Shiny Pokemon Experiences

Ever found a shiny Pokemon

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Well, the first shiny I found was in Terminus Cave in Y. It was a Graveler. It broke out of my thrown Quick Ball and then promptly proceeded to Self-Destruct. ...

Anyways, I later managed to catch a shiny Druddigon whilst XP-grinding on Victory Road & even though it is...not very pretty it will still always have a place in my PC. I also found a shiny Haunter, but since shiny haunters basically look the same as regular Haunters bar the tounge I accidentily fainted it because I wasn't paying too much attention. Welp.

Also, I seem to have gotten a lot of shinies off of Wonder Trade. I guess some people don't care about shininess, only stats? I have recieved a Beedrill, a Relicanth, an Eevee and an Amaura thus far. And the Amaura actually has good IVs! wth ppl y u give dis away?
I have a lot of shinies at this point (most of them intentionally farmed through hordes/Friend Safari/chain fishing), but what boggles my mind is the fact that, thus far, I've encountered a total of FOUR shiny Geodudes while EXP grinding against hordes in Victory Road (yeah, it was before I learned how awesome Cafe Le Wow is; those Floatzel hordes give a lot!). The amazing thing is that I've caught all of them; their allies just weren't all that interested in using Magnitude, apparently.

Interestingly, my other two shinies in Pokemon X before I started "trying" to get them (and before I got the shiny charm) were also from hordes (Vanillite and Trevenant). I assumed hordes had a higher shiny rate (because yes, they have more Pokemon, but I don't think hordes are that common when walking, though I could be wrong). My little bit of data I've collected since I got the shiny charm and started "horde farming" suggests that it's pretty comparable to the regular non-horde rate, though, so I was probably just lucky.

I also got a shiny Basculin from Unova on Wonder Trade...that was caught in a Master Ball. I was like "why the hell a Master Ball?"...until I read about shiny Basculins KOing themselves with Final Gambit. Makes more sense now, but it's still hilarious.

In Pokemon Black, I found a shiny Adamant Pickup (becomes Sand Rush) Lillipup on Route 1 at the very beginning of the game; it was like, the third Pokemon I caught in that game. I used it for the entire playthrough; it was awesome. Sand Rush is worse than Intimidate in-game, but the fact that it actually had a competitive nature and the better competitive ability made it really cool in my eyes, even if it wasn't an IV all-star.
Maybe it's me, but I seem to find a lot of shinies on emulators when I less expect it. So far in my Pokémon Leaf Green game where I choose poor abandoned Bulbasaur I've found a shiny Pidgey and a shiny Caterpie. I guess virtual karma exists.
Shinies felt really special back before the days of XY, but never before has the rate of getting them became so high. Before the Pokémon Bank, I started to breed this Wonder Traded Tropius so I could have one with a decent nature combined with Harvest. Upon hatching my second egg I noticed something strange. It was slightly tinted with orange, I now had a shiny Tropius. I was excited at first it because it was shiny, but then I remembered it was a Tropius. Not even an hour later I opened trade with people who I swapped FC's with over the internet. His message with "ShinyHunting" so I offered it, he straight up gave me a Japanese Mewtwo. Not a big fan of Mewtwo but whatever, I had a new bargaining chip.

I've gotten a decent handful of shiny Pokémon since; friend-safari caught Ivysaur and Braixen along with my Chespin and Pancham that I got from other times that I bred. Even in Wonder Trade I got a shiny Pupitar. Amazing right? I checked the description to see that it was transferred from Unova... I'm starting to have doubt's that it's legit. Still cool though.

Despite all this, I can still remember the first time I met my first shiny. I had Leaf Green and beaten the game already so I decided to take a stroll in the Safari Zone. After a few moments of "swishing" left and right in the same patch of grass I found it. My first shiny, a Parasect. Having the strange feeling that this Parasect was going to troll me hard by running away instantly, I threw a Safari Ball on the first turn and it failed. My feelings were correct, it ran away after escaping at the last moment. As a kid all I could think about was that this Parasect was still in the Safari Zone somewhere, waiting to be caught. A year later, the miracle occurred. I deleted my old save file and began the game anew, this time stopping by the Safari Zone before leaving town. It was the same Parasect in all its shining glory. I was prepared to catch it this time. I threw two rocks, hoping that it didn't run away and it didn't. Finally threw my Safari Ball and prayed for the catch to happen. I mashed the A button the whole time in a crazy attempt to override the RNG of catching that Parasect. It worked.
In my Pokemon career, I've encountered a total of 4 shinies, not counting the Red Gyarados in SoulSilver.

The first one was a shiny nuzleaf I encountered on my borrowed copy of Pokemon Emerald. Unfortunately it failed to save.

The second was a Stunky I encountered in X while EV training. Caught it and gave it to my friend.

The third was a Shiny Fearow in the safari zone in my SoulSilver Wedlocke, but it fled :(

Fourth was a shiny Stunfisk in White while EV training.
As a kid, I skipped over Gen 2 until I bought a used Gold cart in 2006, so between those 6 years I had no clue what a Shiny Pokemon was. I was playing LeafGreen in spring of 05 when I came across a shiny Gastly in Lost Cave (or whatever the place is called at Five Island). Being a dumb 10 year old who didn't know why the Gastly was blue, I freaked out thinking my game glitched up and turned off my GBA. -.-

Thankfully, my Emerald cart more than made up for the lost with quite a handful of random shinies over the years.

-Shiny Carvahna on Route 119 that I found while searching for Feebas
-Shiny Loudred in Desert Underpass
-Shiny Chinchou while diving
-Shiny Tentacool while surfing to Mossdeep
-Shiny Shroomish in Petalburg Woods
-Shiny Corphish fished out of Petalburg City
-Shiny Teddiursa in the Battle Frontier (seriously?)
-Shiny Cacnea in Slateport's Battle Tent (seriously, wth?)
-and a Shiny Lotad on Route 102

Needless to say, I have a special place in my heart for my half-dead Emerald cart.
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All my shinies are from Y. I don't feel special :(
The only shiny I found accidentally (Read: wasn't hunting) was a Shiny Beautifly in the FS while looking for a Shelmet (Or a Karrablast. Neither of which were in the FS.)
The rest I've either looked for on purpose (FS OP) or chain fished (GODAMN RELICANTH! STOP SUICIDING)
But I'll list then anyway:
Pachurisu (It's adorable in pink!)
Quilladin (worth evolving)
Krabby (Named it COOKIECOOKIE)
Oh, and I accidentally Masuded a Shiny Shelder. I gave it away though (Someday, I'll find a Shiny Cloyster, and it will be beautiful...)
Despite all this, I can still remember the first time I met my first shiny. I had Leaf Green and beaten the game already so I decided to take a stroll in the Safari Zone. After a few moments of "swishing" left and right in the same patch of grass I found it. My first shiny, a Parasect. Having the strange feeling that this Parasect was going to troll me hard by running away instantly, I threw a Safari Ball on the first turn and it failed. My feelings were correct, it ran away after escaping at the last moment. As a kid all I could think about was that this Parasect was still in the Safari Zone somewhere, waiting to be caught. A year later, the miracle occurred. I deleted my old save file and began the game anew, this time stopping by the Safari Zone before leaving town. It was the same Parasect in all its shining glory. I was prepared to catch it this time. I threw two rocks, hoping that it didn't run away and it didn't. Finally threw my Safari Ball and prayed for the catch to happen. I mashed the A button the whole time in a crazy attempt to override the RNG of catching that Parasect. It worked.
That story was beautiful. I wish I had something like that :')
My first shiny ever was in SoulSilver, at the time I had just woken up and I was EV training when a shiny Diglett showed up, I didn't believe it at first but then I realized it's shiny and I was like holy shit. It was an awesome moment.

The second shiny was also in SoulSilver when I was EV training, and this time it was a Slowpoke. It was actually a competitively viable Slowpoke, with decent IVs and Quiet nature (for TR).

Then the third was in X, a shiny Luvdisc. I found it when I was farming Heart Stones. :P

Never found anything on my Sapphire playthrough sadly. I wonder what my kid me would do if he found a shiny without knowing what the fuck it is.
The first Shiny I ever encountered was a Kangaskhan in LeafGreen. I threw a ball, which shook twice and broke, but it fled...
However, some months after, I found a Shiny Shuppet in Emerald. I was overjoyed when I caught it, because that blue color was just so pretty. It's now a Banette, which I've managed to clone and send to my Diamond.
Speaking of which, I actually found a random Shiny Bellsprout in Diamond, which even had a Modest nature. Before I knew, it was a Lv57 Victreebel.
Platinum is one of my more successful games in terms of Shinies: after encountering a Shiny Magikarp in the Resort Area while searching for a Lv100, I evolved it into Gyarados and trained it. In the same game, I even found an Adamant Shiny Medicham atop Mt. Coronet while looking for Absol.
Next is Pokémon SoulSilver, where I once found a Shiny Luxio, but I threw a rock and it fled. A month or so later, however, I found a Shiny Aron, which I caught and trained to be an Aggron.
Pokémon Black wasn't exactly my luckiest game in terms of Shinies. I was EVing my Darmanitan in Attack when I found a Shiny Patrat. Ech, still better than just nothing, I guess.
Things took a turn for the better in Pokémon Black 2. I once found an Adamant Shiny Gurdurr on Route 4 while breeding and checking Hidden Grottoes. Later, I sent my two MM'ing Bisharp to Black 2 to try the breeding there and I got an Adamant Shiny Pawniard. Day made.

I've seen people get loads of Shinies in XY, but I haven't encountered a single one ever. What is it with me and Shinies in XY?
Well, the shiny-drought story on my Pokemon Y ended yesterday. I finished breeding 20 Marills (seriously, those bitches like not to pass down the Attack IV -.-) and there was one last egg. So I took it, took the parents, hatched the new egg, and there it was. A shiny Marill. With 6 IVs. Not even using Masuda's.
I never found any shiny Pokemon until generation six. I found a shiny Electabuzz while I was in the friend safari and I wonder traded it away. Then a couple of months later, I got a shiny level 49 Onix off wonder trade from someone in Germany. Also, I hatched a shiny Charmander back on March 23, a day before my birthday, but it only had three good IVs, so I traded it for a Manectite. Then I hatched a shiny Nidoran with only four good IVs and crappy special defense and gave it to Can't Say. I also caught a shiny Scraggy while horde training and I traded that off on Reddit for a Gastly @ Moon Ball.

Finally, someone said they needed 13 Pokemon genned on Reddit before Wi-Fi services are turned off and I told him I can do it for him if he gives me a Scatterbug, Scraggy, and Misdreavus. He actually hatched a shiny Scatterbug with the wrong nature (Bold) and it had the wrong IVs (31/31/31/x/31/31 sigh). He ended up giving it to me though, so there is that.
My first encountered shiny was in X on route 10. I was grinding for a shiny Eievui because I have horrible luck with breeding and after 5 grueling hours I came across a shiny Snubbull. I evolved it and ended up trading it away for a shiny Roserade. Totally worth.

The only shinies besides the Gyarados and the Haxorus events was...a Durant that i named Lincoln (it looked like a penny). I used it through the Elite Four and it destroyed Caitlin without taking damage and crushed Grimsley. It even took down Shauntal's Chandelure. Unfortunately, I deleted the save file because i was an idiot and thought there was nothing valuable on there. Since then, I've never found another shiny (probably because I'm too lazy to try)
In, the Heartgold Safari Zone, I found a shiny Poliwag in the water. I also had a charmander that I got from a friend. This was before any of my friends knew about shinies, and my buddy pawned the charmander on me, thinking it was some type of glitch. I noticed that the Poliwag didn't look like the one I saw in the original anime, and the charmander wasn't like Ash's, so I looked it up and found out they were shiny and rare. ( 7 year old LOGIK :toast:) I still have both and a shiny woobat I got in BW. And Dialga/Palkia/Giratina from the event. Turns out the Char was Timid and had 31/x/31/31/31/31 so thanks kid in my second grade class!
I just started chain fishing today and on the 14th chain of my first try I got a shiny Skrelp! Then on my second try I got another shiny Skrelp on my 3rd chain! Am I just lucky or is chain fishing broken?
I've never found a shiny in the wild, but I prefer to breed mine anyway so that they'll be more valuable in case I want to trade them away later. I've never accidentally gotten a shiny either. The three I've hatched so far (all in X ... wooo) I hatched on purpose. I didn't become interested in post-E4 Pokemon until the gorgeous 3D graphics in XY and so this is my first game breeding and things like that. My first shiny was a shiny Phanpy, but I was just practicing breeding then so he's nothing but a trophy shiny. My next shinies were a shiny Buneary in a Love Ball (who I ended up trading away for an Arceus) and my latest shiny is a shiny Eevee bred to become a competitive Wish-passing Vaporeon. He's missing an IV in Speed, but that's the least important stat for him anyway.

I've tried other methods before, but they just aren't as interesting as breeding imo! I love breeding, and it's a way for me to relax at the end of the day. I don't need to concentrate while breeding, all other methods require me to keep my eyes on the screen most of the time. I want to try to catch some shiny Pokemon in the wild though, I'm still a hugely sentimental Pokemon player and shiny wild encounters have more potential for an interesting backstory than a bred shiny x3
Was going to catch Articuno on SS. Surfing along to seafoam and i'm running into 700 billion tentacool on the way. After one more encounter i'm like ok repels here we come. Being as lazy as I am I don't put on the repel and next encounter: Shiny Tentacool. The kicker? When I get back to the pokemon center and check the's BOLD NATURE. And since when i breed I live and die by "eh close enough", that guy is now a shiny tentacruel on my X. Oh yeah and I caught it on Christmas Eve of all days.
Before I started breeding shinies, my first shiny came in the form of a Marowak near the Poketransfer lab in White Version. I had shinies before, but they were all from trades and weren't really my own. It took me 5 generations to finally see my first wild shiny that wasn't Gyarados. I'm gonna hang on to it forever as a momento.

Now, I breed for shinies and while the rate has decreased and it is more controlled, I still feel excited when I see the altered colors.
I just started chain fishing today and on the 14th chain of my first try I got a shiny Skrelp! Then on my second try I got another shiny Skrelp on my 3rd chain! Am I just lucky or is chain fishing broken?

I think chaining is all based off of luck because every time I try to chain I never get a shiny, even after thousands of casts. You must be pretty lucky with those Skrelps!
I've been trying to get a shiny Protean Froakie for a while now. None yet, but I have three shiny Torrent Froakie...the most recent one even has perfect HP/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe. I'll keep going, but here's hoping for a hidden ability version of the Ability Capsule. I keep the female Protean Froakies, and I have probably over 100 of those for some perspective of how many eggs I hatched.

My luck has been much better with my other Masuda breeds. HP/Def/SpA/SpD Quiet Honedge, HP/Def/SpD Adamant Beldum on the second shiny, and HP/Atk/SpA/SpD/Spe Modest Charmander. Non-perfects weren't too bad either. Note that none of them really care what their ability is. I also got an accident Sand Veil Gible while preparing parents for a Rough Skin Gible breed, but shiny Chomp sux, IVs weren't too great, and it had no egg moves, so I gave it away.

Wild encounters include Makuhita, Basculin, Geodude, Rhyhorn, Gulpin, and a Seviper in a Zangoose horde. I got all but the Geodude and the Seviper :[ rip in peace