,
You are Biff Tannen.

“Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get 'em retyped. Do you realize what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya? Would ya?”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Safeguard USER”. USER will be protected from all harmful non-kill actions. When you have 9 points, players who are thwarted by this won’t be notified of it.

You are allied with the Thieves. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Congratulations Thieves! Postgame will be posted shortly.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
itt: I choked more than 2 different ways and threw our guaranteed win. GG guys, it's a shame it ended that way but it was still a fun game.
╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong lazy viewer ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no village leader ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝​


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
╔═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong lazy villager ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no village leader ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚═════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════╝


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus

I don't have a mountain of things to say but hopefully getting the postgame up only a few hours after the game ended will make up for that.

For those who don't know, the idea behind Lie, Cheat, and Steal came from the video game Virtue's Last Reward. In that game 9 players had points and played AB games and anyone with 9 points was allowed to escape. So this game was originally going to be massively more complicated. Lightwolf and I were going to make a game that mimicked VLR almost exactly. With rooms, items, ways to force or coerce other players into certain actions, secret wolf factions, and a robot that I had programmed to respond to players as if it was on the player list (LW would pretend to be playing in this capacity, but actually be hosting on one of jumpluffs web zone thingies). There were also like a dozen cycles. Sadly, it was a ton of design work and inspiration never really hit the two of us. Also I was still regretting all the effort we had put into LoL Mafia, so one day I just gutted most of it, changed the flavor, and ended up with a relatively simple game with a twist.

Some players are still saying are still saying that the village is overpowered, but frankly that's a load of crap. There were 14 villagers with a total of 15 votes. There were 8 mafia with 10 effective votes, plus a potential wolf. Then in all likelihood 3 villagers would die N1, which they did. The village lost majority by Day 3. I am growing fond of games with small player lists, so there are only 23 players in this game, but there should have been only 6 mafia to counterbalance! I'll definitely keep this in mind the next time I design a game.

Things didn't go perfectly in this game, but I found every moment interesting and fun to host. So hopefully you guys liked playing it too.

The Liars had huge disadvantages going into this game, but also played very poorly early game. They were incredibly indecisive when it came to actual scum, but zealously lynched/vigged other villagers over betray votes. Some key players also had very little trust in general, and important people failed to come together to affect victory. Still, when they had clearly lost majority, they had a plan in place with Ace Emerald to harass the hell out of the mafia. They made the best of a bad situation, and played well at that point.

Dear Walrein,
You are Petyr Baelish.

“You know what I learnt losing that duel? I learnt that I'll never win. Not that way. That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them: I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know, that's what I am, and only by admitting what we are can we get what we want.”

During the lynch, your vote counts as two votes. When you have 9 points, your votes counts as three votes and silence/persuade do not affect you.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

The village arguably wasted time proving Walrein's role on Day 1, only to have it unproven on Day 2. Even though he couldn't have known about Ditto on Day 1, this somehow hurt his credibility.

Dear Penguin344,
You are Hans Landa.

“Gentlemen, I have no intention of killing Hitler and killing Goebbels and killing Göring and killing Bormann, not to mention winning the war single-handedly for the Allies, only later to find myself standing before a Jewish tribunal. If you want to win the war, tonight, we have to make a deal.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Track USER”. You will learn who USER used their action on. When you have 9 points, you will also receive USER’s full role PM.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Penguin344 caught ginganinja persuading The-Me on Night 1. Told nobody, not for a long time at least. When asked, he said he was very careful about who to trust. Well that might be, but there's no reason ginga shouldn't have been lynched that day. The ball was in your court and you didn't shoot it man.

Dear FireMage,
You are Dahlia Hawthorne.

“Helping? Don’t make me laugh. From the day I was born to the day I died, I never helped anyone! I lived for myself and, in the end, I died for myself. I thought that was obvious.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Watch USER”. You learn who targeted USER with actions that night. When you have 9 points, you will also receive USER’s full role PM.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

FireMage was flaky all game, he was the player who failed to get actions in the most. He's also the first player who got to 9 points, but he was inspected the night before and got hooked. He extended the game by a whole day by going on vacation and not bothering to drop me a line or anything. There was a TINY chance he could have been kingmaker, so maybe it's merciful that he just didn't bother.

Dear Fatecrashers,
You are Edmond Dantes.

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Kill USER”. USER will lose 2 points. When you have 9 points, your target will lose 4 points instead.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

An unfortunate Night 1 death, Fate tried to play it safe with claims but got randkilled due to being under the kill threshold.

Dear moi,
You are Lelouch Lamperouge.

“I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to a slow death.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Martyr USER”. USER’s night actions will target you. When you have 9 points, you hook all negative actions.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Another N1 death, moi was worried that the AB game would be trivialized by everyone allying all the time. Yep.

Dear The-Me,
You are Booster Gold.

“Do you know why I came back to the past? It wasn’t to fight for justice. It was to get rich, be famous. I was a failure in the future, just like I am here. I’m not a superhero.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Decoy USER”. All actions targeting USER will target you instead. When you have 9 points, you may not be hurt while doing this.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

New player, seemed to have his head on right but was killed N2.

Dear imperfectluck,
You are Jafar.

“You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules.”

Priority Up
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Priority Up USER”. USER’s actions will complete before any others. When you have 9 points, your target will also be protected from any harmful non-kill actions.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

tas was a lazy bum who subbed out quickly. I was playing LoL with ipl when I thought, why the heck wasn't he in my game? So he joined up, but his hardline stance on betrayal and refusal to be diplomatic led him to being played by Ditto and exploited by Yeti. It seemed obvious to me that between blaming ipl and Ditto, the later was too willing to slip into the background while ipl barked at people.

Dear More Cowbell,
You are Ozymandias.

“Thus began my path to conquest. Conquest not of men, but of evils that beset them. Today, that conquest becomes assured, in which your questioning assistance has proven invaluable. Do you comprehend the triumph which you have contributed, the secret glory that it affords? Do you understand my shame at so inadequate a reward?”

Priority Down
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Priority Down USER”. USER’s actions will complete last. When you have 9 points, USER is instead hooked.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Not much to say. His action affected nothing but he gave a fair amount of input during the day.

Dear Da Letter El,
You are Jigo.

“These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares. So you say you're under a curse? So what? So's the whole damn world.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Rogue USER”. If any member of USER’s faction tries to kill you, the attempt will fail and you will learn of it. This cannot work on the same faction two nights in a row. When you have 9 points you cannot affected be any harmful action.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Died Night 1, targeted a villager.

Dear Lightwolf,
You are Walter White.

“Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!“

At night, you may PM vonFiedler “Night X - Doctor USER”. USER’s points won’t drop below 1 tonight. You cannot target yourself, and you cannot target the same person twice in three nights. When you have 9 points your target’s points cannot be reduced at all tonight, and you may target the same person twice in a row.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Lightwolf was never trusted. I worried that he might not be, due to his ability being an almost BG. But in the end it was just LW being LW. He was a key component in the village's late game strategy after they finally figured out he was village, but by then it was easy to figure out he was the doctor.

Dear askaninjask,
You are Princess Mint.

"Exactly! Once I get the relic, I'm gonna rule the world. The entire world's gonna revolve around me. So I'm not gonna let anyone destroy my world. If they even try, I'll blow them away with my magic."

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Heal USER”. USER will gain 1 point. This action has no effect on players with 9 or more points. When you have 9 points, your target instead gains 3 points.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

aska man I'm sorry but you played this game poorly. Ditto was obvious scum. I cannot believe you bought Laurel's "host mistake" act. Not sure if I can blame you for not lynching ginganinja. But letting ipl die and killing kok? Also you butted heads with Celever and Sandshrewz, who went on to be more effective leaders when you were gone.

Dear kingofmars,
You are Light Yagami.

“I understood that killing people was a crime. There was no other way! The world had to be fixed! A purpose given to me! Only I could do it. Who else could have done it, and come this far? Would they have kept going? The only one who can create a new world is me.”

During the NOC phase, you may PM vonFiedler with “Message USER”. Include in the body of your PM a message for USER and it will be delivered asap. You may only message one USER per NOC phase. When you have 9 points, you may freely talk to any number of other players during the next NOC phase.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Gah what a bad name change. Anyway nobody believed his claim. So much so he was killed on aska's orders. He could have been fairly useful late game though.

Dear Celever,
You are Bender.

“Yeah, well... I'm gonna go build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the park!”

Once per game at night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Backup USER”. If USER is a dead Liar, you permanently gain their action and their corresponding 9 point bonus.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

For all the people who scoffed and doubted, Celever was the MVP of the village. He and Sandshrewz had a good working relationship for most of the game, and he did much to coordinate the village and Ace late game. If people hadn't refused the idea of Celever leading early, things might have gone differently. Remember that next time!

Dear Sandshrewz,
You are Lex Luthor.

“Death by Kryptonite. I'll do it with irony. Then I will save the world from all its ailments. And humanity will embrace its true altruistic inspiration. Lex Luthor.”

Once per game at night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Backup USER”. If USER is a dead Liar, you permanently gain their action (but not their 9 point bonus). You may use this ability a second time when you have 9 points.

You are allied with the Liars. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

A player with less to offer than Celever, but still invaluable as a confidant and trusted ally. Anyway for those wondering, the second backup Sands got was Mayor.

The Cheaters didn't make bad plays but didn't make many really good ones either. If they won it would have been due to the village being UP and some bad luck on the Thieves' part, so perhaps it best they didn't win.

Dear Acklow,
You are Sima Yi.

"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Persuade USER1 to vote for USER2”. USER1 will vote for USER2 in the lynch. Each night you may use this action OR the following;

Special Silencer
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Special Silence USER”. During the next special phase, USER will be unable to communicate or make any input whether to ally or betray. This negates any persuasion taking effect at the same time. When you have 9 points, you may use both of these abilities that night.

You are allied with the Cheaters. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Top Tier Acklow by his own words hadn't payed much attention to the game. There were a lot of things he could have done differently late game to maybe win but honestly it's all a stretch. He couldn't after all predict that he'd get paired with ginga, or that he'd be paired with FM the next game.

Dear Laurel,
You are Tuco.

“You want to know who you are? Huh? You want to know who's son you are? You don't, I do, everybody does... you're the son of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Hook USER”. USER’s night action will fail. When you have 9 points, your target will not be notified of their failure.

You are allied with the Cheaters. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Laurel screwed up pretty hard by sending a fake claim where he kept in the "you are cheater" bit. I worked with him to fake host log for it, as is my prerogative, but I can't believe people actually bought it. Like, why would I tell someone they could quote me? What use would that have been if I someone else asked and I had just said cncnd? Anyway, nothing nice to say here so let's just move on.

Dear Blue_Tornado,
You are Azula.

“I don't have sob stories like all of you. I could sit here and complain how our mom liked Zuko more than me. But I don't really care. My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right of course, but it still hurt.”

Opposition Fixer
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Oppose USER”. During the next special phase, USER will be opposing you.

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Kill USER”. USER will lose 4 points. When you have 9 points, your target will lose 5 points instead. If you die, this action will pass to a teammate.

You are allied with the Cheaters. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Opposition Fixer could have been a massive boon late in a game where people complained often about RNG, but his complacency led to him dropping below 5 points and ultimately lost the game for his team.

Dear Ditto,
You are Ferris Bueller.

“I do have a test today, that wasn't bullshit. It's on European socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So who gives a crap if they're socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still doesn't change the fact that I don't own a car.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Inspect USER”. You will receive USER’s full role PM.

Negative Mayor
Your lynch vote actually deducts a vote from the lynch. When you have 9 points, it deducts two votes.

You are allied with the Cheaters. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Arguably the best Cheater, his cool demeanor helped discredit imperfectluck and Walrein all while avoiding being lynched himself.

The winners here had to contend with a lot of bad luck, what with ginga dropping to 1 on the first day and Ullar dropping to 4 from a betrayal on the eve of his death. Yeti would complain constantly about the initial player make-up of the Thieves, but they would end up with two of the best players in the game and win accordingly.

Dear ginganinja,
You are Gul Dukat.

“I know that our past makes it difficult for you to accept me as an ally. I also know that every fiber of your being is telling you to say 'no, no, no', but somewhere, I know there's a 'yes'. You need to listen to that 'yes' - not for my sake, not for Cardassia's, not even for Bajor's... but for your sake.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Silence USER”. USER will be unable to talk in the thread the following day. This negates any persuasion taking effect at the same time. Each night you may use this action OR the following;

Special Persuader
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Special Persuade USER to (ALLY or BETRAY)”. During the next special phase, USER’s group will be forced to pick the specified option. When you have 9 points, you may use both of these abilities that night.

You are allied with the Thieves. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

ginga was a worry-wort all game. I guess what do you expect when you drop to 1 in the first game? That wasn't a random occurrence. It was his action vs. macles. Anyway, ginga did help his team often.

Dear macle/Yeti,
You are Biff Tannen.

“Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get 'em retyped. Do you realize what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya? Would ya?”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Safeguard USER”. USER will be protected from all harmful non-kill actions. When you have 9 points, players who are thwarted by this won’t be notified of it.

You are allied with the Thieves. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Something is always BS in a game where you have limited information, but anyway I had pegged Yeti for MVP on Day 2 when she provided an extremely stupid plan to lynch ipl and the village somehow went along with it. Yeti made smart plays until the end and her team won as a result. From what I understand macle felt really bad for betraying ginga and quit. He really shouldn't have had to, but it all worked out well in the end.

You are Revolver Ocelot.

“Excellent speech my friend! Gift of the silver tongue. They say it's the mark of a good officer... and of a liar! Americans are too in love with the sound of their own voice to speak the truth!”

Group Fixer
At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Group with USER”. During the next special phase, USER will be paired with you.

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Kill USER”. USER will lose 4 points. When you have 9 points, your target will lose 5 points instead. If you die, this action will pass to a teammate.

You are allied with the Thieves. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

TIK is an insidious sort of idler. He sends in actions eventually, responds when poked, but does absolutely nothing in the name of winning. While I was keeping track of his actions, others were keeping track of his claims, or lack thereof. Yeti wants to lump Agape in with TIK as worst player (either case is not true I feel), but by the time Agape had entered the damage had been done.

Dear UllarWarlord,
You are Kabuto.

“My name is a code. My glasses are a tool. I've been no one from the start. From the very start I had nothing.”

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Bodyguard USER”. USER will be protected from all kills. You may not target yourself.

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Target USER”. You will fool all Trackers and Watchers, who will get information as if you had targeted USER and only USER. When you have 9 points, any inspection will return a Liar aligned Kabuto with the following faked action;

At night, you may PM vonFiedler “Night X - Doctor USER”. USER’s points won’t drop below 1 tonight. You cannot target yourself, and you cannot target the same person twice in three nights. When you have 9 points your target’s points cannot be reduced at all tonight, and you may target the same person twice in a row.

You are allied with the Thieves. You win if all opposing factions are eliminated.

Ullar fake claimed to aska and got away with it. So not only did the Thieves know where gaps in the villages defenses were, but LW was persona non grata. Ullar pulled one over you guys because you thought he was a bad player. Remember this next time!

Dear Ace Emerald,
You are Eddie Guerrero.

“I lie, I cheat, and I steal.”

During the special phase, you have the final say on whether your group chooses Ally or Betray. You may PM vonFiedler with “Lie to USER”. USER in your group will either receive ‘host confirmation’ that you have been persuaded or silenced during the special phase, or opposing USER will be told that it was your group partner that betrayed/allied with them. You may Lie to USER only once per special phase.

When there are 5 or less players left, your vote counts as three in the daily lynch. You can still be persuaded, but in this case your vote will count as one.

During the night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Kidnap USER”. USER will be shielded from all harmful effects, their night action will fail, and they will be absent from the next special phase. You may not target yourself with this action.

At night, you may PM vonFiedler with “Night X - Kill USER”. USER will lose X points, X equals the night number.

You stand alone. Eliminate all Liars, Cheaters, and Thieves.

My quest to build a better wolf continues. Obviously the goal is to get down to 5 players, and Ace Emerald played damned fine trying. He was a huge thorn in the mafias side, but didn't quite get there, and was disadvantaged by the AB game.

Top 5 Players
1. Yeti
2. Ace Emerald
3. UllarWarlord
4. Celever
5. Ditto

K, see you guys next time!
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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
kingofkongs was the one who was killed on my orders, not Walrein. Walrein was trusted...

Anyway, yeah, this was definitely a poorly played game on my part. Every D2 lynch was scum, except for ipl.

I also trusted Yeti way too much, thankfully never let her on sheet though. ggwp


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Walrein died because the Cheaters contacted us and we determined we could pull majority, if we got rid of Walrein. aska told Ullar to BG Walrein, which he didn't do, and one of our teams killed him. I want to know if aska genuinely believed Ullar's claim he did BG Walrein and was beaten by a prio upper............ I was surprised Ullar was trusted so much, and more than LW.

I was so nervous when IPL flipped and his 9 pt ability was the same I had fakeclaimed, though I had identical flavor. Acklow also claimed SG but aska seemed to not notice his flavor was inconsistent with IPL and I's 9 pts. Regardless I think aska made numerous key mistakes in considering his claims and should have been more certain with his lynches. While Ditto and shrewz were the ones who came up with the idea of Ditto or IPL dying I was the one who organized the village to go along with it, knowing Ditto was clearly mafia and IPL was not based on their play.

However u all can thank me for getting IPL out of the game, and not letting him sub onto the mafia ;\

I maintain the mafia's starting teams, notably ours, were a bit oddly divided. The village had aska, LW, DLE, Fate, moi when he doesn't idle, kok, and Walrein. They also had a bunch of newbies who are still learning the ropes.

shrewz was very militant about not working with either mafia which I think was a mistake. Celever was more open to it but he kept telling me magical BS stories the whole game about what happened and that the Cheaters killed Ullar so he was not the most valuable of allies. Ace was simply too risky to keep around, his kidnap on me made it clear he wasn't on our side, he was too strongly allied with the village, and the Cheaters could've held leverage over him better than we could've. ginga had very low points for most of the game so he was a big liability.

Overall gg to all, glad I subbed in. Gave me a better 'lol u think macle was on the mafia???' line. Also I agree we should've been 3-man teams, especially with our dual lynch control, however, early crossfire could've tanked us horribly if we were only 3 each.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
I want to say that we would not have pulled majority if it wasn't for me making contact with the Liars. Per BT's words: people were too lazy on our team. I took initiative. Mind you, I asked Ditto to make that play quite a few times, but he was busy and couldn't do it. I didn't want to have B_T out himself to the other mafia mostly because he was a little more valuable at the time.


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is a Community Contributor
4th place and MVP of the village was really not what I was expecting lol. I played with a flawed mindset for most of early game, concocting all kinds of scum teams (one of which was Acklow + BT lmao) but kept on finding "flaws" in them and making me have to rethink them entirely. Late game in had computer troubles and wasn't nearly as active as I should have been, especially given sandz and his stubbornness on not even talking to the mafia. I did manage to contact both mafias (Yeti much more than Acklow, I have to say) on occasion, but like I said if I was more active end game could've turned out differently, at the very least making the village last a bit longer so we could choose an opportunity and revolt. Idk. :/

I would agree with yeti here and lump agape in with TIK. In fact, don't even include TIK and just do Agape. Within 2 minutes of him subbing in I had contacted him and already moled info from him (village moling mafia -- IK) which IMO was slightly game changing. I got the idetntity of Ginga from him as well as some other stuff like... The role setup of some of the mafia teams (that's how we found out that one of Ullar or LW was mafia, I believe). I can't remember fully, but I think I gave you the logs Von. Yeti did you know about this or did you have other reasons? I'd be interested t hear them lol.

Honestly my negotiation skills were pretty lackluster. I identified some scum, like ditto and yeti, but was positive some others were village for a while, like Acklow and BT. Ullar was extremely benchmark for me this whole game, but I also filly believed that LW was scum. Anyway, as I hinted at before this was my first game actually leading the village. In the troll mafia I also led but I got usurped quite quickly iirc. It turned out that revealing to Aska I had a semi-full sheet (at the time I told him I had like 75% full lol) was very beneficial as he and I just kind of led together. I felt kind of bad for sandz as I had just kind of abandoned him, but we still talked about the game quite healthily I think. It was a lot of fun leading the village, even if I only properly stepped up to do it around day 3 or 4. It was pretty annoying have info roles at the end and no protection roles though. Thinking about it, we should have tried to get sandz up to 9 so he could copy LW's BG after he died... Ugh, that would have certainly bought us more time. Oh well. This was also my first game having to really negotiate with other factions (most of the experienced village were name killed early game lol) and as yeti hinted at I didn't do a very good job at it. For the record, yeti, I honestly had computer troubles when I randomly went offline that one time. I know that you still won't believe it but please do :/. Anyway. I did end up making up magical BS stories a couple times, but it made sense to me at the time to protect the vig's identities, as well as our BG and the neutral who sided with the liars completely. I guess a scum team would have been more valuable though...

Anyway, this was a very well played game by the thieves, particularly yeti. Laurel messed up and Agape did too, but Yeti convinced sandz and Aska completely and utterly on him being village (for the record I trusted Acklow way too much with his SG claim and decided that if two were on the village it would be Acklow and IPL, and as such refused Yeti as village) but I got outspoken. Damn lol. The village spent too much time trying to prove ditto's role and never actually got around to lyinching seriously. Especially as all that would have happened had we discovered ditto's neg vote is that I would have ousted for a lynch on him the next day. Why we wated time and murdered ipl is beyond any kind of belief but whatever, that day was not a strong point for the village. I tried to screw up the plans a little bit and hopefully get ditto as mafia, but sandz and yeti were too well prepared for an awful lynch like that lol.

Ggwp to all players in this game, and this was extremely fun to both play in and to lead in.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Best moment of the game IMO was the AB phase where I was paired with Celever - in which we both pretended to be mafia to try to get the other to slip up, then went to aska to out each other. Hilarity ensued.
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It's all coming back to me now
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Yea, props to Yeti for carrying

-Anyway, I actually now agree the Mafia should have been 3 each, since we did get lynch control very quickly, although obviously both mafia were lucky that we didn't crossfire at all, as well as eliminating Fatecrashers pretty early. Priority Up + Village Killer (with back up roles), could have proved very difficult for us to deal with.

-Agree with Yeti's assessment of shrewz. He did pretty well I think, but in my limited conversations I figured he had a double cross planned (Sandz asked us to kill a cheater ---> iirc planned to kill me at the same night giving the village a stronger chance), and was generally resistant to working with us.

-Don't quite know why I was never lynched. Aska pushed me hard for a claim, which I resisted mostly because I could only really claim silencer (its now funny since I remember him saying that only BT and I hadn't claimed, and he was adamant one of us was village), but he bought it, and then I sort of hung around. If I recall correctly I used the whole Celever / Aska leader clusterfuck to delay claiming, and then delayed claiming some more because Celever was in a leadership role.That said, when Agape flipped and Aska posted saying they could stop people from reaching 9 points, I got paranoid and assumed I was next, and that some role was going to cockblock me from getting 9 points, thus, id be lynched the following day, so that sorta forced our hand at shooting for Majority. If Acklow hadn't made contact around this time, things could have turned out quite differently.

-Christ Ace was scary, but he played well to fly under our radar for as long as he did.

Srry Yeti for being a liability :/ and gg everyone

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